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Re: How many people incorporate the Tolkeen War in campaigns?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:17 am
by Kagashi
TechnoGothic wrote:War ? What War ?
City vs a Nation is not a War.

"War is the continuation of policy by other means" -Carl von Clausewitz, 1832

This statement is the most used definition of war by historians, military historians, military philosophers, and modern war makers. Despite Tolkeen's status of being a city (or city-state), and Chi-Town being more of a nation in a collection of nations dubbed "the Coalition", the Siege of Tolkeen, defined by Clausewitz, is a war. The Coalition extended their politics into violence when they attacked Tolkeen. Semantics really. I'm just bored ;) I don't think Clausewitz really applies to imaginary conflicts.

Re: How many people incorporate the Tolkeen War in campaigns?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:07 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Just remember, tolkeen was more than just one city though. Much like the "CS Mega cities" are the center of their corresponding states, Tolkeen was as well. There were numberous cities that were hit by the CS. Tolkeen was just the 'Capital' and biggest, most defended and last to fall.

The "Tolkeen war" Was very much written like nations going to war. It wasn't just the one city getting pounded on. The "nations" are just smaller in rifts earth.

The CS is very much a country, just as the US is a country. the CS is just about a third as big, but growing. Tolkeen is a country too (( Well City State but a City State is just a small country.))

Re: How many people incorporate the Tolkeen War in campaigns?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:06 pm
by Jefffar
TechnoGothic wrote:The CS is a group of States more or less.
Each "State", is like a Country to itself in size, population numbers, etc.

In Todays world, it would be Like if Italy, France, Spain, and England united itself into a United-Country under one Federal government. Kinda like the U.S.A. is actually 50 seperate nations united under one federal government. The CS just has fewer Nations united so far. BUT its still a Nation to itself.

Tokeen however is only a City and maybe a County around it in reality. More or less a City-State taken to full force. Which is what most of America and the owrld was originally suppose to be like. Groups of Powerful Cities claiming power claiming land around themselves. But still only really a City with a badass defense force. Like Kingsdale, Tolkeen, Lazlo, etc... While groups such as the CS seek to control land beyond the city limits and formed State-nations and then united under the CS government.

CS vs Tolkeen ?
Full Nation vs Just a City, nothing more.

In WWII, it would be Nazi-Germany vs Paris.

CS Iron Heart is not a nation, it's a city-state.
CS Lone Star is not a nation, it's a research facility and a military base with a civilian settlement nearby.
CS Chi-Town is not a nation, it's a city-state with a lot of farmland.

Re: How many people incorporate the Tolkeen War in campaigns?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:47 pm
by Kagashi
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Just remember, tolkeen was more than just one city though. Much like the "CS Mega cities" are the center of their corresponding states, Tolkeen was as well. There were numberous cities that were hit by the CS. Tolkeen was just the 'Capital' and biggest, most defended and last to fall.

The "Tolkeen war" Was very much written like nations going to war. It wasn't just the one city getting pounded on. The "nations" are just smaller in rifts earth.

The CS is very much a country, just as the US is a country. the CS is just about a third as big, but growing. Tolkeen is a country too (( Well City State but a City State is just a small country.))

Chi-Town is a country, as is Iron Heart, El Dorado, Missouri, Lone Star and Free Quebec. The Coalition is...a coalition, or group of nations with a common goal. Like NATO or the coalition forces that comprise of ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) in Afghanistan. NATO has standardization across the different armed forces. For example, they all use the 9mm as the common pistol round and the 5.56mm as the standard assault rifle round. Only in the case of the CS, most of the states are subservient to Prosek and Chi-Town to the point where they all wear and use the same uniforms, equipment, and weapons, save for Free Quebec, who has never really followed Chi-Town's lead and has actually left the coalition. I guess that would make them more of a country as a whole, at least considered one, since a single state has a significant influence over the others. They should really just change their name.

I agree about Tolkeen. I would consider "Tolkeen" as a coalition of sorts with the various other cities around them, like Freehold for example. The city proper was by far the most powerful in the area and kept the smaller ones under their wing. Might as well call the whole area the country of Tolkeen with Tolkeen city as the capitol.

Re: How many people incorporate the Tolkeen War in campaigns?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:59 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Kagashi wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Just remember, tolkeen was more than just one city though. Much like the "CS Mega cities" are the center of their corresponding states, Tolkeen was as well. There were numberous cities that were hit by the CS. Tolkeen was just the 'Capital' and biggest, most defended and last to fall.

The "Tolkeen war" Was very much written like nations going to war. It wasn't just the one city getting pounded on. The "nations" are just smaller in rifts earth.

The CS is very much a country, just as the US is a country. the CS is just about a third as big, but growing. Tolkeen is a country too (( Well City State but a City State is just a small country.))

Chi-Town is a country, as is Iron Heart, El Dorado, Missouri, Lone Star and Free Quebec. The Coalition is...a coalition, or group of nations with a common goal. Like NATO or the coalition forces that comprise of ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) in Afghanistan. NATO has standardization across the different armed forces. For example, they all use the 9mm as the common pistol round and the 5.56mm as the standard assault rifle round. Only in the case of the CS, most of the states are subservient to Prosek and Chi-Town to the point where they all wear and use the same uniforms, equipment, and weapons, save for Free Quebec, who has never really followed Chi-Town's lead and has actually left the coalition. I guess that would make them more of a country as a whole, at least considered one, since a single state has a significant influence over the others. They should really just change their name.

I agree about Tolkeen. I would consider "Tolkeen" as a coalition of sorts with the various other cities around them, like Freehold for example. The city proper was by far the most powerful in the area and kept the smaller ones under their wing. Might as well call the whole area the country of Tolkeen with Tolkeen city as the capitol.

Not really. I see the Coalition States the same way I see the United States. It's a country made up of states. chi town DOES rule them. They don't have independant rulership, that is apart from Chi Town, save on a smaller level ((State government)) Just like we have state capitals and such. Same thing. There's just fewer stats in the CS right now than are in the US.

FQ did ceed from the CS, and went their own way, and are seen as an allied nation now. (( after the Tolkeen war)).