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Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:43 pm
by Jay05
As an addenda to my previous post, I'd be 121. Now if they perfect science to keep the elderly hail and healthy and fix any infirmaties I may have at that point, I'd survive no problem. Especially if I decided to go full conversion borg.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:46 pm
by Hystrix
1. I'd be 124 years old.
2. Somewhere in Michigan probably.
3. Seeing how Detroit will get ROCKED in the Great Cataclysm, i'm gonna say not good...
4. I'm torn between CS grunt and Necromancer... :eek:

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:33 am
by Elly_G
I will be 116 years young- plugged into the latest virtual game machine- surviving on awesomesauce and brondo- developing mind powers until I become one with a super computer of the day.

hmmmmm..... I wonder if ARCHIE likes to play video games. *he he he*

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:14 am
by Blindscout
Weeeeell I'd be 115 years old

I will either still be in the Greater Seattle Area, Norway, or Germany

Regardless of where I am I will survive, because by that point I will be something like 90% bionic/bio-system

See above! :)

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:33 pm
by taalismn
Well, presuming I'm not immortal, I will be dead.
Presuming I am not cremated, I will likely be buried somewhere in central Connecticut.
Presuming the tidal waves do not wash out the graveyard, my reanimated bones will be digging their way up through ash and debris for awhile....
Presuming some local monster does not take a liking to my reanimated skeleton upon emergence from the ground and makes them into its chew-toy, I will likely still be wandering around the remains of New England, looking for a) my car, b) the way home, since that's what mostly happens in my nightmares.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:49 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
1. 128 years young.
2. I would like to be in North calif, in the western side of the sierras
3. 5%
4. mystic study, immortality

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:13 am
by Tyranneix
1. 127 years old
2. Front Row Seats for the return of Atlantis (Florida)
3. Based on my location... not very likely unless I was on a trip somewhere else... hmm ya know that colony on Pandora is starting to sound pretty good... LOL
4. Gills and the ability to survive Mega-Tsunamis and Hypercanes!

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:24 am
by jaymz
125 years old and thinking my plan to live forever has gone pretty well.....

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:17 pm
by JuliusCreed
1. 128 years
2. I'll be living on Mars by then.
3. Better than most, since I'll be living on Mars.
4. I'll be an alien invader, coming to conquer Earth. (Yay Mars!)

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:25 pm
by bigwhitehound
bigbobsr6000 wrote:Mark Hall inspired to ask these questions. Thanks :-D .

1. How old will you be when The Great Cataclysm comes?
2. Where do you think you will be? (This should be based on that you have no idea it's comming).
3. What do you think your survival chances are to survive the first 24 hours?
4. Assume you survive: What one ability or physical change would you like The Great Cataclusm to give you if you had a choice? (EX: Cast magic, gills, fly, supernatural stength, please let me stay human, etc., etc., etc.)

I'll go first.

1. 145 years young.
2. I would like to be in North Eastern Kentucky where I grew up.
3. Zero
4. Ley Line Walker.

Enjoy :D

1. 123, I hope I still have hair
2. Acapulco Mexico
3. Slim to none
4. Godling like

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:08 am
by EmeraldToucanet
1. How old will you be when The Great Cataclysm comes?: 116
2. Where do you think you will be? (This should be based on that you have no idea it's coming). : Probably long since gone and dead, but if not likely still living in California. All though I like to travel, so I could be off traveling any number of other places (maybe even Mars).
3. What do you think your survival chances are to survive the first 24 hours?: Pretty slim.
4. Assume you survive: What one ability or physical change would you like The Great Cataclysm to give you if you had a choice? (EX: Cast magic, gills, fly, supernatural stength, please let me stay human, etc., etc., etc.)
Get transformed into a powerful long lived creature like a dragon. Or since it's unheard of in canon for humans to become dragons (and assuming I wasn't really a dragon hiding among humanity all along) become a cosmo-knight, or other powerful being that a human actually can become instead.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:58 pm
by zaccheus
1. It will be my 120th birthday. Happy birthday me!
2. Almost every birthday ive spent visiting my family in Atlanta
3. Since im in Atlanta and the disaster it becomes I doubt I'll survive but hope I do
4. I think I'd like being a mind melter or shifter. But at that age Borg or brain in a 'bot seems like the most plausible

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:35 am
by camk4evr
bigbobsr6000 wrote:Mark Hall inspired to ask these questions. Thanks :-D .

1. How old will you be when The Great Cataclysm comes?
2. Where do you think you will be? (This should be based on that you have no idea it's comming).
3. What do you think your survival chances are to survive the first 24 hours?
4. Assume you survive: What one ability or physical change would you like The Great Cataclusm to give you if you had a choice? (EX: Cast magic, gills, fly, supernatural stength, please let me stay human, etc., etc., etc.)

1) 124
2) Well, it's been a while since I've seen the map but if I remember it correctly...underwater (probably)
3) Not good. Can't swim very well and I don't believe that the extreme old-age will help in that regard
4) Gills would be good (see answers 2 and 3). Also, having my youth back would be very helpful as well. And, while we're at it the ability to swim would be awesome

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:47 am
by 13eowulf
bigbobsr6000 wrote:1. How old will you be when The Great Cataclysm comes?
2. Where do you think you will be? (This should be based on that you have no idea it's comming).
3. What do you think your survival chances are to survive the first 24 hours?
4. Assume you survive: What one ability or physical change would you like The Great Cataclusm to give you if you had a choice? (EX: Cast magic, gills, fly, supernatural stength, please let me stay human, etc., etc., etc.)

1. 117
2. Dead, possibly cremated, but I might be buried, not sure yet. I would LIKE to think I would be stuffed and worshipped by a new cult....
3. None or perfect, depending on your point of view.
4. Reincarnated with full memories into an immortal body with Vast Psionic Powers.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:06 am
by Torval
1. 112
2. About 30-45 minutes west of St. Louis. I have lived here my whole life.
3. Considering how close I am to STL, probably very, very slim.
4. It would be interesting to be a D-Shifter.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:16 am
by T-Willard
How old will you be when The Great Cataclysm comes? 128 years and a full conversion cyborg
2. Where do you think you will be? (This should be based on that you have no idea it's comming).: Sitting on my front porch ***** about "The Good ol' Days"
3. What do you think your survival chances are to survive the first 24 hours? Pretty high, actually, since I'll be a ctbirg,
4. Assume you survive: What one ability or physical change would you like The Great Cataclusm to give you if you had a choice? (EX: Cast magic, gills, fly, supernatural stength, please let me stay human, etc., etc., etc.) Power Armor Pilot, preferably the Glitter Boy.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:10 am
by Qev
1. 126 in realtime-years.
2. Probably offworld someplace in my cool Gleisner robot body. :D
3. Pretty good, being offworld.
4. Pssh, I'm already a robot. :)

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:00 am
by SittingBull
1. 136 years.
2. Coober Pedy Australia, my dream location to live.
3. 50/50 If I have gone into the city Ill have a chance but if I'm at home then I'll probably be under the inland sea.
4. Ley Line Walker.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:23 pm
by Pentoth
I will be a 123 zombie risen during the cataclysm.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:53 pm
by Kagashi
1. How old will you be when The Great Cataclysm comes? Had I survived, I would be 122. But Ill prolly die when I am in my late 40s or early 50's.
2. Where do you think you will be? In the South, Florida or Alabama.
3. What do you think your survival chances are to survive the first 24 hours? Pretty good. Ill be MDC, intangible, and psychic. As a matter of a fact, the Great Cataclysm will most likely revive me.
4. Assume you survive: What one ability or physical change would you like The Great Cataclusm to give you if you had a choice? I will be akin to a Ghost Wraith Brigade RCC. Except instead of being from the Civil War itself, Id be the ghost of a reenactor, which means my rifle would not actually do any damage (just a puff of smoke) and I could only manifest on weekends (during the work week, Id manifest with a desk doing office work complaining about Ghost TPS reports). Good thing is, when manifesting as a weekend warrior, Id manifest with a smart phone (playing Angry Birds to pass time between events), wrist watch, a bottle of Off, bottle of sun screen, and a haversack filled with beef jerky and pop tarts.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:35 pm
by allmarduk
I'd be 128 years old by then (if I don't die of old age or whatever), and likely still in Maryland in the Baltimore area.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:34 am
by Blastaar
I will be 126 and likely deader than dead
I will be a load of ashes spread over some place or some put into a bar for certain types of bars ..

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:27 pm
by Acid0philus
1. 127, the prime of middle age.
2. I would like to either be in North Georgia where I grew up, or in D-FW, with the love of my life, should we make it that long.
3. Realistically? I'll make it just fine. I'll be pushing daisies.
4. Hmm. I wonder if I can rise from my grave as a spirit and posses a comatose body in a hospital? *grabs the books to potentially make a new character* If so, I'd go be a Para-Arcane Specialist, and go to the Blue Zones to study, effectively getting a head start on the CS RCSG. I guess I could call myself a Blue Zone Research Specialist.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 7:43 pm
by Megan
1. 112, well within the bounds of possibility nowadays
2. In a lovely retirement home that I hope will be otherwise known as a cruise ship. It would by then be cheaper to be perpetually at sea than pay for an old folks' home.
3. Doubtful, but I'm stubborn.
4. I would like to be young and sprightly, and maybe taller. In fact, I would like to be exactly as I am now, but taller and more sprightly. So I suppose... a mutant? Can my mutant power be being young again? I think at a stately 112 that would be my one wish.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:23 am
by Fell
42 years old. Maybe 43. Depends how much longer it takes me to find/open a Rift.
I'll raid the armory at work before I go.
If this don't sound crazy already ... Wait for it ... Once I arrive in the future of Rifts I am selling my Rifts books in the burbs and finding me a cyber doc. M.O.M. implants!

Oh. And. Before all that I'll get published in the Rifter. An article with a secret map to infiltrate the CS Black Vault. That way in the future I can steal stuff out of said vault to sell in Lazlo.

Now I'll take my riches and head for the Northwest Coast to see what's left of my home in California. Bringing a TON of hired Mercs!

Now. Back to searching for that Rifts.

Re: How Old Will You Be On December 22, 2098? And Where?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:05 am
by mellowmaveric
1. How old will you be when The Great Cataclysm comes? 117
2. Where do you think you will be? Pensacola, Fl or an orbital station around Earth
3. What do you think your survival chances are to survive the first 24 hours? In a coastal city? Not so much. On an orbital station? Fair to middling.
4. Assume you survive: What one ability or physical change would you like The Great Cataclysm to give you if you had a choice? Given my hope for medical advances, aging should be a thing of the past. Teleportation, psychic powers or regeneration.