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Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:55 pm
by cornholioprime
Negalith wrote:The Sears tower is 110 floors high... It can EASILY be seen 40 miles away by anybody looking north on Halsted St in Chicago Heights. I suspect you could see Nxla 70 or 80 miles away... particularley in a world with a lot fewer building in the way.

This is how it works... the CS sees Nxla 60 miles away.... they move sombody else 30 miles away in a diffrent direction and triangulate his exact location. Then they launch a large barrage 1000 mile long range heavy Nuke missles at him from Chitown. Nxla takes an average of 500 MD per missles. Nxla turns to goo and the world rejoices thank god for the CS.

Thanks for responding to the Thread, Negalith, but I have to ask again as I have asked so very many times before:

WHY does the Coalition get to have the time and wherewithal to launch their missiles (assuming for the sake of argument that they even know what they're up against)....but Nxla just stands there, in the same spot, out in the open, for hour after hour after hour until the Coalition sends the missiles cross-country to his location, and doesn't even TRY to hide, camouflage, transform, or cloak himself??

I'm seriously bewildered as to why so many of you think that Nxla would behave in such an overtly stupid manner.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:14 pm
by The Baron of chaos
Negalith wrote:The Sears tower is 110 floors high... It can EASILY be seen 40 miles away by anybody looking north on Halsted St in Chicago Heights. I suspect you could see Nxla 70 or 80 miles away... particularley in a world with a lot fewer building in the way.

This is how it works... the CS sees Nxla 60 miles away.... they move sombody else 30 miles away in a diffrent direction and triangulate his exact location. Then they launch a large barrage 1000 mile long range heavy Nuke missles at him from Chitown. Nxla takes an average of 500 MD per missles. Nxla turns to goo and the world rejoices thank god for the CS.

Nice answer. Now here is how I think would go. NXLA is not , as it was said, your average floor of height. Is is 800ft tall/243 meters, rougly the same as the infamous Devil Towers. So while big and visible is not like is visible from space. But i wanna go with you in tha the can be seen. Once spot is likely that Coalition will send their troops.
But NXLA has all sensitive psionic, including clairvoyance, sixth sense and precognition, and he can see in all direction. So he is fully aware of eventual dangers to its persona, plus bio-manipulation, empathic transfer and Metally possess others, that he coudl use for an effective counterattack(expecially the latest, imagine nxla possessing general Holmes!!).
Not only but in addition to all his psionic powers NXLA has all Necromancy spells, plus all spells level 1-6. Amongst those , We got multiple images, circle of flames, horrific Illusion, shadow meld, aura of death, Illusory wall, Frequency Jamming. All of those that compbined with his natural invisbility, more than make for a certain discretion, if he wish for :) .
Ah don't forget the soul harvesting. No coalition soldier had any defense against that. No power armor, robot, vehicle or building can stop it!(thats why NXLA is so muhc feared). 1000 coalition soldiers will likely become 1000 soulless Xombies. This in addition to all pre-existing xombies, needed to allow NXLA entering in our dimension, summoned assorted undeads(see Dark Conversion please), lesser demons and greater demons(this is more useful now we got plently of choice of what demon he could summon, hades, dyval, demonix, chaos demons and such..note thatgrater demons can summon further lesser demons and undeads..for the joy of the coalition soldiers) .
So if , in the eventuality some coaltion scout unit manage to survive with his mind still intact, and give the alarm to the coalition, well they got one HELL of battle before them.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:27 pm
by The Baron of chaos
Mephisto wrote:The problem Nxla faces of course, is the range of his psionic powers...he simply could not deal with miles up on miles of range that the CS missiles would have on him.

Well Clairvoyance does not have any range limit, as well as astral travel(I don't remeber is it possible to use bio-manipulation, Empathic transfer and Possession in combo with astral travel? :?: )

Anyway i noticed a big miss, in NXLA description.
What is its level? Is needed for having the spells and psionics effect and range.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:54 pm
by cornholioprime
Negalith wrote:Ok... if he is so massivley tall.. really.. how many places can there be for him to hide? The Grand Canon? The Mariana Trench ?

Either he is hiding in one of the few places big enought to hide him, or he is moving around avoiding shots. Both suck for him because staying in cover he is immobile as ordinance rains down on him, or moving from being pinned down, he is visable to everybody for tens of miles.

Hell Hes big and ugly enough looking that the guys in orbit may begin shooting as well.

I just looked up his speed... his Spd is 22, meaning it moves at about 15 MPH. Its about 250 miles from Psyscape to Chitown... Can you imagine the grueling 16 hour walk... targeted from perhaps even 200 miles away with advanced optic systems... with bombs and missles falling in countless numbers on you from all sides the entire way there :P Thats *$(*#@ comical.... The whole way asking himself "Where can an 200 story tall dude hide around here anyhow? " hahahaaha......LMFAO :lol:

Lets see.. 200 stories tall, 800 ft... I dont recall kevin being less than 4 ft tall last time we spoke. One is clearley a misprint.. And Im opting to believe he is 200 stiries tall (making him 2000 ft tall becaus that just more comical)
He possesses magical means of hiding himself, transforming himself, and making himself invisible altogether.

And according to the flavor text that describes some of his capabilities, he can indeed teleport, at least Dimensionally if not from point-to-point on the same world -he can retreat back to his Dimension (it's one of the ways to stop him), opening a portal to do so -and he can rift in minions, and does so on a regular basis whenever anyone tries to restore Xombies back to normal.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:55 pm
by cornholioprime
Negalith wrote:Ok Ok... if we could cast some type of enlarge spell on him that made him 50% larger... he would be so tall... and his night vision so short, that he couldnt see the ground he is walking on. hahahaa
It's an interesting question, to say the least.

I mean, how does the Spell "Giant" work on you if you're already larger than the effects that the Spell usually creates?? ;)

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:40 am
by Balabanto
It works lousy. Nxla could still use all his psionic abilities, and he would have 339,000 MDC. He would be 2400 feet tall, and have a reach of several miles. At that point, it's all over for the CS. Remember, Nxla gets like 6-8 attacks per target. His body is STUDDED with tentacles and other voodoo.

Also remember this. Nxla is not alone. He's surrounded by close to a thousand Soul Harvesters and Necromancers.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:02 am
by The Baron of chaos
Negalith wrote:I just read that he has Nightvision upto 3000 ft. If he's 2000 ft tall, thats like a human only being able to see like 10 ft. He can probably reach farther than he can see :P .. People can see him like 80 miles away and he can only see them at half a mile.. hahaahah

Also.. he walks at about 15 miles an hour... Normal humans walk at 7 miles an hour... he moves twice as fast as a human despite being 333 times as large....He's like a cripple that crawls along at 0.6% relative speed...

I'm sorry this is just all hysterical.... :lol: :eek: :badbad: :lol:

Well duh, is because he does nothave to move at all. Between magic and psionic, plus his xombies, animated by its fragmented essence. He doesn't have to move fast. Plus I want to remind, again and again, that he does not have to stay horizontal (I immagine he could just drop down and let his millions of xombies carry him along. He has plenty of them) and well SOOOOUUUL HARVESTING!!!

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:15 pm
by Balabanto
Well, the point is that if 1000 Soul Harvesters and necromancers can't conceal one guy, someone had a spell book failure. You can't tell me that no one out of those one thousand guys has a pair of binoculars and the ability to hide in a blind. Heck, they can have a DEAD guy do it. And guess what. Even in Rifts Earth, no one's gonna look for a dead guy lying in a blind with binoculars scanning the skies. Granted, your warning response is a little off " come...brains...braaainsss," but you know a warning's a warning, unless your zombie is a dud.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:56 pm
by cornholioprime
ak-73 wrote:
Balabanto wrote:It works lousy. Nxla could still use all his psionic abilities, and he would have 339,000 MDC. He would be 2400 feet tall, and have a reach of several miles. At that point, it's all over for the CS. Remember, Nxla gets like 6-8 attacks per target. His body is STUDDED with tentacles and other voodoo.

Also remember this. Nxla is not alone. He's surrounded by close to a thousand Soul Harvesters and Necromancers.

I have no problem with this outlook. I just think Canon should not be tried to get applied to things that are largely bound to interpretation.


That's alright.

For most of our discussion (me and D.B., that is), we were using things like Raw Stats and Combat Capabilities and known Psionic and Magic Powers -things that are Canon.

Do try to keep up.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:21 pm
by The Beast
If Nxla fell over, would he make a sound?

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:50 pm
by cornholioprime
Negalith wrote:It funny to think of mighty Nxla and all the humiliating things he would have to do to lay low and not attract attention. Can you imagine the ego damage a 200,000 MDC creature would suffer knowing that he can never show himself for fear of being turned into sludge? “I am the great god Nxla… quick hide me before somebody sees me!”. Or.. “As your omnipotent god I command you… find me someplace to hide.”
He already knows that there are Powers at work in the Megaverse capable of felling even the Old Ones; it seems unlikely in the fact of that realization that he'd find the concept of taking precautions to be a repugnant or alien one (no pun intended), no matter how powerful that he knows he is.

Now… About that SOOOOUUULLL HARVESTING. Who cares? I just read the section and it does not discuss a range for essence fragments. I’m going to assume that because no attributes are given for these essence fragments that they are not independent and only function within his line of sight.
He opens up Portals all the time (or, rather, his Harvesters do) and just releases them.

This seems to indicate that those Soul Fragments are autonomous units that seek out sentient life without further input -unless one wants to assume that the Portal has a secondary function as a Crystal Ball for Nxla (something we don't even have circumstantial evidence for).

Now.. about his ability to send demons and xombies after his foes.. Fine… they have to hike the 250 miles as well… The demons might be able to fly faster, but the CS has incredible air defenses, just meat into the grinder..

As far as the millions of xombies surrounding him…the aforementioned long range nuclear missiles fired at Nxla will vaporize them in a hurry.
Don't forget his Harvesters, which he can Rift in by the dozens. Between their Magic and his own powers, they can potentially stop any attack with ease. I'll not metagame specific knowledge about CS Weaponry into Nxla's head, but I do have to go back to the assumption that Nxla, and/or his Harvester Followers preparing for his arrival, will do SOMETHING to either hide, metamorphosize, or spirit him away altogether; the "stand right there until the Missiles come to get me " Scenario makes so very little sense on so very many levels.

Invisible hugh.. I bet something that large and massive can EASILY be located using ULF triangulation the same way earthquakes are. He can fly… but this brings his movement from 15 miles an hour back down to 7. His massive hoard of xombie followers are still a bit of a give away as tp his location.

I bet something that massive… even if it were invisible could still be seen if you were firing thousands of rockets, lasers and missiles at it based only on where the explosions and laser beams were not. “See that 2000ft tall, 200 ft wide area where all the explosions and lasers seem to stop… I bet that’s him”. Hell, I think even invisible things show up on radar. His followers will have to paint him with radar absorbent paint.. hahahahaahah. Imagine hoards of xombies with buckets of radar absorbent paint and 2000 ft tall ladders trying to paint lord Nxla HAhahahaahaha
The Flavor Text accompanying Nxla's description reveals that he has Dimensional Teleportation at the very least, if not the more mundane "same planet" variety -Nxla can Rift in Helpers as he sees fit, teleport Attackers to your location (wherever you are at the time) in order to stop you from exorcising his Xombies, and it is stated that he can be forced to flee this dimension and run back to his homeworld/home dimension.

Add to that, once again, the magical powers at the disposal of his Harvester minions -not to mention the many thousands of PPE that he himself possesses and which he can willingly give to his followers when they run out of their own (per the standard 'Freely given PPE' Rules) in order to shield/hide/teleport/Rift not only themselves but Nxla as well, should he so desire it.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:19 am
by The Baron of chaos
Negalith wrote:It funny to think of mighty Nxla and all the humiliating things he would have to do to lay low and not attract attention. Can you imagine the ego damage a 200,000 MDC creature would suffer knowing that he can never show himself for fear of being turned into sludge? “I am the great god Nxla… quick hide me before somebody sees me!”. Or.. “As your omnipotent god I command you… find me someplace to hide.”

Now… About that SOOOOUUULLL HARVESTING. Who cares? I just read the section and it does not discuss a range for essence fragments. I’m going to assume that because no attributes are given for these essence fragments that they are not independent and only function within his line of sight.

Now.. about his ability to send demons and xombies after his foes.. Fine… they have to hike the 250 miles as well… The demons might be able to fly faster, but the CS has incredible air defenses, just meat into the grinder..

As far as the millions of xombies surrounding him…the aforementioned long range nuclear missiles fired at Nxla will vaporize them in a hurry.

Invisible hugh.. I bet something that large and massive can EASILY be located using ULF triangulation the same way earthquakes are. He can fly… but this brings his movement from 15 miles an hour back down to 7. His massive hoard of xombie followers are still a bit of a give away as tp his location.

I bet something that massive… even if it were invisible could still be seen if you were firing thousands of rockets, lasers and missiles at it based only on where the explosions and laser beams were not. “See that 2000ft tall, 200 ft wide area where all the explosions and lasers seem to stop… I bet that’s him”. Hell, I think even invisible things show up on radar. His followers will have to paint him with radar absorbent paint.. hahahahaahah. Imagine hoards of xombies with buckets of radar absorbent paint and 2000 ft tall ladders trying to paint lord Nxla HAhahahaahaha

Hmm Ya know , while my first feeling would be to spam you to death , I realize that most of the question here arise from lack of some tidbit of information about NXLA as well as perhaps excessive weakness. Yet Soul harvesting range is never given, so you've not more proof for your "line of sight" theory than me for my "dimensional spannig range" theory...Well actually i've as NXLA could send his fragments to other dimensions. And in the book is said that he spew this soul devoring fragments till everyone is turned into xombies. Now if he is limited by sight that would take a lot of time and require the vicitm to not be running away. Now consdiering NXLA realtive slow speed, one puzzle what sort of planet he conquered, as we know that he conquered MANY other worlds, and he had billions of Xombies in his home dimension at his disposal. as for hiding. Well you're right, his ego would prevent him to hide(albeit using death aura would help....hide form ALL sensors included psychic sense...I love this spell) I think that he will have some sort of bakc up plan for such events. As for nuclear warheads. Old Ones were not impossible to kill, only their death will cause the end of megaverse, probably in the form of megaverse scale rifts cataclyms. Now, while NXLA is far belwo Old ones, I think that his death would cause more than a little mess one the frail matrix of rifts earth. But this one is just a theory. I've not proof of it. What i'm sure is that he is impervious to radiation, so nuclear explosion won't hurt him that much. Plus It would be funny is he could move his xombies like an elemental would move earth. Imagine NXLa using his xombies to form an "armor" to protect or launchin xombies as rockets. Now that would be fun! :lol:
Anyway I'm still of the opinion that the major problem with NXLA is his sould harvesting powers. As it is written is hinted that has planetary , or at least very looong, range. And the more soul he harvest the more physically powerfull he become. And the more soul he could harvest. He is like a diesel engine. It took ahwile to start but once he goes, he goes.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:35 am
by Balabanto
It really doesn't matter. Nxla can be six inches high. The Reduce spell in this game makes you six inches high. You still retain all of your powers and abilities, and can't deal any damage, but carpet of obnoxiousness, magic net, and biomanipulation all work fine. So let's review this scenario closely. Biomanipulation freezes your target in place. A 5th level lesser fly spell enables you to fly above your target, who is now paralyzed. I end my reduce spell. I end my fly spell.

For some things, you just don't roll damage. I don't care if you're the secret deity of the Fingertooth Carpetbaggers spawned in the heart of a sun by Star Children, raised by the Greek pantheon and personally vetted by Xy himself!

Splat is splat.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:27 pm
by The Beast
Balabanto wrote:It really doesn't matter. Nxla can be six inches high. The Reduce spell in this game makes you six inches high. You still retain all of your powers and abilities, and can't deal any damage, but carpet of obnoxiousness, magic net, and biomanipulation all work fine. So let's review this scenario closely. Biomanipulation freezes your target in place. A 5th level lesser fly spell enables you to fly above your target, who is now paralyzed. I end my reduce spell. I end my fly spell.

For some things, you just don't roll damage. I don't care if you're the secret deity of the Fingertooth Carpetbaggers spawned in the heart of a sun by Star Children, raised by the Greek pantheon and personally vetted by Xy himself!

Splat is splat.

Did I miss an earlier post? :?

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:32 pm
by Balabanto
No. Nxla can't hide at 200 stories. But at 6 inches high, he can. :)

So, how much damage does Nxla falling on a CS division do?

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:13 pm
by cornholioprime
ak-73 wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
ak-73 wrote:
Balabanto wrote:It works lousy. Nxla could still use all his psionic abilities, and he would have 339,000 MDC. He would be 2400 feet tall, and have a reach of several miles. At that point, it's all over for the CS. Remember, Nxla gets like 6-8 attacks per target. His body is STUDDED with tentacles and other voodoo.

Also remember this. Nxla is not alone. He's surrounded by close to a thousand Soul Harvesters and Necromancers.

I have no problem with this outlook. I just think Canon should not be tried to get applied to things that are largely bound to interpretation.


That's alright.

For most of our discussion (me and D.B., that is), we were using things like Raw Stats and Combat Capabilities and known Psionic and Magic Powers -things that are Canon.

Do try to keep up.

You didn't keep up, I am afraid. I didn't challenge you, for example, whether Nxla has IQ 25 or not. I challenge whether that would mean that if Nxla was to enter Rifts Earth it would have to even remotely look like you suggested.

Because the scenario you made up is not Canon, it's your subjective interpretation of Canon which is good enough for you and everybody who might agree with it but not for everyone else, of which there might be a-plenty.

In short: Nxla having IQ 25 (or whatever) is something that can be objectively verified. The scenario you created is one of many possibilities (a subjective one) and one of the other possibilities (just one) is Nxla grossly understimating the power of the CS and risk that some CS Psychic Sensitive might actually be able to tip off CS Forces.

And you will have to realize that some people might dislike you portraying your subjective interpretations as if they were objective, factual Canon. You'll only renew this way the accusation that you are acting as if only one interpretation of the situation was possible, namely: yours. A very self-serving suggestion, I might add

As for the your comment here, I submit it as further evidence of your display of arrogance to the reader. :)

'GM's Call."


You can leave now.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:55 pm
by cornholioprime
ak-73 wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:'GM's Call."


I see you have no counter-argument to add. This does not come surprising. :)

You can leave now.

I didn't know you were in a position to dismiss me or anyone. Do you imagine yourself to be such? If so, I would submit this as further evidence of your arrogance to the reader. :)

And, if I might added, I am still here. :)

Yes, you are.......but you're effectively being ignored since your response is always the same one.

'Bye, now.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:24 pm
by dark brandon
cornholioprime wrote:Yes, you are.......but you're effectively being ignored since your response is always the same one.

'Bye, now.

Well, technically so are yours...

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:20 pm
by cornholioprime
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:Yes, you are.......but you're effectively being ignored since your response is always the same one.

'Bye, now.

Well, technically so are yours...
Last I remembered, I gave a whole series of Responses over the course of this Thread that took a whole hell of a lot more thought to put together than "GM's Call."

But by all means, point out to me which Posts I made that were nearly as lazy.

Back to you.

Or better yet, to get the Thread back on track, you could get back to explaining how the CS gets to use its resources and assets and tactics and smarts, but Nxla doesn't.

Your choice. ;)

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:40 pm
by dark brandon
cornholioprime wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:Yes, you are.......but you're effectively being ignored since your response is always the same one.

'Bye, now.

Well, technically so are yours...
Last I remembered, I gave a whole series of Responses over the course of this Thread that took a whole hell of a lot more thought to put together than "GM's Call."

But by all means, point out to me which Posts I made that were nearly as lazy.

Back to you.

Or better yet, to get the Thread back on track, you could get back to explaining how the CS gets to use its resources and assets and tactics and smarts, but Nxla doesn't.

Your choice. ;)

I would, but I don't like to repeat myself.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:49 pm
by cornholioprime
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:Yes, you are.......but you're effectively being ignored since your response is always the same one.

'Bye, now.

Well, technically so are yours...
Last I remembered, I gave a whole series of Responses over the course of this Thread that took a whole hell of a lot more thought to put together than "GM's Call."

But by all means, point out to me which Posts I made that were nearly as lazy.

Back to you.

Or better yet, to get the Thread back on track, you could get back to explaining how the CS gets to use its resources and assets and tactics and smarts, but Nxla doesn't.

Your choice. ;)

I would, but I don't like to repeat myself.
So far, as regarding the logic behind why you make the CS so smart but Nxla so haven't really said a thing thus far.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:52 pm
by dark brandon
cornholioprime wrote:I would, but I don't like to repeat myself.
So far, as regarding the logic behind why you make the CS so smart but Nxla so haven't really said a thing thus far.[/quote]

Sure I did. But I'm not gonna repeat myself.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:50 pm
by cornholioprime
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:I would, but I don't like to repeat myself.
So far, as regarding the logic behind why you make the CS so smart but Nxla so haven't really said a thing thus far.

Sure I did. But I'm not gonna repeat myself.[/quote] made up a scenario as to why Nxla was so stupid as to just sit there and take it in the shorts.

You just didn't explain why that would make any sense.

(Don't worry; I don't expect you to try to explain why your scenario makes any sense because I don't think that you, or I, or anybody else could make any sense of it.)

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:08 pm
by cornholioprime
Negalith wrote:Why can’t people just enjoy the humor of the absurd rather than taking it so seriously. Were talking about a 2000 ft tall pillar of arms for gods sake. LAUGH!!!
It's only funny until one of Nxla's "pus-filled nodes" busts like an overripe Zit and some of it gets into your mouth.

Then it's freaking HILARIOUS!!!!


Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:20 am
by dark brandon
cornholioprime wrote:
Negalith wrote:Why can’t people just enjoy the humor of the absurd rather than taking it so seriously. Were talking about a 2000 ft tall pillar of arms for gods sake. LAUGH!!!
It's only funny until one of Nxla's "pus-filled nodes" busts like an overripe Zit and some of it gets into your mouth.

Then it's freaking HILARIOUS!!!!


It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye...since nxla doesn't have any's just games.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:11 am
by Balabanto
Actually, he has millions all over his body. But that doesn't change the fact that it's gross no matter what.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:57 pm
by The Baron of chaos
Balabanto wrote:Actually, he has millions all over his body. But that doesn't change the fact that it's gross no matter what.

Well yeah, but even more gross is that he could give many many "fingers", and go many many "horns", other than playing lot of electric guitars.... quite gross & cool in some way, still far behind the sheer pimptastic style of Splynn-dolemite-cryth.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:20 pm
by The Beast
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:And while you're at it, would you please tell me again about this Alien Intelligence with literally millions of years of tactics, battle experience, and a 25 IQ Roll....that's just going to sit there in one spot, out in the open and visible, and wait for your guys to get there??

Where does it state he has millions of years of tactics and battle experience?

I'd argue that he is such a powerful and incredible creature that he rarely has to use tactics and battle experience once he's set in a world.

What level is Nxla?

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:32 pm
by cornholioprime
The Beast wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:And while you're at it, would you please tell me again about this Alien Intelligence with literally millions of years of tactics, battle experience, and a 25 IQ Roll....that's just going to sit there in one spot, out in the open and visible, and wait for your guys to get there??

Where does it state he has millions of years of tactics and battle experience?

I'd argue that he is such a powerful and incredible creature that he rarely has to use tactics and battle experience once he's set in a world.

What level is Nxla?
Unknown; however, he is millions and millions of years old. And based on the massive amount of additional PPE and MDC he has on his person, one can reasonably assume that he has been quite busy.....and one can also infer that he is QUITE adept at hiding/strategic planning/subterfuge/combat to get this far.

Again, nobody's saying that the creature has foolproof plans like Batman that always work out 100%; just saying that ANY scenario that has him just sitting there soaking up MDC damage and trying to fight long-range Coalition attacks with his (relatively) puny reach, low-level magics, and Psionics is patently ridiculous.

Even Wooly Dragons -hell, his own Xombies!! -are smarter than Nxla vs. Coalition is in the OP Scenario that was laid out.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:50 pm
by The Baron of chaos
I wanted to resume things off. At least as muhc i got it.
1) NXLA is roughly as big as tour eiffel, so very visible, albeit nobody had said he can put himself horizzontal

2) He can move at speed of 15mph or fly at speed of 7mph. He can reach great altitudes by the way. Albeit watching him fly, even at slow speed, should be something too awesome to describe.

3) His Sould harvesting/Xombie creation power seem the main reason people are afraid of him. Considering is a form of possession, while not openly written is not unlikely theorize that has the same range and speed of astral travel.(thats Mach 1---faster than your average samas)

4) NXLA could be arrogant but does not seem dumb, suicidal nor insane. After the defeat of the four horsemen only an idiot would understimate all good people of Rifts Earth(megaversal planetary equivalent of John Wayne)

5) He can perfomr resurrection of his Harvesters at will.

6) it is not said that all the harvesters or all the xombies must all be at the location where NXLA manifest.

7) 10 to 1 that when Colaition join the fight NXLA will be alreayd be engaged by lot of heroes, most from psyscape.

8) He can't die. When dropping below 30% of his base MDC he just go back to his home dimension with his harvestersd and xombies. Waiting another 100 years for second round.

9)His level as psionic and mage, considering he is an Alien intelligence or consumed experience, should be aroudn 10th to 15th, but I say so only basing on Conversion Book note about Alien Intelligence

I've resumed right or I missed something?

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:32 am
by cornholioprime
Negalith wrote:Let me explain to you all what I find so utterly comical about Nxla and so hard to take seriously… The very things written about Nxla to make him seem uber powerful are the very things that make him pathetic. He is only, in any way, functional if you take away his most dominant feature.. his massive size / visage. Every way Nxla gets to stay alive on Rifts earth involves him NOT being the massive hideous tower of death he is described as being. If Nxla wants to live… he can’t be the Nxla he is supposed to be. In essence one of the most powerful being on the planet must live in constant fear of being in the form that is suppose to be frightening to humans. That’s pretty ironic to me.
I truly, truly don't think that Nxla really cares about the way he looks to mortals, whether they are awestruck or outright repulsed by his presence; it's kinda hard to keep that mindset when, as far as Nxla is concerned, their collective souls will be put into his melting pot for all of eternity and the Xombies don't care about appearances, either his or theirs.

Hell, when you look at his background text, it's hard to say that he really gives a darn about what anybody thinks of him at all.

He just seems very, very, very hungry, wants to "collect 'em all" like Pokemon as far as Souls are concerned, and doesn't even seem to be interested in run-of-the-mill Megaversal conquest in the slightest degree.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:53 am
by cornholioprime
Negalith wrote:

Nxla is 2000 ft tall. It says he has arms 200 ft long, and in the picture of him, he looks about as wide as his arms are long. Thus we know his dimensions. Assuming he is a cylinder, we can determine how many square foot of mass he has. That’s 62,857,142 Cubic ft. On average he has 363,000 MDC. This means he has 0.00577 MDC per cubic ft. Technically 1 MDC kinda equates to 100 SDC. So… he has about 0.57 SDC per cubic ft.

Humans are practically all water. Water weights about 60 lbs per cubic ft. Most people weight between 120 and 180. Let’s estimate up and say the average human is about 4 cubic ft of material. The average human in Rifts has about 15 HPs. Close to 4 HPs / SDC per cubic ft. Human being are 7 times as tough as Nxla on a foot per ft basis. That’s gotta be kinda like cutting warm butter don’t ya think?
Welll...yes and no.

The MDC totals of ANY being in Rifts™ are strictly a Gameplay mechanic; virtually nothing makes sense in that regard one you peel back the layers in that manner. For the purposes of overall Gameplay, and nothing else, Nxla or any other being possesses their total MDC amount no matter where on its body you are attacking, unless of course the creature in question is assigned MDC by location.

Technically, you SHOULD only have to destroy a minimal portion of a Dragon's MDC in order to vaporize its head (and even less to just cut off its neck), but the Game Mechanics just don't work that way -as regards Nxla this pretty much means that even the smallest, wimpiest tentacle that he has also has, for the sake of example, that 363,000 MDC number that you came up with.

We had discussions about this sort of thing quite some time ago -I think that in that case we were talking about the Triax Devastator -and we figured out that in 'real world terms,' even that mighty mechanical behemoth was almost as weak as rice paper when its massive MDC total was evenly spread out. :D

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:35 am
by The Baron of chaos
cornholioprime wrote:
Negalith wrote:

Nxla is 2000 ft tall. It says he has arms 200 ft long, and in the picture of him, he looks about as wide as his arms are long. Thus we know his dimensions. Assuming he is a cylinder, we can determine how many square foot of mass he has. That’s 62,857,142 Cubic ft. On average he has 363,000 MDC. This means he has 0.00577 MDC per cubic ft. Technically 1 MDC kinda equates to 100 SDC. So… he has about 0.57 SDC per cubic ft.

Humans are practically all water. Water weights about 60 lbs per cubic ft. Most people weight between 120 and 180. Let’s estimate up and say the average human is about 4 cubic ft of material. The average human in Rifts has about 15 HPs. Close to 4 HPs / SDC per cubic ft. Human being are 7 times as tough as Nxla on a foot per ft basis. That’s gotta be kinda like cutting warm butter don’t ya think?
Welll...yes and no.

The MDC totals of ANY being in Rifts™ are strictly a Gameplay mechanic; virtually nothing makes sense in that regard one you peel back the layers in that manner. For the purposes of overall Gameplay, and nothing else, Nxla or any other being possesses their total MDC amount no matter where on its body you are attacking, unless of course the creature in question is assigned MDC by location.

Technically, you SHOULD only have to destroy a minimal portion of a Dragon's MDC in order to vaporize its head (and even less to just cut off its neck), but the Game Mechanics just don't work that way -as regards Nxla this pretty much means that even the smallest, wimpiest tentacle that he has also has, for the sake of example, that 363,000 MDC number that you came up with.

We had discussions about this sort of thing quite some time ago -I think that in that case we were talking about the Triax Devastator -and we figured out that in 'real world terms,' even that mighty mechanical behemoth was almost as weak as rice paper when its massive MDC total was evenly spread out. :D

Ahh Megadamage, always ready to make us **** bricks from our brains.
Returning to NXLA, I think that the main porblem is that the info about him are minimal and incomplete. Plus he has some of the largest amoutn of weakness for an Alien Intelligence( is there something NXLA is not vulnerable to? Perhaps Depelted uranium bullets, bunt only to radiations, the bullet will still do damage.)

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:53 pm
by cornholioprime
The Baron of chaos wrote:
Ahh Megadamage, always ready to make us **** bricks from our brains.
Returning to NXLA, I think that the main porblem is that the info about him are minimal and incomplete. Plus he has some of the largest amoutn of weakness for an Alien Intelligence( is there something NXLA is not vulnerable to? Perhaps Depelted uranium bullets, bunt only to radiations, the bullet will still do damage.)
In terms of Weaknesses, he isn't really all that 'weak' compared to most Alien Intelligences, because they aren't particularly invulnerable, either (unless otherwise stated, like the Vampire Intelligence for example).

But yes, based on the amount of detail that Kevin usually puts into his creations, Nxla's write-up does look a bit incomplete in several areas.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:05 pm
by The Baron of chaos
LS is right. As he is typed now he is not in the sort of good position. After all there is not just the Coalition, there is also Federation of Magic, both the Federations, Vanguard, Indians and mystic and psionic assorted.
But again the manifastation of NXLA is not likely ot happen. Xombies being shot where they are, and Harvesters , rightfully, killed, will just ensure it will procrastinated for loong time.
Anyway this thread made me think. without deific powers, that should be considered canon and put into one Rifts sourcebook soon or later, what deity or AI could take on CS(or any high tech and/or magic based human kingdom), without many followers like Splugorths?

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:23 pm
by cornholioprime
The Baron of chaos wrote:LS is right. As he is typed now he is not in the sort of good position. After all there is not just the Coalition, there is also Federation of Magic, both the Federations, Vanguard, Indians and mystic and psionic assorted.
But again the manifastation of NXLA is not likely ot happen. Xombies being shot where they are, and Harvesters , rightfully, killed, will just ensure it will procrastinated for loong time.
I find myself forced to ask the same Question over and over and over again:

Why is it so far beyond the Realm Of Possibility™ for so very many people that Nxla, a being with a Diabolic -non-honorable -Alignment, literally millions of years of experience, possessed of a 25 IQ, and fed info by his Harvester Minions trying to bring him to Earth about the conditions there.........., all of a sudden, be apparently INCAPABLE of subterfuge, discretion, or preparation in the scenario presented??
Are you (not you personally) REALLY trying to say that Nxla isn't going to try to do ANYTHING to hide himself, or camouflage himself, or transform himself, or have his Harvesters prepare a (hidden) location in advance??

I hate to belabor the point so repeatedly, really I do, but what many of you are doing with Nxla is much akin to setting up a Scenario wherein you set up a "versus" Battle against a Dragon....wherein you just have it sit there and NOT use its Breath Weapons, or its Flying, or its Magic/Psionics, or its Teleportation, not to mention that you just have the beast sit there in its lair and not use its "Lair Sense" so that you can creep up on it unawares......and then triumphantly stand before the rest of us and declare just how easy it is to defeat a Dragon.

Let me say this again as well: it's not the Battle itself that is the sticking point here, it's the fact that for all intents and purposes, you're just having Nxla sitting there, trying to hit back at long-range Missile and Beam Attacks with just his Psionics and Tentacles, without him using his own resources in turn, both personal and otherwise.

Who CAN'T you beat if you make The Enemy -ANY Enemy -behave in such an utterly stupid manner?? :wink:

Anyway this thread made me think. without deific powers, that should be considered canon and put into one Rifts sourcebook soon or later, what deity or AI could take on CS(or any high tech and/or magic based human kingdom), without many followers like Splugorths?
Virtually nobody can beat anyone else if you deprive them of their additional resources. Even the Old Ones, mightiest of all, weren't foolish enough to try and take on enemy armies without troops of their own.

To make an analogy specific to the Scenario presented in the OP, you might as well ask if there is any foe that the Coalition Grunt on Patrol can beat if he can't call in the Coalition Army.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:26 pm
by cornholioprime
Lord Splynncryth wrote:He could have become an imposing threat, but Nxla is surrounded by nations that would wipe him out. Nxla has very few countermeasures for things he can't possess, such as skelebots. I'm sure Nxla could be amazing if he was in Mexico or Africa but as it stands, he's like a man eating lion living in central park.
You're forgetting just how vast an area he has to hide in -assuming just for the sake of argument that he materializes himself out in the open in the first place (and stays in that spot until the Coalition or anyone else arrives).

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:38 pm
by dark brandon
cornholioprime wrote:
Lord Splynncryth wrote:He could have become an imposing threat, but Nxla is surrounded by nations that would wipe him out. Nxla has very few countermeasures for things he can't possess, such as skelebots. I'm sure Nxla could be amazing if he was in Mexico or Africa but as it stands, he's like a man eating lion living in central park.
You're forgetting just how vast an area he has to hide in -assuming just for the sake of argument that he materializes himself out in the open in the first place (and stays in that spot until the Coalition or anyone else arrives).

One thing to remember, is there is a 200 mile radius can feel the uneasiness in the air (specificly at soulharvest).

It's more amaizing to me that dunscon is unaware of what soulharvest is intending as it seems well within the 200 mile limits.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:08 pm
by Jesterzzn
Negalith wrote:Nxla is 2000 ft tall.
No, he is 800 ft tall.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:24 pm
by cornholioprime
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Lord Splynncryth wrote:He could have become an imposing threat, but Nxla is surrounded by nations that would wipe him out. Nxla has very few countermeasures for things he can't possess, such as skelebots. I'm sure Nxla could be amazing if he was in Mexico or Africa but as it stands, he's like a man eating lion living in central park.
You're forgetting just how vast an area he has to hide in -assuming just for the sake of argument that he materializes himself out in the open in the first place (and stays in that spot until the Coalition or anyone else arrives).

One thing to remember, is there is a 200 mile radius can feel the uneasiness in the air (specificly at soulharvest).

It's more amaizing to me that dunscon is unaware of what soulharvest is intending as it seems well within the 200 mile limits.
It's even more amazing to me that Dunscon is written so that he would actually be unworried at the prospect of Nxla on Earth. :-(

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:15 am
by Jesterzzn
Negalith wrote:
Jesterzzn wrote:
Negalith wrote:Nxla is 2000 ft tall.
No, he is 800 ft tall.

You say tomato, I say tomoto. The world book clearly says that he is 200 stories tall (Twice), which is 2000 ft. If 200 stories were only 800 ft, rooms would only be 4 ft high. We know that’s not so.. so the 800 ft number is logically and clearly the misprint. Why should contradicting numbers in a Palladium book mean anything?

I tend to agree, in theory. But its just as likely to me that KS was using 200 stories as fluff, maybe even hyperbole, and that the numbers (also given in two separate and defined measurements) in the write-up are the "actual" size.

Or it could mean that he is 200 stories at full power and that he is not there yet.

Or it could mean something else neither of us are thinking of.

But simple fact is that 200 stories is slightly vague as to exact height. 800 ft (244 meters) is precise.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:29 am
by Balabanto
cornholioprime wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Lord Splynncryth wrote:He could have become an imposing threat, but Nxla is surrounded by nations that would wipe him out. Nxla has very few countermeasures for things he can't possess, such as skelebots. I'm sure Nxla could be amazing if he was in Mexico or Africa but as it stands, he's like a man eating lion living in central park.
You're forgetting just how vast an area he has to hide in -assuming just for the sake of argument that he materializes himself out in the open in the first place (and stays in that spot until the Coalition or anyone else arrives).

One thing to remember, is there is a 200 mile radius can feel the uneasiness in the air (specificly at soulharvest).

It's more amaizing to me that dunscon is unaware of what soulharvest is intending as it seems well within the 200 mile limits.
It's even more amazing to me that Dunscon is written so that he would actually be unworried at the prospect of Nxla on Earth. :-(

You are not correct sir. It says in Nxla's writeup that if it were to be discovered what the Soul Harvesters were up to, Duncson, the Three, and the general petty lords of the Federation of Magic, Queenston, Kingsdale, and Merctown would pretty much all engage in a massive assault on Soul Harvest, kill every Soul Harvester, and blast Nxla until it was a meatstump.

Re: Nxla's Greatest threat...the CS?!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:34 pm
by cornholioprime
Balabanto wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Lord Splynncryth wrote:He could have become an imposing threat, but Nxla is surrounded by nations that would wipe him out. Nxla has very few countermeasures for things he can't possess, such as skelebots. I'm sure Nxla could be amazing if he was in Mexico or Africa but as it stands, he's like a man eating lion living in central park.
You're forgetting just how vast an area he has to hide in -assuming just for the sake of argument that he materializes himself out in the open in the first place (and stays in that spot until the Coalition or anyone else arrives).

One thing to remember, is there is a 200 mile radius can feel the uneasiness in the air (specificly at soulharvest).

It's more amaizing to me that dunscon is unaware of what soulharvest is intending as it seems well within the 200 mile limits.
It's even more amazing to me that Dunscon is written so that he would actually be unworried at the prospect of Nxla on Earth. :-(

You are not correct sir. It says in Nxla's writeup that if it were to be discovered what the Soul Harvesters were up to, Duncson, the Three, and the general petty lords of the Federation of Magic, Queenston, Kingsdale, and Merctown would pretty much all engage in a massive assault on Soul Harvest, kill every Soul Harvester, and blast Nxla until it was a meatstump.
Page 24 of Rifts: Psyscape implies otherwise -although you are correct in that it is implied that even Dunscon is unaware of what the Harvesters truly represent, currently thinks that they are just "garden variety" Necromancers, and would probably pitch his lot in with the denizens of Psyscape to stop Nxla if he found out.

Right now, however, Psyscape and the Federation of Magic are "enemies."