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abe wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This is another Major version of a minor power I wrote.

Disco Inferno (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+!d4 PE
+10 SDC

Thank you for catching that. It has been fixed.

Force disruption ray (minor) by Iczer, written originally as an ability of Disrupt Force Field and made into a minor power by Stone Gargoyle

The character can projects a ray of energy from his hands or eyes that causes force fields to erode. He inflicts 1d4x10 damage to any force field he strikes, plus another 1D6 per level. The beam has a range of 75 feet plus 10 feet per level, and the character has a +3 to strike with an aimed shot. the beam feels warm to the touch, but can only disrupt fields of force. Each use of the ray counts as a single action.
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Another Major version of a minor power.

10,000 Spoons (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character generates a field around himself which warps reality. All blades and bladed weapons within range of the character become blunted, losing their edge and effectiveness.
Range: 400 foot radius, plus 40 feet per level of experience
Duration: Concentration; must activate the power once per melee round to keep it active. Once altered, weapons remain blunted, effectively ruining them.
Attacks: One to activate or deactivate the power
Damage: The power does no actual physical damage to the weapons, merely temporarily reshapes them
Effects: Changes sharp bladed weapons into blunt ones, turning piercing and slashing weapon damage into blunt weapon damage, negating instances where damage would be taken directly to Hit Points in some cases. Effectively nullifies bonuses for using the weapon type, and if the attacker also has a blunt weapon proficiency, it will NOT provide bonuses, as the weapon would not be designed as such (GM discretion). Daggers and knives affected by this power become useless, inflicting no damage, while sword will inflict a quarter of their normal damage and axes will do half normal damage. Projectile weapons such as arrows and bullets have their damage halved as a result of the power as well. The power has no effect on magical blades or Rune Weapons, however.

The range seems a bit high, so tell me what you think.
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Another minor version of one of my Major powers:

Time Hop (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character travels through time by doing short leaps in time, eventually arriving at the desired destination.

1. Temporal Shunt: The superbeing does a temporal teleport to one hour forward or backwards in time (1 day if close to a ley line). He cannot choose to teleport to less of a time or more, the power is limited to exactly an hour. This acts as a blind teleport to the same space location/geographic destination, so this may be obvious if in an open space. The character also runs the risk of colliding with people standing in the same spot.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action, requiring a stop and inactivity between jumps of one melee action.
Total jumps per day: Limited to the character's ME+PE in number. The number of times per day is based on the time that he wakes up until the time he goes to sleep being a day, with said time not to exceed 24 hours from his subjective measurement of time, not what time it is when he arrives at a new time.

2. Advantages: The benefit of traveling in this comparatively slow manner is that there is no sickness resulting from time travel and the superbeing is less likely to overshoot his destination.

3. Disadvantages: It is possible to jump into the middle of a riot or crime in progress. Having to stop and rest before jumping again may leave the superbeing prone to attack, as doing any other action besides resting will delay his next teleport.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Okay, let;s try this one for size and see if it has too much rust...

Flexible Mutability(Major)

“Wow, so I’m like a fusion of man and insect now thanks to your morphifier-machine? Frankly, on a scale of one to ten, you get a four...Doctor DNA did a MUCH better job on me with her trans-evolution virus.”

The character has a physiology that’s readily susceptible to induced mutation and transformation, but only via external means, and only for a limited period of time. Like a genetically-standardized laboratory mouse, the character can be altered by mutagenic substances(Serum-X, alien transform venom, zombie-virus, etc.), mutagenic processes(mutato-rays, radioactive monkey gland implants, etc.), or transformative powers usable on others(like Petrification, Grant Powers, Forced Evolution, Mutative Assault, etc.). This protean phsyiology even works in limited fashion with magic transformations.
However, the person’s baseline DNA is effectively safe-stored in the genetic equivalent of a secured harddrive, and will eventually re-assert itself, reverting the person back to their original baseline state, shedding the previous transformation. The person can still be re-infected/re-transformed by the same process, but their original state of being is effectively backed up, and will re-boot in time.
This power only works with DIRECT mutagenic/transformative causes; the superbeing can thus potentially take advantage of an Imbued Hero’s empowering substance, but would gain no benefit from a Crazy Hero’s power-food(which is really only a psychological trigger for the superbeing’s inherent powers).

-If the transformative process has a fixed duration, it will last 50% longer than it normally would(reflecting the person’s initial susceptibility), minimum, plus the character’s P.E. in hours if they wish to hang on to the transformed state. Otherwise, they MUST revert back to the baseline state.
-If the transformative process is meant to be permanent, the effect will last only 24 hours before the person reverts to baseline. If the person actually WISHES to extend the duration, they can, for their P.E. in hours, but at the end of that, they MUST revert back to baseline.

This power makes for either a potent superhero who can use a variety of power-ups, or a great laboratory assistant who can test various power-ups.

*The person CANNOT be permanently transformed beyond their baseline(which may include other super abilities).

*Physiology Healing---While the person may suffer attendent side effects while transformed, any damage incurred by the transformation process taking effect is regenerated when the person reverts back to their baseline(example: a side effect of the zombie-ebola virus is that it takes its victim down to 0 hit points during its incubation, at which point it raises the dead victim as a viral undead; the person with Flexible Mutability will still, if they lose any applicable saves versus disease, suffer damage and become a zombie, but when they revert back, they will regenerate their original HP/SDC).

*Transformation Shield---If the person takes below zero Hit Points in their transformed state, they revert to their original baseline, fully healed. This means, effectively, that they cannot be killed in their transformed state; only in their baseline state.

*Hardened DNA---The person is also effectively immune to mutagenic diseases that attack DNA, such as cancer, viruses, and prions, and radiation-induced disorders like radiation sickness.

*Mental Save----If the transformation has mental effects(like Bimbification’s mental downsizing and suggestability, or a werewolf bite’s descent into bestial behavior), the superbeing gets a save versus psionics at -1 to save versus the mental effects. A successful save means the superbeing retains their mind during the duration of the transformation.

*Magic---Magic transformations(including vampiric conversion) are treated the same as transformative superpowers. If the spell/ritual has NO saving throw and a duration listed, then the duration will be 50% longer than normal. If the transformation has a saving throw, the person will be -2 on their saving throw to resist the initial transformation, but will still be able to revert back later. Bio-wizardry augmentations and implants, including parasites and symbiotes, are expelled from the superbeing’s body within 24 hours..

*The person cannot be permanently transformed. This can really suck if the person acquires a set of really cool powers they’d like to keep, and cannot keep or find any more of the means they acquired(‘Whattya mean you’re all out of transforma-goo?”). It can suck even more if the person loses their acquired powers when they really need them(“Don’t count me having nullification powers when we go up against Master Menace tomorrow; this is just a passing thing with me.”).

*Exclusivity of Powers---While in their transformed state, the superbeing CANNOT use any other powers they may have in their baseline state. That means, for example, that if the person has Regeneration as part of their baseline, that power is unavailable as an extra in the latest transformation, unless that power is part of the new physiology.

*Side Effects----The person is still susceptible to any side effects, including random ones, that a transformation effect carries. This includes mental effects, so if the zombie virus the person was just infected with turns them into a mindless shambling predator, then they are a mindless shambling predator for the duration of effect before the person’s baseline state re-asserts itself.

*Mutagenic Resistance----Also, any subsequent attempt to RE-infect/transform the person via the same means will take twice as long, or twice as much transformative substance to cause the same effect.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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The duration seems a bit long on this one, T. And I should think the effects of something would be shorter than usual, not longer.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:The duration seems a bit long on this one, T. And I should think the effects of something would be shorter than usual, not longer.

Well, the idea is that the person is akin to a laboratory transgenic mouse in that they're especially susceptible to mutations taking hold-
BUT, they have their backed-up baseline that starts re-asserting itself after that initial grace period ends. And then the resistance kicks in and it gets harder to use the same culprit means to trigger the same transformation.

Part of the problem may be that I originally conceived of this for a bio-mod package for volunteer genetic modification testers...basically the equivalent of professional clinical drug trials human test-rats, with a duration long enough for a set of powers/modifications to be put to heavy testing before the test subject reverts back.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Another minor version of one of my Major powers:

Time Hop (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character travels through time by doing short leaps in time, eventually arriving at the desired destination.

1. Temporal Shunt: The superbeing does a temporal teleport to one hour forward or backwards in time (1 day if close to a ley line). This acts as a blind teleport to the same space location/geographic destination, so this may be obvious if in an open space. The character also runs the risk of colliding with people standing in the same spot.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action, requiring a stop and inactivity between jumps of one melee action.
Total jumps per day: Limited to the character's ME+PE in number.

2. Advantages: The benefit of traveling in this comparatively slow manner is that there is no sickness resulting from time travel and the superbeing is less likely to overshoot his destination.

3. Disadvantages: It is possible to jump into the middle of a riot or crime in progress. Having to stop and rest before jumping again may leave the superbeing prone to attack, as doing any other action besides resting will delay his next teleport.

Regarding the total # of jumps per "day".... How do you calculate the max # of jumps if say, it's 11:35pm and he jumps forward 1 hr - now it's 12:35am the NEXT day? He could then hang around for 15 minutes and it's now 12:50am.. he jumps back and now it's 11:50pm. Should there be a "wait" period between jumps?

Can the person choose to jump less than 1hr/day?
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Another minor version of one of my Major powers:

Time Hop (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character travels through time by doing short leaps in time, eventually arriving at the desired destination.

1. Temporal Shunt: The superbeing does a temporal teleport to one hour forward or backwards in time (1 day if close to a ley line). This acts as a blind teleport to the same space location/geographic destination, so this may be obvious if in an open space. The character also runs the risk of colliding with people standing in the same spot.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action, requiring a stop and inactivity between jumps of one melee action.
Total jumps per day: Limited to the character's ME+PE in number.

2. Advantages: The benefit of traveling in this comparatively slow manner is that there is no sickness resulting from time travel and the superbeing is less likely to overshoot his destination.

3. Disadvantages: It is possible to jump into the middle of a riot or crime in progress. Having to stop and rest before jumping again may leave the superbeing prone to attack, as doing any other action besides resting will delay his next teleport.

Regarding the total # of jumps per "day".... How do you calculate the max # of jumps if say, it's 11:35pm and he jumps forward 1 hr - now it's 12:35am the NEXT day? He could then hang around for 15 minutes and it's now 12:50am.. he jumps back and now it's 11:50pm. Should there be a "wait" period between jumps?
Good point. I shall have to think about that one. I would imagine, though, that the number of times per day is based on the time that he wakes up until the time he goes to sleep being a day, with said time not to exceed 24 hours from his subjective measurement of time, not what time it is when he arrives at a new time.
NMI wrote:Can the person choose to jump less than 1hr/day?
No, he is limited to hour increments.
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This is a power converted from a skill I wrote.

Mental Intuition (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character gains +4 to perception checks at first level, and then another +1 to perception at levels 4, 8 and 12. The character gains +1 to initiative at levels 3, 7, 11, and 15. This also adds +5% to all Divination skills.

And this one is a Major version of a minor power:

Face Off (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can basically cause his own facial features to morph into those of someone else while simultaneously morphing their features into his.

1. Mugging: The character can swap faces with another person by touching their face. This power only alters muscle and bone configuration and eliminate scars, birthmarks, moles and freckles, as well as changing eye and hair color in the superbeing and his victim. Can swap faces his PE number of times per day, plus 1 additional time per level.
Saving Throw: 16 or better (PE bonus applies) if the victim is alive; none if swapping faces with a corpse.
Attacks/Actions: Contact must be maintained for one full melee
Range: Touch; faces morph and spasm unless in full contact (faces touching).
Duration: Faces remain changed for as long as the character desires, after which the faces revert to normal, both the superbeing's and that of the victim. They can revert back at any time according to the will of the superbeing.

2. Facial Imprinting: The character can also choose to store the memory of a face for later use. The face must be one that he has previously used and the victim can save vs. the use of the face as per the Mugging ability. The character can store his ME number of faces in memory, plus 1 additional face per level of experience. Changing his face for that of the victim from memory takes a full melee round.

Note: This power can be used for such things as losing a tail or faking one's own death. Caution must be used, however, as changing one's face into a known criminal's can have negative results.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Face Off (Major) by Stone Gargoyle.

"The sacrifices I make for this job...because you are one UGLY dude."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Flash Dance (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this power can generate a field of light while dancing so as to see in the dark or to brighten existing light to partially blind enemies.

1. Light Generation: By making a successful dance skill roll (using a single action), the character can generate a field or light around himself for a 30 foot radius, plus 5 feet per level of experience, lasting 2d4 melee rounds, after which he must do another skill check to renew the power, and he must be actively dancing, though he can perform combat while doing so. The sunlight will do a single point of SDC damage per melee round if used on normal, non-Supernatural enemies, but will do 2d6 damage, plus 1d6 damage per level, per melee round to creatures of darkness, the undead (vampires and zombies). The character automatically gets the Dance skill at 60%, plus 5% per level of experience.

2. Effects in daylight: All characters in the area of effect (except the character generating it) suffer partial blindness unless wearing appropriate eye protection (sunglasses or other polarized lenses), being -4 to all combat moves and losing initiative and one attack.

3. Effects in darkness: The light generated will be enough to see by if countering the effects of lack or light and will not blind others as it would in daylight. All penalties for fighting in darkness are negated.

4. Fight Bonuses While Dancing:
+2 initiative
+2 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses.
The character himself cannot be blinded by light attacks from others.
+2 PP
+10% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills if possessed

Note: Music does not have to be present for the character to dance in order to use this power, though he does get a +5% to the dance skill if music is present.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Flash Dance (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this power can generate a field of light while dancing so as to see in the dark or to brighten existing light to partially blind enemies.

1. Light Generation: By making a successful dance skill roll (using a single action), the character can generate a field or light around himself for a 30 foot radius, plus 5 feet per level of experience, lasting 2d4 melee rounds, after which he must do another skill check to renew the power, and he must be actively dancing, though he can perform combat while doing so. The sunlight will do 1d6 SDC damage per melee round if used on normal, non-Supernatural enemies, but will do 2d6 damage, plus 1d6 damage per level, per melee round to creatures of darkness, the undead (vampires and zombies). The character automatically gets the Dance skill at 60%, plus 5% per level of experience.

2. Impervious to Light and Lasers: The character takes no damage from light-based attacks, including lasers, and only half damage from other forms of energy attacks.

3. Effects in daylight: All characters in the area of effect (except the character generating it) suffer blindness unless wearing appropriate eye protection (sunglasses or other polarized lenses), being -10 to all combat moves, and losing initiative and reduced to half their number of attacks. If wearing eye protection, they simply suffer -4 to combat moves, and losing initiative and one attack.

4. Effects in darkness: All characters in the area of effect (except the character generating it) suffer partial blindness unless wearing appropriate eye protection (sunglasses or other polarized lenses), being -4 to all combat moves, losing initiative and one attack.

5. Fight Bonuses While Dancing:
+2 initiative, plus an additional +1 to initiative at levels 4, 8 and 12.
+2 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge
+4 to roll with punch

6. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character himself cannot be blinded by light attacks from others.
+2 PP
+2 PE
+10% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills if possessed

Note: Music does not have to be present for the character to dance in order to use this power, though he does get a +5% to the dance skill if music is present.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:4. Fight Bonuses While Dancing:
+2 initiative
+2 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses.
The character himself cannot be blinded by light attacks from others.
+2d4 PP
+10% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills if possessed

Note: Music does not have to be present for the character to dance in order to use this power, though he does get a +5% to the dance skill if music is present.

Combined with the bonuses to Initiative, strike, parry and dodge, I think the bonus of +2D4 to P.P. is a bit too high. At most, I would say either a flat +2 to P.P. or maybe, +1D4.

"Imagines Michael Jackson using this power while fighting zombies....."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:4. Fight Bonuses While Dancing:
+2 initiative
+2 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses.
The character himself cannot be blinded by light attacks from others.
+2d4 PP
+10% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills if possessed

Note: Music does not have to be present for the character to dance in order to use this power, though he does get a +5% to the dance skill if music is present.

Combined with the bonuses to Initiative, strike, parry and dodge, I think the bonus of +2D4 to P.P. is a bit too high. At most, I would say either a flat +2 to P.P. or maybe, +1D4.

"Imagines Michael Jackson using this power while fighting zombies....."
For the minor version, I would have to agree. The Major version is a bit light on bonuses, though, and I might have to amp it up to make the power give make the character Impervious to light and lasers.
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Unread post by taalismn »

NMI wrote:[
"Imagines Michael Jackson using this power while fighting zombies....."

Using this power fighting Michael Jackson AS a zombie...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
NMI wrote:"Imagines Michael Jackson using this power while fighting zombies....."

Using this power fighting Michael Jackson AS a zombie...
He was not the inspiration for the power, but now I do want to create a character based on him using this power.
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Soundwave (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can transmute sound into water, creating storms.

1. Impervious to Sonic Attack and Sound-Based Damage: The character takes no damage and suffers no ill effects from loud noises and sonic attacks. He also only takes half damage from vibration attacks.

2. Transmute Sound into Water: The character can transmute sound into water within the area of effect and it will come down as rain. The sound will be muted and turned into storms. This makes communication impossible as well as negating any damage and effects from sonic attacks.
Range: 60 foot radius from the character, plus an additional 5 feet per level.
Duration: Concentration. Can maintain the effect for his ME attribute number of minutes.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to begin the effect, and then one attack/action per melee round to maintain.
Decibel Conversion (with thanks to Primus for his research into weather):
0-60 decibels: No effect
61-80 decibels: Zero to ¼ inches (0.6 cm): light mist; virtually no visual obstruction.
81-100 decibels: ¼ to 1 inch (0.6 -2.5 cm): light, steady rain; mild obstruction of vision from drops getting into eyes or running into eyes from forehead; dirt turns to mud, making footing difficult. -1 to combat moves, loss of one melee attack, -5% to skill performance. Spd reduced to half
101-120 decibels: 1-3 inches (2.5-7.5 cm) strong storm; rain consistently gets into eyes and runs down the face, causing vision problems; goggles, glasses, and shield become obstructed without wiping or removal (uses an attack to keep vision clear); -2 to combat moves, loss of 2 melee attacks, -10% to skills performed in the rain. Spd reduced to 1/4.
121-140 decibels: 3-8 inches (7.5-20 cm): severe storm; rainfall causes flooding of effective area; reduced to half attacks due to having to wipe water out of eyes or keep shield/glasses clear enough for action; -4 to all combat moves, -25% to skills performed in the rain. Spd reduced to half.
141+ decibels: 9+ inches (23 cm) hurricane-level rainfall; flooding prevalent in areas; mudslides possible in hilly areas; fighting is virtually impossible- all actions except one are used shielding vision or removing rain from shield/glasses; within 1D6 minutes, water on the ground is 1-4 inches (2.5-10 cm) deep; -6 to all combat moves, -60% to skill performance Spd reduced to 1/4.

3. Water Blast (with thanks to Iczer): The character can use the water he has created by pulling it from the air and hurling it at a target.
Range: One foot per decibel, so 100 decibels would create a blast at a range of 100 feet.
Damage: Damage varies according to what type of storm is generated. The damage is tripled for creatures made of fire or vulnerable to water attacks.
Light Rain: 1d4 damage
Moderate Storm: 2D6, and can extinguish a fire roughly the size of a man.
Severe Storm: 4d6, and can extinguish a house fire.
Hurricane Level: 6d6 damage and can extinguish forest fire.
Attacks per melee: Each attack uses one action, but only two water blasts can be made per round.
Pushback: The force of a water blast is sufficient to knock over a man sized target. The target rolls a d20 and adds his PS attribute, while the character rolls a d20 and adds 12. if the character rolls higher then the target is pushed backwards one foot per point of difference. any target knocked backwards any distance (including if the rolls are tied) must make a sense of balance check or be knocked down.
Bonus to strike: +4.

4. Water Slide: The character does not suffer any penalties for moving in muddy places and actually can move at three times his normal speed in areas where the ground is covered in water.

5. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character does not suffer any penalties due to severe weather and can see perfectly fine in fog and mist
The character can predict the weather with a skill base of 45%, plus 5% per level of experience

6. Limitations: This power becomes useless if the source of the sound being transmuted is eliminated, though it is not obvious to opponents that this power originated from sound (so they might not know to take out the boom box the character has next to him, or ask to stop noisy construction nearby, from which the necessary decibels are being transmuted).
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Guess this character isn't going to suffer from dry mouth any time soon... :P
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Guess this character isn't going to suffer from dry mouth any time soon... :P
It doesn't rain in his mouth, silly.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Guess this character isn't going to suffer from dry mouth any time soon... :P
It doesn't rain in his mouth, silly.

I know, lame joke, yes, but less gross than any of the spit lines that came immediately to mind upon reading the power description, and not quite as lame as the 'Dune' movie 'weirding' reference that also occurred to me. :| :P
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Guess this character isn't going to suffer from dry mouth any time soon... :P
It doesn't rain in his mouth, silly.

I know, lame joke, yes, but less gross than any of the spit lines that came immediately to mind upon reading the power description, and not quite as lame as the 'Dune' movie 'weirding' reference that also occurred to me. :| :P
A power to cause water to form in people's mouths instead of sound is a possibility, now that I think about it. The target would have to save from choking on water and drowning.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:A power to cause water to form in people's mouths instead of sound is a possibility, now that I think about it. The target would have to save from choking on water and drowning.

'Water Spring' of its other uses can be as a water spout, launching a person, such as the superbeing, into the air(like a reverse water jetpack). But the ability to create a font of water appear anywhere...use it on Rifts Vampires:
"Here's some for you---"
"And for you---"
"And just so you don't feel left out!"
"Okay, watered the undead...cross that off tonight's chores."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:A power to cause water to form in people's mouths instead of sound is a possibility, now that I think about it. The target would have to save from choking on water and drowning.

'Water Spring' of its other uses can be as a water spout, launching a person, such as the superbeing, into the air(like a reverse water jetpack). But the ability to create a font of water appear anywhere...use it on Rifts Vampires:
"Here's some for you---"
"And for you---"
"And just so you don't feel left out!"
"Okay, watered the undead...cross that off tonight's chores."
So basically a water spout power with an attack and limited flight capabilities. You would need a LOT of water to propel yourself like that, though.
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Unread post by Trent »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:A power to cause water to form in people's mouths instead of sound is a possibility, now that I think about it. The target would have to save from choking on water and drowning.

'Water Spring' of its other uses can be as a water spout, launching a person, such as the superbeing, into the air(like a reverse water jetpack). But the ability to create a font of water appear anywhere...use it on Rifts Vampires:
"Here's some for you---"
"And for you---"
"And just so you don't feel left out!"
"Okay, watered the undead...cross that off tonight's chores."
So basically a water spout power with an attack and limited flight capabilities. You would need a LOT of water to propel yourself like that, though.

Actually depends on the distance
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Well, if we use the water jetpacks as baselines....industry literature boasts that a water jetpack can loft a person up to 330 lbs weight up 30 ft, using 1,000 gallons per minute at 68 psi...admittedly, a water spout shooting UP will need more pressure and volume to fight gravity, and you're going to get both a considerable radius of drenching and water up your arse...

It would have to be a Major power because of:
a) the teleportal feature making it possible to put the point INSIDE a target(I'd have a handwavium effect that you couldn't kill somebody directly putting the spout point inside somebody and let pressure bust them, but MAJOR bloating discomfort, and possible secondary drowning if they are confined such that they can't help buy rebreath the water flowing out of them)
b) Flooding effect from inundation from the heavy volume of water
c) Waterspout levitation
d) Personal waterproofing, so you're not sopping wet every time you use this power.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:A power to cause water to form in people's mouths instead of sound is a possibility, now that I think about it. The target would have to save from choking on water and drowning.

'Water Spring' of its other uses can be as a water spout, launching a person, such as the superbeing, into the air(like a reverse water jetpack). But the ability to create a font of water appear anywhere...use it on Rifts Vampires:
"Here's some for you---"
"And for you---"
"And just so you don't feel left out!"
"Okay, watered the undead...cross that off tonight's chores."
So basically a water spout power with an attack and limited flight capabilities. You would need a LOT of water to propel yourself like that, though.

One way of doing this, or allowing one to fly based on the use of water is if the person mentally/telekinetically/hand-wavium, collected the water around him, including the moisture in the air and solidified it under his feet and "flew on water" -- similar to the "Fly Force Discs". The larger the amount of water in the area, the faster/further/higher he can fly. Though, based on that, the player with this power would be "hosed" in desert like environments.
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NMI wrote:[. Though, based on that, the player with this power would be "hosed" in desert like environments.

Or the bane of moisture-farmers on Tatooine. :P
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Well, if we use the water jetpacks as baselines....industry literature boasts that a water jetpack can loft a person up to 330 lbs weight up 30 ft, using 1,000 gallons per minute at 68 psi...admittedly, a water spout shooting UP will need more pressure and volume to fight gravity, and you're going to get both a considerable radius of drenching and water up your arse...

It would have to be a Major power because of:
a) the teleportal feature making it possible to put the point INSIDE a target(I'd have a handwavium effect that you couldn't kill somebody directly putting the spout point inside somebody and let pressure bust them, but MAJOR bloating discomfort, and possible secondary drowning if they are confined such that they can't help buy rebreath the water flowing out of them)
b) Flooding effect from inundation from the heavy volume of water
c) Waterspout levitation
d) Personal waterproofing, so you're not sopping wet every time you use this power.
Good points. I will have to give it some thought, but I'm really appreciative of the feedback.

NMI wrote:One way of doing this, or allowing one to fly based on the use of water is if the person mentally/telekinetically/hand-wavium, collected the water around him, including the moisture in the air and solidified it under his feet and "flew on water" -- similar to the "Fly Force Discs". The larger the amount of water in the area, the faster/further/higher he can fly. Though, based on that, the player with this power would be "hosed" in desert like environments.
I like the idea of using the water as stepping points or even surfing in midair. Kind of like puddle jumping through airborne water pockets.
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Altitude would be relatively low, but graduated upwards with level of experience(Imagine a firefighter with the power both putting out a fire and inserting himself into the upper levels if a burning structure using the power...although he'd soak his colleagues below...).

ARC the water stream, and he could surf it for greater horizontal speed.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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taalismn wrote:Altitude would be relatively low, but graduated upwards with level of experience(Imagine a firefighter with the power both putting out a fire and inserting himself into the upper levels if a burning structure using the power...although he'd soak his colleagues below...).

ARC the water stream, and he could surf it for greater horizontal speed.
Thanks for the input. I think I can come up with something now, plus I have other powers in the works as well.
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I should get back to actually WRITING, too, not just brainstorming, but between bad humidity and RL dealings, I lost a lot of manic momentum this week.
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taalismn wrote:I should get back to actually WRITING, too, not just brainstorming, but between bad humidity and RL dealings, I lost a lot of manic momentum this week.
Yes, you should. With all the ideas you had for the water-based power, I think I would like to see your version of it.
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Water Placement Teleport (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport from one body of water to another, or to different locations in the same body of water, as long as he is submerged underwater. The character will become drenched or soaked with water unless nude or wearing appropriate equipment for diving or swimming.
Range: One mile per level; limited to self.
Duration: Instant.
Damage: None to the character, but his clothes will become drenched if he is not wearing an appropriate swimsuit or scuba gear.
Attacks: Uses all attacks for a melee round.
Weight Limitation: Can only take up to 100 lbs of equipment with him, plus 10 pounds per level of experience. This is primarily to allow the character to teleport with their appropriate aquatic gear, such as a swimsuit and gear for breathing underwater.
Chance of successful teleport: 50%, plus 5% per level of experience. A failed teleport will leave the character in the same location, it simply fails to work.
Other Limitations: The character must be surrounded by water in order to teleport. The teleportation must be to an area also submerged in water. While this is a great power for an aquatic character to have, it is useless on dry land. The power does not itself give any bonuses to swimming skills, nor does it allow the character to hold their breath longer underwater.
Stunts and Maneuvers: The character can use this to evade pursuit by diving into water and teleporting away. He can also use it to avoid being eaten by sharks and other aquatic predators.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Water Placement Teleport (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport from one body of water to another, or to different locations in the same body of water, as long as he is submerged underwater. He also has an energy field which provides him certain protections underwater.
Range: One mile per level; limited to self. The teleportation created a displacement of water, blasting targets on both the departure and arrival site with water for a radius of 100 feet, plus ten feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant.
Watertight: The character's energy field keeps his clothing dry even in water, and he will not suffer any penalties from getting water in his eyes, ears and mouth. The character can also breathe air inside of the energy field, which lasts for up to the character's PE number in minutes.
Damage: Those within range of the teleport take 2d4 damage from the water blast. The character and his belongings are inside his protective energy field and take no damage.
Attacks: Teleporting uses a single attack/action
Weight Limitation: Can only take up to 100 lbs of equipment with him, plus 10 pounds per level of experience. This is primarily to allow the character to teleport with their appropriate aquatic gear, such as a swimsuit and gear for breathing underwater in case the character needs to be underwater longer than the energy field's oxygen supply.
Chance of successful teleport: 50%, plus 5% per level of experience. A failed teleport will leave the character in the same location, it simply fails to work.
Other Limitations: The character must be surrounded by water in order to teleport. The teleportation must be to an area also submerged in water. While this is a great power for an aquatic character to have, it is useless on dry land.
Stunts and Maneuvers: The character can use this to evade pursuit by diving into water and teleporting away. He can also use it to avoid being eaten by sharks and other aquatic predators.
Other Bonuses:
+1d4 PE
The character automatically has the swimming skill for free with this power
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water Placement Teleport (Major) by Stone Gargoyler

Nice. Reminds me of a sci-fi story called 'The Whitling' where the natives on a world had telekinetic abilities, including teleportation, but they liked to do it on bodies of water, using boats...because the teleportation didn't preserve the teleporters' angular momentum...they used the watercourses to skip and brake as the planet revolved under them and they caught back up enough to the planet...otherwise the results would be rather more traumatic....
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water Placement Teleport (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport via fire from one body of water to another,

Is this the correct wording? Teleport via FIRE from one body of water to another? Cause you used it on both the major and minor versions. Not to belittle your power, but FIRE seems the most unlikely method to transport from one body of water to another.
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Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
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Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water Placement Teleport (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport via fire from one body of water to another,

Is this the correct wording? Teleport via FIRE from one body of water to another? Cause you used it on both the major and minor versions. Not to belittle your power, but FIRE seems the most unlikely method to transport from one body of water to another.

Because being on fire is a major incentive to getting to a body of water? It's not really teleportation, it's running really REALLY fast. :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water Placement Teleport (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport via fire from one body of water to another,

Is this the correct wording? Teleport via FIRE from one body of water to another? Cause you used it on both the major and minor versions. Not to belittle your power, but FIRE seems the most unlikely method to transport from one body of water to another.
No, it was an error on my part. I cut and pasted Fire Placement Teleport to serve as a model for doing the Water Placement Teleport but apparently missed that in the editing process.

Update: Fixed.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water Placement Teleport (Major) by Stone Gargoyler

Nice. Reminds me of a sci-fi story called 'The Whitling' where the natives on a world had telekinetic abilities, including teleportation, but they liked to do it on bodies of water, using boats...because the teleportation didn't preserve the teleporters' angular momentum...they used the watercourses to skip and brake as the planet revolved under them and they caught back up enough to the planet...otherwise the results would be rather more traumatic....
Glad you like it. I will also be doing one called Puddlejumper which allows a character to teleport as long as he is in contact with water and will also allow the character to walk on water and up wet surfaces as if with the power of Adhesion. Stay tuned.
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Puddlejumper (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can jump between pools of water as long as his feet are touching liquid. He can choose his destination by looking through a pool of water, selecting a destination based on his needs. The character becomes joined to the water as he jumps, making him capable of using water to travel up wet surfaces at his regular movement rate and not suffer any penalties.

1. Scrying Using Pools Of Water: The character is capable of seeing a remote location by looking at them through bodies of water, such as puddles, but this can also include lakes or even bathtubs or troughs full of water.
Range: The character can see through pools of water at a distance of one mile per level of experience.
Duration: The character can observe the location he sees for up to a full minute (4 melee rounds). This is handy if he sees trouble in the area seen and wishes to avoid it, or to arrange to teleport right as someone or something arrives at the destination.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks/actions to initiate scrying and one action per melee round to maintain if observing a location.
Skill Base: Scrying is done at a skill base of 50%, plus 5% per level of experience.

2. Teleporting Between Pools of Water: The character can teleport to any puddle or body of water he can see through. Teleporting uses one attack/action. Due to scrying the location, a teleport had a 98% chance of arriving at the proper destination. If unsuccessful, the character will teleport to a random pool of water within range, thus suffering the consequences, which can be anything from teleporting into someone's bathtub to teleporting in the path of a motorboat. Teleporting uses one melee attack/action. The character can also make short jumps between puddles or similar bodies of water within line of sight without needing to scry them first, and doing so, the teleport always works. The character must have water under his feet to teleport and cannot teleport unless standing in or on a pool of water.

3. Water Adhesion: The character is capable of walking on water as if it were solid ground, as well as walking up wet surfaces at his full speed, even up walls and on otherwise slick rooftops, as the character suffers no penalties or il effects from walking on slick surfaces or wet ground.

4. Other Bonuses: The character enjoys +1d6 to ISP if psionics are also possessed by the character.
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Quantum Teleport (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport as an attack, but also creates quantum duplicates to confuse his opponents.

1. Teleport: The character can teleport, as a single action, to an area within line of sight, up to ten feet per level of experience. He can only transport what he is wearing and carrying, up to twenty pounds per level of experience. This allows him to teleport close to an opponent he wishes to attack and carry a weapon to do so. As this is line of sight, the teleport is 98% successful. A failed teleport means nothing at all happens.

2. Quantum Duplicates: The character creates quantum duplicates when he teleports at equal distance from his opponent (so if the character is five feet away from his opponent, a duplicate will appear five feet from the opponent as well, with the group of duplicates in a circle around the opponent), so with enough duplicates he can surround his opponent. Duplicates remain for one melee round, after which they disappear. The duplicates mirror his actions, so if he fires at an opponent, all of them do, for the same attack roll as the character. Quantum duplicates cannot determine their own actions but seemingly mirror those of the character, though their attacks do damage the same as their creator's. If a Quantum Duplicate is killed, however, it will disappear. For each quantum duplicate, the opponent is at -1 to all attack rolls against the character and his duplicates. The character creates 4 quantum duplicates at level one, with an additional duplicate at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12, but may elect to create fewer duplicates. If the character teleports away from his opponent, the duplicates disappear, but he can elect for the new teleport to generate the duplicates in case he teleports to face a new opponent, or the same opponent if that one tries to flee. The group of quantum duplicates has a Horror Factor of 6 +1 for each duplicate created.
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Drowning Man (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

By using an action to initiate the power and an additional action per melee round to maintain it, the character can cause a target within ten feet per level to have the water in their body increase so as to fill their lungs and throat, essentially causing the person to drown. The target must make a save vs. passing out from lack of oxygen once per melee round (14 or better, PE bonuses apply). Upon a successful save, the target will take one point of Hit Point damage due to lack of oxygen and suffer penalties (-4 to all combat moves, reduced to half attacks and loss of initiative). A failed save will cause the target to pass out and resume breathing normally. The target will not die from this attack, as they cannot lose more than a quarter of their hit points before automatically passing out. The character also can only maintain this attack for one minute at level one, plus an additional minute at levels 4, 8 and 12.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Drowning Man (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

By using an action to initiate the power and an additional action per melee round to maintain it, the character can cause a target within ten feet per level to have the water in their body increase so as to fill their lungs and throat, essentially causing the person to drown. The target must make a save vs. passing out from lack of oxygen once per melee round (14 or better, PE bonuses apply). Upon a successful save, the target will take one point of Hit Point damage due to lack of oxygen and suffer penalties (-4 to all combat moves, reduced to half attacks and loss of initiative). A failed save will cause the target to pass out and resume breathing normally. The target will not die from this attack, as they cannot lose more than a quarter of their hit points before automatically passing out. The character also can only maintain this attack for one minute at level one, plus an additional minute at levels 4, 8 and 12.

Nasty. And doctors say hydration is a GOOD thing. :evil:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Speed Teleportation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport longer distances the faster he is traveling.

1. Velocity-Based Teleportation: The character can teleport a distance based on how fast he is moving when he teleports. It is the speed that matters, not how the character achieves it, so he can generate the speed needed through use of other superabilities or by traveling in a vehicle. The momentum is absorbed, so the character comes to a complete stop when teleporting. The energy of his movement is used to fuel the teleport.
Range: One mile for every mile per hour of speed he is traveling (so a character riding in a car traveling 60mph can teleport 60 miles).
Weight Limit: Can teleport carrying 100 lbs, plus 10 lbs per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks/actions; can perform twice per melee round.
Duration: Instant. Remains in new location until he travels somewhere else.
Chance of Successful Teleportation: Use table in the HU2 main book for the Teleportation power.
Result of an Unsuccessful Teleport: Travels to a random location within range.
Penalties: Upon arriving at the destination of the teleport, the character is completely stopped and suffers a penalty to his movement and initiative. The character can only move at half speed for a full melee round and suffers -4 to initiative for a full melee round.
Limitation: Distance traveled is based on the speed he is traveling, so he must travel the full distance the speed he is traveling dictates.

2. Short Teleports: The character can also teleport in shorter hops from a standing position.
Range: 100 feet per level, line of sight.
Weight Limit: Same as for the longer teleport.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks/actions
Duration: Same as above
Chance of Successful Teleport: 98%
Result of an Unsuccessful Teleport: Travels to a random location within range.

3. Other Bonuses:
+2d6 to Spd attribute
+2 initiative
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Speed Teleportation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport longer distances the faster he is traveling.

1. Velocity-Based Teleportation: The character can teleport a distance based on how fast he is moving when he teleports.
Range: One mile for every mile per hour of speed he is traveling (so a character riding in a car traveling 60mph can teleport 60 miles).
Weight Limit: Can teleport carrying 100 lbs, plus 10 lbs per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks/actions; can perform twice per melee round.
Duration: Instant. Remains in new location until he travels somewhere else.
Chance of Successful Teleportation: Use table in the HU2 main book for the Teleportation power.
Result of an Unsuccessful Teleport: Travels to a random location within range.
Limitation: Distance traveled is based on the speed he is traveling, so he must travel the full distance the speed he is traveling dictates.

2. Short Teleports: The character can also teleport in shorter hops from a standing position.
Range: 100 feet per level, line of sight.
Weight Limit: Same as for the longer teleport.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks/actions
Duration: Same as above
Chance of Successful Teleport: 98%
Result of an Unsuccessful Teleport: Travels to a random location within range.

3. Other Bonuses:
+2d6 to Spd attribute
+2 initiative

So I take it then, that it does not matter "how" he is moving at whatever speed, just that he is? ie: Running at 30 mph or sitting in a car that is travelling at 30 mph?

When he does teleport, does his momentum carry through with the Teleport? Or is the momentum absorbed and therefor negated by the act of teleportation?
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NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Speed Teleportation (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

So I take it then, that it does not matter "how" he is moving at whatever speed, just that he is? ie: Running at 30 mph or sitting in a car that is travelling at 30 mph?
Correct. It is the speed that matters, not how the character achieves it. I should probably clarify that.

NMI wrote:When he does teleport, does his momentum carry through with the Teleport? Or is the momentum absorbed and therefor negated by the act of teleportation?
The momentum is absorbed. The energy of his movement is used to fuel the teleport.
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Water Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character with this power is able to fly using wings made of water, defying normal physics. He can also use them to attack using the water they are made of.

1. Flight: Winged: Same as the minor superability (HU2 232-233), except the wings are made of water. As such, they are not affected by physical attacks but take twice damage from cold and fire attacks. The character can also make the wings disappear and reappear at will, using a single action do do so.

2. Healing of the Wings: This is considered to be a form of Alter Physical Structure, so the wings heal at a rate of 4d6 per 10 minutes. If more than half of the SDC of the wings is depleted, the character will be unable to fly with them until the damage is healed. The wings heal at the same rate even if made to disappear and reappear.

3. Water Expulsion: The character can shoot bolts of water from his wings in short blasts, doing 3d4 damage to a target within 50 feet. These attacks are +3 to strike when the character is not flying but he gets no bonus to the attack, and may even suffer penalties to hit a target, while flying. Shooting a water bolt uses one melee attack/action.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle.

In the event you should find yourself trapped by fire in your highrise penthouse, the elevators are out, but your swimming pool is full...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle.

In the event you should find yourself trapped by fire in your highrise penthouse, the elevators are out, but your swimming pool is full...
Perhaps if you have Fire Placement Teleport that would help, but this power does not rely on existing water sources. Water wings are just wings that appear on the character's back that are made of water.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Water Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle.

In the event you should find yourself trapped by fire in your highrise penthouse, the elevators are out, but your swimming pool is full...
Perhaps if you have Fire Placement Teleport that would help, but this power does not rely on existing water sources. Water wings are just wings that appear on the character's back that are made of water.

"Hah, vampy baby! See! I don't need a ready source of water to give you a BATH!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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