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Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:33 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Lenwen wrote:15th lvl character with ..

Running speed tattoo = 180 MPH ..
+ Heart Worms +20-Spd, = 200 MPH..
Spine Twister x2 spd = 400mph..
Muscle Boot (x2) x2 spd = 800 mph..
Greater Speed Fetish x2 spd = 1600 mph ..

Magical Adrenal Rush = +50% spd = 2400 MPH running speed ..

Did some one say Olympic style sprints ? :lol:

Yeah... I'm sure somewhere someone has already said add all the multipliers together so 180 + 20 * 6.5 = 1300 still up there just not as much

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:44 pm
by The Beast
Did you ever notice how normal True Atlanteans have a higher Horror/Awe Factor than Demi-Gods?

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:14 am
by Zer0 Kay
The Beast wrote:Did you ever notice how normal True Atlanteans have a higher Horror/Awe Factor than Demi-gods?

Maybe its because some one finds out that a person is a True Atlantean and are:
1) Oh crap your from Atlantis, run he's with the slavers.
2) Oh crap your from Atlantis, you freaking escaped the Sploogs and survived to get here?!
3) Oh crap your an Atlantean, your freaking culture all but drained the magic energy from this world... run before he touches our magic crap!

While with the Demi-gods they're all:
1) Wait are you as gullible as Herculeas?
2) So... you really can't do much and require the favor of your parents to do anything... that's worse than a spoiled mortal rich kid.
3) So... Demi-god...? Is that kind of like a demi-cup bra?

Seriously it is because the Atlantean mythology has a lot of blank spaces. They were a powerful culture who's technology "sunk" their continent. Were they gods? Were they super beings? Plato's story really didn't say. While the Demi-gods were depicted as rare, very human in faults often rediculously exagerated in order to prove their humaness, with only one or two, if any, god like qualities.

So yeah, I'd be more scared of something I know was superpowerful, with only their ego and super tech as their "weakness" compared to a slightly gifted being who is bumbling in another fascet of their life... wouldn't you?

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:04 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Rider wrote:
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:Cannot be a psychic and a harvester.
Actually... there's nothing technically preventing that.

There's a not under one of the Harvester abilities saying that the Harvester can't be psychic. Psychics are also immune to being harvested...

You don't have to be able to use that ability to remain a Harvester if you gain psionics at a later point.

As to whether or not Harvesters would even train psychics in the first place (they can tell if you're psychic with soul search, not sure if anyone could hide that like a Nullifier or Nega or Mind Block Auto or something) we don't know.

It doesn't seem likely since they are vulnerable to psychics, however it would allow more people to control Xombies and more people to anchor Nxla to the earth.

I imagine if they existed they'd be considered lower-class ones that the other Harvesters pick on or torment out of fear.

We have to keep in mind that a Harvester could always get psionics at a later point (maybe someone jammed a talo mind worm or psynetic implant into his brain or made him look at the Azlum rift) at which point they would lose the ability to perform the ritual but I think they'd maintain their other abilities, and probably any souls they have eaten up until that point (though if they are given up or exorcized they can't replace them)

So because they have psionics they can't use any of their class abilities. Meaning they cant be a harvester. A harvester with a talo mind worm loses nothing. the psionics belong to the talo, and leave with the talo, they are never considered to belong to the harvester. a harvester, who gains psionics, loses all class abilities. hence, psychics cant be harvesters.

If, then equation. If psychic, then not harvester.

Conversely anything mentioned in this thread should have sea inquisitor tacked on. it can be added to occ's and rcc's with few restraints. and if going munchkin, you have no good reason not to.

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:57 pm
by SamBell
Scarecrow mystic knight. With an amulet of fire protection. Never die. :D

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:33 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
SamBell wrote:Scarecrow mystic knight. With an amulet of fire protection. Never die. :D

i walk up. i rip amulet off. i kill you now. or, i not care if you go die. i throw you in black hole. i never worry about you again. time dilation mean you stay till heat death of universe. me no care if you escape gravity. you take 5000000gajillion years to leave event horizon. me no care if you cast spell. you take 600 years to cast any spell what can get you out.

ugh.ugh. ookoook. i no need smart to beat that. creativity is a far worse enemy than numbers on paper. creativity is a far more versatile enemy than you can ever prepare for. there is no "invulnerable to creative enemies" spell or super ability.

but you have an idea. and it isnt terrible. read a few more books. look back through the pages of this thread and see what has been put forth. see how it has been disproven or proven.

learn and grow.

then try again.

we'll wait.

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:56 pm
by RogueSensei
My disclaimer: this violates the Rifts Only clause in this thread, but I thought this was the most appropriate place for the post anyway.

I'm also working under the following assumptions:
1. We're using China 2 rules to treat Chi as ISP
2. When ME increases temporarily, this increases ISP

I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but if a Rifts earth character learns Body Chi (using ISP in place of Chi), Body Chi can be used to boost ME which in turn boosts ISP; effectively creating an infinite ISP pool for use in whatever malicious acts you desire. 1 Chi/ISP point raises ME by 5 points, which increases Chi/ISP by 5 points.

So what do you think, does this fly?

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:31 pm
by llywelyn
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
SamBell wrote:Scarecrow mystic knight. With an amulet of fire protection. Never die. :D
i walk up. i rip amulet off. i kill you now.

In any case, scarecrow buster is much more straightforward, even if he should be completely deranged with fear of himself. xD

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:00 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
llywelyn wrote:
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
SamBell wrote:Scarecrow mystic knight. With an amulet of fire protection. Never die. :D
i walk up. i rip amulet off. i kill you now.

In any case, scarecrow buster is much more straightforward, even if he should be completely deranged with fear of himself. xD

i forget, can they have psionics? again, i just through you into a black hole and im good, but hey, you wanna think you are invincible, go ahead.

just remember, there is a difference between invulnerability, and invinciblity.

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:14 am
by Crazy Lou
Where's obsidian spell thief? What book?

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:21 am
by Giant2005
Crazy Lou wrote:Where's obsidian spell thief? What book?

Dimension Book 6.

A Techno-Wizard who has managed to get himself the following spells would be indestructible:
Cloak of Darkness, Life Source, Return from the Grave, Heart of Darkness, some kind of teleporting spell (just in case) and is in possession of a Kittani Plasma Harness.

If he stole himself an extreme amount of PPE via Heart of Darkness then turned himself into a Vampire via Return from the Grave, he would be a Vampire with "extreme amount of PPE" x2 HP.
Then he could put on his TW Plasma Harness which has the Cloak of Darkness spell added to its base effects and has been converted to run off PPE which was then converted to run off HP via Life Source and all of his vulnerabilities would be removed unless he decided to turn the thing off for no apparent reason.

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:09 am
by flatline
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
SamBell wrote:Scarecrow mystic knight. With an amulet of fire protection. Never die. :D

i walk up. i rip amulet off. i kill you now.

How do you kill him? Even without the amulet, as a mystic knight he's immune to energy, including fire.

I was a little confused why he added the amulet in the first place...


Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:14 am
by Giant2005
flatline wrote:
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
SamBell wrote:Scarecrow mystic knight. With an amulet of fire protection. Never die. :D

i walk up. i rip amulet off. i kill you now.

How do you kill him? Even without the amulet, as a mystic knight he's immune to energy, including fire.

I was a little confused why he added the amulet in the first place...


I think it might be a means of countering Palladium's additive stacking style (rather than multiplicative).
Effectively, he is treating "immune" to mean -100% damage but because a Scarecrow takes 200% damage, -100% still leaves him vulnerable. Stacking two sources of -100% would make him invulnerable.
At least I think that is what he was going for...

Re: QUASI-LEGAL Munchkinism! (or, scaring the Pants off your GM)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:44 am
by The Beast
flatline wrote:
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
SamBell wrote:Scarecrow mystic knight. With an amulet of fire protection. Never die. :D

i walk up. i rip amulet off. i kill you now.

How do you kill him? Even without the amulet, as a mystic knight he's immune to energy, including fire.

I was a little confused why he added the amulet in the first place...


Mystic knights take half damage from magic energy.