Re: The day I will know when it's time to stop being a G.M....
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:04 am
Very true.
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CS Special Forces wrote:Well,again I sit here listening to Skepticism waiting for my fellow gamers to arrive.Another Saturday devoted to our favorite game Rifts. For 13 long years we have been getting together and leaving the real world behind for just a few hours.And for 13 long years i Have been G.m of this fine group.Our characters have been every where together adventuring through good times and bad,celebrating our victory and mourning our fallen.And still..what is it,an hour before the game,and I have my notes before me,cold beer in the fridge a cd in the stereo,candles lit,just waiting for my friends and I still feel like its the first time I ever GM'ed. A tight knot in my stomach that reminds me that I must do exactly what Ive been doing for 13 years.Giving them the best game I can.Horror,suspense,pain ,glory and all that comes with it.
I could not have done it without thier loyalty and willingness to mindtravel.
When this stomach knot goes away and Saturdays become just another day,Yep,I think I'll know when it's time to stop being a DM.