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Das Verpfändt

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:55 pm
by Tags
Wolf Blood
Optional Source Material for Rifts
By Shawn Arbuckle

When the world was still young, before humans would rise to dominate the earth, magic was a potent force, which would be wielded by a long dead god to form the Vulbund, or the Binding, between man and beast. This ancient god, whose name has long since been lost to history forged the Vulbund between chosen warriors and wolves. On their own each had formidable strength and power, when join in the Vulbund however, a greater whole was formed. The reasons for creating the Vulbund have been lost with their creator, what was set in motion in those ancient days would develop a life of its own however and continue to bless or curse chosen warriors.

With the decline of magic the Vulbund would slip into the shadows, surfacing only on rare occasions, few of the Vulbund existed during the golden age, those who were blessed chose to remain in hiding until the time would when the Vulbund would again rise. Their creator was lost with the decline of magic leaving the Vulbund without a patron. However the coming of the Rifts would breathe new life into the bond. With the return of magic and the dominance of man shattered, the Vulbund were free to roam the land freely once more.

Exactly how the Vulbund survived the decline of magic and the intervening golden age is unknown, the Vulbund do not have any formal organization, though they can sense each other, and the Vulbund cannot be taught. When a warrior is chosen they simply know to seek out their companion. Such quests can last for years, however once the Vulbund is formed the chosen a given something most people will never know. Every Vulbund is between a warrior and a wolf, the Vulbund seems to know no bounds, race nor alignment mean anything to the Vulbund, anyone may be chosen.

Lacking a patron the Vulbund has taken on a life of its own, the Vulbund would seem to exist simply to exist. In some ways the Vulbund takes the best of both and creates a greater whole. Neither half is complete until they find the other half of their Vulbund. With no patron it would seem the Vulbund has no purpose or perhaps the purpose of the Vulbund has simply changed, and now exists to create a new being. Exactly how the members of a particular Vulbund are chose is impossible to know, and one cannot simply choose who the Vulbund will pair them with.

Once formed, the Vulbund cannot be broken, the warrior and the wolf become one in body, mind and spirit. Their minds are linked and each can easily read the others thoughts, the spirits are linked and magical energy flows between them, their bodies are one and each knows when the other is wounded. As one being the life force of each is tied to together, thus blessing them with long life and good health. While the Vulbund can be a great burden to bear, the benefits can easily outweigh the hardships. Magic, martial skill and natural abilities are combined within the Vulbund.

Many powerful beings and gods have attempted to control the Vulbund since their arrival on earth, only the Verpfändt will choose a master however, such is the nature of the beast. Were he of a mind to do so, only the wolf Fenrir Vulbund could command the Vulbund, in his madness however the great wolf is in no condition to command the Vulbund. If the great wolf were to free himself, he would have an army of followers. Slowly, almost imperceptibly the presence of the Vulbund is stabilizing the mind of the great wolf, as the Vulbund grows in strength the effect increases. Time is meaningless to such ageless beings however, and it is impossible to know how long the great wolf will be held in bondage.

Such is the nature of the Vulbund, that all those who share the Vulbund are innately aware of who the Vulbund has chosen as a master. Each of the Vulbund are connected by a link, non can access the Vulbund willingly, however each can sense the will of the Vulbund. A gathering of the Vulbund is an extremely rare event, occurring perhaps once every one hundred years, and even then only in times of great need, such as when the Vulbund is threatened or when a new master has been chosen. Once such a gathering has ended, the Vulbund spread into the world once more, each going their separate ways. Companions may travel together for a period of time, eventually such companionships will end though, the Vulbund maintain no lasting relationships, preferring the companionship of their wolves above all others.

Between the wolf and the warrior is a bond, much more than that of a master and his pet, the wolf and the warrior now brothers in a sense. And each brinks something to the bond, the wolf grants the warrior access to his animalistic instincts, and the warrior grant the wolf a higher level of understanding.

Individuals who are part of the Vulbund are linked by a psychic unconscious, it is possible to send messages through the link to other Vulbund, however actively accessing the unconscious is nigh impossible. Rumors suggest that the eldest Vulbund may come and go within the unconscious, even stranger still are the rumors that suggest some of the Vulbund have merged completely with the unconscious, and exist only as energy.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:49 pm
by Sureshot
Sounds really interesting. If I were you I would really try and submit the article to the Rifter.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:52 am
by Tags
Sureshot wrote:Sounds really interesting. If I were you I would really try and submit the article to the Rifter.

Considering it, just need to work some details out. Very small update here...

Individuals who are part of the Verpfändt are linked by a psychic unconscious, it is possible to send messages through the link to other Verpfändt, however actively accessing the unconscious is nigh impossible. Rumors suggest that the eldest Verpfändt may come and go within the unconscious, even stranger still are the rumors that suggest some of the Verpfändt have merged completely with the unconscious, and exist only as energy.

Verpfändt O.C.C.

Forming a Verpfändt can be a joyous or a very painful occasion. Everything depends on the individuals involved. Fighting the Verpfändt is pointless, one cannot refuse the Verpfändt, doing so will only end in pain. Once a warrior has been chosen, completion of the Verpfändt is inevitable, and with the completion of the Verpfändt, many wondrous abilities are abilities will be granted to the chosen, a new life begins with the Verpfändt.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:28 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
So its a pairing between a mortal warrior and a sn/com much like a familiar bond between a mage and familiar, but with the wolf side in dominance or nether side in dominance?

Can it be explained w/o using the word "Verpfändt".

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:44 pm
by Tags
much stronger then a wizard and a familiar, and both are equal.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:28 pm
by Tags
Let me see if i can word this better, the link between the wolf and the warrior is much more then that of a master and his pet, the wolf and the warrior now brothers in a sense. And each brinks something to the bond, the wolf grants the warrior access to his animalistic instincts, and the warrior grant the wolf a higher level of understanding.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:10 pm
by Tags
working out the mechanics now.

Verpfändt O.C.C.
Forming a Verpfändt can be a joyous or a very painful occasion. Everything depends on the individuals involved. Fighting the Verpfändt is pointless, one cannot refuse the Verpfändt, doing so will only end in pain. Once a warrior has been chosen, completion of the Verpfändt is inevitable, and with the completion of the Verpfändt, many wondrous abilities and knowledge will be granted to the chosen, a new life begins with the Verpfändt. Once the Verpfändt is formed the individuals former life is lost.

Special Verpfändt Abilities:
1. Supernatural: Once the bond is formed the warrior and the wolf become supernatural creatures, they both develop M.D.C. and their strength becomes supernatural. If they are already M.D.C. creatures the bond enhances their strength and M.D.C. At first level M.D.C. is a 3D6x10 plus 2D6 per level of experience. Or an addition 1D6 M.D.C. per level is already an M.D.C. creature. P.S. is increased by 1D6 is already supernatural

2. Keen Sense of smell: same as a dog boy.

3. Keen sense of hearing: Once bonded the warrior develops a wolf like sense of hearing. He is now able to register sounds of 35,000 vibrations per second compared to the normal human range of 20,000. They are also able to filter general background noise to concentrate on specific sounds.




7. Initial spell knowledge: For the Verpfändt, spell knowledge comes from the bond itself. While the character searches for his wolf, he meditates on his new place in the world, once he finds his wolf the bond is complete and he has access to his spells.

8. Learning new spells: Each Verpfändt will sense when he has reached a new level of knowledge (new experience level). At each level the character finds time to meditate. At each subsequent level of experience, the character can select two spells from levels 1-6.

9. P.P.E.: Like all spell casters the Verpfändt has a vast repository of magical energy. Base is 2D4x10 +P.E. attribute. Verpfändt earn an additional 2D6 per level of experience. Like other spell casters they may draw additional P.P.E. from Ley lines and nexuses, but they can draw twice as much energy.

10. I.S.P.: Roll 5D6+6plus the characters M.E. to determine base Inner Strength Points. Verpfändt are considered major psychics, and earn another 1D6+1 I.S.P. per level of experience.

Special O.C.C. Abilities & Bonuses: See Special Abilities above.
Alignment: Any alignment is possible.
Attribute Requirements: None
O.C.C. Skills:
Language: Native tongue 94%
Language: Other: Two of choice (+15%)
Athletics (General)
Cooking (+15%)
Climbing (+20%)
Fishing (+15%)
Horsemanship: General (+20%)
Identify Fruits and Plants (+20%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Pilot: Motorcycle (+13%) or Hovercycle (+10%) or Horsemanship: Exotic Animals (+20%); Pick One
Prowl (+15%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Track Animals (+20%)
W.P. Knife
W.P. Ancient and/or Modern: Three of choice
Hand to Hand: basic but can be changed to Hand to Hand: Expert at the cost of one "O.C.C. Related Skill," or Martial Arts (or Assassin, if an evil alignment) for the cost of two.
R.C.C. Related skills: Select two physical skills, one wilderness skill and six other skills, +1 at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communication: Barter, Language (any; +10%), Literacy (any), Performance and public speaking only.
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any (+10%)
Electrical: Basic Electronics only.
Espionage: Any (+10%), except Forgery and Pick Locks.
Horsemanship: General
Mechanical: Automotive only.
Medical: First Aid (+10%)
Military: None
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any, except robots, power armor, military or large noisy vehicles.
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Gambling, Imitate Voices & Sounds, and Tailing only. (+5%)
Science: Math: Basic, Anthropology, Biology, and Botany only.
Technical: Any (+5% to most, a +15% bonus applies only to breed Dogs, Lore (any) and Rope Works).
W.P. Any
Wilderness: Any (+20%)
Secondary Skills: Select four secondary skills at first level from the O.C.C. related Skills list, +1 additional at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than any possible bonus for having a high I.Q. All secondary skills start at base skill level.
Standard Equipment:
Cybernetics: None, their supernatural nature rejects cybernetics.
Habitat: Any

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:02 pm
by Tags
Well I have changed the name, the bond is now known as the Vulbund and the bonded warrior and wolf will be known as the Wolf Blood. Detailed the background a bit, so they are formed into packs, detailed pack ranks and some notable packs. Sooo... just need to work a few mechanics out now and well I guess we'll see what happens.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:19 pm
by Tags
Not much, just some notable packs and what not.

Notable Packs
Alpha: Fakari
Pack Size: 30 Wolf Blood, plus a numerous lesser packs.
Alignment Breakdown: Principled 25%, Scrupulous: 25%, Unprincipled: 25%, Anarchist: 20%, Other: 5%
The Wildoak pack is active throughout the Alleghany mountains, claiming the entirety of the Shenandoah Valley as their own. Several smaller packs have gathered in the valley at the behest of the Wildoak Alpha, Fakari. Such a gathering of packs has not been seen for two hundred years, this can only mean something important is about to happen. Thus far the Wildoak pack made no aggressive moves, but with so many Wolf Blood gathered in once place, the locals are getting nervous.

Fakari Quick Stats:
Race: Human Level of Experience: 8th level Wolf Blood Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes: I.Q. 25, M.E. 20, M.A. 22, P.S. 25, P.P. 23, P.E. 24, P.B. 20, Spd 30.

Alpha: Tharo
Pack Size: 30 Wolf Blood, plus numerous lesser packs.
Alignment Breakdown: Principled 30%, Scrupulous: 30%, Unprincipled: 30%, Other: 10%
The Woodtalon pack, led by the Alpha Tharo, operates throughout the Rockies, and like their cousins the, Wildoak, the Woodtalon have begun to gather numerous small packs within their territories. So far the Woodtalon pack has managed to go unnoticed by any major powers, but how long that will last, as they continue to gather lesser packs, is unknown.

Tharo Quick Stats:
Race: Human Level of Experience: 8th level Wolf Blood Alignment: Principled Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 20, M.A. 22, P.S. 25, P.P. 23, P.E. 22, P.B. 20, Spd 25.

Alpha: Hauru
Pack Size: 30 Wolf Blood, plus numerous lesser packs.
Alignment Breakdown: 25%, Anarchist: 20%, Aberrant: 25%, Miscreant: 20% Other: 10%
The Greenclaw pack has recently abandoned a den near Tolkeen, near the end of the war between the Coalition states and Tolkeen, the Greenclaw abruptly left and began moving wet towards the Rockies. It is possible that Hauru simply wished to avoid a possible confrontation with the Coalition, however with the gathering of so many packs in the east and the west, the timing seems to coincidental.

Hauru Quick Stats:
Race: Human Level of Experience: 7th level Wolf Blood Alignment: Aberrant Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 20, M.A. 22, P.S. 26, P.P. 24, P.E. 25, P.B. 18, Spd 25.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:56 pm
by Vidynn
sword-dancer wrote:But for heavens sake chamge the name, it is very unpleasureable for a german to read it.

I dont care about the aspect of pleasure (you meant unpleasant, obviously) in reading it...its just that "Das Verpfändt" is utter nonsense! I can only wonder what it was supposed to mean. :lol:

apart from that...good luck with the concept!

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:26 pm
by Tags
Well few more abilities and I think I'll put this to rest.

Supernatural: This ability turns the character into a supernatural creature, at the cost of four points, the wolf may also benefit from this enhancement for two extra points.
Cost: 4 I.S.P. / 6 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Enhanced I.Q.: The Vulbund is able to increase his I.Q. by 2 points for every point of I.S.P. he spends on this enhancement. For two points of I.S.P. the wolf may also benefit from this enhancement.
Cost: 4 I.S.P. / 6 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Enhanced M.E.: The Vulbund is able to increase his M.E. by 2 points for every point of I.S.P. he spends on this enhancement. For two points of I.S.P. the wolf may also benefit from this enhancement.
Cost: 4 I.S.P. / 6 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Enhanced M.A.: The Vulbund is able to increase his M.A. by 2 points for every point of I.S.P. he spends on this enhancement. For two points of I.S.P. the wolf may also benefit from this enhancement.
Cost: 4 I.S.P. / 6 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Enhanced P.S.: The Vulbund is able to increase his P.S. by 2 points for every point of I.S.P. he spends on this enhancement. For two points of I.S.P. the wolf may also benefit from this enhancement.
Cost: 4 I.S.P. / 6 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Enhanced P.P.: The Vulbund is able to increase his P.P. by 2 points for every point of I.S.P. he spends on this enhancement. For two points of I.S.P. the wolf may also benefit from this enhancement.
Cost: 4 I.S.P. / 6 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Enhanced P.E.: The Vulbund is able to increase his P.E. by 2 points for every point of I.S.P. he spends on this enhancement. For two points of I.S.P. the wolf may also benefit from this enhancement.
Cost: 4 I.S.P. / 6 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Enhanced P.B.: The Vulbund is able to increase his P.B. by 2 points for every point of I.S.P. he spends on this enhancement. For two points of I.S.P. the wolf may also benefit from this enhancement.
Cost: 4 I.S.P. / 6 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Claws & Fangs: The Wolf Bloods' figures extend and grow into a pair of vicious claws. In addition the Wolf Bloods' teeth grow into sharp points and extend like those of a wolf. Claws and bite will cause 1D4 M.D.
Duration: Five minutes per level of Vulbund.
Cost: 8 I.S.P.

Alpha and Omega: If a Wolf Blood with this enhancement encounters any wolves, the wolves will either respect his rank or they may feel the need to teach him something (the wolves reaction are left to the GM's discretion.) Whatever the wolves view of the Vulbund, they will never attack him. This enhancement affects native earth wolves as well as those that may have come through a Rift.
Cost: 6 I.S.P.

Weapon Improvement 1st Level: With the expenditure of 1 I.S.P. the psi-weapon damage is improved by 2D6 M.D. The first level of improvement must be taken before the next level may be selected.
Cost: 1 I.S.P.

Weapon Improvement 2nd Level: With the expenditure of 2 I.S.P. the psi-weapon damage is improved by 2D6 M.D. The second level of improvement must be taken before the next level may be selected.
Cost: 2 I.S.P.

Weapon Improvement 3rd Level: With the expenditure of 3 I.S.P. the psi-weapon damage is improved by 2D6 M.D. The third level of improvement must be taken before the next level may be selected.
Cost: 3 I.S.P.

Weapon Improvement 4th Level: With the expenditure of 4 I.S.P. the psi-weapon damage is improved by 2D6 M.D. The third level of improvement must be taken before the next level may be selected.
Cost: 4 I.S.P.

Weapon Improvement 5th Level: With the expenditure of 5 I.S.P. the psi-weapon damage is improved by 2D6 M.D. The fourth level of improvement must be taken before this level may be selected.
Cost: 5 I.S.P.

M.D.C. Creature: By expending 6 I.S.P. the Vulbund is able to transform himself and his wolf in mega damage creatures. Base M.D.C. is 3D6x10 plus 2D6 per level of experience. If the Vulbund and/or his wolf are already mega damage creatures they gain 1D6 M.D.C. per level.
Cost: 6 I.S.P.

Keen sense of hearing: With this ability the Wolf Blood improves his hearing ability. He is now able to register sounds of 35,000 vibrations per second compared to the normal human range of 20,000.
Cost: 2 I.S.P.

Eyes of the Wolf: The Wolf Bloods' eyes are changed permanently, to those of a wolf. With the change the Wolf Blood now has excellent night vision (2000 feet/610 m)
Cost: 6 I.S.P.

Shape of the Beast: With this ability the Wolf Blood may assume the form of his companion wolf. This ability will grant the Wolf Blood the same speed, size and shape, but no other abilities are available. Wolf Blood scouts often use this ability in their line of work.
Cost: 8 I.S.P.

Gift of Nature: A highly coveted ability, the Wolf Blood develops the ability to regenerate wounds. With this ability the Wolf Blood will regenerate 1D8 S.D.C. / HP or M.D.C. per minute. If the Wolf already has a regenerative ability he gains and extra 1D8 for regeneration.
Cost: 15 I.S.P. / 30 I.S.P. Including the wolf.

Bestial Rage: With this ability the Wolf Bloods' rage expresses itself as the Wolf Blood assumes a form crossed between a man a wolf. While in this form, the Wolf Blood gains temporary boosts to his stats, P.S. 10, P.P. +8, P.E. +8. His claws and bites will inflict 1D4 mega damage.
Cost: 15 I.S.P. to learn, 30 I.S.P. to power.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:28 pm
by Tags
I am wondering if should finish this.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:06 pm
by Lord Z
When I start wondering that, I think about damage control. How much time & work have I invested in a project? How much more time & work will it take me to finish that project? How much time will it take me to do that other project? None of these are worth much unless I finish them.

Re: Das Verpfändt

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:20 am
by Sir_Spirit
The concept is very fun, pesonally I might tie it itno the Fenris WOlf, Peahps claimtah he isn't amd or evil, but just a "Neutral"/natural Force of the cosmos[He/it will only fightin ragnorok to assure the "heroic" godso fhte norse are assured a "heroic" death, [though you could do a spin and ahve the Norse god be evil, some aspect sof Odin are rather unpleasant...].

Either way make it's imprsonment as part of it's backs otry, it's gives the gift of the bodning to menadn wolves still(perhaps because its sons, "Skoll" and "Hati" are still free tol breeed with she wolves?IDK).

BUt you might wanto make the Wolf An RCC like the Bloodriders in Rifts:South America, suggest iteh article that you coudl have one player play the human and the other PC play the Wolf.