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Re: Two Questions

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:12 am
by Vidynn
Kirklyn wrote:How many attacks per melee do the Ashmedai have? I couldn't seem to find it in their section.

interesting question. depends on form and experience level, Id say...but still...what about natural form at first level...?

Re: Two Questions

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:00 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Kirklyn wrote:I am just getting back into Nightbane after a lenghty hiatus. I was reading through the main book and two questions pop out in my mind. I have searched the forums but couldn't find the answers to these questions.

1) How many attacks per melee do the Ashmedai have? I couldn't seem to find it in their section.

Hand to Hand skill by default if nothing else is stated.

2) How do other non-Nightbane entities cross the mirrorwall? I know there are spells, but how does a doppleganger cross over? Does he have to be sent by a Nightlord? AND how do the Nightlords get humans back into the Nightlands to kill and torture them for their PPE? DO they have to cross over personally to bring them back or are they able to open the mirrorwall for their minions to bring them back??

Genearlly speaking, Doppleganger's don't. A Doppleganger randomly getting someone happens less often than lightning strikes people directly, and when it does, it's typically because of random dimensional anomalies at peak times. Things /can/ cross over by freak accident.

In genearl, though, they use those spells to summon them here.

What, why do you think they even HAVE night cults. There arn't dopplegangers all over the place, they're very rare precicely BECAUSE it takes so much time and effort to get even ONE over.