Rifter 19 psychics (freezer, blaster, soaker)

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Rifter 19 psychics (freezer, blaster, soaker)

Unread post by J_Danger »

Hey I was looking up the Freezer OCC and it says you can get a lot of ideas from HU for the ice powers. Any thoughts on ideas for how much it would cost to do a couple things? (cost as in ISP of course, but also # of actions)

1) Create Ice Ground

2) Encase person/weapon/thing in ice

3) Parry with ice wall

The parry thing would be ultra-cool, even if it costs ISP to pull off.

Would this be cheaper than the main "generate ice" power?

Also, could the freezer "dispel" the ice he/she created? (like the APS ice power)

thanks in advance, J_Danger

Oh yea, and I googled: (create ice does 4 cubic feet of ice/lvl)

Q: How much would a cubic foot of block ice weigh?

A: 57.41 lbs. Ice is 92% the density of water and water weighs 62.4 lbs per cubic foot.

Also, one cubic foot of water is 7.48 US gallons.
Last edited by J_Danger on Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Freezer OCC (Rifter 19)

Unread post by J_Danger »

All sounds good to me, except the 10 ISP already grands MDC ice (20MDC/lvl) which is why I thought it was strange that they said ice manacles were 30 SDC. (same as HU2, so I figured it was a copy/paste typo)

But yea I'm comfy with 10 ISP each, makes you only use it when you need it, instead of icing a whole town =)

My char I have rolled up (pending gm approval) has 122 ISP if I remember right. Just enough to get me out of a tricky situation but not enough to slam out all my abilities whenever I want. Should be fun. =)
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Re: Freezer OCC (Rifter 19)

Unread post by J_Danger »

since we're talkin about rifter 19 anyways, what do you guys think about the blaster's spontaneous detonation power? It doesnt list anything about a dodge in the description, and normally I'd just take that for granted, but it's a friggin explosion that just happens in midair without any warning. Is there no dodge? Like a call lightning sort of thing? Is that too overpowered if it does? It does 4d6 for 10isp. All of the people on the forums bashing mind bolt might like this power. Especially if it's a no dodgy thing.

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