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Random survivor camp creation

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:47 pm
by Oberoth
After pondering for a while I whipped this up. Random survivor camp creation uses a point system. Based on the size of your camp you get a certain amount of points to spend on things. I called them Survival Points for lack of a better term. There's a little bit of everything here to build your survivor camp. This is fresh of the presses so to speak. I haven't been able to test this out and there are probably a few bugs to fix. So I though I would submit it here for all to enjoy. Any suggestions and comments are welcome.


SP=Survival Points.

Step one: Size&Population

0-5% City size 3D6*100,000 survivors. SP: 5000
6-11% Town size 3D6*10,000 Survivors. SP: 2000
12-17% Village size 1D6*100 survivors. SP: 1000
18-28% Large survivor nest 2D6*10 survivors. SP: 500
29-44% Medium sized survivor nest 1D6*10 survivors. SP: 250
45-75% Small survivor nest 1D4*5 survivors. SP: 100
46-100% minor survivor nest 1D4+1 survivors. SP: 15

Trained members:
Bonuses apply to PC's inside the camp only!

Trained members include:
Medical personnel
Military personnel
Police/fire personnel
Technical/science personnel

City size +7 save vs. coma/death
Town size +6 save vs. coma/death
Village size +5 save vs. coma/death
Large survivor nest +4 save vs. coma/death
Medium sized survivor nest +3 save vs. coma/death
Small survivor nest +2 save vs. coma/death
minor survivor nest +1 save vs. coma/death

Each trained member adds 1 SP to the groups total SP.

Step Two: Food and water
Choose or roll 1D4

1: Minimal: Enough food and water to maintain the group for 1D6 days
without having to look outside their nest. 1 SP

2: Minor: Enough food and water to maintain the group for 1D6 weeks
without having to look outside their nest. 3 SP

3: Major: Enough food and water to maintain the group for 1D6 months
without having to look outside their nest. 50 SP

4: Mega: Enough food and water to maintain the group for 1D20 months
without having to look outside their nest. 100 SP

Cities by default can be maintained for 1D6 years without having
to look for more Food&water.

Step three: Fuel
Note: Roll twice for cities.

0-50% Gasoline/Oil
51-60% Propane&Natural gas
61-80% Wood
81-95% Coal
96-100% Other

0-30% Minimal: Enough fuel to maintain the group for 1D4 days
without having to look outside their nest. 2 SP

31-60% Minor: Enough fuel to maintain the group for 1D6 weeks
without having to look outside their nest. 5 SP

61-100% Major: Enough fuel to maintain the group for 1D6 months
without having to look outside their nest. 100 SP

Cities by default can be maintained for 1D6 years without having
to look for more fuel.

Step four: Power
Choose or roll 1D12

1: None: 0 SP
2: Car battery: 0 SP
3: 1D4*1000 Watt Gasoline generator: 1 SP
4: 1D10*10000 Watt Solar farm: 300 SP
5: 1D20*10000 Watt Wind farm: 400 SP
6: Coal power plant: 2000 SP
7: Hydro power plant: 1000 SP
8: Solar power plant: 1500 SP
9: Large Wind farm: 1500 SP
10: Nuclear power plant: 3000 SP
11: Wood/charcoal power plant: 500 SP
12: 1D20*10000 Watt Water wheel: 100 SP(Must be near a river)

Step five: Transportation
Choose or roll 1D12

1: None 0 SP
2: Bicycle 1 SP
3: Horses 30 SP
4: Automobile 5 SP
5: Motorcycle 5 SP
6: Truck(Civil) 6 SP
7: Large Truck(Commercial) 10 SP
8: Military 50 SP
9: Small aircraft(civil) 100 SP
10: Large aircraft(civil) 300 SP
11: Helicopter(Commercial) 150 SP
12: Ultralight 15 SP

Cities by default have all types of transportation.

Step six: Communications
Choose or roll 1D8

Short range communications:
1: None: 0 SP
2: Walkie talkies: 2 SP
3: Morse code signaler: 1 SP
4: CB Radio: 3 SP

Long range communications:
5: Short wave radio(Wireless web): 4 SP
6: Internet: 50 SP
7: Satellite: 1000 SP
8: Pony express: 10 SP(Must have transportation)

Cities by default have all types of communications at a cost of 500 SP.

Step seven: Contacts
Note: Cities and towns are considered safe havens.

0-25% None
26-50% Communicate with 1D6 other survivors in their area.
51-75% communicate with 1D4 other survivor groups.(Must have short range communications)
76-100% Communicate with 1D4 safe havens.(Must have long range communications)

There is a 10% chance the above are death cultists.

Step eight: Trade (Must have transportation and communications)

0-25% None
26-50% Trade with 1D6 other survivors in their area.
51-75% Trade with 1D4 other survivor groups.
76-100% Trade with 1D4 safe havens.

If the group is trading with death cultists there is a 60% chance the trade goods are
tainted or sabotaged.

Step nine: Barricades and fortifications

Choose or roll 1D6
Bonuses apply to PC's behind the barricade only.

1: None 0 SP
2: Chain link fence 2 SP. Will hold back 1D6*10 undead. +2 on initiative.
3: Wood fence 1 SP. Will hold back 1D10 undead. +1 on initiative.
4: Brick wall 10 SP. Will hold back 1D6*100 undead. +4 on initiative.
5: Steel fence 5 SP. Will hold back 1D8*10 undead. +3 on initiative.
6: Barb wire 1 SP. Will hold back 1D4 undead per 20FT(Entanglement -2 Spd) +1 on initiative.

Choose or roll 1D8
Bonuses apply to PC's inside the fortification only.

1: Two story house 1 SP. +2 save vs. psychic attack/insanity
2: Apartment building 10 SP. +3 save vs. psychic attack/insanity
3: Shopping mall 20 SP. +5 save vs. psychic attack/insanity
4: Warehouse 50 SP. +6
5: Bunker(Surface) 100 SP +8 save vs. psychic attack/insanity
6: Bunker(Underground) 150 SP. +10 save vs. psychic attack/insanity
7: City walls 1000 SP. +11 save vs. psychic attack/insanity
8: Penitentiary 500 SP. +8 save vs. psychic attack/insanity

Cities by default get all barricades and fortifications except City walls at
a cost of 500 SP.

Step ten: Weapons
Mainly for NPC groups.

1: Blunt and bladed weapons 0 SP.
2: Pistol with 1D20 rounds 2 SP.
3: Rifle with 1D20 rounds 3 SP.
4: 1D4 riles with 2D20+10 rounds 10 SP.
5: Military cache 1D4*100 automatic rifles with 1D6*100 rounds 100 SP.
6: 1D6 Heavy weapons 200 SP

Step eleven: Average alignment

0-14% Principled
15-30% Scrupulous
31-45% Unprincipled
46-60% Anarchist
61-75% Miscreant
76-83% Aberrant
84-100% Diabolic