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Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:54 am
by J_Danger
Is there a place where there are rules for creating non-magical MDC leather armor with this skill? I figure with knives capable of dishing out MD and the creature's own tendons and the such as thread, this would be possible. I'm just looking for stats and maybe even an ingredient list. Some Rifter RCC I saw recently could do this magically, but I definitely just want some standard MDC armor.

thanks in advance

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:53 am
by mobuttu
Try Dinosaur swamp, I seem to recall something about dino armors-hide there. :-?

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:21 am
by The Galactus Kid
There is also a really good RIFTER article about MDC leather-working.

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:54 am
by rat_bastard
I used the leather good store in the book Splynn dimensional market as my base for building MDC leather armor.

A couple of things to consider:
in addition to leatherworking your gonna want:
Field armorer and munitions expert
Wardrobe and grooming
Skin and prepare animal hides

these skills combined allow you to reinforce the leather with other materials and design and build armor so that it fits an aesthetic ideal.

One time we got in a fight with a coven of Nightstalker Dragon Hatchlings, after skinning I was able to make the party gunfighter a Coat that in addition to having the MDC of a Branagan overcoat gave him a +2 horror factor, +5% prowl and a +10 intimidate.

the character in question also has several combat suits of armor but a suit of light MDC armor that gives her a +10% to wadrobe and grooming and a +5% to seduction and performance.

I also was able to make several MDC yurts to shelter the party and a couple of other cool devices.

if you include the cool Cloth available in Dweomer and other limited locations you can give your leather armor a magical cloth liner that keeps the wearer dry, clean and at a tolerable temperature.

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:04 am
by Greyaxe
rat_bastard wrote:I used the leather good store in the book Splynn dimensional market as my base for building MDC leather armor.

A couple of things to consider:
in addition to leatherworking your gonna want:
Field armorer and munitions expert
Wardrobe and grooming
Skin and prepare animal hides

these skills combined allow you to reinforce the leather with other materials and design and build armor so that it fits an aesthetic ideal.

One time we got in a fight with a coven of Nightstalker Dragon Hatchlings, after skinning I was able to make the party gunfighter a Coat that in addition to having the MDC of a Branagan overcoat gave him a +2 horror factor, +5% prowl and a +10 intimidate.

the character in question also has several combat suits of armor but a suit of light MDC armor that gives her a +10% to wadrobe and grooming and a +5% to seduction and performance.

I also was able to make several MDC yurts to shelter the party and a couple of other cool devices.

if you include the cool Cloth available in Dweomer and other limited locations you can give your leather armor a magical cloth liner that keeps the wearer dry, clean and at a tolerable temperature.

I'm not sure what you do for a living but i think you should be a Tailor...
Or get into high end fashon. I think it would be funny to see Ratty, on the runway.

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:22 pm
by rat_bastard
The Field armorer/munitions expert is for knowing how to reinforce the armor with other mdc materials such as carapace, its also for turning the claws and teeth of magic critters into sharp and useful tools.

Sewing is for the bonus and for including magic and mega damage fabrics.

Skinning is is for obvious reasons

As high mega-damage leather armor most likely incorporates the bones of mdc critters whittling and sculpting is included for reshaping bone and other materials.

Art/Wardobe and grooming is for making the armor and other by products of your hunts decorative.

other skills would be:
Cooking to cook your kills
Preserve food to preserve the meat
Hunting for the bonuses
Identify plants and fruit for identifying the many plants that armor can be made out of as well as plants that can be rendered into dyes and other useful byproducts.

The good news is almost all of these skills are available as Secondary Skills so you can learn most of them during your downtime while other players are learning spells, repairing bots etc.

Leather armor tends to sell for a little more than high tech armor because mages can use them and some people just prefer low tech goods.

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:28 pm
by csbioborg
Zerebus wrote:Do pick up Tailoring, the professional Sewing skill (Sewing taken twice). Whitling and sculpting can be redundant with the Art skill unless you also take it at a professional level.

In any case, some dinosaurs, such as the Tri-Tops, list some basic armor stats under their Value entry. Usually the most you can hope for is a light M.D.C. trenchcoat, but someone with the Leatherworking skill ought to be able to wrap the leather up into something more akin to the dragon hide armore in the Juicer Uprising book. I should point out that the hide armor does not have to be made out of actual dragon hide, so it can be used as a basis for other armors made out of M.D.C. hides.

also remeber that those mdc values are for nondragon hides
real dragon hide armor has a value of 200 mdc I believe
and it makes you look quite meancing when staring down a hatchling if your wearing an adults hide

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:53 pm
by rat_bastard
Zerebus wrote:Do pick up Tailoring, the professional Sewing skill (Sewing taken twice). Whitling and sculpting can be redundant with the Art skill unless you also take it at a professional level.

In any case, some dinosaurs, such as the Tri-Tops, list some basic armor stats under their Value entry. Usually the most you can hope for is a light M.D.C. trenchcoat, but someone with the Leatherworking skill ought to be able to wrap the leather up into something more akin to the dragon hide armore in the Juicer Uprising book. I should point out that the hide armor does not have to be made out of actual dragon hide, so it can be used as a basis for other armors made out of M.D.C. hides.

I would not take those numbers as gospel, there are plenty of different types of leather armor that have more MDC in various books.

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:02 pm
by rat_bastard
Zerebus wrote:Different M.D.C.'s can be represented by different armor sources. Furty Beetle vs. Tri-Tops hide, layered Sarchosucus vs. Rhino Buffalo, etc. And of course, yes, dragon hide beats out most others.

Design and skill application are nearly as important.

Re: Leatherworking skill

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:29 am
by drewkitty ~..~
J_Danger wrote:Is there a place where there are rules for creating non-magical MDC leather armor with this skill? I figure with knives capable of dishing out MD and the creature's own tendons and the such as thread, this would be possible. I'm just looking for stats and maybe even an ingredient list. Some Rifter RCC I saw recently could do this magically, but I definitely just want some standard MDC armor.

thanks in advance

The PFRPG 2nd ed main book

Or is it in Yin Sloth?