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Re: Dedicated Martial Artist

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:53 pm
by Yendor
Depends on how your GM does it, but it is meant as both start as first level. I could be wrong though in my interpretation. As for Dedicated Martial Artist, clear it with the GM if he/she is using 1st edition N&SS or Revised (1st edition, they could take 3 forms total, 1 exclusive, 2 non-exclusive, or 3 non-exclusive, etc.).

Re: Dedicated Martial Artist

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:57 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Lokhai wrote:When looking at the DMA it says that I can take "two (2) complete Martial Art Forms" Now the word complete is what is this question is about, does it mean I get them all the way up to max level at the start or does it just give me 1/1 in the martial arts that I choose?

Taking two, non-exclusive MA forms
DMA: Starting age + years to learn MA form #1, +years to learn MA form #2= starting age & @ L1 in both MA forms.

Taking a exclusive MA form
DMA: Starting age + years to learn MA form= starting age & @ L1 in the MA forms.

Ancient Masters
three forms: 1 primary @ L10 & 2 secondary @ L3
or... its two non-exclusive at L15
or ...its one exclusive @ L15
or is it the non-exclusive @ L3 or L1
or is it the exclusive @ L1 or L10....
(there is a lot of unclearness in the conversion text)
your GM will have to come up with his own ruling, I for one use the 3 MAF with the Prim @ L10 and the two secondaries @ L3.'s an Ancient :crane: Master and it's suppose to be kick @$$.

Re: Dedicated Martial Artist

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:44 am
by Tinker Dragoon
Lokhai wrote:When looking at the DMA it says that I can take "two (2) complete Martial Art Forms" Now the word complete is what is this question is about, does it mean I get them all the way up to max level at the start or does it just give me 1/1 in the martial arts that I choose?

It means you get the true Martial Art Forms rather than the "quickie" (Hand-to-Hand Combat) forms. Both styles will start at the same level as the character.

Re: Dedicated Martial Artist

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:00 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Lokhai wrote:When looking at the DMA it says that I can take "two (2) complete Martial Art Forms" Now the word complete is what is this question is about, does it mean I get them all the way up to max level at the start or does it just give me 1/1 in the martial arts that I choose?

Level on in each.

The DMA as Anchent Master for HU1, the max start level for a MA form is level 7.