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Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:27 am
by gaby
WT Items and weapons can only be used by people who can tap ther P.E.E and I.S.P.

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 8:01 am
by gaby
ther was something in South America 1,in the city where true atlanteans,they made a Pyramids that rechanged ther T.W,s weapons.

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:48 am
by Grandil
gaby wrote:ther was something in South America 1,in the city where true atlanteans,they made a Pyramids that rechanged ther T.W,s weapons.

All Pyramids recharge All TW Rechargeable Items-see Atlantis, & BoM under Stone Mage.

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:14 am
by Crazy Lou
some asgardian dwarves know rune magic... that'd be interesting. If you're already allowed to play a lizard mage, then I figure why not say he just stole the knowlege from the dwarf w/ some cool powerful spells (just as background?)

Or you could have him know biowizardry. That'd be more plausible.

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:16 am
by Crazy Lou
Oh! and i just thought after i posted that: if you're not set on a lizard mage, tons of dragon races can make magic items. Look at the shikome-kido-mi dragon from Rifts WB8:Japan as an example.

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:45 pm
by Crazy Lou
ya, i really like japan too. the dragons do seem to be overlooked by the people I've talked to though. I guess b/c they appear to have been squeezed in in the last couple pages? But I'm glad it was helpful.

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:39 pm
by Crazy Lou
Kasim: The Guide wrote:Look at the Metal Mage in Rifter 10 for another option.

I really do need to get those older rifters...

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:49 am
by drewkitty ~..~
The Scathatch in the England book.

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:39 pm
by dark brandon
On an SDC world, the conjurer would be an excellent character.

Re: Magic item creating Mage classes?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:30 pm
by Crazy Lou
Daemon M wrote:
TrumbachD wrote:
gadrin wrote:Just use the Techno-Wizard rules for any class you deem worthy and throw out the "must be a tech item as a focus".

Also look at Heroes Unlimited Enchanted Object/Weapon.


Also consider that the Wizard/Line-walker have two relatively low level spells that are of the "Imbue/Enchantment" type!
1) The "Sleep" spell is used by making a potion(albeit short lasting).
2) The "Fly" spell requires an object from a garment to a broom to imbue with the spell!
one has to wonder why just those 2 spells in RMB are like that?
You might allow any Wizard or Line-Walker to imbue potions or even items with any spell he knows by touch IF either :
He or She has reached a specific level s oret by the GM. or
His or Her OCC level is, Say, 2 Levels higher than the level of the spell he wants to put into the item.
Why is it Palladium has only one PURE magic NPC OCC that can enchant items?
Why is it the only PC available OCC that can do this must be part scientist and part engineer?
I think any sufficiently experienced wizard would be able to do such things!
But of course that's just my opinion.

I stumbled over an interesting class that might fit the bill - the Techno Smithy - the OOC has three focusing options - one makes minor magic talisman (like amulet) but can use any spell of 6th level or lower in the talisman, creation is based on a skill roll (starts very low 20+4) with added difficulty for multiple uses (-5% to -20%) and automatic daily recharges (-30%). the 2nd option allows the Techno smithy to make magic armor and weapons empowered like talisman powers useable upto 3 times per day, very low skill 15+4. or the techno smithy can have techno wizard abilities though they specialize in repair not building - techno wizard skills 20+4 to repair 10+4 to create. Found in the Three Galaxies book.

I had completely forgotten about these guys.