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Re: treading lightly

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:09 pm
by Overlord Rikonius
You're absolutely right about that. Unless the players are part of a squad with an NPC superior who orders an attack, then it's their call to attack or wait and follow.

Re: treading lightly

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:18 pm
by Natasha
Have the SAMAS squadron detect the cowards and destroy them in detail. :angel:

Well I see the GM as just another player with a different role than the other players. At least conceptually if I think of myself as a player, then I prepare for the game in a very different way. Which is with as little rigidity as possible; if I really want them to have an encounter, I find a way to work it into what they're doing, not trying to railroad them into the encounter.

Re: treading lightly

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:58 pm
by Natasha
It's good that he's a good friend, it should be easier to say such a thing, right?

Focus on the positives and explain how they become even better.
Illustrate how a linear path doesn't have to be a straight line when you're GM. Just because they don't march to city A it doesn't mean you have to wait for them to go to city A to spring a clever ambush you plotted, just spring it when they go to city B instead. Linearly it's same line. He can have his cake and eat it too...more or less. :)

Or send him our way and we'll tell him.

Re: treading lightly

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:30 am
by Noon
bob the desolate one wrote:i just believe that freewill should be up to the player

Well, he gave you the stage direction to attack.

Does he have the capacity to give you stage directions? If so, your in the wrong.

If he doesn't have that capacity, why does he think he has, so much that he did go and give you the stage direction to attack?

All this 'I believe' stuff seems pretty aggressive. It pits your belief directly against his belief - that's all well and good for holy wars, but not for roleplay. If you keep consulting what you 'believe' so will he. Who's belief comes first?

Unless your the sort of person who always says their belief comes first over others, what you need to look at is what you both agreed to do to begin with. And if he thinks you guys agreed to stage directions when you didn't, then there's been some big mistake that's happened. You have to go back to scratch and start again on this.

Re: treading lightly

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:08 am
by thedrunk
Let him know that as GM he is to guide players and interduce a situation not plan the hole thing out, he needs to be prepared for the off shot things dont work and change his story line to fit. he needs ot understand its nto a video game where he can force players to do some thing he has to wait for a players reaction.

As a GM I tend to let players develope thier own story and implament my Hook's to thier PC interests rather then the otu of no where scenerio. I have found it provides a lot mroe fun for the players then trying to have them stick to a written Hook like some of the other systems have with adventures.

Re: treading lightly

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:09 pm
by ZorValachan
In the Beginning, The GM and Players both talk about the sandbox and playing it it. They decide the shape together, so no one goes to the sandbox thinking it was square when it was an octagon. The GM and Players determine the toys the players are allowed to play with in the sand box. So one player doesn't bring a spoon to dig and another a bulldozer.

The GM build the sandbox.
The GM fills it with sand.
The GM puts a lot of toys in it.

The Players come and the GM approves that the toys they take into the sandbox are in line with was was aproved with everyone.
The GM then lets the players play as they wish.
The GM may say 'hey, look at that bucket there!' but he cannot take a baseball bat to the Player who decides he likes the tonka truck better.
If the Player wants to play with the truck, the GM needs to let him. Maybe The GM can say, hey that bucket would make a good 'garage' for that truck.
But it is not for the GM to say, "God d@mm1t! Play with the bucket you idiot!" while throwing sand in the Player's eyes.

Re: treading lightly

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:14 pm
by Natasha
ZorValachan wrote:But it is not for the GM to say, "God d@mm1t! Play with the bucket you idiot!" while throwing sand in the Player's eyes.

Now that sounds like fun. :p

Re: treading lightly

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:04 pm
by Warwolf
Have you discussed this with the other players to see if they have the same problem?

Re: treading lightly

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:17 pm
by Spinachcat
Does he have the Rifts Adventure Guide? If yes, then encourage him to read it cover to cover. If not, have the group chip in and buy him a copy. It is an excellent book - one of the best for GMs regardless of what RPG you play.