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Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:29 am
by SkyeFyre
Ok, so in the description you can basically infuse any small object with a certain spell or with just raw energy. My question is, who can use these items? Is it something anyone can just will? Or do they need to have a working knowledge of magic? If a talisman of Armor Of Ithan was created, could Bob the mage's vagabond buddy use it?

Re: Talisman

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:09 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Talisman spell
Part One: making the object into a T, ready accept the charging. (500)
Part Two #1: Charging: charging the T with a spell specializes the T ( 50 + spell(s) ppe)
Part Two #2: Charging with PPE specializes the T (50+50)
Part Three #1: Recharging spell effects (50+spell(s) ppe)
Prat Three #2: Recharging PPE (50+30)

To work the T all you need to do is know it's a T.

The only class that can't use a T would be a nega-psi.

Re: Talisman

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:44 am
by Dr. Doom III
Anyone can use a Talisman as long as it's charged.

See the Talisman of Armor in Atlantis issued to Blind Warrior Women.

Re: Talisman

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:00 pm
by Dr. Doom III
ManDrake13 wrote:Talisman of Armor is a Rune item, it uses a different mechanism for power than a regular Talisman and should be looked at by anyone as an example of how Talisman's work. Rune magic is a completely different animal.

It is not a rune item.

Re: Talisman

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:27 am
by drewkitty ~..~
As per the 1st printing of the RBoM the BWW armor Talisman is a TW device.

Re: Talisman

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:17 am
by drewkitty ~..~
I personally would classify The BWW armor-T as just a magical item, with no "bio-", "TW", etc.. attached to it.

Re: Talisman

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:08 pm
by Dr. Doom III
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I personally would classify The BWW armor-T as just a magical item, with no "bio-", "TW", etc.. attached to it.

Yep because that's what it is.

Re: Talisman

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:00 pm
by AaronCE
On a slightly different note. Talisman as a PPE battery. The spell description doesn't give a "size" limit for what is or is not "talismanic." A pin, a coin, your favorite lucky dice, whatever it may be.

So say you have a mage with goldsmithing skills. It'd take awhile, but you concievably could make a gold chain with Talisman spells on each link of the chain. Now I am not a gold chain expert myself, but I would guess there is 100+ links in a chain. So you're looking at a 5,000 PPE storage battery. (I pitty the fool that mess with this mage)

You'd light up like a christmas tree when it comes to Dog Boys and beings who can sense PPE. But imagine having that kind of reserve to draw on, especially for ritual magic. (and of course you could incorporate some kind of TW masking spell)


Re: Talisman

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:47 pm
by AaronCE
Daemon M wrote:
AaronCE wrote:On a slightly different note. Talisman as a PPE battery. The spell description doesn't give a "size" limit for what is or is not "talismanic." A pin, a coin, your favorite lucky dice, whatever it may be.

So say you have a mage with goldsmithing skills. It'd take awhile, but you concievably could make a gold chain with Talisman spells on each link of the chain. Now I am not a gold chain expert myself, but I would guess there is 100+ links in a chain. So you're looking at a 5,000 PPE storage battery. (I pitty the fool that mess with this mage)

You'd light up like a christmas tree when it comes to Dog Boys and beings who can sense PPE. But imagine having that kind of reserve to draw on, especially for ritual magic. (and of course you could incorporate some kind of TW masking spell)


As a quibble Talisman says "medallion, necklace, mantle, pin, charm, small statue, headdress or hand held symbol" - so I do not believe that each link in the necklace chain could be an individual talisman. At the same time the mage wearing a necklace, cloak(mantle) with three decrative straight pins, a headscarf and a belt buckle charm would certainly fit the bill.
I remember seeing in a Genus book of World records regarding someone with thousands of needles through their skin. Instead of a T-Man, turn a wizard into a Pierced Man with thousands of 3 use spell talismen.

Also spending 500PPE per link to store 50PPE once then recharge it 30PPE for a cost of 60PPE gets painful quickly. A 100 link necklace if each link were enchanted seperately costs 50000PPE (50 thousand) :eek: to create another 5000PPE to charge and another 6000PPE to recharge

Sure it gives the mage 5000PPE the first time and 3000PPE then after, but cost effectiveness is out the window, and time consuming unless on a nexus and even then fairly dangerous.

Excuse me Mr Dragon, I was using this nexus first. Oh I am almost finished building this uber necklace of PPE godliness, so your welcome to use the nexus in a few minutes. Dinner?? Why no I ha.... snack munch munch gulp. :wink:

Yeah, not something that you could expect for a daily driver magic item, so to speak. But again, you could have a bag full of magic marbles, or a Wolfen Money String with talisman on each coin, or a dozen hair picks of power. Clearly something that would take months (if not years) to create/charge/recharge.

Also, one of those things that you almost have to have access to a Stone Pyramid to recharge. A la the magic armor from Rifts South America.


Re: Talisman

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:55 pm
by Malakai
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Talisman spell
Part One: making the object into a T, ready accept the charging. (500)
Part Two #1: Charging: charging the T with a spell specializes the T ( 50 + spell(s) ppe)
Part Two #2: Charging with PPE specializes the T (50+50)

Part Three #1: Recharging spell effects (50+spell(s) ppe)
Part Three #2: Recharging PPE (50+30)

I'm curious as to why you think that you need to charge the Talisman for it's first use - I always figured that it was already included in making the Talisman in the first place. I mean, the highest-costing spell you could put into it is only 70 P.P.E. (Sorcorous Fury), so if you were taking the recharging cost as necessary for putting the spells in the item, adding 3 of those and 150 PPE (50x3) is still only 360 - there's still 140 PPE from the original spell not accounted for - plenty to make such an item a repository for mystic energy.

And consider it does specify:
Book of Magic, page 150, 3rd Paragraph of Talisman Description wrote:After its initial creation, the magic talisman can be used to cast its one spell for a total of three times. After all three have been cast, the object is drained.

It then continues on to say that the creator can replace the charges by combining the respective spell with part of the Talisman spell/ritual, and the listed costs are for recharging it.

Incidentally, this also provides a basis for dividing the Talisman Spell into "sub-spells", as Mephisto has suggested, so that they might be easier to caster for lower-level magic-users (though most anyone with time and Energy Sphere can do so without worrying about the casting cost being so high)

Re: Talisman

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:36 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I came up with the above steps after carefully reading and re-reading the spell, and did the math with the stated numbers in the description.
I did all of thing before the first Fed. of Magic book came out. (ie: before there was an energy sphere spell, which I didn't like so I made a mod of it that I named Golden Sphere, see "Invented Spells")

The other option would be to have the 500 PPE and all the PPE for the spells to be cast from the T at one time. ( which for SF would bump the total to 710 PPE )

As for charging and recharging, if you had the PPE to feed in enough for all three chargers then you only need one 50 PPE to do the recharging. ( eg. w/SF again, 50+210=260 PPE )

Re: Talisman

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:37 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
argos wrote:If you put that many talismans in one necklace, if you lost that necklace u would be screwed. Getting jacked for that chain would suck.

That is why you use ear rings, finger rings bracelets/bracers and all the other types of jewelry to make into T's or hide your T's in them.

Re: Talisman

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:23 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Tyciol wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The only class that can't use a T would be a nega-psi.
I'm not entirely sure about that... so long as the Nega-psychic believed in magic ...snip

The Nega-psi as a class 'Do Not Believe in the Metaphysical', that is the concept behind the class. So even is they get their face shoved face full of magic they 'do not believe it is magic' it is rationalized as some other natural phenomenon.

So how can they make a T work if their whole being does not believe in magic.

(not talking about the munchkinized version of the Nega-Psi, that is banal compaired to the hard rock'n BTS! nega-Psi.)

Re: Talisman

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:34 pm
by Khord - Lizard Mage
argos wrote:If you put that many talismans in one necklace, if you lost that necklace u would be screwed. Getting jacked for that chain would suck.

If you use attune object to owner the item can only be used by the mage it is linked to.

Re: Talisman

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:21 pm
by Khord - Lizard Mage
argos wrote:
Khord - Lizard Mage wrote:
argos wrote:If you put that many talismans in one necklace, if you lost that necklace u would be screwed. Getting jacked for that chain would suck.

If you use attune object to owner the item can only be used by the mage it is linked to.

And you would have to attune it for every link. Also, jus cuz someone else cant use it doesnt help the guy who lost it.

True but it would prevent someone else using the PPE in the necklace. All it takes is time and alot of PPE to create such an item. My old GM had an NPC who had a necklace just like the one being discussed with 40 links so it held 1200 after being reharged so that he always had enough to cast Dim. Rift and get outta Dodge.