Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

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Re: Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

Unread post by ZorValachan »


You and I have had our disagreements, but I want to help you on this one, so you can make the game the best it can be for you.

I would think BTS-2 would have some nice and relevant material. There is no 'super' Psionic group, but they do have a separate Firewalker group, which has some good abilities. Some Non-firewalkers can get these. It's not just a 'proto-burster' One is a teleport for 12 ISP, for emergencies. 1 Action, you basically turn into a pillar of fire and Teleport a mile away naked. Your clothes are there burned in a pile of ash. Both an escape, plus people might assume you're dead.

Also the Psi-Mechanic stuff changed. If the item is destroyed the character gets that 'creation PPE' back and can make another item or the same.

Ghost Hunter could easily be turned into a Rifts style demon hunter by changing SDC to MDC. A psychic power (that they can put into weapons) loads a weapon with 'TK Rounds' You can use ISP to load the gun, rest up to regain the ISP and then later use the gun to shoot and hurt the supernatural (also mundane, but less damage to non-supernatural). Also, it is pretty quiet. Not loud like a gun shot, I think it was described as a soft 'pop'. They also can make psi-armour, have night googles (nightvison, see invisible, etc) all in one apparatus and other things I can't remember off the top of my head.

For Rifts, just ignore the ISP multiplier rule as they'll always be around supernatural.

Really hope you can get what you like and BTS-2 does have some new and unique things, not just a total copy-paste from the other games.

They also retooled the natural and divided up some of the 'standard' psychics. The diviner is interesting. He can basically do a detailed 'palm read/see aura' when touching someone's skin for 15 seconds. Also can see patterns as an enigmatic 6th sense type thing.
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Re: Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

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Since they have PDFs now, you also might want to look at the Original PFRPG.

Psionics old school style were very different. They were more like spells, in that they were not in groups, but by levels 1-15. They had a lot of ones that are not around any more. Teleport, a 'true' invisibility, illusions (lower levels having 1 sense, higher levels combining senses. Like sound, then sight, then touch, then sound and sight, then sight and touch, then all 3 etc.). The Healer OCC used ISP. Only 3 levels of powers. By level 3 they had all, but it included a resurrection power.

1st edition Old Ones had an entire illusionist class and KS detailed a lot of Q+A over GMs needing to be careful.

All in all, another source that could be modified to fit Rifts and give more power to Psychic characters by the way of old school canon
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Re: Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

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If you have a few rifts books, I have a suggestion for you. Find rcc's with powers not detailed for others, like SA2's telekinetic flight, and adapt it. just remember that powers like those are splecialized like a bursters. you should probably have them be less, well, useful for non-specialists. Furthermore, I have a psionics netbook. it is really, really awesome. I can't remember where I got it, but I can give it to you in PDF form if someone can teach me how. It has several new PCC's and Dozens of new powers, with a few, namely psychic body field and mind bolt, actually revised so they make some form of sense.

All I need to do is figure out how to throw up a pdf and I can toss out like 5 pdf netbooks that can no longer be found on the interwebs.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
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Re: Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

Unread post by Granpafishy »

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:All I need to do is figure out how to throw up a pdf and I can toss out like 5 pdf netbooks that can no longer be found on the interwebs.

I use the free version of this when I make pdfs.

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Re: Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

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In regards to the specialist class, I'm thinking he means stuff like Bursters are specialists of Pyrokinesis, Zappers are specialists of Electrokinesis, Psi-Techs are specialists of machine manipulation, etc. I think a rifter or two (i'm not sure though because I don't have them, just have heard of them) have a Drencher (hydrokinesis) and maybe a freezer &/or others. I could be wrong on those last couple though.
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Re: Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Hmmm. Should I mention my spellbook and psionic book? Hmmmm. Maybe.

It is available if you want to see it. Some good stuff there that could give ideas. Just wanted to make the offer! 8)
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Re: Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

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ya i think the damage thing is weird w/ bursters & pyrokinesis too
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Re: Psi powers: Which Palladium books are relevant to Rifts?

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This looks more awesome everytime I swing by, glad to see you're still hard at work on this, and it sounds like you are doing a good job too!
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.

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