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Re: Plasma Missile Fire Damage

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:38 pm
by jedi078
Robot Urchin wrote:The damage and ranges are listed for Plasma missiles in the book, but there's no information on how long it burns. Maybe the RIFTS book or a RIFTS sourcebook has that information.

No really? The missile damages and ranges are in the book? We already know this.....thanks for stating the obvious.

Synther is specifically looking for how long the plasma burns and thus does more damage to a target when hit. I know because I was there at the game when the issue came up.

Re: Plasma Missile Fire Damage

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:43 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Synther wrote:I'm pulling my hair out. Does anyone know which page in TSC Manga or Deluxe Edition it states the dice to roll for the number of rounds Plasma will burn and how much damage is done each round? I know it must be in the book since we have the stats written down for Short Range Plasma Missiles, but for the life of me I can't find it now!

The MD effects last at most 3 sec. The normal fires last till they consume all their fuel or are extinguished.

Re: Plasma Missile Fire Damage

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:01 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Synther wrote:
The MD effects last at most 3 sec. The normal fires last till they consume all their fuel or are extinguished.

People have actually submerged themselves in water and when they surfaced, napalm on them was still burning. "Extinguishing" a Plasma/Napalm fire is a bit more complicated.


I was answering the question "how long does the Plasma warhead have an effect?" question. Which is why I wrote the answer the way I did.

The "how long does the (MD) Napalm warhead have an effect?" is a different question.

"The the game wording/ideas do not match the science." is the comment I would have to explain this.

Also the "Plasma/Napalm" is also a bit more information then was posted in the originator post.

Re: Plasma Missile Fire Damage

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:19 pm
by Jefffar
Synther wrote:Yes, I know the Missile Stats chart is in the book. There is also a section that will state how long the Plasma burns and what the damage is for that many rounds. And I know that it is there, because when my players picked their missile loadout they picked Plasma because of the damage per round after the initial strike. Now, 3 weeks later, we needed to look that up for someone else and can't seem to find the page that the info was on.

The answer is simple, the standard Plasma missiles in the book have no after affect as written. They are instantaneous burst of highly energetic matter which consume themselves in an instant.

Ignore the napalm line as part of Palladium's continued confusion of the properties of plasma and the properties of fire.

Re: Plasma Missile Fire Damage

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:14 am
by Jefffar
Yeah, designating the missiles as Plasma/Napalm was more about trying to give a visual descriptive text than indicate any lingering effect. The Plasma/Napalm designation has been in the books for 15 years for these missiles and never have they had ongoing damage.

Re: Plasma Missile Fire Damage

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:26 pm
by green.nova343
Izzard Lizard wrote:The only current reference I'm finding for how long plasma burns is in the HWR-00-Mk.II Monster description.

Pg. 49 of the manga book.

Last section of that page, High Yield Incendiary (Plasma).

It gives an AoE and burn time there.

Happy BLAMing! :D

As I noted in my post [url=""]here[/url], the description of the CBH-4 Salamander in the new Masters Saga books shows it outfitted with mini-missile launchers. The description of the missiles is identical to the standard description of the mini-missiles from TSC & Macross Saga... except that (among the other "special effects" of the other warheads), it actually gives information about how much damage the burning "plasma" continues to inflict, & how long it burns. Based on that, I suggested modifying the descriptions for the SRM/MRM/LRM Plasma warheads to have similar effects, with the larger warheads either allowing for fast-burning/high-intensity plasma (i.e. Plasma SRM burns for same period of time but does double the MM's damage), or for slow-burning/low-intensity plasma (i.e. Plasma SRM inflicts same burning damage as MM, but burns twice as long).

Re: Plasma Missile Fire Damage

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:33 pm
by Tor
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Synther wrote:I'm pulling my hair out. Does anyone know which page in TSC Manga or Deluxe Edition it states the dice to roll for the number of rounds Plasma will burn and how much damage is done each round? I know it must be in the book since we have the stats written down for Short Range Plasma Missiles, but for the life of me I can't find it now!

The MD effects last at most 3 sec. The normal fires last till they consume all their fuel or are extinguished.

For anyone who wants some longer-burning plasma, Juicer Uprising has a plasma rifle which does that, just noticed it now, pretty cool, lasts 1-4 minutes.

It mentions that plasma normally lasts 10-20 seconds, oddly, since that seems like about a melee round on average, yet there is no mechanic for plasma to inflict ongoing damage in normal circumstances.

Also fun to note that you can not roll with impact to reduce the damage plasma missiles do, least not in RUE, not sure if Robotech printed that.