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Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:20 am
by ghost2020
Can someone prove to me where the Palladium world is referred to as Palladia, aside from the fans that is?
It's not an official name that I've been able to discover.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:47 am
by Library Ogre
I was specifically told in the contract for Mysteries of Magic not to use the term Palladia. A reference my have popped into Bill or Steve's books, but it was specifically disapproved as of 2001.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:18 pm
by ghost2020

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:19 pm
by J. Lionheart
The Palladium world's official name is Palladium :-)

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:29 pm
by Shawn Merrow
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:46 pm
by GreenGhost
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)

How about Uncle Bob. Everyone should have an Uncle Bob. :)

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:54 pm
by Anthar
GreenGhost wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)

How about Uncle Bob. Everyone should have an Uncle Bob. :)

Let's call it Steve. It's a pretty name. :D

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:44 pm
by Library Ogre
GreenGhost wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)

How about Uncle Bob. Everyone should have an Uncle Bob. :)

Speaking as someone with an Uncle Bob, y'all can have him!

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:46 pm
by Carl Gleba
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

No, no please, I don't need a whole world named after me. My ego is big enough and I'd hate to be crushed under its weight. :D

I am "Carl"

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:58 pm
by Library Ogre
Carl Gleba wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

No, no please, I don't need a whole world named after me. My ego is big enough and I'd hate to be crushed under its weight. :D

I am "Carl"


Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:10 pm
by Northern Ranger
No doubt. I mean... really, Carl's already responsible for two dimensions of Hell! Giving him the Palladium world too... that's just not fair!

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:27 pm
by UR Leader Hobbes
I thought it was called Kre Lok.. ;)

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:16 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)

It can't be 'Bob', that is the name giving to the created world in "Titan AE". :-D ;)

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:47 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
its Kreelock always has been always will be :D

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:16 am
by Library Ogre
I did decide, more than a decade ago, that Palladium (the metal) would have great abilities on that world.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:50 pm
by Northern Ranger
Ninjabunny wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:I did decide, more than a decade ago, that Palladium (the metal) would have great abilities on that world.

Palladium on Palladium should be uber rare :lol:

Oh... it is! :ok:

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:53 pm
by cornholioprime
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)
Corn believes that Shawn Merrow was making a semi-obscure reference to "Titan A.D."

(And if so, Corn wants his duly deserved Geek Points, however few they be.)

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:56 pm
by cornholioprime
J. Lionheart wrote:The Palladium world's official name is Palladium :-)

Whoever this person or persons is who mistakenly believes it to be otherwise, might in fact making the same mistake that I once did -one of the Palladium World's historic texts, almost as important as the Tristine Chronicles, is called the Ta'Palladia......and for some strange reason I appended the name of that tome to the name of the planet.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:44 pm
by Shawn Merrow
cornholioprime wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)
Corn believes that Shawn Merrow was making a semi-obscure reference to "Titan A.D."

(And if so, Corn wants his duly deserved Geek Points, however few they be.)

Correct and here is your 20 geek points.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:43 pm
by The Beast
ghost2020 wrote:Can someone prove to me where the Palladium world is referred to as Palladia, aside from the fans that is?
It's not an official name that I've been able to discover.

I never heard that name until someone brought it up here a few months (?) ago.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:44 pm
by Vidynn
cornholioprime wrote:Whoever this person or persons is who mistakenly believes it to be otherwise

I just use it. mistakenly. cause it sounds better to me. :D

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:37 pm
by Avatara
Personally I've always hated the name Palladium for the world its self. I just thought it was a bad name for the planet. No qualms with it as the name for an rpg tho. Palladia was first mentioned (I think) in dragons & gods in the Rugia section.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:25 pm
by cornholioprime
Avatara wrote:Personally I've always hated the name Palladium for the world its self. I just thought it was a bad name for the planet. No qualms with it as the name for an rpg tho. Palladia was first mentioned (I think) in dragons & gods in the Rugia section.
No, that's a passage from the Ta'Palladia that I was writing about in that earlier Post -a tome of ancient history written by the Gods themselves (or at least narrated from the gods' personal experiences and told to the reader in the first person singular).

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:11 am
by Prysus
"These are the natives. This is their world. They call it ... 'Earth.'" The way she says it shows a bit of disgust. "That just goes to show how primitive these people are, they couldn't even think of a better name than that. They should have just called it Dirtball and been done with it."

Greetings and Salutations. The above is a small excerpt from a game I ran (sci-fi; space faring race that comes to modern day Earth), and just found it amusing (along with those who think a real word is a bad name for a planet). Anyways, some stuff is going on and not going to sleep right now so felt like posting I guess. Ultimately I figure the name of a world may seem very strange to outsiders, but seem so natural to natives.

Another thought would come from the Foreigner book series by C. J. Cherryh. In there they once mention they believe any race will ultimately refer to their world as Earth (though it a different word due to different languages, such as Terra means earth in Latin). It once made me come up with an odd scene in my head. A native of the Palladium World meets a foreigner from our world (or Rifts, or any fairly knowledgeable society really) where the two are trying to communicate through a language barrier. Now if I pick up a cup of hot coffee and say "chu." Am I saying cup? Coffee? Hot? Liquid? Black? Something else entirely? It's going to be some guess work, especially in the early goings (this was also mentioned in Star Trek: The Next Generation once).

So in this exchange the two are trying to communicate, and the modern person was referring to the element palladium. The native on the other hand didn't quite understand, and didn't know the element table (I would imagine few would unless they're familiar with chemistry, and even then it may not be listed on their element table) and translated it into "earth." So the word "palladium" became used for the word "earth" and continued on in this manner. As a result, the world itself became known as "Palladium" through a misunderstanding, and effectively translates into Earth.

Anyways, just some odd musings from this poster. Even if others don't agree with it hopefully it was at least interesting and/or entertaining. If not, then my apologies for being so boring and wasting your time. This is just something I thought about a while back and decided I should share. Thank you for time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:20 am
by Avatara
cornholioprime wrote:
Avatara wrote:Personally I've always hated the name Palladium for the world its self. I just thought it was a bad name for the planet. No qualms with it as the name for an rpg tho. Palladia was first mentioned (I think) in dragons & gods in the Rugia section.
No, that's a passage from the Ta'Palladia that I was writing about in that earlier Post -a tome of ancient history written by the Gods themselves (or at least narrated from the gods' personal experiences and told to the reader in the first person singular).

But isn't the Ta'Palladia mentioned in the Dragons and gods book? If not then where is that tome mentioned?

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:12 pm
by everloss
Avatara wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Avatara wrote:Personally I've always hated the name Palladium for the world its self. I just thought it was a bad name for the planet. No qualms with it as the name for an rpg tho. Palladia was first mentioned (I think) in dragons & gods in the Rugia section.
No, that's a passage from the Ta'Palladia that I was writing about in that earlier Post -a tome of ancient history written by the Gods themselves (or at least narrated from the gods' personal experiences and told to the reader in the first person singular).

But isn't the Ta'Palladia mentioned in the Dragons and gods book? If not then where is that tome mentioned?

i think this is a miscommunication. yes, the word Palladia comes from the section of Dragons & Gods on the pantheon of Rurga. No, Palladia is not the name for the world. At least, it never specifically says that is the name of the world; it is the name of the religious text that worshippers of Rurga use.


i just leave the world name ambiguous since it has never been a topic of debate in-game. if it did, i would just call it Earth, since that is most likely what the natives would call it, as someone previously said. Since there are no examples of languages in Palladium except Runic (which has 26 letters... can you say lazy?), i don't see the point in making up a new word for a world without a name.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:32 am
by Xar
Shawn Merrow wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)
Corn believes that Shawn Merrow was making a semi-obscure reference to "Titan A.D."

(And if so, Corn wants his duly deserved Geek Points, however few they be.)

Correct and here is your 20 geek points.

I claim a Geek Point penalty!
The movie is titled Titan A. E.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:49 am
by Shawn Merrow
Xar wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)
Corn believes that Shawn Merrow was making a semi-obscure reference to "Titan A.D."

(And if so, Corn wants his duly deserved Geek Points, however few they be.)

Correct and here is your 20 geek points.

I claim a Geek Point penalty!
The movie is titled Titan A. E.

How did I miss that. :badbad:

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:01 pm
by cornholioprime
Prysus wrote:
"These are the natives. This is their world. They call it ... 'Earth.'" The way she says it shows a bit of disgust. "That just goes to show how primitive these people are, they couldn't even think of a better name than that. They should have just called it Dirtball and been done with it."

Greetings and Salutations. The above is a small excerpt from a game I ran (sci-fi; space faring race that comes to modern day Earth), and just found it amusing (along with those who think a real word is a bad name for a planet). Anyways, some stuff is going on and not going to sleep right now so felt like posting I guess. Ultimately I figure the name of a world may seem very strange to outsiders, but seem so natural to natives.

Another thought would come from the Foreigner book series by C. J. Cherryh. In there they once mention they believe any race will ultimately refer to their world as Earth (though it a different word due to different languages, such as Terra means earth in Latin). It once made me come up with an odd scene in my head. A native of the Palladium World meets a foreigner from our world (or Rifts, or any fairly knowledgeable society really) where the two are trying to communicate through a language barrier. Now if I pick up a cup of hot coffee and say "chu." Am I saying cup? Coffee? Hot? Liquid? Black? Something else entirely? It's going to be some guess work, especially in the early goings (this was also mentioned in Star Trek: The Next Generation once).

So in this exchange the two are trying to communicate, and the modern person was referring to the element palladium. The native on the other hand didn't quite understand, and didn't know the element table (I would imagine few would unless they're familiar with chemistry, and even then it may not be listed on their element table) and translated it into "earth." So the word "palladium" became used for the word "earth" and continued on in this manner. As a result, the world itself became known as "Palladium" through a misunderstanding, and effectively translates into Earth.

Anyways, just some odd musings from this poster. Even if others don't agree with it hopefully it was at least interesting and/or entertaining. If not, then my apologies for being so boring and wasting your time. This is just something I thought about a while back and decided I should share. Thank you for time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
Even the natives of Palladium call it such -or at least the Joker of Palladium does when he visits other worlds (read: game modules such as Rifts and Dimension Books like Pantheons of the Megaverse and Dragons and Gods).

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:47 pm
by NMI
Shawn Merrow wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:WHOO HOO!

Never been fond of it.

I prefer to call it Carl. Has a much more 'Fantasy' feel to it. :D

Go with Bob myself. :)

You can not name a planet "Bob"! - Titan A.E. (cool movie)

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
In all seriousness, the Palladium World as presented in the known world is rather small, so it seems Palladium might refer to the whole world or just this continent that all the areas of Palladium are located around. What about the unknown world? If there is a World Wall, does it block off other areas of the planet or rifts to other realms? Are there Elven Kingdoms still in existence the humans do not know about? For that matter, is there a Dragon Kingdom? It seems there are much more interesting questions to be explored here than just what the locals call their chunk of rock.

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:29 am
by Jefffar

Why not George?

Re: Palladia? Prove it.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:37 pm
by Cybermancer
Jefffar wrote:Bob?

Why not George?

Little known fact, that's actually Yin-Sloth's first name.