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Extended Psionic Power - Psyscape?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:12 pm
by Carindel
Quick question about the Extended Psionic Power from the Psyscape book, i.e. the one that essentially doubles one Super-psionic power, start to finish. If the power chosen was Empathic Transmission, would that boost the percentage chances listed as well? In other words, would Despair/Sorrow create a 100% chance of enemies fleeing a battle, would Fear create a 120+% for enemies fleeing in terror, etc.? What grounds is there to state that this would NOT work (other than game balance)?

Re: Extended Psionic Power - Psyscape?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:25 pm
by Carindel
Heck, while we're at it, does the extension apply to saving throws, i.e. does the -2 for Psionic Invisibility becomea -4? And Telekinesis - do you get a +6 to strike and +8 to parry with TK Super?

Re: Extended Psionic Power - Psyscape?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:29 pm
by Grandil
Another possibility is TKFF-40 M.D.C./lvl, or as I house rule it: 130+20/lvl=260+40/lvl. The
reason for that is I feel its a little underpowered, also thats what is says in S.D.C. worlds, why
not use it? Then theres Psychic body field-20/lvl.