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Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:38 pm
Phase World®: Fleets of the Three Galaxies I AM SOOO GETTING THIS BOOK it about time PB .

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:21 pm
by Braden Campbell
Yeah, it should be a good read. ;)

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:56 pm
by Anthar
Braden Campbell wrote:Yeah, it should be a good read. ;)

Way to suck up to yourself. ;) After seeing that cover I'm drooling to get my copy. :ok:

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:50 pm
by Dolcet
I am so getting this when it becomes available. Mostly for the starship creation rules but also for the rankings of the military.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:10 am
by Aramanthus
I knew I was going to get it the first time I heard about it. I really didn't need to be sold on it.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:08 am
by Aramanthus
They are adding that to it! Yahoo!!!

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:06 pm
by DhAkael
Phalanx wrote:The surprise addition is space magic. FINALLY! YAY!

About time.
At least they are adding it to a book worth getting (not that I'm saying Dimensional Outbreak won't be worthwhile :D ).

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:50 am
by Aramanthus
Yeah, considering that is going to have some demonic ships for the Phase World setting. Looks like this is going to be a great years for Starships in Phase World.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:06 pm
by MaxxSterling
WOW!!! 15 ******* years laters and now I'll finally know how much a Cruise Missile Launcher costs, and not have to fly/fight the same 8 ships over and over and over and over... Why the hell didn't this book come out years ago? That's my question. And for those of you who will say, "Dude you can make up your own stuff." I retort "Dude, if I wanted to make up my own stats for game stuff, I'd just make up my own entire game... and call it GURPS." -But seriously, thank friggin' god I can finally have rules to design ships. Kevin, this book had better not suck like Dead Reign does... that's all I have to say. Just Kidding... Not, actually Dead Reign does suck. Sorry for the Tangent, pills wore off WWWWWWeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, have I really been playing this game for 15 years? KHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT: Comment edited. The next time you find it necessary to swear, please fully "star" out the swear word. - NMI

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:54 pm
by Braden Campbell
MaxxSterling wrote:WOW!!! 15 ******* years laters and now I'll finally know how much a Cruise Missile Launcher costs

Well... kind of. The missiles themselves now have a cost.

MaxxSterling wrote:But seriously, thank friggin' god I can finally have rules to design ships.

Well... kind of. The book includes some general guidelines as to how much stuff you can pile onto a ship of a given class, and has some limitations re size and MDC. But there are no hard and fast rules or point-creation systems. There are, however, several funny stories pertaining to my first car.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:12 am
by Aramanthus
Hey Max, some of us have been making our own ships for that same time. So some of us already have a larger assortment of ships. Plus in the "Three Galaxies book there are some cost for some of the variant cruise missiles on page 130. And that same book intro duces some new ships for Phase World if you only want to have canon material. The new ships info and stats starts on page 133.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:48 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
woo 15 yrs and finally a book about space ships and still no mechinoids in sight

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:24 pm
by Vrykolas2k
I like the fact that they posted an excerpt; makes me want to buy it, really.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:33 am
by Aramanthus
I think it was a very cool excerpt. I can't wait to have it in my hands.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:55 am
by tobefrnk
I like how they are cross marketing the book in the press release saying that much of the material can be used easily in Robotech. I've been looking for some gear to fill in some "holes" for Robotech (particularly the Pioneer Mission years).

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:34 am
by Aramanthus
I didn't see that it was useable that way. Cool! Now I really want that book!!! :D

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:52 am
by azazel1024
Deffinitely looking forward to it. I have my pre-order in. I think it is going to be really good, but...

Yeah I said it, but, I really want more then just ship creation guidelines. One of these days I am hoping they'll do an honest to goodness ship creation book. I am thinking similar to how Aliens Unlimited Galaxy guide has it. Maybe not those rules, but something similar to that where you can draw up your own ships and figure out stats, systems and costs. Maybe a 96 page "Phase World Shipyards" going over ship construction rules and maybe some notable shipyards or guidelines to what a typical shipyard/space port is. Maybe they'll decide to do it after going through the round of books they seem to be planning (oh, while we are making a wish list, can we have a Phase World Mercenaries and a Phase World Merchants and Smuglers book too??? Pretty please? K thanks).

That out of my system I am still really looking forward to the book and I am really, really glad that Palladium seems to have a bunch more Phase world dimension books in the pipeline or planned. Phase world is my favorite setting.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:46 am
by gaby
Great to Fleets known it will be out soon.

I hope they did not cut out the Military Ranks.

I hope the first people you get it will review it.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:08 pm
by NMI
Got my copy today and I have to say, it looks pretty freakin' sweet!

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:43 pm
by DhAkael
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Got my copy today and I have to say, it looks pretty freakin' sweet!

Rub it in why don't yeah :P
's cool though.
I'll only be a week or so behind ya in grabbing my copy.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:08 am
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Got my copy today and I have to say, it looks pretty freakin' sweet!

i need to get my :( but enjoy it man

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:27 am
by devillin
Quick question: Are the ranges for weapons in this book going to be in the thousands of miles like in that Dominator excerpt, or have they been nerfed to the nonsense ranges from the other books?

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:56 am
by DhAkael
devillin wrote:Quick question: Are the ranges for weapons in this book going to be in the thousands of miles like in that Dominator excerpt, or have they been nerfed to the nonsense ranges from the other books?

Not being snarky, but it's Irrelevant. *shrug*
If the ranges for the other factions were nerfed for this book, un-nerf them. :angel:
Use a multiplier of X10 or even X100 on the ranges (though, be sure to be consistant), and call it a day.
Yes, the solution may not be 'in canon', but one does as needs must.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:40 pm
by Braden Campbell
Yeah, you can tweek them as you see fit.

As for the book itself, the range of most of the ships' weapons are consistent with those already established in Phase World, ie. they are of stone-throwing range. The Altess have superior-ranged beam and missile systems, though still nowhere near that of the Dominators.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:08 pm
by taalismn
Finally, it arrived!
Altess ships, Golgan ships, Kittani ships...ohboyohboyohboy...
Semi-disappointment, though, for those of you looking for extensive ship construction rules...FotTG offers SUGGESTIONS and GENERAL GUIDELINES, so you're still going to have to stretch your imaginations and sosome pencil work...(so'right for those of us who have been building ships all along)
In compensation, however, we have all NEW artwork, and SPACE MGIC SPELLS...
So, so far I'm happy with it... :D

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:01 pm
taalismn wrote:WEEYAHHH!!!
Finally, it arrived!
Altess ships, Golgan ships, Kittani ships...ohboyohboyohboy...
Semi-disappointment, though, for those of you looking for extensive ship construction rules...FotTG offers SUGGESTIONS and GENERAL GUIDELINES, so you're still going to have to stretch your imaginations and sosome pencil work...(so'right for those of us who have been building ships all along)
In compensation, however, we have all NEW artwork, and SPACE MGIC SPELLS...
So, so far I'm happy with it... :D


Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:55 pm
by DhAkael
as stated in a pervious post in another thread I can't even begin to remember; if you WANNA numbercrunch, use the AU:GG system, and then transpose the stuff from FotTG into your design.
It aint perfect, but we ARE talking Rifts here folks...consistancy and numerical accuracy has NEVER been present ;)

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:33 pm
by Lenwen
Phalanx wrote:The surprise addition is space magic. FINALLY! YAY!

Palladium was smart not to introduce space magic .. and its a very real possability that said space magic .. could concievably tip the scales of power in the Rifts earth setting ..

When you have spells that will be able to do the same damage as a tac nuke .. at the same distance .. magic then becomes wholly just as powerful as tech ..

And I think for one the space magic system is prolly going to be of a very few in number spells prolly only really spells with travel in mind .. and nuthing really close to tech based weapon systems.

course I do not have the book and I may very well be wrong.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:57 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:as stated in a pervious post in another thread I can't even begin to remember; if you WANNA numbercrunch, use the AU:GG system, and then transpose the stuff from FotTG into your design.
It aint perfect, but we ARE talking Rifts here folks...consistancy and numerical accuracy has NEVER been present ;)

I'm fine with that! I want plenty of leeway for big ugly superships with popgun armaments and microships that can bore through planets....It's a big megaverse out there and a lot of it routes through the Three Galaxies....

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:00 am
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:as stated in a pervious post in another thread I can't even begin to remember; if you WANNA numbercrunch, use the AU:GG system, and then transpose the stuff from FotTG into your design.
It aint perfect, but we ARE talking Rifts here folks...consistancy and numerical accuracy has NEVER been present ;)

I'm fine with that! I want plenty of leeway for big ugly superships with popgun armaments and microships that can bore through planets....It's a big megaverse out there and a lot of it routes through the Three Galaxies....

Glad too see I'm not the only one who "gets the idea" :angel: :demon: :demon:

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:56 am
by Aramanthus
So the ranges are rock throwing distances. Looks like I'll be upgrading the ships to Kitsune's standards! Oh well at least they are consistent in games that use house rules.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:13 am
by azazel1024
Aramanthus wrote:So the ranges are rock throwing distances. Looks like I'll be upgrading the ships to Kitsune's standards! Oh well at least they are consistent in games that use house rules.

Yeah I never really liked the ranges or speeds listed in the books, but I can live with them. I haven't gotten through all of the new book yet, though I am pretty far in (got it Tuesday night). The only 3 bits I don't really like was the starfighter guidelines saying that attack ships/fighters had a max MDC of 600...seems counter intuitive as fighters that are supposed to maul sub-capitol ships and larger should be tougher (I know the Nova isn't super tough, but in general they should be tougher then regular fighters). The other fighter guideline was "Starfighters never have FTL drives because it isn't economical" I think the never should be changed to rarely as both the Nova and Black Eagle can have FTL drives and Draygon industries makes an add-on FTL sled. The final one is the I-field range...60 miles is nothing. At Mach 7 that is 2 melee rounds to move outside of its effect if you were parked right next to an interdictor let alone that is well within range of most weapons. I'd say 600 miles at a minimum for the range to be worth anything, otherwise the only way it is interdicting anything is if it is literally in the middle of an enemy fleet formation.

Other then those nits (and they are nits) I am really loving the book. Especially a lot of the back story, etc in it.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:15 am
by azazel1024
ZINO wrote:
taalismn wrote:WEEYAHHH!!!
Finally, it arrived!
Altess ships, Golgan ships, Kittani ships...ohboyohboyohboy...
Semi-disappointment, though, for those of you looking for extensive ship construction rules...FotTG offers SUGGESTIONS and GENERAL GUIDELINES, so you're still going to have to stretch your imaginations and sosome pencil work...(so'right for those of us who have been building ships all along)
In compensation, however, we have all NEW artwork, and SPACE MGIC SPELLS...
So, so far I'm happy with it... :D


Forget who now, but one of the writers has said he's worked/ing on ship construction rules, but they were way too big to be published in fleets, and that they are likely to be published in some future book.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:27 am
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:as stated in a pervious post in another thread I can't even begin to remember; if you WANNA numbercrunch, use the AU:GG system, and then transpose the stuff from FotTG into your design.
It aint perfect, but we ARE talking Rifts here folks...consistancy and numerical accuracy has NEVER been present ;)

I'm fine with that! I want plenty of leeway for big ugly superships with popgun armaments and microships that can bore through planets....It's a big megaverse out there and a lot of it routes through the Three Galaxies....

Glad too see I'm not the only one who "gets the idea" :angel: :demon: :demon:

Hey, I reserve the right to unleash stellar mayhem in the form of private dreadnoughts and previously unknown bleeding edge alien technology on the stodgy established status quo powers of the Three Galaxies.... :demon:

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:06 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:as stated in a pervious post in another thread I can't even begin to remember; if you WANNA numbercrunch, use the AU:GG system, and then transpose the stuff from FotTG into your design.
It aint perfect, but we ARE talking Rifts here folks...consistancy and numerical accuracy has NEVER been present ;)

I'm fine with that! I want plenty of leeway for big ugly superships with popgun armaments and microships that can bore through planets....It's a big megaverse out there and a lot of it routes through the Three Galaxies....

Glad too see I'm not the only one who "gets the idea" :angel: :demon: :demon:

Hey, I reserve the right to unleash stellar mayhem in the form of private dreadnoughts and previously unknown bleeding edge alien technology on the stodgy established status quo powers of the Three Galaxies.... :demon:

Word :ok:

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:56 am
by Aramanthus
I third that too! :D As for the Starfighters I'd look at what went on in the past and go from there. And for the weapons just use Kitsune's or else your own.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:06 am
by slappy
Got Fleets today and read through it a bit. I think it's great, but I have to ask, why are none of the Main Body M.D.C. numbers included in the starship descriptions? They are only found in the ship building section on pages 25-28. Seems like a weird choice.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:16 am
by Aramanthus
That was probably something they over looked. Someone missed it. At least you can find it somewhere in the books. Are they listed for each ship individually or are they for classes.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:19 am
by azazel1024
They are listed for each ship individually. Under the ship construction guidelines they have the classification of ships by catagory and then they have a reprint of all of the various ships in each class from all of the books (Basic like 5 liner for each ship, main body M.D.C., main weapon, speed, FTL speed and a couple of others, size and cost?). I did also notice that, oversight shall we say. I think Braden's intention was that, especially with big ships its more appropriate to deal with them by ship section (A la PF High Seas with a front 1/3, middle 1/3 and rear 1/3) instead of a full main body.

Of course if that was the intention it might have been nice to see things broken out that way for the old ships when the quickie stats were reprinted or at least shown the new ships with just the main body M.D.C. under the descriptions (of course they are under the quickie stats which is nice).

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:10 pm
by Braden Campbell
Ah, I think I can answer this.

When the manuscript was first writen, starships had a single, all-inclusive MDC stat for their Main Body. These numbers from the ships in all the other books were included in the comparison charts. Then Palladium's format changed slightly, due in no small part to the release of Robotech: the Shadow Chronicals... after which starships had their Main Body broken down into several notable sections.

So... what has happened is that the new ships in Fleets are presented with the latest "main body breakdown", but the older vessels compiled in the comparision charts still have the older lump sum values. If Game Masters wish to bring the older ships in line with the new ones, just take the Main Body MDC, and divide it into thirds.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:03 pm
by DhAkael
Braden Campbell wrote:Ah, I think I can answer this.

When the manuscript was first writen, starships had a single, all-inclusive MDC stat for their Main Body. These numbers from the ships in all the other books were included in the comparison charts. Then Palladium's format changed slightly, due in no small part to the release of Robotech: the Shadow Chronicals... after which starships had their Main Body broken down into several notable sections.

So... what has happened is that the new ships in Fleets are presented with the latest "main body breakdown", but the older vessels compiled in the comparision charts still have the older lump sum values. If Game Masters wish to bring the older ships in line with the new ones, just take the Main Body MDC, and divide it into thirds.

Thank you, now at least I won't be running around like a headless chicken (well, when the book finally ships over the border) trying to find the semi-mythical 'main body mdc".
It's there, just not all-in-one.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:39 pm
by slappy
Makes sense. I understood the reason for the new format, I just wanted to be able to compare to the other books, so thank you for including that.

On another note, fantastic book. I was really looking forward to this one when I heard about it and it lived up to all expectations.

One bit of info I would love to know and couldn't find is what is the size of the TGE Fleets? You had a number for pretty much every power bloc but them, but then you mentioned their strategy is power through sheer weight of numbers rather than through powerful ships. So I'm really curious to know what their magic number is.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:38 pm
by Braden Campbell
Is there not a section in there somewhaere titled "Just How big Are These Fleets?"

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:16 am
by Aramanthus
I finally got it. I've read a fair of the material I like it. I have to finish it though. And then I'm going to go thru the ship construction material after that.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:42 pm
by Drakenred®™©
some of the inevitable Typoes are interesting

for example page 77

the weapon does a mere 1D4X100,000 MD to the point of impact out to 5miles

but 1D6X100,008 MD from 5-10 miles out

kind of makes you want to fire that gun in horseshoe mode dont it? :-P

(I assume that was suposed to be something like 1D6X10,000*)

*or was it suposed to be 1D6X1000?

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:26 am
by Aramanthus
I'm not sure. I'm going to have to go and look for that part and reread it again.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:15 pm
i am still waiting for my copy got lost in the mail :frust: :nh:

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:40 pm
by RockJock
I finally got a chance to skim through my stack of new books(I go to a physical store once every six months or so) today, and Fleets was the first one I picked up. Needless to say, I haven't touched another book yet. One question for Mr. Campbell. Is the Altress battle cruiser missing a fighter/small craft compliment? The destroyer lists a six pack of fighters, but the capital ship doesn't have anything? I'm guessing it got eaten by the editing?

I flipped through the whole book, then started reading from cover to cover. I've just read the first two fleets at this point, bu I am both happy and impressed. The stats make sense(staying in line with other PW ships, though I use a version of Kitsunes myself), the fluff is both interesting and entertaining, and all the ships have stayed true to the general thought process I see the races using. Great job Braden!

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:14 pm
by Braden Campbell
RockJock wrote: One question for Mr. Campbell. Is the Altress battle cruiser missing a fighter/small craft compliment? The destroyer lists a six pack of fighters, but the capital ship doesn't have anything? I'm guessing it got eaten by the editing?

Huh. You're right. Page 35 mentions that there is a Tasit in charge of the ship's air wing... but no air wing is later mentioned. Weird.

The original manuscript gave the Zhokil "a small wing of 12 Fire Eaters, and 5 OMAV Combat Pods with full compliments of drones." You can feel free to put them in if you like.

Re: Phase World Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:08 pm
by RockJock
Thank you much. You are a scholar and a gentlemen regardless of what they say about you(they being Jason Richards of course).