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Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:36 am
by Oberoth
I recently rolled a scholar up for a new game I will be playing in. I decided that he would be 100% scholar. He has very little combat prowess(HTH basic) and no magic items or psionics. In fact, the only extraordinary attribute he has is his intelligence and scholarly skills. He is already their interpreter, and can serve as a guide of known territory and cultural adviser. There are countless other places for a scholar to be of use I'm sure.

I'm just looking for ideas on how to play this character. Any discussion or advice is welcome.

So how do you see a scholar fitting in with military, magic, psionic classes and the Palladuim world?

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:28 am
by UR Leader Hobbes
One thing your scholar should be into is looking into history. Weather it be of a region, a kingdom, a famous person, or a religion. Scholars should be able to find/create adventures for the party. Any chance to find and read a book or chat with any other scholars, monks, priests or any people who can read should be an opportunity for any scholar to go for.

Also keep in mind that a decent scholar who gets a chance to go into a ruin would be like sending Indiana Jones in to find some clues. Depending on the skill selections they may have a better idea of puzzling out where something should be. (Hmm lets see if this was the family keep than the portcullis should have been over there by those ruins which means the towers would have been at the western and eastern sides that would more than likely make that ruined building a church and the family tomb would be in that ruined building.)

Just keep in mind that like a wizard you have to use your brain and skills to make the most out of it for you. In fact scholars are more likely to spend time thinking and planning out things first and then acting on them. When was the last time someone in the party took to asking about the cost of things over in the next town? Might be a better idea to resupply here before going off and getting price gouged by the last place to get supplies.

Now one thing to consider as well is what areas of study your scholar happens to enjoy. If he/she is into botany then they may just wanna stop to collect samples of rare and exotic flowers. Might even need to do a sketch in order to capture them in their journal. Is this scholar a medical doctor? Might have an interest in biology. Even monster biology. Maybe he performs autopsy's on the creatures killed and writes the findings in his journal. While the other players might find this disgusting and/or a waste of time the scholar may find a weakness or uncover something useful. (IE Such and such a snake has a venom that does this and can be safely extracted by this method.. etc.)

Also these would be the characters who would learn the habits of creatures and the type of environment they live in. Thus providing valuable clues to the group. Did the party get lost? Ship blown off direction while at sea? Step through a portal and have no idea as to where you actually are? After an encounter with a Manticore the scholar may be able to recall that manticores are indigenous to the Old Kingdom and have a idea as to where in the world they are.

So you get the idea. Also scholars are the type of character who isn't going to go for the "Orcs are stealing cattle from some farmers" type of adventures. Thats not for them. Thats a job for the local militia or the fighters of the party. Most scholars either won't wish to go or will think it's an unnecessary risk. They are more than likely gonna wait around and go for a more interesting plot hook. Hacking and slashing just isn't there thing. Oh but if someone mentions the orcs are holding up in an old temple to some long lost and forgotten God then the scholar will be interested.

Hope this helps you.

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:35 pm
by Specter
Think Daniel's character in Stargate. Now think Samantha's character in Stargate.

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:36 pm
by The Dark Elf
Think "The librarian" or C3PO or Marcus from the Indy movies.

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:03 am
by Oberoth
Thank you for your replies guys! I originaly thought of this character as the Daniel Jackson of the mid-evil world. However, I think more could be done with this archtype. Here is a rundown of his skills.

O.C.C. Skills:
Basic MathLanguage: Eastern english(Native Tongue)
Language: Wolfen
Language: Dragonese
Literacy: Eastern english
Literacy: Wolfen
Lore: Demons & Monsters
W.P. Staff.

O.C.C. Related Skills:
General Repair/Maintenance
History: Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Wolfen, Coyles , Danzi
Astronomy & Navigation
Horsemanship: General
Holistic Medicine
Lore: Geomancy or Ley Lines
Lore: Culture & Customs — Northern wilderness
Mathematics: Advanced

Secondary Skills:
Track & Trap Animals
W.P. Knife
Lore: Magic
Wilderness Survival
Climb/Scale Walls

As you can see he has allot of lore knowledge and of course archaeology. He has great value as a guide/interpreter, and can identify many monsters, locales, magic items, and ancient artifacts.

Any suggestions on how to use his skills? Also any suggestions on skills for my level up(If he survives that long) would be appreciated.

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:53 am
by krate
The Library of Bletherad would fit this. The scholar might need to consult an ancient tome on some esoteric topic and only the Great Library has a copy. Or maybe the scholar is an agent for the library, exploring the Palladium World, taking down notes on cultures, cataloguing flora and fauna, etc etc on their behalf. And maybe even retrieving lost or stolen books of the Library or fighting the enemies of the Library.
I don't recall the exact names for the various organizations involved with the Great Library. But it's definitely a good book for a scholar and adds a lot to the PFRPG as a whole. You should check that book out.

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:31 pm
by The Dark Elf
He could fit in with the military as a consultant. His knowledge of wolfen history, customs, language, cultures would be useful. Maybe he's need as a spy posing as a havean as he's the only one who could pull off such a job..

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:18 pm
by Northern Ranger
The primary use of a scholar in a military environment is as an advisor and translator. Their knowledge of a multitude of subjects, (perhaps not vast knowledge) makes them invaluable when it comes to advising military leaders. They also have great research skills when it comes to finding out information about new threats.

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:56 am
by DiceCollector
Take History a second time, you get 6 more races! Anthropology can be taken up to 6 times also! More Languages is a plus also, I think it would be VERY HARD to be a Translator and only know 2 Languages.

Re: Scholars in Palladium?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:05 am
by Oberoth
DiceCollector wrote:Take History a second time, you get 6 more races! Anthropology can be taken up to 6 times also! More Languages is a plus also, I think it would be VERY HARD to be a Translator and only know 2 Languages.

Yes. But technically he knows three languages, but literate in only two. These were campaign specific choices. Thanks for the suggestion on taking history again. I will keep that in mind. Some of my decisions will be influenced by the events of the campaign and where he happens to be at the time; wich remains to be seen.