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Re: Cold Strike

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:00 am
by Desert Rat
For what it is worth, there is no such thing as a "retired gamer", only those who are not gaming at the moment.

Interesting idea, but I would think it would need a little more fleshing out. My suggestions:

1) Nuclear warfare is an extreme. Even an aerial burst would be substantially devastating and no organization would use one in the fight for the global good. First, the EMP blast would decimate any and all electronics. Make it an aerial burst and you increase the range of devastation. As targets would be more then likely large population centers, you have the potential of wiping out all the worlds information. Strikes at New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, etc... would decimate world financial records. The next thing you would have to consider would be the radiation fallout and how that would effect everything. One quick look at Chernobyl gives us an idea at the long term effects.

2) The secret society is a good concept. Myself, I would tie it into a society which was not in its infancy, but rather one which ruled the world from within the shadows from before there was a recorded history. Tie in links to the Masonic Order, Illuminati, Rosecrucians, The Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, etc... This society would rise to moments of great power throughout history. They could be the responsible party behind the Roman Empire, influential parties within the Catholic Church who shaped Europe, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Nazi Party, etc... Insert Asian influences if you play in that setting and how they influence China, Japan, the Triad, Yakuza, etc... In my setting this of secret society is behind North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, the resurgence of Soviet ideology and al Qeada.

Character Agencies would then be the powerful societies which have been involved in the epic struggle throughout time. An organization for the superspies made up of a powerful governmental and/or businesses such as the Skull and Bone Society / Bilderberg Group versus the Illuminati / Masonic Order. Another organization for the Martial Artists which would have an ancient city somewhere in Asia, a secret mountain temple in Nepal where it never snows, long forgotten city within the jungles of SE Asia or an underground castle within the Mongolian Desert which allows for the inclusion of Mystic China. This idea being a work in progress which I am currently doing which includes multiple agencies and some 100+ very detailed character NPC's and fleshed out agencies with appropriate history. Although my setting is "today" for the James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer scenario. SIDE NOTE: Notice their initials are all JB.

3) If medical technology has made substantial advancements, would it not be reasonable to assume medical advancements would be proportionate within the cybernetic/bionic fields? Has this technology remained stagnant that the Bionic Man / Bionic Woman is not a viable character where their cybernetics are masked under a layer of integrated flesh?

4) I like the Morale Questioning in which characters are placed. Personally, I am not a fan of alignments and have pretty much abandoned them within my games. Characters are going to do what characters do and it is my opinion that most characters are not going to weigh in with "alignment influences" at the moment of truth.

Re: Cold Strike

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:43 pm
by slade the sniper
Wow, I like a lot of your ideas. I will be using about 70% of this stuff in my Deep Black campaign....which, for a 23 year old campaign isn't lacking a whole lot, but I like your organizations and they will fit great.

I like that you actually have a fully fledged parts to these posts instead of bizzarre half thoughts and incomplete posts.

Thanks, it is appreciated.



Re: Cold Strike

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:13 pm
by NMI
I've stickied this thread to keep this wonderful addition at the top!

Re: Cold Strike

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:46 pm
by NMI
Ninjapuppy wrote:Just thought that fans of Ninja's and Superspies wouldn't mind seeing the people who live next door. This was taken just outside my house. Local police doing their thing. ... py/206.jpg ... py/205.jpg

just be careful while pointing your camera at them. they could interpret that as pointing a weapon at them if they see you. They also may not want their faces seen.

Re: Cold Strike

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:32 pm
by Mantisking
Ninjapuppy wrote:Cam Bo ( Exclusive)
Entrance Requirements: None. Must have been a member of the Polynesian Monks.
Skill Cost: 10 years. 3 as a Monk, before any training.
While not responcible for the Martial Art Cam Bo, Canton Pho, is one of the few masters of the new art form. A combination of Polynesian martial arts and self defence, it is the official excercise regime of the Polynesian Monks and trained to all those who wish to learn. Emphesis is placed on a strong, almost unbreakable body, and spiritualism. Those that train often spend as much time in meditation, and learning the phliosophy of buddhism, and must spend many hours learning temple skills and being a monk before training begins. This philisophical training leads to a cultivation of chi, which although not used in the martial art, build the individuals chi and spirituality.

Masters teach students to be agressive, and attack at every opertunity, encouraging ignoring attacks and sometimes defence, and simply overwhelming oponents with a volley of crippling attacks. Cam Bo is a stand up Martial Art which uses Tripping Leg Hooks to knock oponents off balance. Every parry is a Parry/ Attack, and every attack should follow, controlling the wrist or arm of their oponent. When their oponent is subdued in a lock or hold, free hands and legs are used to batter oponents into submission. There is nothing pretty or graceful in Cam Bo, attacks are powerful, and fights between students can include a " Free Shot" to determine toughness and respect of oponent. Often seeing that no damage is done to a student is also used as a form of intimidation. Those that train in Cam Bo are taught that if the mind cannot be broken, neither can the body, and is the reason for the intense spiritual training. That training includes walking through fire, over hot coals and beds of nails. Breaking cement blocks, and being conditioned to recieve multiple blows. Absorbing impacts and damage, and ignoring pain.

Although brutal in nature, the monks place an emphesis on spirituality, and fighting is done only when nessessary. Cam Bo although a Martial art and used for self Defence, was developed for the World Fighting Leauge and mostly one on one combat, and is not suited to multiple attackers. It does, however, use spectacular acrobatic flips and leaps, in conjunction with powerful kicks and punches to overwhelm and dictate pace in battle.

Interesting. Although I'm not that sure about the choice of Polynesian as the background. Is this supposed to be an extension of the Maori or Samoan martial traditions?

Ninjapuppy wrote:Costume: Those practicing Cam Bo are members of the Buddhist religious order, and as such wear bright orange robes, and often red pants and padded boots. Some wear only the Robes.

I was under the impression that people from the Polynesian Islands were more Animist than anything else.

Ninjapuppy wrote:Stance: Feet double shoulder width apart, left foot pointing forward, right foot pointing 90 degrees, in a very low squatting position. Left hand extended out infront of body at head level, right arm covering ribs under left arm or at chin level.
Character Bonuses:
+ 15 SDC
+ 2 ME
+ 2 PS
+ 2 PE
+ 5 CHI


Ninjapuppy wrote:Combat Skills:
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/fall/impact, Backflip, Breakfall.
Attack Moves: Leap
Basic Defence Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defence Moves: Circular Parry, Power Block/Parry.
Hand Attacks: Strike, Fore Knuckle Fist, Upper Cut
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick, Roundhouse, Tripping Leg/ Hooks.
Jumping Foot Attacks: Flying Reverrse Turning Kick.
Special Attacks: Elbow, Knee, Paralysis Attack.
Locks/ Holds: Arm Hold, Wrist Lock.

Streamlined, I like that.

Ninjapuppy wrote:Weapon Katas: Kata Blunt Paired, Kata Blunt, Kata Short Sword Paired, Kata Short Sword.

It should be like this.
Weapon Katas: W.P. Blunt, W.P. Blunt (Paired), W.P. Short Sword, W.P. Short Sword (Paired).

Ninjapuppy wrote:Modifiers: Crtical Strike, Death Blow, Knockout Stun.

Skills Included in Training:
MARTIAL ART POWERS: Automatically recieves Chi Gung. Select 2 powers from Body Hardening, and Atemi Abilities. These cannot be traded with Basic Skill Programs.

Five Martial Arts Powers?

Ninjapuppy wrote:LANGUAGES: Polynesian
SKILLS: Fasting, Begging, Philosophies

This can only be a Primary and Secondary Martial Art Form. Costs Both.

So it costs two selections? That should be up at the top under Cost.

Ninjapuppy wrote:Level Of Advancement Bonuses:
Level 1 Critical Strike, +2 Strike, +2 Breakfall.
Level 2 +2 Leap/ Backflip ( +4ft), +3 Damage.
Level 3 +1 Attack, Critical Srike 18, 19, 20.
Level 4 Choose One additional Martial Art power from Body Hardening or Atemi Abilities, +2 Breakfall.
Level 5 +2 Leap/ Backflip ( +4 ft). Death Blow 20.
Level 6 +1 Parry/ Dodge, KO 18, 19, 20.
Level 7 +1 Strike, +3 roll with Punch/ Fall/ Impact.
Level 8 Choose One additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening or Atemi Abilities. +1 Leap/ Backflip ( +4ft).
Level 9 +1 Attack, +1 Strike.
Level 10 +1 Parry/ Dodge, +1 Breakfall.
Level 11 +2 Leap/ Backflip ( +4ft), +2 Damage.
Level 12 Choose One additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening or Atemi Abilities.
Level 13 +1 Attack, + 3 roll with Punch/ Fall/ Impact.
Level 14 +1 Breakfall. + 1 Leap/ Backflip ( +4ft).
Level 15 +1 Parry/ Dodge, Death Blow 19, 20.

I'll just total them up.
+4 to Strike. High, but reasonable.
+6 to Breakfall. Very high, almost the equal of Aikido.
+8 Leap/Backflip (+16 feet). I'd separate these two.
+3 to Damage. Reasonable.
+3 to Parry/Dodge. Reasonable.
+6 to Roll w/P/F/I. Fairly high for this type of style.
3 ApM @ 1st level, +3 afterwards. Reasonable.
5 MAP @ 1st level + 3 afterwards. Seems high, but if it counts as two selections it'll be fine.
Critical Strike 18+ @ 3rd level. Reasonable.
Deathblow 20 @ 5th level, 19+ @ 15th level. Reasonable.
K.O./Sun 18+ @ 6th level. Reasonable.

Re: Qu

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:23 pm
by Mantisking
Ninjapuppy wrote:Buddhism was chosen becuase there is a small number of these individuals in Polynesia, and like Shaolin monks, it made it easy to incorporate the fighting style with tough bodies and resolute minds into story. I didn't want alot of powerful monks running around, and there are fewer buddhists in the region than anything else. It was Role Playing political, rather than reality.

Fair enough, I just find it a little jarring.

Ninjapuppy wrote:It was also made to create Martial Art Master friction between Thai Kick Boxers and already existing styles. To work in with the story, I produced a Martial Art, to be comparable and in direct competition with Thai Kick Boxing. It also set up a competition between characters like, General Saiyang, and Canton Pho, or Don Wanker type PC's who enter the world, Fighting League. Thai kick Boxing uses The Lightning kata, Knees and Elbows and Shin Kicks ( HP strikes), Cam Bo ( Simply Cam- Bodia, Abreviated, tee hee), uses Locks and Holds, Tripping Leg Hooks, and free hand Strikes ( HP strikes from Bloodflow Atemi) and Kicks! They are simular. I will Modify the background with any suggestions you may have. It is not carved in stone! Send me Mail with changes of this nature and I will alter content where possible.

Except Cambodia isn't in Polynesia, it's in Southeast Asia. And there's already an existing art from the region that's similar to Muay Thai called Pradal Serey.

Ninjapuppy wrote:This is a Martial Art that is a Product of it's parts and it costing 2 Martial Arts, is equally an act of discouragment as it is a reflection of the overall complications that arise when characters achieve high level. Having a high level of Breakfall and AR, means a PC who is difficult to damage, infact, nearly impossible.

AR = Attacks per Round? You're better off abbreviating it ApM (Attacks per Melee) so it doesn't get confused with AR (Armor Rating).

Ninjapuppy wrote:The High leap and backflip, makes it easy to enter and leave combat, when a character wants.

I thought the numbers were fine for those two, just that they should be listed seperately. That's all.

Ninjapuppy wrote:I wasn't going to include the Parry and Dodge Bonus that was included at all. Why Parry or Dodge, when your Breakfall is higher. Also, Tripping Leg Hooks are as good as a gun for forcing your oponent to give up attacks. The AR also effectivly gives the PC the opertunity to simaltaneous attack, increasing attack opertunity and the number of attacks against an oponent. This Martial Art was designed in a low SDC HP environment. RACE Human + OCC. Often the NPC's don't have bonuses to strike, parry or dodge, outside of their Martial Art. I'm happy that you found most of the bonueses reasonable.

I have a little notebook with all the martial arts in N&S, MC, and Rifter #3 broken down into their component bits. None of your bonuses were out of line with any of the other styles.

Ninjapuppy wrote:6 Martial Art powers, at level 15. It costs Two Martial Art forms, which also means only Dedicated Martial artists can take it.

You'll have to change the wording to the following then.

MARTIAL ART POWERS: Automatically recieve Body Hardening Exercise:Chi Gung. Select a total of two (2) Powers from among Body Hardening Exercises and Atemi Abilities. These cannot be traded with Basic Skill Programs.

Ninjapuppy wrote:Streamlined. Glad you like. I was reading in another post, and the GM's and Players were critical of the many varied attacks in Ninja's and Superspies. They pointed out that why have a 1d6 attack when you would only use your toughest attack when fighting, say a 1d10 attack?

I haaaaaaaate that line of reasoning. Total Gamism. There are reasons in the real world to use a spectrum of attacks, just as there should be in game.

Ninjapuppy wrote:I tried to make all of the attacks usfeful. Whether Tripping Leg Hooks to eliminate your oponents ability to attack by forcing dodges, or Fore Knuckle Fists for those who choose Bloodfist Atemi, or powerful Upercuts, while using locks and holds that allow free hand to attack and no defence from the Incapacitated oponent. I hoped that Players would end up using all of the varied techniques, instead of just one.

A nice range of techniques, while not being overloaded. Works for me.

Ninjapuppy wrote:I should also point ou that Hand to Hand Commando expert and Assassin are some of the toughest Martial Arts in the book. I sware by them, and many of my NPC's in the past have used them. Quick Disarms, Bodyblock/ Tackles, Bodyflip/Throws and Tripping Leg Hooks are brutal in combat! They include Locks and Holds too! and WP Katas.

While they have a good selection of techniques, they're missing out on the MAPs and extra skills that make "name" martial arts just that much better.

Ninjapuppy wrote:Costume: Those practicing Cam Bo are members of the Buddhist religious order, and as such wear bright orange robes, and often red pants and padded boots. Some wear only the Robes.

One more thing; Buddhists where Saffron robes, not Orange.

Re: Cold Strike

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:26 pm
by Mantisking
Ninjapuppy wrote:An interesting note. I have created and posted Colonel Mustafa, the leader of th Afrikcan Raiders. He has CHI 156, which combined with his Hard Chi allows him to absorb SDC 200 using 40 CHI, and then Have already pumped his Attribute PS 500 ( Yes, thats 500) using 100 CHI for a whole melee with Body Chi! He'll still have 15 CHI left! I don't think any gun carrying bandit is going to finish him off! A GM can always place that remaining 15 CHI on his PE and PP! He'd have a Strike, Parry and Dodge of over + 16 and another +25 to PE! It may be safer for a Gun carrying PC to run away, or perhaps shoot himself for opting to roll initiative!

1.) You can't boost P.E. using Body Chi.

2.) This combo, along with most other Chi Power combos, uses a fair amount of attacks to set up. It goes like this:
Attack 1: Focus chi on Hard Chi.
Attack 2: Use Hard Chi power.
Attack 3: Focus chi on Body Chi.
Attack 4: Use Body Chi power.
Attack 5: Do something else.

3.) I think your math is off on his Chi total at well. He has a P.E. of 17 which means he has 34 Chi at Level 1. At Level 4 is increases to 68, and at Level 9 it goes to 136.