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Destiny's Call

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:16 am
by Vidynn
has any of you played/GMed this mini-campaign? what were you experiences with it? I think it looks promising.

Re: Destiny's Call

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:10 pm
by Lord Z
Unfortunately no... What are your plans, V?

Re: Destiny's Call

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:44 am
by Vidynn
I'm thinking about a mini-series combining Destiny's Call and Hell: Frozen over (both from the RIFTER) with some material from Mystic China and span a storyline from 1945 to the 1980s, battling supernatural forces and warring nations/factions. But hearing some GM-experience with Destiny's Call might be helpful. There is this middle piece in Destiny's Call where the characters spend nine years in a monastery and I wondered how GMs handled this (both storywise - did you just skip it like "okay, nine years have passed" - players: "huh?!" - AND ruleswise - as I see from skimming the adventure the characters are supposed to learn martial arts there...but what if they already have martial arts [as many N&SS-characters do] or if they cant learn it cause of their OCC? than the whole sequence would make limited sense, eh?].

The adventures from the RIFTER intrigued me cause the 1980s seem to be the "classic" N&SS-period and 1945 is an interesting starting point, also the PC's involvment in the various wars in the region sounds interesting.