Enlightened Mortal
The Enlightened Mortal is a character that is in their first lifetime as an enlightened being. These characters generally begin life as an ordinary person with an extraordinary draw toward meditation and enlightenment. Whether this life was actually spent in meditation as some sort of monk or in some other entirely mundane pursuit is left entirely up to the player and GM. Regardless of how the Enlightened Mortals life began, it is a sudden and unmistakable insight into the true nature of reality that changes this character and their life forever.
The truth this character discovers is that all of reality is somehow in the mind of the observer; an illusion, dream, or hologram that they have great, but incomplete, power over. In this characters mind they have ‘woken up’ to being a character in some sort of dream or virtual reality simulation and as such can now control their own fate. This is important because all of the characters abilities hinge on this one belief. That NOTHING is real. The exact nature of this, belief (whether it is a computer simulation or dream) is left up to the player.
Most of these beings spent their entire pre-enlightenment period looking for this truth, though they didn’t know exactly what it was, they knew it was out there somewhere. It usually isn’t until they have researched every religion and spiritual movement that they finally realize that it was never to be found outside of themselves at all. It is at this time that the budding Enlightened Mortal will go off on their own to contemplate the world and their place in it. What returns from this time of solace is not the person that left but someone else entirely.
At the time of this realization the character begins to transform. Reality no longer has the hold that it used to and the characters new abilities illustrate this. Though this time of transformation may take an entire lifetime to complete, more often than not the Enlightened Mortal never actually lives long enough to see it. Post enlightenment; a life without adventure becomes a life not worth living.
Following this characters transformation into an enlightened being, they will soon discover that they will have a much more difficult time relating to people in general. From the point of view of the Enlightened Mortal, people are nothing more than unreal characters in an equally unreal world; poor deluded fools at best and backdrops to their own adventure at worst. Consequently, this character will eventually have difficulty caring much about the woes of others as their empathy goes down the tubes. This will make friends hard to make and harder to keep; especially those from their old lives.
Note: During the first few days or even weeks of this characters realization, telling everyone they meet about the truth behind existence will be their first priority. Sadly, no matter how much a person might believe them they will not gain the abilities of an Enlightened Mortal. It is a special realization that a person must have on his or her own; and timing is everything. It was this characters time in this life and nothing could have brought it any sooner.
Step One: The Usual Determine the attributes, Hit Points, S.D.C., alignment, skills, and education as usual. This character was an ordinary member of their species before the transformation. The only difference might be found in the characters skills as the research skill would have been developed while researching the various truths of the world. This is optional however.
All Enlightened Mortals Gain the Following Abilities: - +6 to save vs. H.F., +1D4 per level of experience (By 5th level this character is impervious to Fear and H.F.)
- Reduce the effects of pain and fatigue by ½
- At 5th level the effects of pain and fatigue are now reduced to ¼
- At 10th level the Enlightened Mortal no longer feels pain or fatigue
- Impervious to possession and mind control (automatic save)
- Impervious to Sickness and Disease
- Drugs & toxins are ½ as effective and do ½ damage
- At 5th level the effects and damage are reduced to 1/4th
- At 10th level the enlightened character is impervious to drugs & toxins.
- Heals two times faster than a normal human and doesn’t scar
- At third level the character heals 10 times faster than a normal human
- At 5th level the character heals 1D6 S.D.C./ H.P. per min.
- At 8th level the character heals 2D6 S.D.C./ H.P. per min and will regrow limbs!
- At 10th level the character is able to heal 1D6 S.D.C. per melee round
- Ages 1 year for every 2, average lifespan is now 150+ years +10 years per level
- Needs only 6 hours sleep per night; needs only 4 hours at 5th level
- Only needs half the amount of food and water as ordinary humans
- At 5th level the character only needs 1/4th the amount of food and water
- At 10th level the character no longer needs to eat and drink for nourishment
- Can hold breathe for 5 min per level of experience.
- +5% vs. Coma/Death per level of experience with a max of +50%
- Can leap 10ft high and 20ft across +2ft per level with a running start, half from standing
- Gains +2 attacks per melee round and a +2 bonus to all combat actions.
- +1D6 to M.E. attribute +1 at levels 3,6,8,10,12, and 15 with no cap.
- +2D6 to P.S. which is considered Extraordinary; +1D6 per every other level.
- Raise P.P. to 18; if already above 18 add 1D4 to it.
- Raise P.E. to 18; if already above 18 add 1D4 to it.
- Add 1D4 to P.B. +1 at levels 5,10, and 15.
- Double Spd attribute and add +1D4 per level of experience starting at level 2.
- Now has an A.R. of 10
- Double S.D.C. and add +20 per level of experience starting at level 2.
- New H.P. are P.E. attribute x2 +2D6 per level of experience starting at level 2.
Special Skill: Active Meditation – 50% +5% per level While waking up to the true nature of reality has caused the Enlightened Mortal’s body and mind to begin changing drastically, this doesn’t mean they are done purposefully working toward the goal of complete freedom. Most of these characters view their awakening as the first step in the real journey and begin pushing to see just how far they can go.
While some may focus their disbelief on their bodies, others may focus it on the world around them, the minds of others, or even seek unity with the unreal world so as to gain complete control. This area of focus will dictate which direction they take in their growth and transformation into a fully Enlightened Immortal being.
Active Meditation allows the Enlightened Mortal to focus their will on one particular aspect of reality so as to gain even more control over it in that moment. Unlike traditional meditation which requires the participant to sit in one spot; this skill allows the character to enter the trancelike state needed while on the move. It is reflected here as a skill to represent the amount of focus needed at any particular moment to actually pull it off.
On a successful roll the character will be able to activate their special focus for 1 minuet per level of experience. At the end of that time another roll will need to be made. If another successful roll is made then the character is able to keep the focus going, if not, the focus was lost and cannot be reattempted for another full minuet. There is no limit as to how many times Active Meditation can be attempted.
As you may have noticed the skill goes above 98% after 10th level, this isn’t a mistake. One of the reasons is that the GM can impose penalties for the difficulty in situations if they deem appropriate. There is always a chance for failure.
The second reason is that once a character reaches 10th level the player will have the option to stop progressing in their current focus and choose another. This second focus will always begin at level one along with the active meditation for it beginning at 50%. Of course weather or not this choice is even available will always be up to the GM.
Special Enlightened Abilities (Choose One)Focus is on the Body – The Enlightened Mortal focuses on the non-reality of the body in relation to an equally unreal world. This focus provides the character with heightened strength, agility, and endurance.
- +2D4x10 S.D.C. +1D4x10 per level of experience.
- Strength is considered Supernatural.
- Character gains the equivalent of HtoH Expert.
- If the character already knows Expert already then upgrade to Martial Arts.
- An additional +1d4x10 is added to the characters Spd attribute.
- Can jump 40ft high and 80ft across +5 per level with a running start, half from standing
- Gets an additional 2 attacks per melee round and +3 to all combat maneuvers.
- Blunt force attacks do no damage unless it is supernatural strength then damage is ½.
- Stabbing and cutting attacks do ½ damage.
- Energy attacks do ½ damage.
- Can survive up to 30 H.P. +10 Per level of experience H.P. below zero
- Death Blow doesn’t kill; only stuns
Focus is on the Mind – By tapping into the universal mind found within the false reality the character is able to sense everything that is about to happen before it does. To the enlightened character it feels like being in a memory or intense déjà vu where the world seems to be replaying a previous event in slow motion. This allows for unbelievable reaction times and split second movements that defy reality.
While this focus is active the following abilities are available:
- Absolutely NO combat bonuses may be used when attacking, parrying, or dodging the character; straight rolls of the dice only. This includes bonuses from both ancient and modern weapons.
- Character has no penalty to dodge bullets or energy blasts; straight roll of the dice only
- Critical Strike on a natural roll above 10
- Death Blow on a natural roll above 16
- Cannot be surprised or attacked from behind.
- Gains the equivalent of the psychic ability Mind Block without ISP cost.
Penalties: Due to the link to the universal mind, the character loses all emotion and most conscious thought as he copes with the vast amount of data being processed. While this may not seem like a bad thing it does mean that the characters alignment effectively changes to aberrant while in use as only the original goal becomes important. This means that while under the influence of the subconscious the character will most likely murder whoever is in the way and ignore everyone else; this includes innocent bystanders that may need help or be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m sure you can see how this can become problematic for good aligned characters.
It is important to note that when role playing this particular ability the character isn’t going to act like himself at all. To everyone, even friends and loved ones, they will appear cold, calculating, and distracted. Whatever the original goal was before activating this ability, it will now be an all-consuming drive that will only be satisfied with completion or death. Though it may seem like an obsession to others, it is actually more like a computer program in that it is all that exists within the characters mind at that time.
Note: If this ability is not turned off after the goal is completed he will begin fulfilling the desires of the individual subconscious mind. While this can be very telling, it can also lead to all kinds of trouble as the character begins acting out their various suppressed needs and desires.
Focus is on the World – This characters meditation has brought the underlying design of the illusionary world to their attention. This underlying design is responsible for the form and behavior of everything. It is the schematic each object or person unconsciously follows when created and maintained. This fundamental part of form is more than just DNA as it is found on the molecular level.
Instead of focusing on their own body, this character has decided to pay particular attention to the design of what lies outside the self; everything else. This focus is different than the others in that it relies on the Active Meditation skill to achieve the desired effect rather than maintain it. Each time the character seeks to manipulate the design he must roll under the Active Mediation skill to pull it off.
The following effects may be achieved through this focus:
Repair – By returning a damaged object or person back to its original design pattern the character can repair damage done to both animate and inanimate objects. When this ability is used it will almost appear as though time is being reversed as the damage begins fixing itself.
- Range: Touch at first level; at tenth level it becomes line of sight.
- The Enlightened Mortal is able to Heal/Repair 4D6 S.D.C. / H.P. +1 per level of experience per successful Active Mediation skill roll. This ability is able to be used once per minuet until level five at which time it can be used once per melee round.
- Limitations: This focus can only be used on others and not on the self. While this ability can be used to regrow organs, limbs, or machine parts, it is very difficult and carries with it a skill penalty of -20% per use in this way.
Damage – The Enlightened Mortal is able to cause damage to both animate and inanimate objects by rearranging the matter attached to a design pattern. This attack will appear as sudden ugly wounds in living beings or dents, rips, or tears in inanimate objects. Due to the nature of this attack victims of it will heal its damage at double the usual rate.
- Range: Touch only. Use HtoH attack bonuses to see if touch is successful. A ranged attack can be attempted but the range is only 5ft, is +2 to strike, and has a -20% skill penalty to pull it off.
- Damage: 1D6 S.D.C./ H.P. damage can be inflicted per every other level of experience. Note: This attack will penetrate any A.R. and inflict damage to any type of structure/being. This includes beings that are normally invulnerable such as werewolves, vampires, energy beings, and characters with the Invulnerability super ability.
- Limitations: This ability can only be used on what can be seen with the naked eye. This means that the character could not scramble someone’s brain or heart unless it was already visible. This also goes for body armor, unless some part of the person is visible only the armor can be damaged.
Control Effect – By tapping into the design pattern behind a particular effect, the Enlightened Mortal is able to negate or strengthen it. In this instance effects are meant to represent any powers or tech that cause more than straight damage. Examples of this would be abilities that slow down or speed up time, increase or decrease weight or gravity, or that push, pull, or lift in any way. Also gases, radiation, and intense heat or cold would also qualify as a particular effect that could be manipulated by this ability.
This ability works by temporarily boosting, reducing, or otherwise negating the underlying design that is causing the effect. This allows the character to walk through a gravity field unaffected, breath in the midst of tear gas, or even break through a force field!
Increase Effect – With a successful roll of the Active Meditation skill the Enlightened Mortal is able to increase the effectiveness of an effect. This allows the character to increase healing abilities, increase the S.D.C. of force fields, or even increase the weight allowances for gravity manipulation and magnetism.
Effects: All effects are increased at the same time; damage, range, and duration. The increase is +50% at first level, +100% at fifth level, and +150% at 10th level.
Range: Self or others by touch only.
Duration: 1 minuet per successful skill roll.
Limitations: This ability can only be used on effects that have a duration longer than an instant as these will have already occurred before this character has had a chance to react. Also, this ability can only be used by touch. This means that the character can increase the S.D.C. of a force field only if he is able to touch it or the person creating it.
Reduce Effect – This ability allows the character to reduce the effects on others. By touching another person the Enlightened Mortal can lighten the burden of an abilities effect on them.
Effects: Through touch the effects on a comrade can be reduced by as much as 50% at first level, 75% at fifth level, and completely negated by 10th level. All effects are reduced at the same time; damage, duration, and range.
Range: Touch only.
Duration: 1 minuet per successful skill roll.
Limitations: This ability can only be used on effects that have a duration longer than an instant as these will have already occurred before this character has had a chance to react.
Negate Effect – This allows the Enlightened Mortal to negate all the effects of abilities or tech on himself only.
Effects: All the effects that are touched by the Enlightened Mortal may be negated. This includes gases, artificial gravity, extreme heat (but not fire), extreme cold, and the like.
Range: Touch only
Duration: 1 minuet per successful skill roll.
Limitations: : This ability can only be used on effects that have a duration longer than an instant as these will have already occurred before this character has had a chance to react. Also, force fields and the material emitted from matter expulsion abilities can be negated at a rate of 10 S.D.C. per successful roll per level of experience. In the case of force fields the S.D.C. loss does not classify as damage. Instead it will go back into the opponent’s pool of available S.D.C. for that ability.
Sight – [/b]By really looking at the design pattern, the Enlightened Mortal is able to see integral parts of what makes up both people and objects. The following things can be seen with a successful Active Meditation roll.
On a Person – Alignment, basic motivations (money, safety, helping others, etc.), weather there are any special abilities present and weather they are psychic, magical, or other; but not what the abilities actually are, human, not human, or supernatural creature, and strengths or weaknesses (silver, energy, radiation, etc.)
On an Object – What it is used for (if anything), what materials it is made out of, how old it is, structural integrity (week, solid, etc.), possible weak points, if it is magical or not, and general program if a computer.
Range: Line of sight
Duration: 1 minuet per successful skill roll.
Limitations: Must be able to see person or object in person (not on a monitor or on T.V.).
[b]Other Stuff
Hand to Hand Combat: Combat Skills are not automatic. They must be selected as a learned skill.
Attacks Per Melee: As with all super beings, Enlightened Mortals start with two attacks per melee round before the transformation.
Weapons and Armor: Unless the character is extremely wealthy, only conventional weaponry and armor will be available.
Alignment: Any alignment can be selected but Enlightened Mortals tend to gravitate toward Unprincipled, Anarchist, or Aberrant alignments.
Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.): Before their realization the Enlightened Mortal started with a base S.D.C. of 30 before adding physical skills.
Available Financial Resources: Whatever the character had before the transformation. This will usually be around 4D4x100 in on hand cash with a car and small (1D4x1000) in savings. Of course, after the realization this character will be loath to work a 9-5 job so funds could be tight.