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Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:04 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Quantum Entanglement Weapons
QE weapons causes the matter targeted to disassociate from itself at the quantum level by entangling the information strings that bind the matter together. These weapons are mass intensive so they are limited to ships of at least 1000 feet long. They also require an dedicated power system for the QE guns, with out the dedicated power supply the QE guns would shut down power to every other system on-board for 15 sec before firing.
The QE guns are limited to those corporations that can assemble large scale nano-assembled constructs. This is because the production of quantum level effects desired require nanoscale mechanisms working in parallel.

The QE-1000 was the first production model of any QE gun. It & it's model brothers are the most prolific of the QE guns. They are also the least expensive of the all the QE guns.

Weight: 100 tons
Mega-Damage: 1d4 per 100 tons of the target ship.
Rate of Fire: once every 10 min.
Effective Range: 45 miles
Payload: effectively unlimited
Cost: 1.5 billion credits. However, is never sold on the open market.
Note: Each successive model (QE-1010, QE-1020, QE-1030, QE-1040, ...., to QE-1100) is -10% as massive as the last, +10% to the range from the last model, and costs +40% more then the last. Also with each successive model cuts the recharge time by 30 sec.

The QE-2000 was the next step in the development of this type of weapons, extending range and damage.

Weight: 150 tons
Mega-Damage: 1d6 per 10 tons of the target ship.
Rate of Fire: once every 10 min.
Effective Range: 100 miles
Payload: effectively unlimited
Cost: 23 billion credits. However, is never sold on the open market.
Note: Each successive model (QE-2010, QE-2020, QE-2030, QE-2040, ...., to QE-2100) is -10% as massive as the last, +10% to the range from the last model, and costs +40% more then the last. Also with each successive model cuts the recharge time by 30 sec.

The QE-3000 was the next step in the development of this type of weapons, vastly extending range and damage.

Weight: 250 tons
Mega-Damage: 1d6 per ton of the target ship.
Rate of Fire: once every 10 min.
Effective Range: 1000 miles
Payload: effectively unlimited
Cost: 120 billion credits. However, is never sold on the open market.
Note: Each successive model (QE-3010, QE-3020, QE-3030, QE-3040, ...., to QE-3100) is -10% as massive as the last, +10% to the range from the last model, and costs +40% more then the last. Also with each successive model cuts the recharge time by 30 sec.

QE Reactors
This offshoot of the quantum entanglement is a power generators that take 90% of Fusion Generator tech. With the QE parts being an Add-On part to the fusion tech. While the fusion generators you need high temps along with a containment field it instigate the mass to energy conversion; the QE generators only need the containment fields to contain the mass to energy conversion.
The downside is that QE generators can not be operated while in FTL flight.

Re: Quantum Entanglement WeaponsQuantum Entanglement Weapons Q

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:44 pm
by glitterboy2098
why would matter be disassociated from being Quantum Entangled? all that would do is cause all the particles of the object ot take on the exact same spin and other quantum taits. it would do nothing to the non-quantum traits, like atomic bonds.
now, QE would allow for some interesting stuff. like Ansible communications, instant transfer of information across infinite distance.
or ultra efficent radar type sensors.
but ultimately, the ability to make one particle behave exactly like another on a quantum level just isn't something that can be weaponized.
now, if you want a weapon that has the effect on the target you claim, in a pluasible fashion, use particle beams firing streams of anti-Gluon's, which would cause the atomic nuclei of the matter in the target to come apart, creating hydrogen and Beta radiation...
nor would QE be much use in fusion. if you want superior fusion through quantum particles, use Muon catalyized Fusion. create a stable muonic-hydrogen atom (where the muon replaces the electron), which allows you to greatly reduce the amount of energy required to initiate and sustain fusion reactions. getting stable muonic compounds is the hard part there.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:30 am
by drewkitty ~..~
actully I don't understand fully the whys and how's, but if you block the quantom information in the matter, it induces a matter to energy convertion.

I got the idea from the book "Eye of the Storm" by John Ringo. Sometime after chapter 6.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:27 pm
by glitterboy2098
since the quantum states represent the order of the energy in the packets that make up quantum and subatomic particles, i can't really say if thats inprobable or not. but i don't see how quantum entanglement can pull that off. all QE does is link two particles together so they share the same quantum states. this is going ot be useless as a weapon. even if, for example, you were to link a bit of matter on your ship with some from the enemies, then cancell out your matter to get an ansible reation from's going ot be useless for you, since you'd have to inflict the same 'bomb' on your own ship as well. somehow the "kamikazi gun" doesn't have as nice a ring to it.

frankly, if you want to use QE in a weapon, i'd go with QE-enhanced microwave emmiters (RADAR), focused down to a narrow beam. play it over the enemy and you induce electromagnetic pulses. EMP gun. (something the F-22 can do with their AESA radar's..adding QE just means you can make it ultra-efficent, allowing for much more powerful beams without needing more powerful powersupplies)

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:25 pm
by taalismn
either way....owiiiieeeeeeeee........

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:26 pm
by glitterboy2098
drewkitty, can i make a suggestion? instead of using quantum entanglement as your technobabble for this thing (which as i've pointed out, has little to do with the goal of this weapon), instead call it a "quantum inverter" or something, fluffed as generating a directional field that causes matter it touches to under go a "quantum inversion" into anti-matter. this would get you the same effects as listed (though i'd suggest reducing the damage to something more like "XD6 M.D. per ten tons of the target" or maybe 100 tons. or maybe a fixed damage, but to everything on the target (all locations). as it is the weapon is far more powerful than conventional weapons of the same sizes, to the point of making them all obsolete. with my suggestion, it's still powerful, but not so much that lasers and PBC's are pointless, and it uses a mechanic that while verymuch scifi technobabble, at least won't have the wanna-be physicist's in a group crying 'foul'

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:08 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
glitterboy2098 wrote:drewkitty, can i make a suggestion? instead of using 1) quantum entanglement as your technobabble for this thing (which as i've pointed out, has little to do with the goal of this weapon), instead call it a 2) "quantum inverter" or something, fluffed as generating a directional field that causes matter it touches to under go a "quantum inversion" into anti-matter. this would get you the same effects as listed (though i'd suggest reducing the damage to something more like 3) "XD6 M.D. per ten tons of the target" or maybe 100 tons. or maybe a fixed damage, but to everything on the target (all locations). as it is the weapon is far more powerful than conventional weapons of the same sizes, to the point of making them all obsolete. with my suggestion, it's still powerful, but not so much that lasers and PBC's are pointless, and it uses a mechanic that while very much sci-fi technobabble, at least won't have the wanna-be physicist's in a group crying 'foul'

1) the techno babble of a name is actually what they call it in the book.... so it's not mine. I did not have the book in front of me so I didn't use the books words to explain it, so something might of been lost in translation.
2) I've read a sci-fi book where these were a part of a planetary trap. Not sure of the author but I think it was Ben Bova.
3) These are main cannon weapons to be between those presented in "The Three Galaxies" (which I had open and looking at when typing these up) which range from 2 to 12 tons and these like the SDF's heavy particle beams & the large scale Syncro cannons which totally destroy any ship in the beam's path.

If you do the math the 10th generation of development only cuts the Mass of the weapons about in half, while more then doubling the price. There is also the technical limitation I set in the description, which also means if they are damaged, you absolutely can not repair the weapon if the projector core is damaged.

Also, the damage is based on the size of the target based on what mass there is to convert. And ships in the PB system are measured in tons and length, and the weapon placements are not listed.

I actually nerfed what was presented in the book, which was a 10% conversion, which junked the targeted ship, which basically was the size of a Nupetiet-Vernitzs and something like a tera-damage armor shell.(1 TDC = 100 GDC, 1 GDC = 100 MDC.)

While the further nerfing you suggested would be doable if the GMs feel it necessary, but it does not fall into the concept of a limited market share the QE weapons would grab.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:45 am
by azazel1024
My mind is on "Just back from vacation and its the morning" mode, so I am ignoring the hows, whys or ifs of QE weapons. As for damage, way, way to much. Even the weaker one would vaporize pretty much any large ship.

Think of something like a large cruiser of a hundred thousand tons or so, that would mean a 100,000 ton cruiser with maybe only 60-80k M.D.C. would take 1d4x100,000 damage, instantly obliterating it with 0 chance of survival.

To me, unless the beam could hit a very, very large area or really could convert a large portion of a ship to energy at most it would obliterate/vaporize a small section of the ship. There is no energy transfer to cause damage, simply disloution. Even if it did convert a portion of the ships mass to energy (which would be hellciously damaging), the damage shouldn't be based on the target ship's mass as the beam is only going to hit a fixed diameter no matter the ship of the ship, so the damage would have basically a fixed upper limit. Maybe something like 1d4 per ton up to a maximum of 1d4x10,000 damage or something. Oh and based how it sounds like a QE weapon would work, depending on how shields and force fields are supposed to operate, a force field would absorb a QE weapon without even twitching.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:10 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
edited them

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:14 pm
by Qev
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:2) I've read a sci-fi book where these were a part of a planetary trap. Not sure of the author but I think it was Ben Bova.

That sounds like the privileged channel weapons (aka 'noach weapons') from Greg Bear's The Anvil of Stars. Of course, implementing the full set of those in PW would be pretty game-breaking. :lol:

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:21 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Qev wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:2) I've read a sci-fi book where these were a part of a planetary trap. Not sure of the author but I think it was Ben Bova.

That sounds like the privileged channel weapons (aka 'noach weapons') from Greg Bear's The Anvil of Stars. Of course, implementing the full set of those in PW would be pretty game-breaking. :lol:

Maybe those are what the domeinators' are running/hiding from.

The Anvil of Stars sounds right.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:16 pm
by Aramanthus
It looks like an interesting concept weapon. I've been meaning to read "Anvil" in the future.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:14 pm
by azazel1024
The no-communications thereom appears to have been disproved in the basis of empirical evidence. IE several tests that have in fact shown quantum entanglement can result in FTL transmision of information (IE particle state across macroscopic distances FTL).

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:13 am
by azazel1024
Phalanx wrote:
azazel1024 wrote:The no-communications thereom appears to have been disproved in the basis of empirical evidence. IE several tests that have in fact shown quantum entanglement can result in FTL transmision of information (IE particle state across macroscopic distances FTL).

What tests? I'm not aware of any empirical evidence disproving the no-communications theorem. To the contrary, every experiment I know of has confirmed it.

Well not that I love fox noise, but there is an article on one of the tests that I was thinking of.,2933,482264,00.html Long way to go to long distance Anisible communication, but it more or less proves that no-communication isn't accurate.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:50 pm
by azazel1024
Phalanx wrote:No, it doesn't, actually. The process described in that article does not occur at superluminal speeds, as they depend on conventional communication channels to transmit the two bits to the other end.

Each emitted photon is captured by a lens, routed to a separate strand of fiber-optic cable, and carried to a 50-50 beam splitter where it is equally probable for the photon to pass straight through the splitter or to be reflected.

That is in reference to determining when the Ytrium atoms are entangled. The measurement of their state is made once the determination of entaglement is made. The observation of atom A sets the state of Atom B and the information contained within atom B is then able to be measured/recorded directly from Atom B. The actual setting of Atom B's state is superluminal based on what the article was saying.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:38 pm
by Thinyser
The QE-3000 was the next step in the development of this type of weapons, vastly extending range and damage.

Weight: 250 tons
Mega-Damage: 1d6 per ton of the target ship.
Rate of Fire: once every 10 min.
Effective Range: 1000 miles
Payload: effectively unlimited
Cost: 120 billion credits. However, is never sold on the open market.
Note: Each successive model (QE-3010, QE-3020, QE-3030, QE-3040, ...., to QE-3100) is -10% as massive as the last, +10% to the range from the last model, and costs +40% more then the last. Also with each successive model cuts the recharge time by 30 sec.

Woah that's a planet destroyer!

Earthweighs 5,973,700,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons so it would take five sextillion, nine hundred seventy-three quintillion, seven hundred quadrillion D6 Damage to a depth of 900 miles if the weapon platform was 100 miles above.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:28 pm
by Aramanthus
Ok. So where did that come from? :shock:

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:18 pm
by Overlord Rikonius
Aramanthus wrote:Ok. So where did that come from? :shock:

The damage being done based on the mass of the target. Earth being so massive, it'd get that ginormous damage assessed.

Wonder what'd happen if you fire it at a black hole :)

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:01 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Overlord Rikonius wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Ok. So where did that come from? :shock:

The damage being done based on the mass of the target. Earth being so massive, it'd get that ginormous damage assessed.

Wonder what'd happen if you fire it at a black hole :)

Less than if you fired at the star before it collapsed into a black hole. Black holes arn't more massive than the stars that formed them, less so actually, just denser.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:54 pm
by Thinyser
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Overlord Rikonius wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Ok. So where did that come from? :shock:

The damage being done based on the mass of the target. Earth being so massive, it'd get that ginormous damage assessed.

Wonder what'd happen if you fire it at a black hole :)

Less than if you fired at the star before it collapsed into a black hole. Black holes arn't more massive than the stars that formed them, less so actually, just denser.

Initially thats true but not after hundreds of millions of years gobbling up other matter. They often become much MUCH more massive than their parent star.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:28 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Thinyser wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Overlord Rikonius wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Ok. So where did that come from? :shock:

The damage being done based on the mass of the target. Earth being so massive, it'd get that ginormous damage assessed.

Wonder what'd happen if you fire it at a black hole :)

Less than if you fired at the star before it collapsed into a black hole. Black holes arn't more massive than the stars that formed them, less so actually, just denser.

Initially thats true but not after hundreds of millions of years gobbling up other matter. They often become much MUCH more massive than their parent star.

Depends on how close to other matter they are. if it's a loner, then there won't be that much around. If they're near another one, then yea it grows.

But also remeber that black holes do shrink over time.

Re: Quantum Entanglement Weapons

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:45 pm
by Qev
Overlord Rikonius wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Ok. So where did that come from? :shock:

The damage being done based on the mass of the target. Earth being so massive, it'd get that ginormous damage assessed.

Wonder what'd happen if you fire it at a black hole :)

Not much; a black hole made of energy is still a black hole. :)