Classifications of magic

Diabolists, Techno-Wizards & Psionicists, Oh my! All things that are Magics and Psionics in all Palladium Games.

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Ziggurat the Eternal
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Classifications of magic

Unread post by Ziggurat the Eternal »

A basic rundown of magic in my game. I got bored, so yeah.
Acolyte: human with no magic potential, yet knows 1d4 rank 1 magic spells. PPE equal to PE
Rank one being primordial magic, that any being with magic potential will learn on their own, without guidance. Magic so basic that even those with no potential can learn it if exposed to it.
Shaman: Has several spells(usually 20-30), all in one area of expertise, generally restricted to nature, and aspects thereof. Sometimes considered a form of mystic. Can only gain spell knowledge through epiphanic moments of external clarity. IE granted by an outside source, and dependent upon harmony with said source.
Mystic: Much like a shaman, except that they gain all their magic knowledge through internal reflection. All knowledge is intuitive, and they lack the skill to proceed further along the path of enlightenment. Additional understanding can only be aquired through moments of internal reflection and peace, wherein a new understanding themselves, their power, and their place in the universe is achieved.
Sorcerer: A more powerful User of the Arts. A Sorcerer is distinguished from other magic users by two things. One is a much greater capacity for energy generation and storage. The other is a nearly limitless potential for learning. While they gain less power when reaching a new plateau of mystic experience, Sorcerers can learn any spell up to their current level of understanding and power, at any time.
Wizard: A wizard is the pinnacle of magic development. A Wizard is much like a Sorcerer, with two primary differences. A Wizard is generally much more powerful than a Sorcerer, upwards of 50% more powerful on average. A Wizard is also much more skilled, in that they can even grasp and come to understand spells and knowledge currently beyond their ability. Not only that, but they can still utilize them, just in a diminished capacity.

Rank 1: simple parlor tricks, and apprentice should be able to do these within a half-year.
Rank 2: this is where the true skill is discovered. These spells have the ability to interact with reality. Things suck as a means to create Arms and Armor, along with manipulation of objects, camouflage and concealment, and all manner of interesting, but comparatively limited effects are to be had.
Rank 3: This is where the mage finally has the ability to manipulate oneself, and ones immediate surroundings. One can create enhanced weapons and defenses, along with food and drink, and even the ability to alter the atmosphere and nature, at least in minor ways. One can regulate heat and cold, speak to others over long distances, and even manipulate objects by thought alone.
Rank 4: These spells are the next step in altering reality, and truly accomplish mind boggling feats. With these, the mage becomes further able to alter his surroundings. One begins to influence the actions of animals, call upon the forces of nature, and even bend some of the minor rules of existence, while gaining their first insight into the Other Realms.
I goy bored, and thought might share a little something thats been floating around my head for a while.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.

amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.

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