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World War 2 Commando

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:43 pm
by Jefram_denkar
I created this for my Era of Darkness Campaign (BTS based but including other elements from Dead Reign and Nightbane). Andf I am just wondering what you guys and gals think.

Royal Commonwealth Commando O.C.C.

Royal Commonwealth Commandoes are the special forces of Great Britan as well as the nations that made up the many colonies and nations that were part of the British Empire.

Winston Churchill (along with others in England) had always been supporters of Commandos and other special operation types and as such they were an important part of the British operations during World War 2.

This is a general special forces O.C.C. set up to cover the wide variety of special forces types during World War 2.

Basic Skills (Everyone gets them)

O.C.C. Bonuses
+1 Attack per Melee
+1 to P.S.
+2 to P.E.
+3 to Spd
+2 to Perception
+2 to Roll with Impact
+2 Vs Horror Factor

S.D.C. 35+2D6

O.C.C. Skills
Speak Native Language (Normally English) 98%
Speak Second Language +20%
Read Write Native Language +20%
Basic Math +30%
Pilot: One of Choice +15%
Land Navigation +15%
Parachuting +20%
Prowl +15%
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Submachine Guns
W.P. Knife
W.P. One of Choice
Hand to Hand: Commando (can not be exchanged)
MOS Skills (Pick 2 of choice)(Note all bonuses stack unless other wise noted)

Heavy Weapons MOS
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert +20%
Recognize Weapon Quality +20%
Body Building
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P. Flame Thrower

Bonuses: +1 to P.S. and +2D6 S.D.C.

Demolitions MOS
Demolitions +20%
Demolitions Disposal +20%
Mine/Trap Detection +20%

1 Military Skill of Choice +20%
General Maintenance/ Repair +20%

Bonuses: +1to P.P. and add +50% damage when using explosives.

Radio Operator MOS
Radio: Basic +20%
1 Language of Choice +20%
2 Communication Skills of choice +20%
Basic Electronics +20%

Bonuses: +20% on all language skills taken (even Secondary skills)

Mechanical Engineering MOS
Basic Electronics +20%
Basic Mechanics +20%
3 Skills of choice from Electrical or Mechanical +20%

Bonuses: +2 to I.Q.

Point Man/Sniper MOS
Detect Ambush +20%
Detect Concealment +20%
Tracking (People) +20%
Camouflage +20%

Bonuses: +2 to Perception (stacks with other bonus) Prowl get’s an additional +10% Bonus (this stacks with the other bonus)

Medic MOS
Paramedic +20%
Field Surgery +20%
Biology +20%
Chemistry +20%
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical +20%

Bonuses: +1to I.Q. and +1 to M.E.

Intelligence MOS
Intelligence +20%
Interrogation +20%
Cryptography +20%
2 Espionage Skills of Choice +20%

Bonuses: +1to M.A. and +1 to M.E.

Infantryman MOS
Forced March
Military Tactics +30%
Boxing or Wrestling
2 W.Ps of choice

Bonuses: +1D6 S.D.C. and +2 to save Vs Horror factor (this stacks with the other bonuses)

Transportation Specialist MOS
Automotive Mechanics +20%
Pilot and/or Pilot Related 3 of choice +20%
Roadwise +20%

Bonuses: +1 to P.P. and +4 to roll with fall/impact

Supply Specialist MOS
Military Etiquette +20%
Streetwise +20%
Rogue: 3 of choice +20%

Bonuses: +2 to M.A.

Military Diver MOS
Swimming +20%
Scuba +20%
Boat: Seamanship +20%
Underwater Demolitions +20%
W.P. Speargun

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 4 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at level three, one at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communication: Any (+5%) (Radio Operator MOS gets any at +15%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic Electrical only (+5%) (Mechanical Engineer MOS can select any +15%)
Espionage: Intelligence only (Intelligence MOS can select any +15%)
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Auto Mechanics only (+5%) (Mechanical Engineer MOS can select any at +15%)
Military: First Aid only (Medic MOS can select any at +15%)
Military: Any (+5%) (Infantrymen MOS can select any at +15%)
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any except aircraft and ships (Transport Specialists MOS can select any at +15%)
Pilot Related: Any (+5%)
Rogue: None (Supply Specialist MOS can select any at +15%)
Science: Any (+5%)
Technical: Any (+5%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: None (PointMan/Sniper MOS can select any at +15%)
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select Six secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantages of the bonus listed in parenthesis (). All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, the skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated on the list.
Standard Equipment: equipment is issued as necessary.
Money: 3D6x10 Dollars
Experience Levels:

What do you think???

Re: World War 2 Commando

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:58 pm
by Natasha
I'd separate Point and Sniper MOS into their own and give them both Prowl, with Sniper probably getting a bigger bonus.

All soldiers probably should get Etiquette and Forced March while only officers (and/or commandos) Tactics.

I'd have to read it a few more times to get some more, but those jumped out immediately at me.

Re: World War 2 Commando

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:13 pm
by Jefram_denkar
Natasha wrote:I'd separate Point and Sniper MOS into their own and give them both Prowl, with Sniper probably getting a bigger bonus.

All soldiers probably should get Etiquette and Forced March while only officers (and/or commandos) Tactics.

I'd have to read it a few more times to get some more, but those jumped out immediately at me.

Well it is a rough draft and will be modified as needed.

And as it is a commando character class the OCC starts with prowl.

The thing is when I was thinking about was the Scout sniper who serves both as a point man and sniper and that is why I combined them into one MOS.

Re: World War 2 Commando

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:01 pm
by Natasha
Jefram_denkar wrote:And as it is a commando character class the OCC starts with prowl.

Oops, missed it. Give sniper a +20%, perhaps.

Jefram_denkar wrote:The thing is when I was thinking about was the Scout sniper who serves both as a point man and sniper and that is why I combined them into one MOS.

I wouldn't. I'd combine sniper with FAC or something like this and make point man just a really alert (the Detect skills are good) infantryman.

I think RECON does it well.

Re: World War 2 Commando

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:05 pm
by Jefram_denkar
Natasha wrote:
Jefram_denkar wrote:And as it is a commando character class the OCC starts with prowl.

Oops, missed it. Give sniper a +20%, perhaps.

Jefram_denkar wrote:The thing is when I was thinking about was the Scout sniper who serves both as a point man and sniper and that is why I combined them into one MOS.

I wouldn't. I'd combine sniper with FAC or something like this and make point man just a really alert (the Detect skills are good) infantryman.

I think RECON does it well.

I got alot of the ideas from Recon. but if you have some ideas related to MOS's go ahead.

I am planning on importing several skills from Recon to the Megaverse system for the game.

right now gfetting their gear orgaized.

Re: World War 2 Commando

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:16 pm
by Lord Z
Hello Jefram,

I love what you've done with this class. It's flexible yet it gives a clear concept of what the class is supposed to do. I don't know anything about British Special Forces, so I can't comment on the historical accuracy, but as an all-purpose elite soldier from most anywhere in 20th Century Western Civilization, this class looks to work quite well. These characters will be rather tough and skilled enough to rival Jason Bourne. They have nothing in particular that will give them an edge against the supernatural, but I think that is what you are intending.

Personally, if you are going to use the Military Etiquette Skill, I would move it to the OCC Skill section. The Supply Specialist MOS can get Salvage instead.

I never was clear on the difference between the Military Tactics and the Intelligence skills, so I can't really say which is more appropriate for which MOS.

If the emphasis is on British soldiers, then the money might be in units of pounds instead of dollars.

Concerning equipment, there is a nice guide in the Cargo! Cargo! article in Rifter #47. There are 17 pages of WWII-era equipment. The stats of this equipment and vehicle. The stats are based more upon the perception on the Cargo priests, so some stats like damage and range would need to be tweaked. It includes everything from cigarettes to PT boats. Players might be able to use the list as a reference to give them some idea of what to request as special equipment.

Beyond that, I'm a fan of the Tommy Gun (referenced as the Thompson Light Machine Gun in several Palladium Books). I think it was used by the Alamo Scouts in the Pacific Theater. Unfortunately, the Contemporary Weapons book doesn't give dates of when different guns became available.

What else... I recently listened to an actual play episode of Roleplay Public Radio. I mention it because the scenario was a single-adventure Call of Cthulhu game set in a Nazi research facility during WWII. It was a fun game, so if your campaign is set in the European theater, you might enjoy it.

Edit: I also found this nice page of information about the Welrod Pistol. It seems like appropriate equipment for a special forces team in the second world war.

Re: World War 2 Commando

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:23 pm
by Jefram_denkar
Lord Z wrote:Hello Jefram,

I love what you've done with this class. It's flexible yet it gives a clear concept of what the class is supposed to do. I don't know anything about British Special Forces, so I can't comment on the historical accuracy, but as an all-purpose elite soldier from most anywhere in 20th Century Western Civilization, this class looks to work quite well. These characters will be rather tough and skilled enough to rival Jason Bourne. They have nothing in particular that will give them an edge against the supernatural, but I think that is what you are intending.

Personally, if you are going to use the Military Etiquette Skill, I would move it to the OCC Skill section. The Supply Specialist MOS can get Salvage instead.

I never was clear on the difference between the Military Tactics and the Intelligence skills, so I can't really say which is more appropriate for which MOS.

If the emphasis is on British soldiers, then the money might be in units of pounds instead of dollars.

Concerning equipment, there is a nice guide in the Cargo! Cargo! article in Rifter #47. There are 17 pages of WWII-era equipment. The stats of this equipment and vehicle. The stats are based more upon the perception on the Cargo priests, so some stats like damage and range would need to be tweaked. It includes everything from cigarettes to PT boats. Players might be able to use the list as a reference to give them some idea of what to request as special equipment.

Beyond that, I'm a fan of the Tommy Gun (referenced as the Thompson Light Machine Gun in several Palladium Books). I think it was used by the Alamo Scouts in the Pacific Theater. Unfortunately, the Contemporary Weapons book doesn't give dates of when different guns became available.

What else... I recently listened to an actual play episode of Roleplay Public Radio. I mention it because the scenario was a single-adventure Call of Cthulhu game set in a Nazi research facility during WWII. It was a fun game, so if your campaign is set in the European theater, you might enjoy it.

Edit: I also found this nice page of information about the Welrod Pistol. It seems like appropriate equipment for a special forces team in the second world war.

Thanks for the info about Rifter 47 I'll have to pick that one up (had to stop buying Rifters for a while because of cash problems).

The Class is intended at a general Special forces during World War 2 and as I test stuff in game I'll be adding more info and updating the class.

As the characters (as well as the Players) are Canadian that is why it is in dollars.

One of the Characters is already carrying a Welrod and used it a couple of times in game. All but one also is using the Thompson (Canadian and British Special Forces loved it and used it extensivly)

I'll be posting the first session tonight.