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RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:38 pm
by Nightmaster
Well the idea was around in my head for quite a while and I wish some opinions on the matter.

The idea focus in the RCSG division. It toys with the premise that after much deliberation and study, the eggheads on the RCSG apply a petition to the High Command to start a "Stargate" project to explore what the d-bees and wizards call "The Megaverse".

The objective of the project would be to explore and catalog new dimensions, find new worlds that could be harvested for resources the CS is short and principally find new human allies that could help the CS in their fight.

Now my question to all of you:

Would the CS leaders endorse such project?

Who in the High Command would oppose it?

Who in the High Command would be in favor of it?

What changes such project could cause to the entire understanding that the CS have about its situation regarding Rifts Earth?

Who out there in the Megaverse would help the CS?

I wish some brainstorm to help mold my future campaign that will center around those ideas so lets be creative guys :lol: .

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:47 pm
by Kalidor
I would also make it a point that you aren't *converting* Stargate or any other intellectual property. You are merely establishing a comparison of using Transdimensional Rift travel to using an ancient device to travel to other planets in the same galaxy by a government power. The similarity stops there!

That said, I think the CS would be interested in it, if they could control the Rifts with science. I don't believe they'd do it with magic, due to it's unpredictable nature.

I could foresee them seeking out pure human "D-Bees" (In name only since they are from other worlds) and trying to acquire better technology to help their cause on Earth. Or maybe find a human race who has learned to control such Rifts as an ultimate goal in shutting Earth's 'natural' Rifts down once and for all.

If the CS is serious about going to the Megaverse for their cause, they will find out the hard way that dealing with Naruni and Splynn are going to be easier said that done, and may not like the results of their missions.

As big a deal as they are in North America, in the Megavere they don't even qualify as a small fish in a big pond.. they are plankton in an ocean.

Maybe they can look for alternate Earths and form a multi-continuum alliance with versions of themselves. Assuming each copy of the Rifts book sold represents a gameworld, and each gameworld represents an alternate Earth, some will be similar and some will be very different.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:14 am
by Nightmaster
Kalidor wrote:That said, I think the CS would be interested in it, if they could control the Rifts with science. I don't believe they'd do it with magic, due to it's unpredictable nature.

Do you have the Lone Star book? Technology can be used to create Rifts, the Rifts machine in sub-level 9 in the Lone Star complex is proof of that and the pre-rifts guys were not studying Rifts when they created the thing.

If the CS is serious about going to the Megaverse for their cause, they will find out the hard way that dealing with Naruni and Splynn are going to be easier said that done, and may not like the results of their missions.

As big a deal as they are in North America, in the Megavere they don't even qualify as a small fish in a big pond.. they are plankton in an ocean.


Maybe they can look for alternate Earths and form a multi-continuum alliance with versions of themselves. Assuming each copy of the Rifts book sold represents a gameworld, and each gameworld represents an alternate Earth, some will be similar and some will be very different.

Except that her is the catch.

As far the books have stated, Rifts Earth is a "Unique" occurence, since why its so valuable to groups like the Splugorth, Panteons of any kind, Alien Intelligences and etc.

That pretty much exclude the possibility of "another" Rifts Earth. Most probably you will have alternate Earths but they would not have Ley Lines and dimensional anomallies running amok.

They would be the kind of "what if" Earths, where some history situation was a different outcome that affected the whole world and so on, like a Earth where 2098 have passed by and no Cataclysm happened. There was a war that engulfed the whole world but because of some detail no Rifts and the like happened.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:30 am
by Kalidor
Where does it say it's unique?

Well, if it is, all the better. The CS can then harvest and recruit pure humans who are untainted by the Rifts. Play on their sympathies of "Our beloved home.. YOUR home... has been overrun by monsters and we need help!"

EDIT: I realize it's unique in the context of this quantum universe, but in other alternate realities it could exist as it's own unique entity there.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:19 am
by Nightmaster
Kalidor wrote:Where does it say it's unique?

Well, if it is, all the better. The CS can then harvest and recruit pure humans who are untainted by the Rifts. Play on their sympathies of "Our beloved home.. YOUR home... has been overrun by monsters and we need help!"

EDIT: I realize it's unique in the context of this quantum universe, but in other alternate realities it could exist as it's own unique entity there.

Its the megaverse my friend. This quantum universe is just one of many others in the context of the megaverse. The dimension of PW is one quantum universe, the one of heroes unlimited is another as well. Also in several places is implied that Rifts Earth is so much valuable because its unique.

Just think about it. If there are "other" Rifts Earths the whole thing that prevent Splyncrith from dominating the entire world ceases to exist because all the other dimensional conquers, Alien Intelligences, panteons and etc would not care much about it... after all there are others Rifts Earths in the Megaverse so why fight for this one?

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:26 am
by Kalidor
But if it was unique as you say, then wouldn't there be countless Splyncrith duplicates trying to take over the same world? Doing, pretty much what I suggested the CS do only in reverse.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:20 pm
by Nightmaster
Kalidor wrote:But if it was unique as you say, then wouldn't there be countless Splyncrith duplicates trying to take over the same world? Doing, pretty much what I suggested the CS do only in reverse.

The answer to that is simple. There is just one Splyncrith.

In fact by all that is said about the Splugorth, Alien Intelligences, Gods and Dragons, those creatures are not bound to a single dimension so (if my logic is not failing me on this) there is no alternate versions of then because they are not part of any given continuum.

Its because of that I am sure the Victor Lazlo presented in the Rifts Africa book is the Victor Lazlo of Rifts Earth past because he recognized Lo Fung and since Lo Fung is a Chiang-ku dragon (and those are rare even among dragons) then there is no possibility of a alternate dimension (remember that Lo Fung were living on Rifts Earth for the past six thousand years) and so the Victor Lazlo that talked to him and recognized him is from the past for Rifts Earth.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:59 pm
by taalismn
I figure the CS would be against it...I mean, what good ever came of a Rift, from the CS's perspective? IT's an unknown! "Poking our noses through it would be inviting more trouble! Better to find a way to close the EXISTING dimensional gates, then take the existing resources away from all those inhuman invaders who have already come to OUR world!"
Besides, there's probably an underlying belief among the CS that something the stupid, ignorant, Golden Age humans did, meddling with forces they didn't understand, caused the whole dimensional barrier breakdown, rather than just cosmically bad luck....

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:30 pm
by Nightmaster
taalismn wrote:I figure the CS would be against it...I mean, what good ever came of a Rift, from the CS's perspective? IT's an unknown! "Poking our noses through it would be inviting more trouble! Better to find a way to close the EXISTING dimensional gates, then take the existing resources away from all those inhuman invaders who have already come to OUR world!"

That is the catch. The CS High Command knows that unless they close the Rifts they dont have means to stop the flow of monsters and D-bees so if already drenched why not step into the rain? Nothing will be worst if they did. After all in their mentality Earth is already know to the invaders so nothing new will happen. :)

Besides, there's probably an underlying belief among the CS that something the stupid, ignorant, Golden Age humans did, meddling with forces they didn't understand, caused the whole dimensional barrier breakdown, rather than just cosmically bad luck....

Dont know from where you got that but the only person that knows about the Rifts machine in sub-level 9 in the Lone Star Complex is Desmond Bradford and he havent said what he believe to have found even to Emperor Prosek.

The idea of the RCSG petition to start a dimensional exploration team is that they will start to try develop their own method of dimensional travel.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:32 pm
by jaymz
If you take the tech at Lonestar in to account along with the tech at Norad form teh rifters, which Lonestar woudl probably have data on in its computers, then take the info/tech form teh article on RCSG and the St Louis Rift in another Rifter, they MAY look further into this technology in order to use it to shut down rather than open up rifts/nexi (nexuses?)

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:53 pm
by Nightmaster
jaymz wrote:If you take the tech at Lonestar in to account along with the tech at Norad form teh rifters, which Lonestar woudl probably have data on in its computers, then take the info/tech form teh article on RCSG and the St Louis Rift in another Rifter, they MAY look further into this technology in order to use it to shut down rather than open up rifts/nexi (nexuses?)

Except that no one besides Desmond Bradford knows about the machine in Lones Star and the articles on the Rifters are not canon (unless the caput of the article says otherwise).

So no NORAD and no RCSG info/tech from the Rifters. Mainly because I dont have it (the rifters).

Also the only two ways for someone to close a Rifts/Nexus is using either the spell Close Rifts or by constructing a Pyramid right on top of the Nexus and those two options are magical ones.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:00 pm
by jaymz
Was just a suggestion that couild allow you to do the tech based thing you are talking about :)

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:33 pm
by Nightmaster
jaymz wrote:Was just a suggestion that couild allow you to do the tech based thing you are talking about :)

I know but I dont have the Rifters and the information there is not canon. Thanks for it anyway :)

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:34 pm
by jaymz
Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:43 pm
by Elthbert
jaymz wrote:Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

There is a completely canon way.... The KLS labs in flordia where the time holes are have this equipment and it was working when the cataclysm occured.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:27 pm
by TechnoGothic
I Suggest renaming this Thread to something else.

Riftgate or something like that.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:34 pm
by Nightmaster
jaymz wrote:Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

Well I wish to know how they would think this way since no one besides ARCHIE 3 and some Dragons and Gods know how the Cataclysm happened in the first place.

The CS High Command dont have a inklet of what caused the "Coming of the Rifts" so they cannot be afraid of something they really dont know if its connect or not. They dont even know that in the Lone Star Complex there is a entire sub-level devoted to teleportation/dimensional travel that was being researched there. Dr Desmond Bradford have not tell then of the existence of the machine at all.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:55 pm
by jaymz
Nightmaster wrote:
jaymz wrote:Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

Well I wish to know how they would think this way since no one besides ARCHIE 3 and some Dragons and Gods know how the Cataclysm happened in the first place.

The CS High Command dont have a inklet of what caused the "Coming of the Rifts" so they cannot be afraid of something they really dont know if its connect or not. They dont even know that in the Lone Star Complex there is a entire sub-level devoted to teleportation/dimensional travel that was being researched there. Dr Desmond Bradford have not tell then of the existence of the machine at all.

It's not neccessarily knowing for fact but the paranoia of it possbily causing said effects. Anyting to do with dimensional travel etal is highly feared it seems as much as amgic is for the most part.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:55 pm
by jaymz
Elthbert wrote:
jaymz wrote:Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

There is a completely canon way.... The KLS labs in flordia where the time holes are have this equipment and it was working when the cataclysm occured.

I didn;t say it couldn';t be done via canon I said it was highly unlikely they would lean to doing said thigns :)

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:11 pm
by Nightmaster
jaymz wrote:
Nightmaster wrote:
jaymz wrote:Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

Well I wish to know how they would think this way since no one besides ARCHIE 3 and some Dragons and Gods know how the Cataclysm happened in the first place.

The CS High Command dont have a inklet of what caused the "Coming of the Rifts" so they cannot be afraid of something they really dont know if its connect or not. They dont even know that in the Lone Star Complex there is a entire sub-level devoted to teleportation/dimensional travel that was being researched there. Dr Desmond Bradford have not tell then of the existence of the machine at all.

It's not neccessarily knowing for fact but the paranoia of it possbily causing said effects. Anyting to do with dimensional travel etal is highly feared it seems as much as amgic is for the most part.

That is the thing. For someone to be paranoid about something one must first know such thing can happen in the first place.

You cant be paranoid about something you dont even know is possible. You at most can be wary that "something" may happen but what that "something" may be no one can say.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:17 pm
by Nightmaster
jaymz wrote:
Elthbert wrote:
jaymz wrote:Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

There is a completely canon way.... The KLS labs in flordia where the time holes are have this equipment and it was working when the cataclysm occured.

I didn;t say it couldn';t be done via canon I said it was highly unlikely they would lean to doing said thigns :)

And the info on that project could be inside Lone Star Databases, even if just a minor reference to special projects being developed by some corporations or governmente agencies at the time can be helpful. Remember that Japan and USA were conducting experiments on teleportation at the time the Cataclysm happened. The info on this project could very well be inside the Lone Star Database but was regarded was impratical until now.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:22 pm
by jaymz
Nightmaster wrote:
jaymz wrote:
Elthbert wrote:
jaymz wrote:Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

There is a completely canon way.... The KLS labs in flordia where the time holes are have this equipment and it was working when the cataclysm occured.

I didn;t say it couldn';t be done via canon I said it was highly unlikely they would lean to doing said thigns :)

And the info on that project could be inside Lone Star Databases, even if just a minor reference to special projects being developed by some corporations or governmente agencies at the time can be helpful. Remember that Japan and USA were conducting experiments on teleportation at the time the Cataclysm happened. The info on this project could very well be inside the Lone Star Database but was regarded was impratical until now.

It's too bad that you don;t have the rifter witht eh St louis Rift and RSCG info. They actually came up with a way to use tech to shut down a ley line even if only for a fraction of a second. ALso came up witha system using techto sto teleportations.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:22 am
by Nightmaster
jaymz wrote:
Nightmaster wrote:
jaymz wrote:
Elthbert wrote:
jaymz wrote:Well if you want to go canon only then they I do not think they would ever go this route in any way shape or form. Better to not risk making hte mistakes of hte past than to unleash another dark age...

There is a completely canon way.... The KLS labs in flordia where the time holes are have this equipment and it was working when the cataclysm occured.

I didn;t say it couldn';t be done via canon I said it was highly unlikely they would lean to doing said thigns :)

And the info on that project could be inside Lone Star Databases, even if just a minor reference to special projects being developed by some corporations or governmente agencies at the time can be helpful. Remember that Japan and USA were conducting experiments on teleportation at the time the Cataclysm happened. The info on this project could very well be inside the Lone Star Database but was regarded was impratical until now.

It's too bad that you don;t have the rifter witht eh St louis Rift and RSCG info. They actually came up with a way to use tech to shut down a ley line even if only for a fraction of a second. ALso came up witha system using techto sto teleportations.

I have only the Rifter 1.

As for the anti-teleport tech that is really ridiculous since a simple force field prevents teleportation in the area, magical or not.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:17 am
by Kalidor
In Stargate canon, hehe.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:21 am
by jaymz
I am pretty sure in Rifts force fields do not stop teleports.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:54 am
by Kalidor
I was referring more to the ring devices not working if shields are up.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:23 pm
by kmspade
I am currently running a campaign that is almost the exact opposite of this one. The group is a CS special forces group that catches wind of a Federation of Magic plot to open a Riftgate to an alien dimension for the purpose of bringing an alien intelligence physically to Rifts earth in order to destroy the CS.

The players must, through a series of adventures, race against the Fed of Magic to find all the components needed for the Riftgate, and prevent the Fed of Magic from completing and opening the riftgate. The only thing I am having trouble deciding is what kind of components would a riftgate or rift machine require, where would they be located (all over North America probably), and how will the CS figure this out in order to stop it from happening.

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:26 pm
by Nightmaster
Darkorinth wrote:Ummmm, where does it say that a forcefield prevent teleportation?

As far I remember its mentioned in one of the PW books, dont recall right now which one (my books are kilometers away with a friend)

Re: RCSG Stargate Project

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:59 pm
by Mercdog
I think that the only use the CS could have for a technological means to open and close dimensional rifts would be using it to seal any dimensional rifts shut as permanently as was possible.