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+4 to helmet yanking

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:45 am
by Kalidor
So I've been curious about this for a while now, thought I'd run it by you GMs and see what you thought.

In regards to Rifts body armor (Not power armor or robot suits), what would a character have to do in order to remove another character's helmet?

I'm guessing some sort of grapple and maybe something akin to a disarm check, but instead of the weapon he's targeting the head? What do you guys think?

It comes up from time to time because characters want to affect someone with a spell or psionic who is in full environmental body armor without having to deplete the armor (particularly if they wish to use the armor later).

What about telekinesis? For the record, I already allow my mind melter player to use telekinesis to make a ranged disarm check that DOES put the weapon in the character's hand (Think Darth Vader in Empire Strike Back). Do you suppose they could pull someone's helmet off? Would there be some sort of latch or seal they'd have to break open or would it just be as easy as taking someone's helmet off?

Re: +4 to helmet yanking

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:50 am
by Long Shadow
In rifts, I've always considered the helmet of fully environmental suits to be latched on myself, thus requiring some sort of unlatching to take place before it can be taken off. I've always considered them to be akin to motorcycle helemts.

Howeer if the helmet doesn't provide environmental protection, I think it would be fair game for being knocked off.

The only way I could see a helmet coming off in battle, is if one person grappled the victim and second person yaks it off... a combination grab then yank (prob. 2 attacks)

Re: +4 to helmet yanking

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:50 pm
by jedi078
I agree that EBA helmets would have latches or some sort. As for getting someone's helmet off in the middle of combat that could be done by one person but will take like 3-4 attacks. But for each action the enemy will try soem sort of counter.

Of course even EBA (just as medieval armor did) has to have weak points (joints, armpits, neck, etc), or else the wearer would have little to no mobility. So why not just shank them with a vibro knife in those soft spots? In my games this would require a 'called shot' at -5 to strike, as well as having the WP Knife skill. Granted some may consider this a ‘cheap’ way to kill somebody, but so is the use of some magic spells and psionics.

Re: +4 to helmet yanking

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:49 am
by Spinachcat
Depends on the helmet.

I'd go with a Disarm attack with a penalty based on the complexity of the helmet, maybe count it as an aimed attack so they need to spend 2 actions on the attempt.

Also, I'd consider the character's mechanical knowledge and familarity with that type of armor.

Re: +4 to helmet yanking

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:38 pm
by Cinos
For run of the mill armor, Entangle check, followed by a second opposed Entangle check at a penalty to remove an item of armor.

However, most full EBA armor (meaning 90% of book printed armor), is just that, Fully Environmental Body Armor, which means it has rather strong connection points, probably controlled by a computer and mechanized system of locks, meaning you're gonna rip their head off, before their helmet.