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My Lengthy Report

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 5:19 pm
by ApocalypseZero
For those who could not be there, you can experience it as best you can from my eyes.....


To start off the weekend, I visited my good friend and the person who put me in the
position I am now with everyone at Palladium Books, Dennis Hughes/Subjugator. If you
didn't know, Dennis had a recent medical issue crop up and things were looking very
serious at first. In fact, as of that morning, he was going to have surgery and wasn't
sure if that was going to be the end of the problems or not. So, after a solemn yet
positive visit, I left for the Open House with word of Dennis' condition.

Arriving at the Warehouse, the place was a bit quiet. I'm always used to the Open House
being a bit busy, but I arrived earlier this year. I proceeded to take in the sights of
some special tables, meet some people, and just hang around until things really took off.
Of course, I was also assaulted by a short, little Canadian woman who you may know as
Sara/Mierin. All because she "claims" I stole a character of her's for a pre-gen in one of
my games. I was merely immortalizing her creation in an Open House game. A double kick
to the shin was what I got for my gratitude. Go figure. :D

Things started with the Opening Speech that Kevin likes to give every time. After this, I
jumped into one of the games that night, "Ben 10 is Missing" being GM'd by Julius Rosenstien.
The game was fun, but like always, the warehouse echoes all the noise and was at times hard
to hear. The concept of the game was fun. Essentially, we all played 'minor heroes' who
were 'Plumber's Kids', like Ben Tennison (reference the Ben 10 tv show on Cartoon Network).
We all had a weaker Omnimatrix, so each of us had 1-3 other forms. I personally got 'Lee
Threenody' who happened to have a Bird, Insect, and Reptile form (all were Aliens out of the
Aliens Unlimited book). So, we set out in adventure looking for Ben 10. For my character, Lee,
Ben owed him 10 bucks, and I was determined to get it back.

We snuck, we bullied, we fought, we ambushed, and finally we blitzed the 'enemies' only to find
Ben 10 had been, in Julius' words, "Hammering out a deal with the Alien Princess". So, here we
are risking life and limb and he's 'negotiating' with the Princess, on top of that, he owed me
10 bucks. I don't care if he became Humongasaur, I wanted my money. So I punched him in the toe.

That night, many gathered in the Hotel Conference Room to play in an off Rifts game of mine. If
anyone has ever been to one of my earlier Con Games, this adventure is known as 'Requiem', in
which the players are hired by Lazlo to rescue an Archeologist and retrieve his data from a dig
that went awry. Essentially, the game come in a couple parts: Travel from Lazlo to Detroit,
Traversing Detroit Ruins, Travel to Dig Site, and Exploring the Dig Site. Thanks to Carmen Bellaire's
Dragon Hatchling, we skipped from Lazlo to the Dig Site thanks to Teleport: Superior. However,
his teleport did send a Demi-god healer and a Wilderness Scout to Duluth. Thanks to his Remote
Viewing, Carmen was able to teleport to them and bring them back.

Shortly after that, the plans went down hill as Nick Bradshaw (playing the aforementioned Scout) and
Carmen begin a little feud that ends with both of them violating each other and then Nick's human Scout
being eaten like a snack, much to the horror of some others. The game ended shortly after that as this
was the end and all that was left was learning the mysterious of the site.

Re: My Lengthy Report

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 5:40 pm
by ApocalypseZero

Well, technically, I started off the day by running a game at the hotel, but we'll use those little
sleep breaks to denote the days. :D

Getting little sleep like always, but more than last year, I was at the Open House by 10p. Too late to
jump in any games, I merely perused the place taking pictures, chatting it up with fellows I haven't
seen in at least a year if not longer, and just taking it all in. At 1p, I had my first official game
to run, "Rose for Sharyn" set in Phase World.

The game went surprisingly well. I think the direction of Carl Gleba playing my Runner Captain really
set the pace and everyone played it off to a hitch. There was a nice surprise as to what was going on
in the game, which I choose not to reveal as I want to use this game at later, various Cons. The crew
did a good job in fending off the TGE forces that boarded their ship and since time was running short,
the game ended with their landing on the planet and making their delivery. What was also unexpected, I
had made plans to give prizes to lucky players. The players had to answer the question: Which character
being played was mine? Congratulations to a first time player named Renee, who I believe was the mother
of a group of younger gamers. For a prize, she choose a RiftworkZ, the art of John Zeleznik.

After the game, I was graciously invited to dinner with Levi Johnstone, Nick Bradshaw, Josh Sinsapaugh,
and Amy Ashbaugh, at Logan's Steakhouse. I love the disturbing humor that comes at you with serious
delivery from both Josh and Nick. These two played off each other all weekend to my amusement.

After dinner, we all returned to the Open House to mingle and chill. Later that night, I returned to the
Hotel to meet and talk with Jason Marker. He's a cool cat who I always enjoy talking to and now he's a
newfound father, everyone had to see pictures of Catalina and congratulate him. After he left, Carmen
decided to run his 'Toon Game' at the Hotel. It was quite hilarious, but I'm going to leave the details
off of here as Nimmy would have to ban me. But I will say, my D20 loves Amy, as it'd not let me roll
higher than a 4 when I tried to hit her character, except for one time.

Re: My Lengthy Report

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 6:03 pm
by ApocalypseZero

By this time, I'm starting to feel the weekend draining me. With little sleep since Wednesday and
standing on hard concrete or sitting in a plastic chair, my body was yelling at me. This morning, I made
sure the 'special art piece' for friend Dennis Hughes was moving along. I was quite surprised by all the
artists who tried to give me money back for this piece. I wish Dennis could have seen that, how far he's,
for lack of a better term, admired by everyone. I feel bad in a way, but I had to force them to keep the
money. Well, everyone except Bradshaw. I think he'd grab a dollar with his teeth if I dangled it from my
zippper. :D (JOKE! Damn disclaimers.)

Saturday was a blur until my game started. I know Mike Mumah and I traveled to the local Qdoba for lunch
before my game, and much to some ire. The burrito was good.

My Saturday game was a bit of a disappointment for myself. I was crazy enough to run a Megaversal Game
where anything goes. It was a Bring Your Own Character, Any Level, Any Game, Book-Legal. I did get some
radical characters, but I didn't get anything supercrazy, most were just decked out with toys. Sadly, the
game wasn't my greatest as I was mentally and physically drained, but I do feel that I kept everyone
entertained and that's the most important thing.

After the game, a group of us gathered and made an attempt to eat at Texas Roadhouse, but due to an
obscene wait, we opted for a Chinese buffet. After dinner, we all returned to the Open House. Before
heading back to the Hotel; Josh S., Nick B., Amy A., and I all visited 'Party City' where Josh was amazed
by the price of alcohol. A couple of six pack bottles, a bottle of Jack and Jameson, and some panzy
Smirnoff for Carmen and we were back at the Hotel partying it up while Carmen ran his 'Rune Weapon'
after-hours game. This year, we had some crazy weapon ideas, but I have to say that my dice still love
Amy as I found myself in a Bottomless Pit trying to attack her. Thanks Brandon.....

Oh, and it was during this game that the 'Snorting of the Puppychow' took place. If you can, get Shiniteshi
to get you some. I couldn't stop eating the stuff once I got a hold of it. Good stuff.

Re: My Lengthy Report

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 6:16 pm
by ApocalypseZero

By this time, I am not completely sure of everything that was going on. I know I met with Josh Hilden,
one part of the driving force behind Dead Reign. It was good to see him doing well, and to congratulate
him in his newest family addition. And then I have to hear him hack on me during my Rifts game. His
flaming diving power claw from above did manage to annhilate my Witchling, the evil mastermind in the
game. Course, this broke the enchantment on the CS Dead Boys and the eight of them proceeded to perforate
the Juicer, played by Ninja-bunny. Sadly, as the game broke up quickly, I wasn't able to really ask my
question for a prize, and since no one could figure out my question from Saturday (What is the common
link in all my game titles? 'Rose for Sharyn', 'World Ablaze', 'The Arms of Sorrow' Answer: Killswith
Engage songs) and no one was around for the Sunday one, I got to pocket a little money I planned to spend.

After the Open House wrapped up, tables and chairs cleaned up, and goodbyes said, I found myself asked
over to Levi Johnstone's residence alongside Amy A., and to be met there by Jason Marker, for dinner and
games. That was cool to hang with people away from the noise of the Open House and in a smaller, quieter
group. After a round of Munchkin, Amy, Levi, and I started a game of Zombies after Marker departed, but
sleepiness crept in. Amy and I called the game and returned to the hotel. Once there, I said goodbye to
Amy, slipped into the Conference Room for a bit, and then to bed.

The weekend was over, the Open House was done, and the good times had rolled. As my facebook status now

"The Open House was full of win, now back to normal life..."