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[Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 4:40 pm
by Mantisking
Atemi Abilities
Confusion Strike:
By striking the Liver Point on the Wood Meridian the target's ability to make decisions and long term plans is thrown out of balance. A Strike roll of Natural __ or better is needed to do this successfully. Effect: The target's I.Q. is lowered by 1D6 for 2D4 hours.

Advanced Atemi Abilities
Emotion Disruption Strike:
By striking certain points along certain Meridians the attacker can cause the target's emotions to run out of control. A Strike roll of Natural 12 or better is needed to do this successfully. Effect:
Fire Point: Uncontrollable Happiness.
Metal Point: Uncontrollable Grief.
Wood Point: Uncontrollable Anger.
Water Point: Uncontrollable Fear
Earth Point: Uncontrollable Anxiety.

Advanced Chi Mastery (Positive & Negative)
Emotion Disruption:
By projecting either positive or negative chi into the appropriate organ the chi master can enhance or supress the emotion associated with that organ. A Strike roll of 12 or better is needed to do this successfully. Chi Cost: Four (4) points of either type.
Positive Chi Effects:
Small Intestines: enhanced Happiness.
Large Intestine: enhanced Grief.
Gall Bladder: enhanced Anger.
Bladder: enhanced Fear.
Stomach: enhanced Anxiety.

Negative Chi Effects:
Heart: suppressed Happiness.
Lungs: suppressed Grief.
Liver: suppressed Anger.
Kidneys: suppressed Fear.
Spleen/Pancreas: suppressed Anxiety.

  • This was inspired by reading a book about the meanings of Chinese Hanzi characters.
  • It uses Taoist Five Element Theory quite heavily.
  • Unfortunately this is all I have. I stalled after the initial ideas.

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:14 am
by Mantisking
Atemi Abilities
Confusion Strike:
By striking the Liver Point on the Wood Meridian the target's ability to make decisions and long term plans is thrown out of balance. A Strike roll of Natural __ or better is needed to do this successfully. Effect: The target's thoughts become very muddled and all combat rolls are -2. This lasts for 2D4 hours.

Advanced Atemi Abilities
Emotion Disruption Strike:
By striking certain points along certain Meridians the attacker can cause the target's emotions to run out of control. A Strike roll of Natural 12 or better is needed to do this successfully. Effect:
Fire Point: Uncontrollable Happiness.
Metal Point: Uncontrollable Grief.
Wood Point: Uncontrollable Anger.
Water Point: Uncontrollable Fear; the target will run away 50% of the time and all combat rolls are -2.
Earth Point: Uncontrollable Anxiety.

Advanced Chi Mastery (Positive & Negative)
Emotion Disruption:
By projecting either positive or negative chi into the appropriate organ the chi master can enhance or supress the emotion associated with that organ. A Strike roll of 12 or better is needed to do this successfully. Chi Cost: Four (4) points of either type.
Positive Chi Effects:
Small Intestines: enhanced Happiness.
Large Intestine: enhanced Grief.
Gall Bladder: enhanced Anger.
Bladder: enhanced Fear; the target will run away 50% of the time and all combat rolls are -3.
Stomach: enhanced Anxiety.

Negative Chi Effects:
Heart: suppressed Happiness.
Lungs: suppressed Grief.
Liver: suppressed Anger.
Kidneys: suppressed Fear.
Spleen/Pancreas: suppressed Anxiety.

  • This was inspired by reading a book about the meanings of Chinese Hanzi characters.
  • It uses Taoist Five Element Theory quite heavily.
  • Unfortunately this is all I have. I stalled after the initial ideas.
  • I'm copying some of the effects from PF spell & Psionic effects.

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:44 pm
by Grandil
Mantisking wrote:Modified
Atemi Abilities
Confusion Strike:
By striking the Liver Point on the Wood Meridian the target's ability to make decisions and long term plans is thrown out of balance. A Strike roll of Natural __ or better is needed to do this successfully. Effect: The target's thoughts become very muddled and all combat rolls are -2. This lasts for 2D4 hours.

Advanced Atemi Abilities
Emotion Disruption Strike:
By striking certain points along certain Meridians the attacker can cause the target's emotions to run out of control. A Strike roll of Natural 12 or better is needed to do this successfully. Effect:
Fire Point: Uncontrollable Happiness.
Metal Point: Uncontrollable Grief.
Wood Point: Uncontrollable Anger.
Water Point: Uncontrollable Fear; the target will run away 50% of the time and all combat rolls are -2.
Earth Point: Uncontrollable Anxiety.

Advanced Chi Mastery (Positive & Negative)
Emotion Disruption:
By projecting either positive or negative chi into the appropriate organ the chi master can enhance or supress the emotion associated with that organ. A Strike roll of 12 or better is needed to do this successfully. Chi Cost: Four (4) points of either type.
Positive Chi Effects:
Small Intestines: enhanced Happiness.
Large Intestine: enhanced Grief.
Gall Bladder: enhanced Anger.
Bladder: enhanced Fear; the target will run away 50% of the time and all combat rolls are -3.
Stomach: enhanced Anxiety.

Negative Chi Effects:
Heart: suppressed Happiness.
Lungs: suppressed Grief.
Liver: suppressed Anger.
Kidneys: suppressed Fear.
Spleen/Pancreas: suppressed Anxiety.

  • This was inspired by reading a book about the meanings of Chinese Hanzi characters.
  • It uses Taoist Five Element Theory quite heavily.
  • Unfortunately this is all I have. I stalled after the initial ideas.
  • I'm copying some of the effects from PF spell & Psionic effects.

Can you make it 1d6, sorry out

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:10 pm
by Mantisking
Grandil wrote:Can you make it 1d6, sorry out

For what?

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:33 pm
by Grandil
Mantisking wrote:
Grandil wrote:Can you make it 1d6, sorry out

For what?

I usually use a public comp, My Time was out. I like ya humor mantisking!

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:11 pm
by Mantisking
Grandil wrote:Can you make it 1d6, sorry out
Mantisking wrote:For what?

Grandil wrote:I usually use a public comp, My Time was out. I like ya humor mantisking!

No, I meant make what 1d6?

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:13 pm
by Grandil
1d6/Point of Chi for the Confusion Atemi-My characters usually start with a IQ of 30+. The theoretical limit is infinite. I TRY to make 235/240 breakable. They get a +98%/100% skill bonus.
Other things like a save vs. illusion top out at +8, perception-?(unlimited), & initiative-+8-that
you'll get from Rifter 7. The rest is canon-CF UE. even though I have UE with me I'm too lazy to
look it up-IT is there though......

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:02 pm
by Mantisking
Grandil wrote:1d6/Point of Chi for the Confusion Atemi

Ah, okay. You want me to return it to the original penalty of -1D6 to I.Q. per attack.

Grandil wrote:My characters usually start with a IQ of 30+. The theoretical limit is infinite. I TRY to make 235/240 breakable. They get a +98%/100% skill bonus.


Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:48 pm
by Grandil
Mantisking wrote:
Grandil wrote:1d6/Point of Chi for the Confusion Atemi

Ah, okay. You want me to return it to the original penalty of -1D6 to I.Q. per attack.

Grandil wrote:My characters usually start with a IQ of 30+. The theoretical limit is infinite. I TRY to make 235/240 breakable. They get a +98%/100% skill bonus.


Yeah, Really. There is NO limit to IQ, PS, PP, & of course Speed. Practical limits are much easier
to set. ME, & PE stop at the same number-100. For several practical reasons. 1, ME 100 gives
you this 100% vs. Coma-Death in Cyberspace, 100% Meditation skill for Mudra, & of course, +8
to Psychic attack, & Possession, +13 to Insanity. PE of 100-100% vs. coma/death.. +8 vs.
magic, Poison, Disease, & Pain. Now to the lesser know ones-110 to MA-gives a character -8 to
perception, & all appropriate bonuses (I like to limit Trust/Intimidate to 120%). PB-90 (120% to
Charm/Impress, -8 to Initiative (all eyes on on the beauty/handsomeness). Most of these can
only be used by SN/CoM's. If you look up canon, like in Powers Unlimited 2, it says specifically
IQ is unlimited. For me, my house rules say anything above 100% skill %'s either get minuses for
whatever thier trying to do, or really can we think? High concept Role-Playing. When the GM, &
player agree on something really high concept that calls into the realm of something gods
would think up, hats off to the Player. Mantisking, actually I lied. Most of the characters in my
campaign have much higher IQ's than 235/240-RU Interested in This? PM Me. I could go on, but
there is the element of RULES Lawyers, & balance Judges. I've always said, RPG's are Guidelines,
not canon; Just like life.
& yes, 1d6/strike, or equivalent. This could match my Mind Chi Ab-Body chi for da mind. It also
could be a Negative Chi Ability.
Anyways, I get my rant off, :? :lol:

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:16 pm
by Mantisking
Grandil wrote:Yeah, Really. There is NO limit to IQ, PS, PP, & of course Speed. Practical limits are much easier
to set. ME, & PE stop at the same number-100. For several practical reasons. 1, ME 100 gives you this 100% vs. Coma-Death in Cyberspace, 100% Meditation skill for Mudra, & of course, +8 to Psychic attack, & Possession, +13 to Insanity. PE of 100-100% vs. coma/death.. +8 vs. magic, Poison, Disease, & Pain. Now to the lesser know ones-110 to MA-gives a character -8 to perception, & all appropriate bonuses (I like to limit Trust/Intimidate to 120%). PB-90 (120% to Charm/Impress, -8 to Initiative (all eyes on on the beauty/handsomeness). Most of these can only be used by SN/CoM's. If you look up canon, like in Powers Unlimited 2, it says specifically IQ is unlimited. For me, my house rules say anything above 100% skill %'s either get minuses for whatever thier trying to do, or really can we think? High concept Role-Playing. When the GM, & player agree on something really high concept that calls into the realm of something gods would think up, hats off to the Player. Mantisking, actually I lied. Most of the characters in my campaign have much higher IQ's than 235/240-RU Interested in This? PM Me. I could go on, but there is the element of RULES Lawyers, & balance Judges. I've always said, RPG's are Guidelines, not canon; Just like life.

Okay. We used to play with a statistic scale that allowed stats higher than 30 as we had a lot of cyborgs and aliens in the setting -- we were using Traveller for a background. I'm just wondering how you got IQs higher than normal rolls as there aren't many things that allow bonuses to IQ besides super powers.

Grandil wrote:& yes, 1d6/strike, or equivalent. This could match my Mind Chi Ab-Body chi for da mind. It also
could be a Negative Chi Ability.

If I ever start working on this again, the Chi version might end up effecting IQ.

Re: [Work In Progress] New Chi & Atemi Martial Arts Powers

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:04 pm
by Grandil
Yes, I do allow Super-Powers. This is how I do it: 1. Start with IQ-28/Extraordinary Intelligence,
that gives you 2 normal skills that can go above 100%, 2. I invented this skill-Create Super-Soldiers/Mega-Heroes it goes something like this: 30+IQ+5/lvl, add in Genetic Engineering-
canon, 30+IQ+3/lvl, find that in several books-Scraypers is one of them, but I would consider
a few others to have these skills: Gene Slicers-I never use these guys, too eeeevvvvviiiillll,
Gene Splicers; actually they don't have Genetic engineering, but thats what they're all about,
& they can be Anarchist, or Unprincipled-Rare, you'd have to find one thats a Rogue. The
Splugorth; too much Drama/Business, & possibly other as well. My "new" skill could be made
canon, but we all know how hard that is. 3 Add 50% for being a "Mega Hero". That totals IQ-42
gain levels, Metagame/Role-play, have some Doctor/scientist learn these skills from a source,
teach these skills to another person, make the necessary technology through hardware
characters-HU2, then go at it. Make the test tubes large enough for whatever creature you
have. I always felt in Role-playing it is something you use those skills in the long run. Stats are
mutable. But you have to set limits, boundaries. I felt it was breakable IQ of 235/240 because
thats the limit for most stats. Then I remembered in the the Book of Magic there's this spell-
Beat Insurmountable odds. It lists how you can go above 1,000%-still a 1% chance of failing.
I say 10,000% you don't roll..... It gets worse: I forgot what they say about the 1 in a
1,000,000% is. but I have not reached those %'s.
In another post, someone was complaining about Meta-Magic; not enough. Invent your own spells. It is canon, in Nightbane; Through the glass darkly, they give stats for that.They just
don't have enough spells to do it. I've tried to add a few in the invented spells lists here on the
boards, whomever does it leaves something to be desired; too much of a Balance judge/Rules
lawyer. Well I got some character building to do. Theres the other thing. Multi-classing; I allow
it at 1st level.
Thanks for letting me rant again Mantisking. I hope my thoughts are a little better organized-I
tend to get a little disorganized.