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[Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 11:53 pm
by Mantisking
Long Range Acoustic Device: This dish-shaped, non-lethal weapon uses directed "blasts" of sound to deter attackers from approaching the weapon. Damage: Target must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain or leave area immediately. There is a -1 penalty to the roll if the target is within 200 feet (60.96 meters), and a -2 penalty to the roll if the target is within 100 feet (30.48 meters). Weight: 45 pounds (20.43 kilograms). Maximum Range: 900 feet (274.32 meters). Cost: $10,000.

Stun Gun: A hand-held weapon that generates an electric shock to disable the target. Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -3. (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for three (3) Melee Rounds.). Weight: 0.5 pounds (0.23 kilograms). Cost: $70.

X3 Taser: A pistol-shaped, hand-held weapon that fires two prongs attached to the hand unit by wires and generates an electric shock to disable the target. Feed: 3 cartridge detachable box. Weight: 0.45 pounds (0.2 kilograms). Overall Length: 7.25 inches (18.42 centimeters). Maximum Range: 35 feet (10.67 meters). Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -2 (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for three (3) Melee Rounds.). Cost: $400.

C2 Taser: A pistol-shaped, hand-held weapon that fires two prongs attached to the hand unit by wires and generates an electric shock to disable the target. Feed: 1 cartridge detachable box. Weight: 0.44 pounds (0.2 kilograms). Overall Length: 6 inches (15.24 centimeters). Maximum Range: 15 feet (4.57 meters). Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -1 (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for two (2) Melee Rounds.). Cost: $350.

XREP: This innovation shrinks a taser cartridge down to the size of a shogun shell. Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -1. (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for one (1) Melee Round.). Weight: 1.56 pounds (0.71 kilograms). Maximum Range: 100 feet (32.8 meters). Cost: $150 per round.

X12LLS: This is a shotgun that fires only taser shells. Feed: __ round tubular magazine. Weight: __ pounds ( __ kilograms). Overall Length: __ inches ( __ centimeters). Maximum Range: 100 feet (30.48 meters). Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -1. (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for one (1) Melee Round.). Cost: $.

JPX Protector: This is a pistol-shaped device that fires streams of Oleoresin Capsicum (pepper spray). Feed: 2 round internal tubes. Weight: 0.78 pounds (0.35 kilograms). Overall Length: 7.28 inches (18.49 centimeters). Maximum Range: 23 feet (7.01 meters). Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -1. Cost: $375.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:06 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Mantisking wrote:[
XREP: This innovation shrinks a taser cartridge down to the size of a shogun shell. Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -1. (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for one (1) Melee Round.). Weight: 1.56 pounds (0.71 kilograms). Maximum Range: 100 feet (32.8 meters). Cost: $150 per round.

This is already real self contained shotgun round. The duration of the tazing lasts about 12 sec. (Opposed to the 5 sec of the regular Tazer.)

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:43 am
by Mantisking
Mantisking wrote:XREP: This innovation shrinks a taser cartridge down to the size of a shogun shell. Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -1. (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for one (1) Melee Round.). Weight: 1.56 pounds (0.71 kilograms). Maximum Range: 100 feet (32.8 meters). Cost: $150 per round.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:This is already real self contained shotgun round.

Yes, I know, that's where the info comes from.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The duration of the tazing lasts about 12 sec. (Opposed to the 5 sec of the regular Tazer.)

Actually, it's a 20 second cycle, which I rounded down to one Melee Round.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:45 am
by Mantisking
JPX Protector: This is a pistol-shaped device that fires streams of Oleoresin Capsicum (pepper spray). Feed: 2 round internal tubes. Weight: 0.78 pounds (0.35 kilograms). Overall Length: 7.28 inches (18.49 centimeters). Maximum Range: 23 feet (7.01 meters). Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Non-Lethal Poison at -1. Cost: $375.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:16 am
by Mantisking
Stun Grenade: Otherwise known as a Flashbang grenade, this weapon creates a very loud noise and very bright flash when it detonates. The combination of these effects leaves anyone caught within the blast radius temporarily blinded and deafened. Weight: 0.63 pounds (0.29 kilograms). Effective Radius: 20 feet (6.1 meters). Effective Range: 100 feet (30.5 meters). Damage: Save vs. Unconciousness (15 or better) or be blind and deaf (target loses Initiative for the Melee Round, and is at -10 to all Combat Rolls.) for 1D12 Melee Rounds. Note: There is a 15% chance that any flammable items inside the Effective Radius will catch fire.

Designer Notes
  • I got the Save vs. Unconciousness from HU2 page 69.
  • The combined penalties for Blind and Deaf should really be -14. I figured that was a bit excessive.
  • I guessed on the % chance for flammability.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:59 am
by Mantisking
Ammunition (Pistol/Rifle)
Wax Bullets: As the name reads, this is wax put into a cartridge instead of a metal bullet. For training purposes the wax can be combined with paint, usually red, to produce a visible mark. Damage: 1 S.D.C. Maximum Range: One quarter normal range. Cost: $2.00 for a case of 100. Note: These bullets will not cycle an automatic weapon and are generally used in revolvers and single-shot weapons.

Rubber Bullets: This projectile is a piece of rubber shaped like a bullet. Damage: 1 S.D.C. per die of normal damage (For example: if the weapon does 5D6 then a rubber bullet from that weapon does 5 points of damage.). Maximum Range: One half normal range. Cost: $20.00 for a case of 100.

Ammunition (Shotgun)
Baton Round: This is the shotgun version of the rubber bullet. Damage: 2D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain. at -1 (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for one (1) Melee Round.). Weight: __ Pounds ( _ kilograms). Maximum Range: 80 feet (24.4 meters). Cost: $1.50 per round.

Bean Bag Round: This shotgun shell is essentially a sealed bag filled with birdshot. Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain. (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for one (1) Melee Round.). Weight: 0.13 pounds (0.06 kilograms). Maximum Range: 60 feet (18.3 meters). Cost: $

Stinger Round: This shell fires shot made of rubber. Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. and a Saving Throw vs. Pain. (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for one (1) Melee Round.). Weight: __ pounds ( _ kilograms). Maximum Range: 50 feet (15.24 meters). Cost: $1.25 per round.

Designer's Notes:
  • I'm trying to design each round so that there's a reason to pick it over the other.
  • I'm flailing when it comes to costs.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:18 pm
by Mantisking
Something I stumbled across while doing more research this morning.

M5 Modular Crowd Control Munition: This is the less lethal version of the M18A1 Claymore. It contains 600 pvc balls and a small amount of explosive, which also has a Flash-Bang effect. It can be command detonated by a remote up to 100 feet (30.5 meters) away. Weight: pounds (kilograms). Effective Radius: 45.75 feet (15 meters). Damage: 5D6 S.D.C. and the Target must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -2. (If the Save is failed the target is paralyzed for one (1) Melee Round.) and Save vs. Unconciousness (15 or better) or be blind and deaf (target loses Initiative for the Melee Round, and is at -5 to all Combat Rolls.) for 1 Melee Round. Cost: $420

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:11 pm
by Mantisking
Mephisto wrote:Nice work Mantisking.

Thank you.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:41 am
by Mantisking
More ideas!

Blunt Arrow Tips: This is a inverted cone of rubber that mounts on the end of an arrow in place of a regular tip. Damage: 1D4 -- Ninja Bow, 1D6 -- Samurai Bow, 1D4+1 -- Modern Bow. Cost: $2.00 each.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:44 pm
by Mantisking
Gasses - Another type of area denial weapon these rely on chemicals that interact with the subject's bodily functions. Unfortunately these weapons are indiscriminate and affected by the weather.

BZ Gas: Also known as "Buzz", this gas causes blurred vision, dry mouth and skin, stupor, confusion, and hallucination. Duration: (72 to 96) hours.

CN Gas: A lachrymatory agent, aka "tear gas", also known as "Mace" or "Chemical Nasty". Duration: 1D4 x 30 minutes (30 minutes to 2 hours). Effect: -5 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, lose Initiative.

CR Gas: A lachrymatory agent approximately 6 to 10 times as powerful as CS.

CS Gas: A lachrymatory agent also know as "Chemical Sick". Effect: -6 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, lose Initiative.

Kolokol-1: This is a Russian designed synthetic opioid that acts as an aerosol incapacitating agent, aka "knockout gas". Duration: 2D3 hours.

OC: Oleoresin Capiscum, or pepper spray as it is better known, is a ?? Duration: Squirt: 4+1D6 (5 to 10) minutes, Spray: 8+2D6 (10 to 20) minutes, Long Spray: 17+3D6 (20 to 35) minutes. Damage: Squirt: 1D4 S.D.C. and Save vs. Pain at -1, Spray: As above but can cover two people, Long Spray: 1D6 S.D.C. and Save vs. Pain at -2, can cover up to eight people. Effect: -4 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, lose Initiative.

PAVA: Pelargonic Acid Vanillylamide is a synthetic version of OC with reduced effects. Duration: Squirt: 3+1D2 (4 to 5) minutes, Spray: 7+1D4 (8 to 11) minutes, Long Spray: 14+1D6 (15 to 20) minutes. Damage: Squirt: 1D2 S.D.C. and Save vs. Pain, Spray: As above but can cover two people, Long Spray: 1D4 S.D.C. and Save vs. Pain at -1, can cover up to eight people. Effect: -3 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, lose Initiative.

Skunk: A malodorant, aka "stink bomb".

Designer's Notes:
  • These are still very rough.
  • Research has been a pain in the ass.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:39 am
by Lord Z
Is 'malodorant' a real word? I hope it is. That's great.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:12 pm
by Mantisking
Mantisking wrote:Long Range Acoustic Device: This dish-shaped, non-lethal weapon uses directed "blasts" of sound to deter attackers from approaching the weapon. Damage: Target must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain or leave area immediately. There is a -1 penalty to the roll if the target is within 200 feet (60.96 meters), and a -2 penalty to the roll if the target is within 100 feet (30.48 meters). Weight: 45 pounds (20.43 kilograms). Maximum Range: 900 feet (274.32 meters). Cost: $10,000.
FaerieKnight wrote:I understand something like this really does exist. And it can kill a person.

Everything that I've posted so far is real.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:21 pm
by Mantisking

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:09 pm
by Mantisking
frogboy wrote:I like the LRAD you have there. I to have planed for one in another area of the Megaverse.


frogboy wrote:And your JXP projector sounds like this thing I saw on TV. Basically, it squirts a foam with an incredibly offencive smell. I mean really really awful. The foam will stick and does not come off easily. Another version has the OC in the foam. The foam will also dye your skin . Neet stuff.

Any idea where you saw it? Another reference source to draw from always helps with research and conversion.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:49 am
by Snake Eyes
Try this a list of interesting non-lethal weapons

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:26 pm
by Mantisking
Snake Eyes wrote:Try this a list of interesting non-lethal weapons

Interesting. I wonder how old the article is.

warhawk wrote:I am a Corrections Officer in a Maximum Security Prison, and recently we have started to use these on some of the more unruley inmates.

That seems to be more of a restraint device than a weapon.

Re: [Work In Progress] Less Lethal Weapons

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:57 am
by Mantisking
warhawk wrote:Imagine if you could apply the same technology to a pair of gloves, with the shocking surface on the out-side :demon: ELECTRO-B!@#HSLAP! :demon:

I think I've got a sci-fi rpg somewhere that does have "Shock Gloves". I just thought of a great intimidation move with them. Like sparking the 'trodes with a taser, you hold up your thumb and forefinger and let the current arc across the gap. Zzzzap!