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Re: Not Understanding Nasca Line Makers

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:10 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
1 the ones missing are the ones 'you make up', or the spells (see #2) conversions allowed by your GM.

2 As said "If the GM allows it" they can learn how to make 'line drawings' that do the same things as the listed spells.

2.1 Yes they are limited to being able to those spells to be converted to line drawings.

2.2 They could learn Diabolist Wards, but that would ether mean they change their class, or they a quazy Diabolist MOS. As determined by your GM.

2.3 (Pursuit of Magic) See the megaversal spell creation and modification rules in the Through the Glass Darkly book.

The idea is that they are and Isolated set of mages. so thusly the class will reflect that.

Re: Not Understanding Nasca Line Makers

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:14 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Tetsuoh wrote:I have a few questions about them actually.

1. Under Knowledge of Line Magic - "At first level, the character knows eight common line rituals. At every level after the first, the character can select two additional drawing rituals."

Thats 36 total rituals. Yet there are only 25 Rituals listed in either WB9 or the BoM.
Are there more elsewhere or am I missing something?

Nope, you'll max out your line rituals before 15th level.

2. Under Other Spell Magic -
"Although Line Makers do not learn magic the way other mages do, some of their line drawing rituals have similar effects as common magic spells. Additionally Line Makers can learn Diabolist Wards if they have access to them; however, the Inca civilization has no formal contact with diabolists or any civilization that uses that style of magic, so access to any wards is determined soley by the Game Master. The spells listed below can be selected in addition to, or instead of, the new line drawing rituals; each spell counts as one ritual:
Mystic Alarm,
Circle of Flame,
Protection Circle:Simple,
Protection Circle Superior,
and Summon Entity."

This makes it seem as though the only wards that Line Makers can learn are those 6. That can't be correct?

actually, no. You missed the period after the part with the wards. Those 6 spells are not wards, they are /spells/, meaning the line maker can select those /spells/ as line rituals. It has absolutely nothing to do with wards, in fact, those spells /arn't/ wards and diabolists don't learn spells.

Re: Not Understanding Nasca Line Makers

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:04 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
1: Your GM decides how he wants to handle a NLM learning wards.
My opinion is that the NLM might be able to, they would have to spend a Level's amount of exp to learn the full ability to use and make wards (to represent the time he would of had to spend on learning how what each ward does and how to make wards.) But after that the NLM would proceed normally.

2. If you mean "Do they learn ward sequences 'by wrote'?" or do they learn the actual skill to put together ward sequences on their own? Again, this is something your GM would decide how.
Opinion #1: see above
Opinion #2: I would make a guess that the NLM can learn a ward sequence 'by wrote' as per the 'purchasing magic" section of "The Pursuit of Magic". Maybe 1-2k credits / dollars / g.p. per ward in the sequence.