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The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:03 pm
by Arnie100

I so wanna watch this when it comes out! :D

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:09 pm
by Lord_Dalgard

Likewise. I can't wait. Very Dead Reign in feel. The scene where he's under the car with the zombies crawling in, or in the tank surrounded, or when the older black man tells him that one alone is easy but a group... :D Oh yeah!

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:20 am
by azazel1024
Okay, that is going on the DVR.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:40 pm
by Lando The Archmagi
Looking forward to it, got hooked on the graphic novels after reading some comments here last year. I can't wait to see the series.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:14 pm
by MaxxSterling
Ok, seriously, I've been watching this series... All I have to say is, huh???? Are you kidding me that these people would stay within eyesight of a major city, sleep in a completely open environment, in friggin' tents, even after they've confirmed that zombies are making thier way to the camp? I try to suspend disbelief on these shows, but refuse to believe that people are really that incompetent. You think at least one of them would realize that this is a bad idea. That's my two cents thrown in. Anyone else share this sentiment? Cause I'm thinking in dead reign, that that group of survivors would have been dead 30 minutes into gameplay.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:30 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Have to remember the average person does not sit around making up plans for the Zombie Apocalypse. Seeing how idiotic people are in natural disasters this does not surprise me.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:59 pm
by MaxxSterling
But I'd think even a child would know that G.I. Joe doesn't build his command base in the enemies capitol city with no outside support. Or whatever the hell kids watch these days...

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:23 am
by Silveressa
Shawn Merrow wrote:Have to remember the average person does not sit around making up plans for the Zombie Apocalypse. Seeing how idiotic people are in natural disasters this does not surprise me.

I couldn't agree more, the stupidity factor the Joe/Jane average human being possesses is far higher then most would suspect. I've seen people, when discussing preparations for a natural disaster talk about needing, more then anything, to stock pile enough cigarettes to see them through. :shock:

When it's pointed out other essentials like say food, water, and medical supplies should be more pressing, their response is inevitably along the lines of "But I can't live without my smokes!" :roll:

The majority of people think some type of crippling nation wide disaster is an impossibility, or that if it does occur FEMA will magically roll into every town with all the supplies they need to survive and rebuild, because "That's what my tax payer dollars are there for." :lol:

Sadly, with such people if they are ever faced with some type of mega disaster, they are likely to stand around for a good long time thinking "gee, what do I do now? when are the relief trucks with food and water going to get here?"

It won't be until they run out of supplies or are driven from their home by the natural disaster they seek alternative shelter. (And even that is likely to be a church, hospital, or school near by within the same area.)

These days the majority of people live in cities, and have no clue how to acquire food from anywhere then the local supermarket, and think "roughing it" is going camping at the state maintained campground in their brothers air conditioned RV for a weekend in July. Their solution to most emergencies is dialing 911, and trusting someone else will always be mere minutes away who can handle it for them, rather then get off their asses and learn firstaid/cpr, and basic self defense/survival themsevles "just in case".

Such people would no doubt camp 20 miles or less from the city, living in tents and an RV, simply because for them, it's the best they can think of, and they're still likely clinging to the hope the government will ride in to save the day and rescue them from whatever world of crap they've woken up to find themsevles still living in.

As Einstein once said: "There are 2 things infinite in the known universe, space and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about space."

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:09 am
by azazel1024
Silveressa wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:Have to remember the average person does not sit around making up plans for the Zombie Apocalypse. Seeing how idiotic people are in natural disasters this does not surprise me.

I couldn't agree more, the stupidity factor the Joe/Jane average human being possesses is far higher then most would suspect. I've seen people, when discussing preparations for a natural disaster talk about needing, more then anything, to stock pile enough cigarettes to see them through. :shock:

When it's pointed out other essentials like say food, water, and medical supplies should be more pressing, their response is inevitably along the lines of "But I can't live without my smokes!" :roll:

The majority of people think some type of crippling nation wide disaster is an impossibility, or that if it does occur FEMA will magically roll into every town with all the supplies they need to survive and rebuild, because "That's what my tax payer dollars are there for." :lol:

Sadly, with such people if they are ever faced with some type of mega disaster, they are likely to stand around for a good long time thinking "gee, what do I do now? when are the relief trucks with food and water going to get here?"

It won't be until they run out of supplies or are driven from their home by the natural disaster they seek alternative shelter. (And even that is likely to be a church, hospital, or school near by within the same area.)

These days the majority of people live in cities, and have no clue how to acquire food from anywhere then the local supermarket, and think "roughing it" is going camping at the state maintained campground in their brothers air conditioned RV for a weekend in July. Their solution to most emergencies is dialing 911, and trusting someone else will always be mere minutes away who can handle it for them, rather then get off their asses and learn firstaid/cpr, and basic self defense/survival themsevles "just in case".

Such people would no doubt camp 20 miles or less from the city, living in tents and an RV, simply because for them, it's the best they can think of, and they're still likely clinging to the hope the government will ride in to save the day and rescue them from whatever world of crap they've woken up to find themsevles still living in.

As Einstein once said: "There are 2 things infinite in the known universe, space and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about space."



I was griping to my wife about the fact that at night they don't bother posting any sentries what-so-ever, but it gets back to the whole "outside of their realm of experience or thought". They just don't get it.

They might, once it sinks in after this latest episode, think to do something like setup on top of a hill at least, or better yet one that has cliffs/inaccessible sides on a few sides, and then have a sentry or three at night. Hell the quarry is a good idea if they had just setup down by the water. Looks like only one or two ways down. They'd be SOL for running, but pretty secure and a minimum number of look-outs needed.

Their best bet is to setup within a short drive or long walk from a modest size town, but not in the burbs/exurbs of ATL or one of the other major cities. Something with a few general stores and grocery stores and call it a day.

Ideally something like an actual farm with barn, large farm house, maybe diary buildings, etc that would be easy to make secure, provide lots of dry storage and then they can work from there securing the whole area, building new structures, etc. Plus farming equipment handy.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:49 pm
by MaxxSterling
I guess we'll see what they do with it. I think it has 2 more episodes... I dunno, heard that somewhere. If think if they don't screw it up too bad, it'll make it. I get tired of the drama character development crap... Yeah, we know humans are terrible and even when times are tough a lot of people still don't come together... Waa Waa, now lets see some zombies xplodin' and getting run over with stuff and bombs and fire!!! woo hoo.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:11 pm
by MaxxSterling
It certainly looks that way... And that is why it will fail.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:35 pm
by Silveressa
The show had the highest premiere rating for "any show in the history of cable television"

I would call that a far cry from failure.

If what you want is nothing but zombie splattering, check out any one of the numerous video games ont he market that will give you all that, and sometimes, even a little storyline.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:01 pm
by G
Max™ wrote:Heck, check out High School of the Dead for gore/fanservice.

I'll take both The live action show and the animated show thank you (and more eps of both). The best Zombie entertainment is character based, shoot 'em in the head gets old fast in any genre.

The sad tragic fact is that of those who would live through a catastrophe, many would die shortly after unable to survive.

...however given the fact that bullets vastly outnumber people, I'd be trying to figure out where to find a sound suppressor. :lol:

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:56 am
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
with so little that is watchable on TV, this series is a welcome diversion.
i mean, at least its not another ******* "reality" show.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:17 am
by Shawn Merrow
Max™ wrote:This isn't a zombie series, it's a character drama that incidentally has zombies in it.

That is why I like it. If it was nothing but gore I would not bother with it.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:46 pm
by MaxxSterling
I'm just not into dressed up soap-operas. But I admit, it was funny when the zombies came to camp and killed those people. I think more realisticly though, the wife of the wife beater and the little kids should have gotten eaten, instead of the "unlikeable" characters. Fate doesn't roll that way. I'll stop bashing this, since I'm out-numbered, but I don't give it more than a 2nd season, finite amount of plot and no possibility of a happy ending even if you leave 20 dollars in your shoe.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:38 pm
by The Dark Elf
Yes we get it oversea's.

Im loving it. All good drama's are character driven.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:39 am
by Hound
The 1st season is supposed to cover the 1st arc in the book- though with 2 episodes left I don’t see how they can satisfactorily wrap up the Rick-Shane plot. Others are right- any good Zombie tale means the zombies are the thing driving the story, not the story itself. Zombie fiction should be about what happens to humanity- as a whole and in ourselves- after the dead walk, and this show has (with a couple missteps) nailed it perfectly.

That said.. I cannot WAIT till next season to see their adaptation of the “No Place Like Home” arc…


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:57 pm
The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV! one word N1!!!!! wait good show

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:05 am
by Juce734
This weeks show wasn't that good to me. Kinda wish I didn't stay up to watch it. Love the show but this one wasn't as good as the other IMO.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:43 am
by Gamer
All action and no development = fail?
Guess that's why there's an overwhelming number of stupid beyond comprehension reality shows.
Too much video game instant gratification mentality.
I'll much more prefer development in my shows and movies, if I want all action and no development I'll go play a video game or see another stupid Michael Bay movie.

What I'm finding funny in the series is the number of obvious foreign military hardware representing U.S gear, i.e the Chieftain tank, the DSHK machinegun in front of the CDC center and so on.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:35 am
by Silveressa
Gamer wrote:All action and no development = fail?
Guess that's why there's an overwhelming number of stupid beyond comprehension reality shows.

Sadly true, I remember ages ago when one had to agonize between which of the "good shows" to watch, and without a vcr (or tivo) often missed out on the great series.

These days the opposite is mostly true, with shows actually worth watching so few and far between, it's more economical to pay for a megaupload/rapidshare account and download the good ones as they get released then throw money away on cable to watch them "live." (Worse still, even when paying for cable I have to sit through endless commercials? Isn't the idea behind paying for my tv shows mean I don't have to watch commercials?)

On the upside, Walking Dead is so popular one can find the latest episode up for download within 2-6 hours after it airs, in high def quality, commercial free, and free to download.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:45 am
by Anthar
The doctor made a stupid mistake in keeping all the samples for TS-19 in one place. I would imagine that in the real world there are procedures to prevent such an accident.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:44 pm
by azazel1024
Anthar wrote:The doctor made a stupid mistake in keeping all the samples for TS-19 in one place. I would imagine that in the real world there are procedures to prevent such an accident.

Not always.

Small pox is kept at only two facilities in the world, Fort Detrick MD and one in Russia, and that is a naturally occuring virus.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:27 pm
by Gamer
azazel1024 wrote:
Anthar wrote:The doctor made a stupid mistake in keeping all the samples for TS-19 in one place. I would imagine that in the real world there are procedures to prevent such an accident.

Not always.

Small pox is kept at only two facilities in the world, Fort Detrick MD and one in Russia, and that is a naturally occuring virus.

I don't think that's what he means.
I believe he is referring to there should have been secured storage on site that wouldn't get destroyed in such an incident when such lab sanitizing is implemented.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:08 pm
by Anthar
Gamer wrote:
azazel1024 wrote:
Anthar wrote:The doctor made a stupid mistake in keeping all the samples for TS-19 in one place. I would imagine that in the real world there are procedures to prevent such an accident.

Not always.

Small pox is kept at only two facilities in the world, Fort Detrick MD and one in Russia, and that is a naturally occuring virus.

I don't think that's what he means.
I believe he is referring to there should have been secured storage on site that wouldn't get destroyed in such an incident when such lab sanitizing is implemented.

That's exactly what I meant, thanks for clarifying that for me.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:24 pm
by MaxxSterling
As far as we know, this show sucks. I'm willing to suspend disbelief to a point, but if you are trying to make this a "realistic" approach to the situation, then this show just failed at episode 5. Because a virus or disease without some sort of "Magical, alien or supernatural bravado" will not allow a human body to wander around cut in half and missing organs. In order for a body to walk around and do the things it does, fluid systems have to work and organs need be intact. This show place the last nail in the coffin for me. It went from pretty cool to boring as hell to unbelievable in all aspects. They might as well have the main guy find a Glitterboy Suit in the CDC and go on a rampage while his partner bones his wife.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:44 pm
by strtkwr
MaxxSterling wrote:As far as we know, this show sucks. I'm willing to suspend disbelief to a point, but if you are trying to make this a "realistic" approach to the situation, then this show just failed at episode 5. Because a virus or disease without some sort of "Magical, alien or supernatural bravado" will not allow a human body to wander around cut in half and missing organs. In order for a body to walk around and do the things it does, fluid systems have to work and organs need be intact. This show place the last nail in the coffin for me. It went from pretty cool to boring as hell to unbelievable in all aspects. They might as well have the main guy find a Glitterboy Suit in the CDC and go on a rampage while his partner bones his wife.

By your reasoning, aren't all zombie movies unrealistic? There should be no way a dead body can get up and walk around at all.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:49 am
by Silveressa
MaxxSterling wrote:As far as we know, this show sucks.

Who's "we?" Everyone on the forums?

MaxxSterling wrote:I'm willing to suspend disbelief to a point, but if you are trying to make this a "realistic" approach to the situation, then this show just failed at episode 5. Because a virus or disease without some sort of "Magical, alien or supernatural bravado" will not allow a human body to wander around cut in half and missing organs.

Actually in the very first episode there was a half a woman who attacks Rick as he grabs up a bicycle, and she is seen again later when he goes back to put her down for good with a revolver round to the head.

As far as the potential magical or alien origins there's nothing seen in episode 5 to indicate the disease is man made, or alien/non magical in origin/nature. All we hear is a reference to an uncontaminated sample, which means really nothing without further explanation.

Besides, if it is magical it's not like the CDC could tell, so they would obviously try to treat it as some sort of normal virus as far as treatment/cure/etc.. is concerned. (and likely fail miserably at the task.)

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:52 am
by MaxxSterling
Most zombie movies are unrealistic. But if they were going to go this route, the zombies should be more like the ones from 28 days later and movies like that. That's all I'm saying. I think this show is about as good as this game.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:54 am
by Silveressa
MaxxSterling wrote:Most zombie movies are unrealistic. But if they were going to go this route, the zombies should be more like the ones from 28 days later and movies like that. That's all I'm saying. I think this show is about as good as this game.

So if you think the show sucks, and the game sucks, then why are you posting in the Dead Reign area of the forums? :erm:

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:15 am
by MaxxSterling
Good call, I think I'm done here. I'll stick to the boards I'm currently running for. I bet most people on this forum also probably think that book by max brooks is good too. I haven't run this game in a month anyhow, players got tired of trying to roll 17's all the time.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:58 am
by azazel1024
Good point on the secured samples. I was thinking in terms of one facility with the samples.

It could very well be as others have said, just the single sample, though it looked large enough it could have been divided I'd think.

I am curious to find out why that sample. I know he mentions that the others are neucrotic, but what are the samples from? General zombies? Or is this maybe from "the first" or something like that?

The only thing that is hard for me to suspend disbelief over is the fact that he is the only person in the facility. I can't imagine everyone else died, ran away or commited suicide. I am not saying the place should be over run by people, survivors, etc...but I'd imagine there'd be at least a handful of people left around the building if it is fairly secure. We are only talking around 2 months time from when the world seems to have gone to pot (and less than 6 months since it seems like this zombie virus outbreak was discovered based on the time lines the scientist mentioned). I could see if it had been a couple of years or more if he was the only person left...but...

Anyway, that aside the only thing that will **** me off is if the guy's name turns out to be Gordon.

Gordon Freeman.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:33 am
by Gamer
I think the sample he had was from somebody who was infected but had not yet turned.
The other samples were probably from zombies hence the mentioning of necrotic.

If things go like it might seem the infected guy they left not too far behind might become a new "sample" specimen and a new morality issue to contend with.
I don't remember this section of the series being in the graphic novels which is a good thing as they are trying to draw the series out instead of just going a,b,c,d with the established printed storyline.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:10 am
by gordyzx9r
MaxxSterling wrote:Ok, seriously, I've been watching this series... All I have to say is, huh???? Are you kidding me that these people would stay within eyesight of a major city, sleep in a completely open environment, in friggin' tents, even after they've confirmed that zombies are making thier way to the camp? I try to suspend disbelief on these shows, but refuse to believe that people are really that incompetent. You think at least one of them would realize that this is a bad idea. That's my two cents thrown in. Anyone else share this sentiment? Cause I'm thinking in dead reign, that that group of survivors would have been dead 30 minutes into gameplay.

Yeah, they did a number of things that really made you had to wonder what they were thinking.

The fish fry thing had me cracking up because everyone was looking in at the fire, no guards, not a care in the world...My friends and I haven't read the comics, but we're thinking Merle got mad, loaded up the truck with Zombies and rolled up to camp and let them loose. I didn't get a chance to watch the first few episodes but these zombies seem for the most part really mobility limited so I'm thinking as long as you're on top of something that they can't walk up they won't be able to pull themselves up or climb.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:18 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Loved the first season and looking forward to season 2.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:49 am
by Juce734
I am anxious for season 2 myself. Anyone know when it will be airing? I don't want to wait until fall.

Is this on par with the comic books so far or is it way off?

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:05 am
by Kovoston
Arnie100 wrote:

I so wanna watch this when it comes out! :D

It is a pretty good series (great for getting players in the mood for Zombie Apocalypse) check out the previews on YouTube!

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:16 am
by azazel1024
The rumor is another Halloween air date.

There has been absolutely NOTHING mentioned as to when season 2 will start airing, so the Halloween air date is just fan disappointment speaking.

I am hoping for something a little earlier in the fall, and I am hoping for more than 6 episodes this time around. There are a few nits, but frankly I don't think I've seen any fiction movie that I didn't have at least a few nits with.

My biggest in this is their total lack of scavenging. I mean, seriously, they go right by tons of military equipment and don't even bother taking 30 seconds to poke their head in to one of the outposts or trucks/tanks to see if there are any side arms, rifles, grenades, mags, lose rounds, ammo boxes, rations, canteens, etc laying around. That and pumping fuel tanks (yeah I know most everything army runs on diesel) or seeing if any of the trucks have keys in the ignition.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:09 am
by gordyzx9r
azazel1024 wrote:My biggest in this is their total lack of scavenging. I mean, seriously, they go right by tons of military equipment and don't even bother taking 30 seconds to poke their head in to one of the outposts or trucks/tanks to see if there are any side arms, rifles, grenades, mags, lose rounds, ammo boxes, rations, canteens, etc laying around. That and pumping fuel tanks (yeah I know most everything army runs on diesel) or seeing if any of the trucks have keys in the ignition.

Yeah, we thought the same thing as my friends and I were watching this and texting back and forth our commentary. At the very least, the whole world is basically a giant used car lot now and they're pretty much the only customers yet there they are rolling around in the worst hoopty's they can find.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:29 am
by azazel1024
I will grant none of them might know how to hot wire a car.

Oh wait, they hot wire the challenger in ATL. So one of them know how to. Its also pretty simple to syphon a fuel tank. Heck you can use an air conditioner hose from a car in a pinch if you need to, and don't mind cutting one out of a car.

Also that and there are plenty of state police and national guard barracks across states in fairly rural areas. Not that they'd know where every single one is, but as the local sherriff/deputy I'd think Shane and his buddy would know where at least a few of the state police barracks are.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:13 pm
by Shawn Merrow
The advantage of being a role-player, we will not only take everything not-nailed down but find a crowbar for the stuff that is. :D

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:52 pm
by Severus Snape
Yeah, the one thing that really bothered me about the season finale was that they walked through an open area filled with military equipment and they didn't even stop to look for anything. For crying out loud - take the trucks! Grab the guns! Get the ammo! It was clear that there weren't a whole lot of zombies lurking in that area, so why not make use of the time and get the gear? Lame.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:27 pm
by azazel1024
Shawn Merrow wrote:The advantage of being a role-player, we will not only take everything not-nailed down but find a crowbar for the stuff that is. :D

Yeah I had a klepto true neutral wizard in D&D 3.5 years ago. Eventually my DM imposed the rules of "real physics" and had me crushed under the weight of everything I had stolen (there were a few saw and prybar attempts with things like tapestries, fixtures, etc).

He was kind enough to let me create a dimensional pocket backpack later on though for my vast amounts of posessions/ill gotten goods.

PS DM - You are walking through a castle
Me - Oh, castle means tapestries. When the guards aren't looking I snatch one off the wall and stuff it in my pack
DM - There are no tapestries
Me - There have to be. Ist dis a castle? Then there moost be tapestries! We are here to see de tapestries
DM - *sigh* Your character manages to rip a tapestry off the wall...the guards notice the ripping sound and spin around leveling their halberds before you can finish stuffing one in your pack
Me - Uh, I cast compulsion on the one guy and claim his partner is making me do it through magic :-D

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:35 am
by Arnie100
Severus Snape wrote:Yeah, the one thing that really bothered me about the season finale was that they walked through an open area filled with military equipment and they didn't even stop to look for anything. For crying out loud - take the trucks! Grab the guns! Get the ammo! It was clear that there weren't a whole lot of zombies lurking in that area, so why not make use of the time and get the gear? Lame.

When you think about it, that stuff's been there for a while. Most of the useful items (i.e. weapons, ammo, medical supplies, food, water, etc.) would've been scavenged already. Plus, with zombies converging on you, would you have the time?

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:57 am
by Anthar
There were plenty of firearms lying around in the last two episodes outside the CDC. Also, it is incredibly easy to get new vehicles as almost every dealer new or used has a board or lock box in an easy to find location that has the keys to every vehicle on the lot. Just nitpicking a little about some plot holes, but otherwise it is a good show.

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:23 pm
by St. Evil
Waiting for the second season, have not enjoyed a show this good since Fox took off Firefly. :x

Re: The Walking Dead TV Series on AMC TV!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:57 am
by X'Zanthar
Geronimo 2.0 wrote:I kept thinking "Go to the bank! get an armored car you idiots!!".

A new RV, at an RV store. Modify it (I know one nearby that could do amazing things to one in its shop) to be very resistant to dead intrusion, protect tires, engine, windows, make a top entrance hatch, motion sensor system to monitor outside, tow hitch for a smaller vehicle.

Several of these and you got a mobile base.