Life after people

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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Life after people

Unread post by Silveressa »

Life After People a pretty neat history channel series covering what life would be like if humanity were to suddenly vanish one day. It covers a lot of details pertinent to survival in the Dead Reign setting, from nuclear power-plants (and rod containment facilities) melting down and spreading radioactive contamination across a large portion of land, to just how fast and long grocery store food will last without humans around to keep the electricity on etc.. (As well as just what the side effects will be.)

It's a real fun eye opener and can help GMs better portray the effects of the "downfall of humanity" on the natural world with some modification for zombies running around and humans looting/messing things up even more.

With some episodes freely (and legally) viewable online at:
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Re: Life after people

Unread post by wolfsgrin »

Silveressa wrote:Life After People a pretty neat history channel series covering what life would be like if humanity were to suddenly vanish one day. It covers a lot of details pertinent to survival in the Dead Reign setting, from nuclear power-plants (and rod containment facilities) melting down and spreading radioactive contamination across a large portion of land, to just how fast and long grocery store food will last without humans around to keep the electricity on etc.. (As well as just what the side effects will be.)

It's a real fun eye opener and can help GMs better portray the effects of the "downfall of humanity" on the natural world with some modification for zombies running around and humans looting/messing things up even more.

With some episodes freely (and legally) viewable online at:

Great friggn show!!! What the water systems do after we are gone was awesome.
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Re: Life after people

Unread post by jaymz »

Yep an excellent show for demostrating things that happen in the aftermathof something like Zombie Day. I thin someone posted about this a year or so ago in regards to Rifst as well not long after the orignal speicals of Life after People anbd Aftermath - Population Zero as well as the first season of the Life after peopel TV series started. You may get more insight about it there too. Sorry coulnd;t find the link. :)
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Re: Life after people

Unread post by Kovoston »

Silveressa wrote:Life After People a pretty neat history channel series covering what life would be like if humanity were to suddenly vanish one day. It covers a lot of details pertinent to survival in the Dead Reign setting, from nuclear power-plants (and rod containment facilities) melting down and spreading radioactive contamination across a large portion of land, to just how fast and long grocery store food will last without humans around to keep the electricity on etc.. (As well as just what the side effects will be.)

It's a real fun eye opener and can help GMs better portray the effects of the "downfall of humanity" on the natural world with some modification for zombies running around and humans looting/messing things up even more.

With some episodes freely (and legally) viewable online at:

Great show and the book was good too. Sets up the whole scenario perfectly!
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Re: Life after people

Unread post by Severus Snape »

The show has its merits, yes. But the premise of the show is that human life disappears instantaneously. All humans on the planet just vanish into thin air. The show doesn't take into account the slow demise of the human race, or the zombie apocalypse, or warfare, or anything like that. So, in my opinion, everything that the show lets us know will happen in 100 years or so is bunk. Why? Example:

Say we're talking about what happens to the empire state building. In the show, because humans just vanish, the building is still standing after 100 years, but is in serious disrepair. If humans killed themselves off with war, the building might not even be there 100 minutes after people, let alone 100 years. Or in the case of the zombie apocalypse, the building might still be there but may have been seriously reinforced and used as a shelter. Or it could have been intentionally taken down to provide a barrier of sorts or to kill a boatload of zombies in the area.

The show is unrealistic. Humans aren't just going to vanish into thin air and leave civilization just as it was when they were here.
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Re: Life after people

Unread post by Silveressa »

Severus Snape wrote:So, in my opinion, everything that the show lets us know will happen in 100 years or so is bunk.

I couldn't agree more on that part, although in areas where humanity no longer traveled. Say a city downwind of a nuclear meltdown that become a irradiated hot zone, remote areas the survivors never visisted, or in DR, a city so jammed full of zombies messing around would be suicide. (Granted the zombie presence would likely effect things too,) so it's it's a good reference to go by "this is what will happen if no one intervenes", now in my game x,y, & z, happened which would prolly effect all this by _____.

(And some stuff like the water pipes are likely to happen regardless given most survivors won;t care much about the cities sewer system beyond a travel route.)

Mostly though the stuff within the 10 year span is what i find most pertinant to my games, since very few of them ever stratched beyond a year or three game time. (Aside from one that carried on with the players playing their characters kids for several generations which turned out to be far more intriuging then I initally thought it would be.)
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