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My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:55 am
by velcRomanceR
I received Heroes Of The Megaverse yesterday. Great cover. Great art work inside. Looks like the editing has created a balance between words and pictures. I like the myriad of new abilities/powers. I like the "real world" people created as heroes. What a feeling to be listed in this magnificent book!

Hrmph, my name is not in this book. Not my real name. Not my message board name. Not the name I suggested in early October of 2006 when I made the order for the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print. Order number 18131 if you must have proof.

I went through the list of names thrice. I couldn't stand to check a fourth time and find my name missing. I understand all the logistics that go into writing, editing, and publishing a book. I understand deadlines. I understand this book has been forecast as a kind of make it or break it for Palladium Books. It's sad. Much tension was built up at the time over Palladium Books and "The Crisis of Treachery." The fans of Palladium Books were put in a position to choose to donate to Palladium Books and buy the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print or watch the company, which had inspired them and given them hours of creative reward, go bankrupt. That is how I felt. I knew I had done the right thing - not just for me but for anyone who had ever rolled a d20 against a crazed creature from the Rifts. The most important part of the book for me, had I written it, would have been the list of names in the back, or the creation of a character (which was proposed at the time of purchase) with the suggested name of the purchaser of the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print. I received neither. I hope I am the only one.

I am bitter, but I will not let this affect my playing of the game(s). At least not at first - maybe this feeling of "treachery" <perhaps too harsh?> will grow.

For now I can only lament, hope for some consolation, and continue to game. My players need me. They're soon going up against a team of 12 Goblins who have learned to pilot 3 stolen Glitter Boys. I would hate to disappoint them. They might find another means for fun and escape.

Take Care.

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:36 am
by The Dark Elf
If that is so I feel for you but you have taken it graciously and I commend you for that. If you have been missed then maybe PB would make it up by posting your name in a further publication. You could be a new Master Vampire or something.....

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:26 pm
by cornholioprime
velcRomanceR wrote:
I received Heroes Of The Megaverse yesterday. Great cover. Great art work inside. Looks like the editing has created a balance between words and pictures. I like the myriad of new abilities/powers. I like the "real world" people created as heroes. What a feeling to be listed in this magnificent book!

Hrmph, my name is not in this book. Not my real name. Not my message board name. Not the name I suggested in early October of 2006 when I made the order for the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print. Order number 18131 if you must have proof.

I went through the list of names thrice. I couldn't stand to check a fourth time and find my name missing. I understand all the logistics that go into writing, editing, and publishing a book. I understand deadlines. I understand this book has been forecast as a kind of make it or break it for Palladium Books. It's sad. Much tension was built up at the time over Palladium Books and "The Crisis of Treachery." The fans of Palladium Books were put in a position to choose to donate to Palladium Books and buy the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print or watch the company, which had inspired them and given them hours of creative reward, go bankrupt. That is how I felt. I knew I had done the right thing - not just for me but for anyone who had ever rolled a d20 against a crazed creature from the Rifts. The most important part of the book for me, had I written it, would have been the list of names in the back, or the creation of a character (which was proposed at the time of purchase) with the suggested name of the purchaser of the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print. I received neither. I hope I am the only one.

I am bitter, but I will not let this affect my playing of the game(s). At least not at first - maybe this feeling of "treachery" <perhaps too harsh?> will grow.

For now I can only lament, hope for some consolation, and continue to game. My players need me. They're soon going up against a team of 12 Goblins who have learned to pilot 3 stolen Glitter Boys. I would hate to disappoint them. They might find another means for fun and escape.

Take Care.
Look on the bright side, Velcro.

You, and everybody else who owns this "error-ridden" tome (I assume that more people than just yourself have been mistakenly omitted)...... guys all have your hands on an INSTANT collectible.

By the way, do you have an upside-down Postage Stamp from 1908 lying around somewhere, or a illustrated book with a guy dressed in red and blue tights that says "#1" on the top ? I'll give you a nice shiny quarter for both of them. :D

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:45 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Suggest you PM Alex and let him know what happened.

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:34 pm
by sHaka
Did you get a response velcromancer?

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:24 pm
by NMI
Please direct all questions and complaints about your Palladium Books Online or Mail Catalog order by using the online order problems form at or you can call the order line: (734) 721-2903.

Please be aware that Palladium employees do not regularly read these message boards, thus they may not be able to help you resolve issues with your order in a timely manner if you raise questions/concerns in the forums

Palladium Books Inc.
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:32 pm
by NMI
I've alerted PB Staff to this thread. We should see a response soon.

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:25 pm
by Wayne Smith
Kevin will be discussing this in today's Weekly Update, which will go up later this evening, but I wanted to address this to clear up a couple of points.

velcRomanceR wrote:Hrmph, my name is not in this book. Not my real name. Not my message board name. Not the name I suggested in early October of 2006 when I made the order for the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print. Order number 18131 if you must have proof.

Actually, it was the $50 "A Megaverse United" print whose purchasers were told their names would appear in this book. Not the $10 "Heroes of the Megaverse" print that came out several months later, which was the one you purchased. That later print had the contest in which 40 lucky buyers would see their names used as characters in various books in the future (about half of whom have appeared thus far).

velcRomanceR wrote:Much tension was built up at the time over Palladium Books and "The Crisis of Treachery." The fans of Palladium Books were put in a position to choose to donate to Palladium Books and buy the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print or watch the company, which had inspired them and given them hours of creative reward, go bankrupt.

The release of the "Heroes of the Megaverse" print which you purchased was several months after the incredible outpouring of support we received in those first few weeks, largely in the form of purchases of the $50 "A Megaverse United" print. Certainly, we were still recovering when it was released, but I think you're confusing these two prints and how they were presented.

velcRomanceR wrote:The most important part of the book for me, had I written it, would have been the list of names in the back, or the creation of a character (which was proposed at the time of purchase) with the suggested name of the purchaser of the Heroes Of The Megaverse Print.

What you're referring to here is the contest that was associated with the print you purchased, which said that ten buyers per month, for the first four months, would be selected randomly, and those 40 people would have characters created using their names and be printed in future books. The buyers of that print were not told they would appear in the upcoming Heroes of the Megaverse book.

We are very sorry for this confusion, and I can certainly see how the print and the book of the same name could be confused. That said, we were very clear at the time that the $50 "A Megaverse United" print was the one folks had to purchase to have their names appear in a future book called Heroes of the Megaverse. The "Heroes of the Megaverse" print was something that came up much later, after Dennis Hughes had the original illustration commissioned, and was done largely as a "thank you" to all of you who helped us out in the preceding months, which was why it was only priced at $10.

Another thing we're very sorry for, which has been mentioned elsewhere, is that we forgot to include the names of those who made PayPal donations. We had forgotten about that completely, and we feel really bad about it. We are thinking over ways to try and make it up to those folks (for one thing, if/when Heroes of the Megaverse goes to a second printing, we will add those names).

Wayne Smith
Palladium Books

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:52 am
by velcRomanceR
Thank you, all, for the clarification. I now remember the timeline and the particulars of the two "print" sales and the differences between the two. I did confuse the two prints, the fifty dollar (which I remember I was unable to afford) and the ten dollar (which I purchased) - understandable as this has been over four years ago. As Kevin stated in this week's update, "I fear I’m only human and I make mistakes. I hope you understand."

I know my contribution has been or will be used to the fullest extent which I intended - which is to keep Palladium Books publishing great works of art for the enjoyment of myself and all who crave this creative outlet.

I will continue to support Palladium Books in its efforts to make impressive RPG products. Thanks again for those who read this thread and who replied in a sentimental fashion. Truly, Palladium Books's fans are the BEST fans.

Take care.

Re: My Name Is Not Listed In Heroes Of The Megaverse

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:53 am
by The Dark Elf
velcRomanceR wrote:Thank you, all, for the clarification. I now remember the timeline and the particulars of the two "print" sales and the differences between the two. I did confuse the two prints, the fifty dollar (which I remember I was unable to afford) and the ten dollar (which I purchased) - understandable as this has been over four years ago. As Kevin stated in this week's update, "I fear I’m only human and I make mistakes. I hope you understand."

I know my contribution has been or will be used to the fullest extent which I intended - which is to keep Palladium Books publishing great works of art for the enjoyment of myself and all who crave this creative outlet.

I will continue to support Palladium Books in its efforts to make impressive RPG products. Thanks again for those who read this thread and who replied in a sentimental fashion. Truly, Palladium Books's fans are the BEST fans.

Take care.

As I said above, very gracious Velcromancer.

Btw does your name mean you casts spells with Velcro or that you are dating a girl named Velc? :clown: