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SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:45 am
by Premier
Welcome to Phase 2 of SPLICERS: Unleashed!
This marks the 2nd chapter of this contest where everyone gets to weigh in their (4) VOTES, express their views, opinions, constructive critics and discuss their favorite choice (s). For those who have contributed, you are more than welcome to adjust/modify your submitted Entries to best sell your Entry(s) as this poll allows the Voters to choose up to 4 options and they can change their vote(s) so put your game faces on Spliceheads! BTW, I am so proud of EVERYONE that I am thinking of uping the Winners total up to the Top-5 Selections and we may go DIGITAL Color here... ("Maybe" that is...)
I suggest EVERYONE review the Submissions Thread to enjoy the AWESOME Entries before voting. Please feel free to ask questions to the respective Creators and respectfully discuss their ideas.
NOW let the SPLICE FLOW...
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:55 am
by Shark_Force
just a minor suggestion, you might consider having the first post include links to each individual post with a submission. if you'd like, i can do the grunt-work (can't be nearly as much involved as compiling Taalismn's paladin steel store stuff) and you can just c/p it into the first post? (in fact, that's probably better if we do it that way... you're probably pretty busy with the sourcebook, hopefully... )
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:20 pm
by Premier
Shark_Force wrote:just a minor suggestion, you might consider having the first post include links to each individual post with a submission. if you'd like, i can do the grunt-work (can't be nearly as much involved as compiling Taalismn's paladin steel store stuff) and you can just c/p it into the first post? (in fact, that's probably better if we do it that way... you're probably pretty busy with the sourcebook, hopefully... )
This is why I love the Palladiumbooks Supporters, especially the Splicers crew so much. Thank You Sharkforce and I will be glad to c/p your suggestion to make things flow smoother. ANd Yes, the Soucebooks are in full swing production and we are wrapping up the first one finally.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:41 pm
by Premier
Thanks to the mighty Shark Force, We are live and running with links to the actual Entries!!!
Awesome job and the "
VIOLET WAVE" wont forget you SharkForce...
Now let the the voting begin and great start Lord Z on the discussions
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:41 am
by Shark_Force
heh, looks like we need a lot more votes... there's something like a 5-way tie at the moment

(the good news is that means we've got a lot of quality entries i figure if we don't have just one or two blowing all the others out of the water...)
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:09 pm
by Shark_Force
23 votes?
who's holding back?

(you get two votes, remember)
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:05 pm
by Lord Z
At least we now have more votes than entries...
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:41 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Slipstream Pack and tempest rider should go together. Just saying.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:41 am
by The Galactus Kid
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:Slipstream Pack and tempest rider should go together. Just saying.
I agree
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:00 pm
by Premier
In need of establishing some lead ranks (tie breakers), not the turn Out I was seeking (sigh) and for the honest reason that there are just so many great ideas to choose from, I uped the vote count to (4). So we all have a 2 additional votes to utilize. This should make things interesting...
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:08 pm
by kevarin
up the votes and we go to a 6 way tie come one people and vote
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:48 pm
by Lord Z
Interestingly, I ended up voting for four choices from four different contributors. Well, it was interesting to me anyway.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:57 am
by Shark_Force
i'd just like to point out that when *i* added my extra 2 votes, one of mine was a tie-breaker, unlike the person who voted after me for the other option and tied things up again

Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:51 pm
by Premier
66 votes with 4 votes per person, hmmm... who is holding out here?

Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:19 pm
by Lord Z
75 votes, the leader has 8 votes. An entry of mine went from 1 vote to 6 in a single day. It is still anyones race to win.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:25 am
by Premier
Hey Spliceheads, since it looks like there will be some possible gridlocks, any ideas/suggestions on how to break the ties?
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:08 am
by Lord Z
In the event of a tie, I suggest that the judges pick a winner. Hey, that's what a judge does.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:35 pm
by Lord Z
Someone voted (curiously raising the total from 75 to 78). The leader is holding onto a razor thin lead. There is a two-way tie for second place and now also a two-way tie just behind them.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:15 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
and i just upped them to a 4 way tie for second place. oops.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:14 pm
by Premier
Talk about a close campaign run, you guys are killing me,

So far it looks like its still anyone's chance as the scores are so close and one or two people's votes can literally effect the outcomes. I know I will be going to a 5th placement so lets get everthing in (adjust your final submission posts if need be) that you can and I will begin to get the Judges together for discussing the polls final tallies tommorrow.
We will be looking at Delivery, Innovation & Utilization of what was provided as the basis for our critic.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:23 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Premier wrote:Talk about a close campaign run, you guys are killing me,

So far it looks like its still anyone's chance as the scores are so close and one or two people's votes can literally effect the outcomes. I know I will be going to a 5th placement so lets get everthing in (adjust your final submission posts if need be) that you can and I will begin to get the Judges together for discussing the polls final tallies tommorrow.
We will be looking at Delivery, Innovation & Utilization of what was provided as the basis for our critic.
Just let me know, man.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:03 pm
by Premier
First OFF, Let me say JOB WELL DONE to ALL the Spliceheads who participated in the 1st Unleashed contest! Second, I am really astonished with all the sweet ideas that came forth and I am excited about illustrating these visions! Now comes the hard part for us judges and that is making decisions on which entries will move forward to the fianl phase of being Unleashed. I will begin discussions with them and see what comes forth. Now the suspense begins...
The Galactus Kid wrote:Premier wrote:Talk about a close campaign run, you guys are killing me,

So far it looks like its still anyone's chance as the scores are so close and one or two people's votes can literally effect the outcomes. I know I will be going to a 5th placement so lets get everthing in (adjust your final submission posts if need be) that you can and I will begin to get the Judges together for discussing the polls final tallies tommorrow.
We will be looking at Delivery, Innovation & Utilization of what was provided as the basis for our critic.
Just let me know, man.
Hey GK,
I will be composing an email very shortly to get us going on the judging and the Unleashed material thereafter. So keep your eyes peeled.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:12 pm
by NMI
Premier wrote:First OFF, Let me say JOB WELL DONE to ALL the Spliceheads who participated in the 1st Unleashed contest! Second, I am really astonished with all the sweet ideas that came forth and I am excited about illustrating these visions! Now comes the hard part for us judges and that is making decisions on which entries will move forward to the fianl phase of being Unleashed. I will begin discussions with them and see what comes forth. Now the suspense begins...
The Galactus Kid wrote:Premier wrote:Talk about a close campaign run, you guys are killing me,

So far it looks like its still anyone's chance as the scores are so close and one or two people's votes can literally effect the outcomes. I know I will be going to a 5th placement so lets get everthing in (adjust your final submission posts if need be) that you can and I will begin to get the Judges together for discussing the polls final tallies tommorrow.
We will be looking at Delivery, Innovation & Utilization of what was provided as the basis for our critic.
Just let me know, man.
Hey GK,
I will be composing an email very shortly to get us going on the judging and the Unleashed material thereafter. So keep your eyes peeled.
me too??!!!
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:24 pm
by 89er
I just want to wish evey splice-head a happy Thanksgiving.
On a side note, best of luck to Premier on the Unleashed drawings.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:33 pm
by Premier
89er wrote:I just want to wish evey splice-head a happy Thanksgiving.
On a side note, best of luck to Premier on the Unleashed drawings.
Great Thoughts and I hope you & everyone also had a Happy Thanksgiving! BTW, the judging process has begun & I am highly interested in the final results of this contest. As I complete my current plate workload, I will also be opening a Special on Splicers Sketches at $25 -30 USD plus shipping for those who might be interested in getting their ideas of Host Armors, Warmounts, Biotics, Characters, gorebeasts, etc., "sketched' by me. These aren't my fully illustrated and heavily detailed illustrations but they will be of good Sketch quality. Just PM if your interested.
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:04 pm
by kevarin
Premier wrote:89er wrote:I just want to wish evey splice-head a happy Thanksgiving.
On a side note, best of luck to Premier on the Unleashed drawings.
Great Thoughts and I hope you & everyone also had a Happy Thanksgiving! BTW, the judging process has begun & I am highly interested in the final results of this contest. As I complete my current plate workload, I will also be opening a Special on Splicers Sketches at $25 -30 USD plus shipping for those who might be interested in getting their ideas of Host Armors, Warmounts, Biotics, Characters, gorebeasts, etc., "sketched' by me. These aren't my fully illustrated and heavily detailed illustrations but they will be of good Sketch quality. Just PM if your interested.
will be hearing from me as soon as my other project is finished and i can get the money into my paypal account
Re: SPLICERS:Unleashed "The Polls"
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:40 pm
by Premier
kevarin wrote:Premier wrote:89er wrote:I just want to wish evey splice-head a happy Thanksgiving.
On a side note, best of luck to Premier on the Unleashed drawings.
Great Thoughts and I hope you & everyone also had a Happy Thanksgiving! BTW, the judging process has begun & I am highly interested in the final results of this contest. As I complete my current plate workload, I will also be opening a Special on Splicers Sketches at $25 -30 USD plus shipping for those who might be interested in getting their ideas of Host Armors, Warmounts, Biotics, Characters, gorebeasts, etc., "sketched' by me. These aren't my fully illustrated and heavily detailed illustrations but they will be of good Sketch quality. Just PM if your interested.
will be hearing from me as soon as my other project is finished and i can get the money into my paypal account
Good deal!