Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

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Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Warmaster40k »

okay, after looking through the books, i think we can all agree that the Chaos Earth and Palladium Books tends to lie on the more Idealism rather than the cynical side. Or atleast that chaos earths needs more love, as does Splicers, boy does splicers needs more love.

So I present fan Errat and fixes for stupid stuff, later we can develop the setting at 5 years after the end of the world, and give it a more Mad Max and desert punk feel:

1: NEMA aka Northern Eagle Military Allaince, stupid, no government organization would take that name. so Change that to NAMA or North American Military Allaince, this follows a more real world naming convention.

2: Lt Gen Sawyer, age 35. Not possible, she would be Col at most. thats being generaous as that would give her a rate of O-6, so she would be Major (O-5) Sawyer, so we can eihter give her a huge battle field promotion to Lt Gen that O-9 (wich is rediculous your average age in the real world for that is in the 50s+. so we give her the Major rank and just say that she is the senior officer at the time of chicago. reminder that
O-7 is Brigadier General, O-8 is Major General, and O-10 is General, above that is O-11 General of the Army, wich is only during Wartime.

3:Men of Magic xp tables.

Blue Zone Wizard, Demon Caller. (although a primitive ley line walker, and shifer (demon caller being the one trick pony) thier limitations seriously cripple them so they get)
1: 0-1,925
2: 1,926-3,850
3: 3,851-7,450
4: 7,451-14,900
5: 14,901-21,000
6: 21,001-31,000
7: 31,001-41,600
8: 41,601-53,000
9: 53,001-73,000
10: 73,001-103,500
12: 139,001-189,000
14: 239,001-289,000
15: 28,9001-339,000

Chaos Wizard, Death Mage, Chaos Witch, Demon Disciple :(actual magic users, who can use thier powers as normal with out too much of a draw back)
1: 0-2,240
2: 2,241-4,480
3: 4,481-8,960
4: 8,961-17,420
7: 35,921-50,920
8: 50,921-70,920
9: 70,921-9,5920
10: 95,921-135,920
11: 135,921-185,920
12: 185,921-225,920
13: 225,921-275,920
14: 275,921-335,920
15: 335,921-395,920

Demon Bringer: again, this guy does not bring much to the table, yes hes has physical powers, but thats about it, plus the whole, hey you gotta demon in your head that you have to negotiate with.

1: 0-2,140
2: 2,141-4,280
3: 4,281-8,560
4: 8,561-17,520
6: 25,521-35,520
7: 35,521-50,520
8: 50,521-71,000
9: 71,001-96,100
10: 96,101-131,200
11: 131,201-181,300
12: 181,301-231,400
13: 231,401-281,500
14: 281,501-341,600
15: 341,601-401,700

Demon Worshipers, Doomsayers (the rabble, cannon fodder, utterly worthless when push comes to shove so, they are the easiest to level up.)

1: 0-1,875
2: 1,876-3,750
3: 3,751-7,250
4: 7,251-14,100
5: 14,101-21,200
6: 21,201-31,200
7: 31,201-41,200
8: 41,201-51,200
9: 51,201-71,200
10: 71,201-101,500
11: 101,501-136,500
12: 136,501-186,500
13: 186,501-236,500
14: 236,501-286,500
15: 286,501-326,500

D- Shifter, magical power houses of the cataclysm. sinse they get front loaded with a bunch abilities they are more along the lines of dragons and such but not as powerful as true creatures of magic.

1: 0-2,400
2: 2,401-4,800
3: 4,801-9,600
4: 9,601-19,000
5: 19,001-27,000
6: 27,001-37,000
7: 37,001-52,000
8: 52,001-72,000
9: 72,001-96,000
10: 96,001-131,000
11: 131,001-180,000
12: 180,001-229,000
13: 229,001-278,000
14: 278,001-337,000
15: 337,001-396,000

4: Plus the NEMA PLP-20 "Police Special" Laser Pistol should have 30 shots rather than 21 as it does 2d6 points of damage.

Also give all the vehicular/Robot Vehicles weapons a x5 damage multiplier, that should make them worth thier price, and increase their mdc by x2. more later.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

Warmaster40k wrote:okay, after looking through the books, i think we can all agree that the Chaos Earth and Palladium Books tends to lie on the more Idealism rather than the cynical side. Or atleast that chaos earths needs more love, as does Splicers, boy does splicers needs more love.

So I present fan Errat and fixes for stupid stuff, later we can develop the setting at 5 years after the end of the world, and give it a more Mad Max and desert punk feel:

1: NEMA aka Northern Eagle Military Allaince, stupid, no government organization would take that name. so Change that to NAMA or North American Military Allaince, this follows a more real world naming convention.

I agree that CE needs more attention. Jason Richards, even though he shouldn't be trusted, is hard at work on new material for the setting.

Interestingly enough, my own 'Rifts Reset' project combines both Chaos Earth and Rifts and places the game at five years after.

A couple of quick notes from what I've done -
NEMA - changed to National Emergency Management Agency. Essentially while keeping the North American Alliance, I dropped the canon NEMA as it was presented in the books. I used a DARPA study that mentioned FEMA should create specially trained "emergency response battalions" (or whatever it was called, it's my name for it) that would be the first responders from a federal standpoint to any crisis. This organization is the successor to FEMA.

Regarding Sawyer, all I did was reverse the numbers for her age, and made her a member of the National Guard and my revised NEMA. Basically NEMA was her full time day job, and she served in the Guard. I haven't plotted it out yet but basically in my head she would be the highest ranking officer in the Georgia National Guard.

I also created a tri-national law enforcement agency that focuses on homeland security, and a tri-national military task force. (I haven't gotten around to name either). Each nation still maintains it's own military. With the 2nd Cold War, all three nations have ramped up their military forces.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by keir451 »

My alterations have NEMA being North AmErican Military Alliance, due to the fact that it covers the entire North American continent. The Allince came about after the US seized Mexico, Cuba and Haiti (in 2039) under the auspices of the illegal immigrants, drug dealers (from Mexico) and the increasing level of piracy in the Carribean representing a threat to national security.
Canada voted to join the Alliance a year later (2040) due to (at the time) the United States' superior economic standing (and to avoid the US' apparent Imperialist leanings) due to the seizure of the aforementioned countries.

Canada retained the RCMP, but they became part of the DOD, and recieved the upgrades in body armor and weapons but no SAMAS or Chromium Guardsman, as those are strictly US Army equiment. In this variation NEMA IS the US Army, but their role has been expanded to include rescue operations.

Sawyer is still a Lt. General, due to the fact that she was fast tracked for promotion due to her exceptional abilities (Yes this is completely possible IF the person in question is good enough). This IS 2098 after all, and if the kind of genetic "tweaking" Sawyer received is the norm, then the military would need to revise its standards to compensate.
At the time of the Apocalypse she was the 2nd in command of the East coast US forces, soon to be unber the command of the general at the soon to be unveiled HQ Echo compound.

I have ditched the ridiculously stupid and utterly worthless seperate exp. tables for EVERY SINGLE OCC, as well as the completely ridiculousamt. of exp. needed to advance to each level. I use ONE table for ALL OCCs. While each character may not advance at the same rate due to varying circumstances, they only need the same amount of experience to advance to their next level.
I use the exp. table from D&D 3rd edition instead, this also removes the ridiculous amount of time spent flipping through books to find the requisite OCC's Advancement Table.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Warmaster40k »

keir451 wrote:My alterations have NEMA being North AmErican Military Alliance, due to the fact that it covers the entire North American continent. The Allince came about after the US seized Mexico, Cuba and Haiti (in 2039) under the auspices of the illegal immigrants, drug dealers (from Mexico) and the increasing level of piracy in the Carribean representing a threat to national security.
Canada voted to join the Alliance a year later (2040) due to (at the time) the United States' superior economic standing (and to avoid the US' apparent Imperialist leanings) due to the seizure of the aforementioned countries.

Canada retained the RCMP, but they became part of the DOD, and recieved the upgrades in body armor and weapons but no SAMAS or Chromium Guardsman, as those are strictly US Army equiment. In this variation NEMA IS the US Army, but their role has been expanded to include rescue operations.

Sawyer is still a Lt. General, due to the fact that she was fast tracked for promotion due to her exceptional abilities (Yes this is completely possible IF the person in question is good enough). This IS 2098 after all, and if the kind of genetic "tweaking" Sawyer received is the norm, then the military would need to revise its standards to compensate.
At the time of the Apocalypse she was the 2nd in command of the East coast US forces, soon to be unber the command of the general at the soon to be unveiled HQ Echo compound.

I have ditched the ridiculously stupid and utterly worthless seperate exp. tables for EVERY SINGLE OCC, as well as the completely ridiculousamt. of exp. needed to advance to each level. I use ONE table for ALL OCCs. While each character may not advance at the same rate due to varying circumstances, they only need the same amount of experience to advance to their next level.
I use the exp. table from D&D 3rd edition instead, this also removes the ridiculous amount of time spent flipping through books to find the requisite OCC's Advancement Table.

the thing is that sawyer cant become an O-9 at 35 unless there was a huge amount attrition in the officer ranks, prior to the cataclysm, see in the US Army or any armed branch a person must work at certain pay rates for a set amount of time before being up for approval at the board, and most battle field promotions are temporary, but do lend credence at the next promotion, and O-9 is the second highest peace time rank a person can atain, and thats after a 25 year career at elast. Sawyer can only have had a 15 year career so Colonel or Major would be an appropriate rank at her age. BTW thats still a high rank, and the rank needed for mission leaders and base comanders.

also Rise of Magic didnt have the XP tables, I had to find the tables that fit thier power level.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by keir451 »

Warmaster40k wrote:
keir451 wrote:My alterations have NEMA being North AmErican Military Alliance, due to the fact that it covers the entire North American continent. The Allince came about after the US seized Mexico, Cuba and Haiti (in 2039) under the auspices of the illegal immigrants, drug dealers (from Mexico) and the increasing level of piracy in the Carribean representing a threat to national security.
Canada voted to join the Alliance a year later (2040) due to (at the time) the United States' superior economic standing (and to avoid the US' apparent Imperialist leanings) due to the seizure of the aforementioned countries.

Canada retained the RCMP, but they became part of the DOD, and recieved the upgrades in body armor and weapons but no SAMAS or Chromium Guardsman, as those are strictly US Army equiment. In this variation NEMA IS the US Army, but their role has been expanded to include rescue operations.

Sawyer is still a Lt. General, due to the fact that she was fast tracked for promotion due to her exceptional abilities (Yes this is completely possible IF the person in question is good enough). This IS 2098 after all, and if the kind of genetic "tweaking" Sawyer received is the norm, then the military would need to revise its standards to compensate.
At the time of the Apocalypse she was the 2nd in command of the East coast US forces, soon to be under the command of the general at the soon to be unveiled HQ Echo compound.

I have ditched the ridiculously stupid and utterly worthless seperate exp. tables for EVERY SINGLE OCC, as well as the completely ridiculousamt. of exp. needed to advance to each level. I use ONE table for ALL OCCs. While each character may not advance at the same rate due to varying circumstances, they only need the same amount of experience to advance to their next level.
I use the exp. table from D&D 3rd edition instead, this also removes the ridiculous amount of time spent flipping through books to find the requisite OCC's Advancement Table.

the thing is that sawyer cant become an O-9 at 35 unless there was a huge amount attrition in the officer ranks, prior to the cataclysm, see in the US Army or any armed branch a person must work at certain pay rates for a set amount of time before being up for approval at the board, and most battle field promotions are temporary, but do lend credence at the next promotion, and O-9 is the second highest peace time rank a person can atain, and thats after a 25 year career at elast. Sawyer can only have had a 15 year career so Colonel or Major would be an appropriate rank at her age. BTW thats still a high rank, and the rank needed for mission leaders and base comanders.

also Rise of Magic didnt have the XP tables, I had to find the tables that fit thier power level.

For Sawyer to be an officer she'd have had to go thru West Point and with an IQ of 20 (200 on the "real" scale) we're talking genius level intelligence. That means that she'd be VERY good at her studies as well as her job and as she is described as strongwilled (ME 20)she would be a real "hard charger" and would be noticed and groomed for command early on. Her high rank would be indicative of her ability being above and beyond the others. Yes normally one has to "put in the time in grade" to get promotions BUT the truly exceptional are noticed early on and are guided into the proper paths. So it wouldn't be attrition in the ranks (except in weeding out the incompetents who got their rank because of "Daddy" or because "Daddy funded so & so's campaign").
Some times those exceptional officers are promoted "outside" the system by being prormoted faster and beyond their contemporaries simply because they're that good.
Again this is by 2098 so who knows what changes were made to the "system" by that time, I can see that the military would have to adjust it's standards due to the advent of genetically engineered people entering the service and displacing the "normal" progression of things because of the way they were tweaked.

As for the exp. tables, I think you did a good job, I just find Palladiums exp. tables to be random and clumsy(not to mention a total 2nd ed. D&D rip-off) and I HATE having to look thru 20 odd books just to find the right table so I just simplify things. This allows for rapid advancement early on but slower advancement in the higher levels.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by keir451 »

WildWalker wrote:I finally got a copy of Chaos Earth a while back (but after I started building my own version) and ended up disappointed. My version is quite a bit different and I pretty much just crib stuff from it rather than using it as a setting. That being said here are some of the keystones of my version of Chaos Earth:
  • MDC materials are nearly ubiquitous.
  • Light MDC armors are commercially available to civilians in a variety of civilian form factors.
  • Vibro knives, chisels, saws, shears and axes are expensive but commercially available. Form factors as small as pocket knives are possible.
  • While the Glitterboy is in a class all it’s own in terms of durability it is not the “firstest” power armor. Enhanced armors are common in the military and available to SWAT Teams and First Responders. Most are powered by high density power pack systems rather than nuclear power.
  • What makes the GB stand head over heels above the rest is a “zero point energy” power plant and a nanite armor repair system that can repair the armor slowly with no real support or more quickly of you dope it with “armor gel”.
  • High density power systems, for that matter, are very common.
  • While MD energy weapons are the province of the military and heavily regulated, firearms that can use MD armor piercing rifle rounds and shotgun shells are not uncommon, just expensive and regulated.
  • MDC laser and plasma torches are also not uncommon in certain industries.
The cascade of changed from those basic assumption pretty much make the early days a lot different. I actually see the Black Market of Rifts Earth as the remnants of the old US military (and not in a bad way). As a side note I always assumed Sawyer’s age was a typo and that they reversed the numbers.


I like this. This is a very good description of what pre-Chaos Earth was like in some respects. I still disagree w/the concept of Sawyers age being a typo mainly because (as is stated earlier) the way she is written paints her as one of those truly exceptional people who have the "right stuff" that the military (ANY military) looks for and she could have been promoted out of grade because her abilities were just that good. It's too easy to apply the standard promotion system and to forget that, 1) the standards may have changed and 2) Sawyer's supposed to be like the characters we play, exceptional and not merely above average but well and truly BEYOND average, and if you're beyond average you can get promoted faster.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Warmaster40k »

keir451 wrote:
WildWalker wrote:I finally got a copy of Chaos Earth a while back (but after I started building my own version) and ended up disappointed. My version is quite a bit different and I pretty much just crib stuff from it rather than using it as a setting. That being said here are some of the keystones of my version of Chaos Earth:
  • MDC materials are nearly ubiquitous.
  • Light MDC armors are commercially available to civilians in a variety of civilian form factors.
  • Vibro knives, chisels, saws, shears and axes are expensive but commercially available. Form factors as small as pocket knives are possible.
  • While the Glitterboy is in a class all it’s own in terms of durability it is not the “firstest” power armor. Enhanced armors are common in the military and available to SWAT Teams and First Responders. Most are powered by high density power pack systems rather than nuclear power.
  • What makes the GB stand head over heels above the rest is a “zero point energy” power plant and a nanite armor repair system that can repair the armor slowly with no real support or more quickly of you dope it with “armor gel”.
  • High density power systems, for that matter, are very common.
  • While MD energy weapons are the province of the military and heavily regulated, firearms that can use MD armor piercing rifle rounds and shotgun shells are not uncommon, just expensive and regulated.
  • MDC laser and plasma torches are also not uncommon in certain industries.
The cascade of changed from those basic assumption pretty much make the early days a lot different. I actually see the Black Market of Rifts Earth as the remnants of the old US military (and not in a bad way). As a side note I always assumed Sawyer’s age was a typo and that they reversed the numbers.


I like this. This is a very good description of what pre-Chaos Earth was like in some respects. I still disagree w/the concept of Sawyers age being a typo mainly because (as is stated earlier) the way she is written paints her as one of those truly exceptional people who have the "right stuff" that the military (ANY military) looks for and she could have been promoted out of grade because her abilities were just that good. It's too easy to apply the standard promotion system and to forget that, 1) the standards may have changed and 2) Sawyer's supposed to be like the characters we play, exceptional and not merely above average but well and truly BEYOND average, and if you're beyond average you can get promoted faster.

the problem with sawyer is that she isnt exceptional, not when those genetic tweaks are common. As when Syndrome said in the incredibles "When Everyone is special, no one is." Plus with the enhanced life spans of the general populace, the older guard are still working, that means that people from the early 21st century are still alive, and as the Old addage goes, "I don't care how talented or special you are, you gotta pay your dues like every one else", so while that doesnt mean that Major or Colonel are a rank to sneaze at, they are impressive, its just htat Sawyer has to put in her time like every one else.

but it doesn't matter Major Sawyer is still the commanding officer for teh Chicago operations. Also she's in deep doo-doo (blast you censors) for abandoning her post in Atlanta. I smell story hook.

any hoo- 2103 AD, Five years after the end of the world as we know it.

NEMA remenants are trying to maintain control of the few remaining microfacs and a retooled automotive factory. Major Sawyer is at odds with Brig Gen Verns, as he is bringing in the Great Lakes area national guard regiment.

and ill add more later.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Warmaster40k »

The Idea behind the five year time skip, was to allow the world to set up basic encampments and increase the rarity of MDC gear, most non-military characters would be wearing home spun, the goal would be to build a new community and hold it.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Jason Richards »

1: NEMA aka Northern Eagle Military Allaince, stupid, no government organization would take that name. so Change that to NAMA or North American Military Allaince, this follows a more real world naming convention.

It's funny you mention this. I have notes where I was trying to find a reason for it not to be called NAMA, to try and justify this. Best I could do was that there had been a previous, infamous NAMA. My notes say "North African Military Alliance" and assume that it was a prominent extremist military prior to the establishment of the NAA. The problem with that is that it's an abbreviation of English terms, and it still doesn't justify going with NEMA. So, I just dropped it and resolved to power through.

This sort of thing is one of the great challenges of writing for Chaos Earth. Some of them I try to explain or justify, but some, like the name NEMA, I'm just sort of stuck with. I do have a great idea for why the Canadian survivors are called Tundra Rangers, however, despite the fact that there is no actual tundra anywhere close to civilization in Canada, either in the modern day, Golden Age, or during the time of Rifts. You'll have to wait on that, though. :)
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Jason Richards »

Here are my actual NEMA vs NAMA notes:

To anyone looking back on the formation of the North American Alliance from the latter part of the 21st century or beyond, the given name of the combined police-paramilitary force of the allied nations may be puzzling. The name of the Northern Eagle Military Alliance, or NEMA, seems like an odd selection, and in fact was not the original name of the organization. In the early drafts of the NAA Charter, the military arm created by the treaty was to be called the North American Military Alliance, or NAMA. This moniker was quickly scrapped, however, as the memory of a different NAMA was still fresh in the minds of the denizens of the world.

For a brief period beginning in the fall of 2022, the globe’s collective attention was turned to a militant and terrorist threat birthed from several rogue elements in Africa, specifically Egypt, Libya, Sudan, and portions of Morocco. Known to the West as the North African Militant Army, this group was the center of international politics for 16 months as they incited revolt and launched riots against progressive governments in a number of North African and Middle Eastern nations. The conflict came to an end when the leadership of the movement was crushed and the membership disbursed by a massive combined Special Forces operation led by the United States, Germany, and Argentina, and including a host of other cooperative nations lending troops, financing, and other support in a worldwide backlash against the anarchist movement.

The name of NAMA was, therefore, deemed unacceptable for an organization that its founders hoped would bring a renewed sense of security to the continent. In contrast to the violent movement of the previous decade, the framers of the NAA chose to evoke the noble imagery of the eagle, already a national symbol in the United States and Mexico. Thus, the Northern Eagle Military Alliance was born.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by keir451 »

Warmaster40k wrote:
keir451 wrote:
WildWalker wrote:I finally got a copy of Chaos Earth a while back (but after I started building my own version) and ended up disappointed. My version is quite a bit different and I pretty much just crib stuff from it rather than using it as a setting. That being said here are some of the keystones of my version of Chaos Earth:
  • MDC materials are nearly ubiquitous.
  • Light MDC armors are commercially available to civilians in a variety of civilian form factors.
  • Vibro knives, chisels, saws, shears and axes are expensive but commercially available. Form factors as small as pocket knives are possible.
  • While the Glitterboy is in a class all it’s own in terms of durability it is not the “firstest” power armor. Enhanced armors are common in the military and available to SWAT Teams and First Responders. Most are powered by high density power pack systems rather than nuclear power.
  • What makes the GB stand head over heels above the rest is a “zero point energy” power plant and a nanite armor repair system that can repair the armor slowly with no real support or more quickly of you dope it with “armor gel”.
  • High density power systems, for that matter, are very common.
  • While MD energy weapons are the province of the military and heavily regulated, firearms that can use MD armor piercing rifle rounds and shotgun shells are not uncommon, just expensive and regulated.
  • MDC laser and plasma torches are also not uncommon in certain industries.
The cascade of changed from those basic assumption pretty much make the early days a lot different. I actually see the Black Market of Rifts Earth as the remnants of the old US military (and not in a bad way). As a side note I always assumed Sawyer’s age was a typo and that they reversed the numbers.


I like this. This is a very good description of what pre-Chaos Earth was like in some respects. I still disagree w/the concept of Sawyers age being a typo mainly because (as is stated earlier) the way she is written paints her as one of those truly exceptional people who have the "right stuff" that the military (ANY military) looks for and she could have been promoted out of grade because her abilities were just that good. It's too easy to apply the standard promotion system and to forget that, 1) the standards may have changed and 2) Sawyer's supposed to be like the characters we play, exceptional and not merely above average but well and truly BEYOND average, and if you're beyond average you can get promoted faster.

the problem with sawyer is that she isnt exceptional, not when those genetic tweaks are common. As when Syndrome said in the incredibles "When Everyone is special, no one is." Plus with the enhanced life spans of the general populace, the older guard are still working, that means that people from the early 21st century are still alive, and as the Old addage goes, "I don't care how talented or special you are, you gotta pay your dues like every one else", so while that doesnt mean that Major or Colonel are a rank to sneaze at, they are impressive, its just htat Sawyer has to put in her time like every one else.

but it doesn't matter Major Sawyer is still the commanding officer for teh Chicago operations. Also she's in deep doo-doo (blast you censors) for abandoning her post in Atlanta. I smell story hook.

any hoo- 2103 AD, Five years after the end of the world as we know it.

NEMA remenants are trying to maintain control of the few remaining microfacs and a retooled automotive factory. Major Sawyer is at odds with Brig Gen Verns, as he is bringing in the Great Lakes area national guard regiment.

and ill add more later.

That's cool, it was just my theory on how she could become a Lt. Gen at such a young age, been reading a little too much of Webers Honor Harrington lately :lol: . A conflict between Nat. Guard and NEMA? Yeah I can see that, evenif she wre a Lt. gen. she'd be out ranked by a Brig. Gen. but they come from different units and work under different chains of command. I can't wait to see the fur fly.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Jason Richards »

All true, which is why I wrote that, reread it, then put it in my trash file. :)
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by strtkwr »

The one thing I have not been able to figure out is if NEMA is a combo of NSA/FBI/CIA as described in the book, why do they have military hardware like the CG and Silver Eagles. Nor would I expect them to have rescue vehicles like robot vehicles. If they were this super police agency as described in the book, I would expect them to look more like an organization out of N&SS, with high tech spying equipment.

Instead, in my campaign, NEMA (I personally like the name myself) is actually a tri country military defense/resuce force, kind of like a national guard for the three countries. This would account for the military vehicles, and rescue mandate.

And I love the setting, and am looking forward to more books.
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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Nadrakas »

I've considered changing it to the Northern Entente Military Authority. It's stuffy enough that it might be believable that Government Bureaucrats came up with it.

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Chicago Broadcast, 12 DEC 2098, M.P.: wrote:We are the People of Earth. Those Things are not of Earth. Our path is clear and simple. We belong here, they do not. I, for one, will do everything in my power to close the Gates so we can send those things back to whatever Hell they came from!! NOW, WHO IS WITH ME!!!

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Re: Errata/Fixing Chaos Earth: plus a 5 year time skip

Unread post by Jason Richards »

Citizen Lazlo wrote:There needs to be some rewrites/ fixes.

But it does not seem to be a priority seeing how long "First Responders" has "sat on the desk".

It is what it is, and priorities are what they are. I certainly don't want anyone to complain about the delay; far more good will come from being positive about it and voicing to Kevin (here on the boards, by PM/letter, on Facebook, calling in on podcasts, etc.) how anxious you are to see it, and assure him that you'll be buying a copy (or three) as soon as it hits the shelves. Don't call the office in regards to this, however, as everyone there is busy and delaying them in their daily grind will only delay First Responders even more.
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