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Re: What publications do you use for N&SS ?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:52 am
by JuliusCreed
Don't use many publications but the list of film references for ideas is pretty staggering. Her'e a short list.

Anything with James Bond
Anything with Jackie Chan (Who Am I makes for a particularly good theme. A superspy with amnesia trying to get his life back... lots of fun)
Mission Impossible 1, 2 and 3
The Bourne Trilogy (Another superspy with amnesia, just more brutal)
True Lies (A great example of what could happen if your cover gets fragged)
Blade Runner (A little futuristic and it makes for a great gritty setting)
The Pacifier (Add a little comedy to a superspy/merc game and watch the fireworks)
Lethal Weapon Trilogy (Not exactly superspies, but the theory is sound and makes for a great time for PI's)
Austin Powers (Sure it's comedy, but who says the game HAS to be serious? JUDO CHOP!!)
Any Resident Evil (More on the sci-fi/horror scene, but considering it was a mega-organization that started the whole mess in the first place...)

The list goes on and on. Got any personal favorites?

Re: What publications do you use for N&SS ?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:33 pm
by Mantisking
Well, if we're doing non-fiction for this thread (keeping fiction to this one) I can recommend "The Warrior Elite" and "Chosen Soldier" by Dick Couch. If you want to know what the selection process is like for SEaLs and Green Berets, read these books. They are well written, informative, and great sources if you want to refine the Special Ops skill programs.