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Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:40 pm
by Daeglan
ICHIBAN11 wrote:It might be posted already, but where are most of your campaigns set at?

Right now mine is in North America. Mostly in the New Lazlo area, but the guys are heading to Mexico and decided to go the northern route via Wisconsin.

Not good on geography this group. Great on History and other social sciences, but not geography.

Hand them a map and ask them how going north gets you to Mexico.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:12 pm
by Preacher
The PC's base out of MercTown but travel all over the place.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:34 pm
by Dead Boy
The campaign I'm running off and on right now is set in the middle of the Tolkeen War, 105 PA. The characters are chiefly Vanguard sleeper agents working inside the Tolkeen Defense Force's ranks on behalf of the CS... of course without the knowledge of the CS itself other than a small few Vanguard sympathizers who serve as their contacts/handlers.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:40 pm
by Incriptus
Tactical Hazardous Engagement [T.H.E.] is a mobile merc group they have several branches throughout North America. The main one in Kingsdale. They have a small branch in Northern Gun territory.

The game previous to that was ran through phase world.
The game previous to that was a CS game
The game previous to that was in Texas

I guess we got a short attention span compared to some of the guys on here that have campaign's that last for 20 years. oh well, good enough for me!

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:03 am
by Zer0 Kay
My campaign is a tour of the Megaverse.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:31 am
by Dustin Fireblade
Mostly they were in North America, but we've had one each in England and Columbia. Last game I GM'ed it was based mostly within Lone Star/Texas

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:37 am
by Glistam
I started our group in Kingsdale and they've been content to stay in that region for now.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:20 pm
by The Galactus Kid
My most recent RIFTS game is in Russia.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:33 pm
by dragonfett
Huh, funny. The group I am in just recently got rifted into Russia. We were fighting some BBA in the remains of what used to be Fort Gordon (located near Augusta, GA, well within the Dinosaur Swamp area) when it opened a rift and it tossed one of the party members through. Another character got tossed through the rift, we kill the BBA finally and my character jumps through the rift to rescue the other two, only to find that it's a one-way rift. The other two members of the group eventually decide to jump through as well, abandoning our mission (which was to blow up the base hospital that some entity turned into it's base) all because someone forgot to detonate the demo-pack that my character made from 24 plasma mini-missiles and 10 plasma grenades. The group consists of myself, a Bearman of the North Headhunter, a human City Rat, a human Rogue Scientist (or Scholar, I can't remember) a human mutant Cyber-Knight, and a Wolfen Cyber-Knight.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:34 pm
by dragonfett
In the game that I run, I have been keeping the group in the north-east mainly, though.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:45 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Zer0 Kay wrote:My campaign is a tour of the Megaverse.

I start them individually and give them reasons to go to the Burbs of Chi-Town and from there it begins. We usually only spend one or two but never (in the past) more than 5 sessions in one location. They've currently been in Center on Phase World for a LONG time. It started as an accidental... and coincidental rushed dimensional teleport just before the Apocolypse demon went BOOM. They appeared in different locations across the city but have since managed to find each other and just before they were going to go back to Earth, Central was invaded by demons and they are currently assisting Thraxus in a ploy to create a bottleneck at a check point to level one while a massive Naruni Equipped army holds the tide back making a false opening to the designated check point.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:48 pm
by mobuttu
NA. Buy now they are at Lone Star, but going to Newtown for the Juicer Uprising.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:51 pm
by Crucible
dragonfett wrote:Huh, funny. The group I am in just recently got rifted into Russia. We were fighting some BBA in the remains of what used to be Fort Gordon (located near Augusta, GA, well within the Dinosaur Swamp area) when it opened a rift and it tossed one of the party members through. Another character got tossed through the rift, we kill the BBA finally and my character jumps through the rift to rescue the other two, only to find that it's a one-way rift. The other two members of the group eventually decide to jump through as well, abandoning our mission (which was to blow up the base hospital that some entity turned into it's base) all because someone forgot to detonate the demo-pack that my character made from 24 plasma mini-missiles and 10 plasma grenades. The group consists of myself, a Bearman of the North Headhunter, a human City Rat, a human Rogue Scientist (or Scholar, I can't remember) a human mutant Cyber-Knight, and a Wolfen Cyber-Knight.

I grew up down the street from Ft. Gordon off of Tobacco Rd...LOL. My street is Woodlake Dr.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:16 pm
by dragonfett
Do you still live in the area? I am only here for another month and a half, then it's off to Louisiana!

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:18 pm
by kmspade
My tabletop Rifts game I run is going through the Tolkeen war right now, although the group is currently in Lazlo trying to track down the Orb of Solomon.

In the online games I play...
    The CS group is in Atlantis at the moment, but based out of Merctown
    Another merc group I'm in is based in Merctown, but currently in Old Bones
    Our NGR group is currently in Russia

I guess we get around quite a bit.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:28 pm
by Crucible
dragonfett wrote:Do you still live in the area? I am only here for another month and a half, then it's off to Louisiana!

This is a huge bad case of we have been posting together for way too long to not know that we are within a handful of miles from each other.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:50 am
by Pike
I prefer North America, mostly because it has the most source books/background info and as a GM I'm most familiar with the setting. I also like to create my own pocket dimensions to flex my creativity and get a little more control over the group.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:47 pm
by Bood Samel
My very last campaign was in Old Bones and the one before that was set out of a pre-rifts bunker in west Virginia. I tend to use NA mostly.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:13 am
by Damian Magecraft
Like Shinitenshi it really all depends on my campaign.
I have had groups run around in Europe, Russia, China, Japan, SA, and all over NA.
My next campaign I think will be placed in Australia. (I am going to use a combination of the Dreamscape and the Astral Plane to represent the the Dreamtime.)

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:35 am
by Cinos
Most of mine start in southern Wisconsin. Funny that's where me and my group live ;p We are a creative bunch at times.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:42 am
by Shawn Merrow
Ever since watching the Black Lagoon anime, I have wanted to run a game in SE Asia.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:12 pm
by MaxxSterling
I generally run my games everywhere. By the time your character reachers 8-10 level in my games, you will have visited 90% of the books that palladium creates, even Nightbane and Ninja Turtles. I don't "F" around when it comes to this system. I own every book, except Heroes of the Megaverse and I use every one of them. But... With that being said... The games usually focus around Center in Phaseworld, just because Gateland allows for somewhat infinite possibility. My gaming parties usually go something like this: Wormwood Blood Shaman, Mindwerks Full Conversion Borg, Altess Space Pirate, Glitterboy, Mega Juicer, and a Palladium Dark Priest. That was the last group. However, it's usually pretty diverse. I can't bring myself to limit players to a 1-3 book campaign. Sorry, but just can't do it.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:49 am
by TechnoGothic
north America...

but i allow pcs to come from from anywhere...

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:43 pm
by csbioborg
Shawn Merrow wrote:Ever since watching the Black Lagoon anime, I have wanted to run a game in SE Asia.

you now th third season came out ya?

kingsdale for me
but I actually did play one based out of Hanoi

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:01 pm
by Shawn Merrow
csbioborg wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:Ever since watching the Black Lagoon anime, I have wanted to run a game in SE Asia.

you now th third season came out ya?

Only episodes 1-2 have been released in Japan so far, 3-5 will come out next year. As for the US, Funimation has the license so hopefully they will release quickly after #5 comes out in Japan.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:45 pm
by csbioborg
Shawn Merrow wrote:
csbioborg wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:Ever since watching the Black Lagoon anime, I have wanted to run a game in SE Asia.

you now th third season came out ya?

Only episodes 1-2 have been released in Japan so far, 3-5 will come out next year. As for the US, Funimation has the license so hopefully they will release quickly after #5 comes out in Japan.

ya I now they are taking their sweet time about it

I've always wanted to base a game in a dimension similar to the DNA Cowboys series have you ever read it?

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:01 pm
by Shawn Merrow
csbioborg wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
csbioborg wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:Ever since watching the Black Lagoon anime, I have wanted to run a game in SE Asia.

you now th third season came out ya?

Only episodes 1-2 have been released in Japan so far, 3-5 will come out next year. As for the US, Funimation has the license so hopefully they will release quickly after #5 comes out in Japan.

ya I now they are taking their sweet time about it

I've always wanted to base a game in a dimension similar to the DNA Cowboys series have you ever read it?

Never heard of a series called "DNA Cowboys" and could find nothing on it.

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:10 pm
by csbioborg
its a series of books
it was a trilogy but the author added a last book
I read thelast book years ago and loved it
I just recently read the first 3

basically the universe or at last this section of it has turned into a void where you can not survve unless you have a generator that gives off a field
most people live in towns wth large generators and never leave
its aout three guys drifitng from town to town
I highly reccomend it and my description does not do the series any justice at all
at the very least read the link

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:01 pm
by MikelAmroni
Crucible wrote:
dragonfett wrote:Do you still live in the area? I am only here for another month and a half, then it's off to Louisiana!

This is a huge bad case of we have been posting together for way too long to not know that we are within a handful of miles from each other.

Hey more than a few Georgia rifters then - I'm down in Macon. I actually started a campaign there (with the Fort and the Indian Mounds; re Dinosaur Swamp) but it fell apart quickly due to scheduling (as many do).

My online game is set in the ruins of Baton Rouge with the CS Brown Water Base there. The group will be patrolling up and down the Mississippi before its done, and I intend to send them down into the gulf at least once. They'll also be dealing with the Juicer Uprisings, though most don't know it yet. Of course they aren't dealing with Newtown, just the aftermath and lead up of it. I may send them into Minnesota for a mission or two as well, all depending on where we are at when the campaign gets there (and assuming the game lasts that long). I hope it does. Of course the past few months have been dealing with the events of two days so far, so we'll see :)

Re: Where do you set your campaigns?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:24 pm
by dragonfett
Yeah, well I am leaving sometime during the second week of December. We're moving to my wife's hometown area in Louisiana.