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Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:07 pm
by TechnoGothic

The Stalker OCC is a varient biotic type. Stalkers are heaviely altered to suit their purpose. Which is to Hunt and Kill Humans and the Machine. They are Specialists in Wilderness Survivial and in Tracking and stalking their chosen prey. Those selected to become Stalkers are always Volenteers. They are chosen because they are good at Killing and Stalking their prey without being noticed.
Those chosen first have their Metabolism changed to carnivore. This helps give then added instincts to do their job in their field. Next the Stalker's body is modified to possesses greater protection than a standard biotic, not by much. Their hide becomes more reptilian-like in look and feel. They are given finger claws equal to a Tiger in size for attack/defense, though most use them as climbing claws only. Next their senses are altered. Gaining Nightvision, Infrared Vision, which allows them to see in the Infrared spectrum. All are given Gills for underwater breathing if they must do so. Their Strength is changed to Supernatural PS to aid them in melee combat. Their Regeneration abilities are hightened to Super Regeneration to regrow limbs, etc...Most also have other enhanced senses. In fact they can only spend their personal Bio-E on Senses feature. They have an additional 100 Bio-E for this purpose. +10 Bio-E every 5th Level.
The Stalker OCC however is not without weapons. They are given Special Experimental Bio-Equipment/Weapons to aid them. They are given Living body armor to wear. The kind varies from individual to individual. Lighter partial armors are prefered to keep them light and nimble in the field. The Living Body Armor is given Stealth Field feature that can render the entire Stalker nearly invisible. The Stalker is also given a Shoulder-mounted Bio-Energy Vent on the armor. The armor also comes equiped with either dual-vibro blade or a Single large vibroblade. A Few change them out for the newer Bio-Energy Melee Blades instead, which gives them an extra distance weapon on the arm if they need it. All other weapons will be handheld weapons of some kind. Many Stalkers enjoy using Wing-Packs, the Weird-Wings being a favorite of theirs. All Bio-Equipment they are Issued with have either Photosynthesis or Thermosynthesis feeding requirements to insure they last in the long stays in the field away from the House.
The House has discovered that the Stalkers are capable of Breeding True their basic features with other members of the Stalkers. This has some Warlords worried what the Librarians are up to and why they would allow them to be able to breed in the Wilds away from the Houses.

Alignment : Any Evil. Most "good" Stalkers are Aberrant.
MDC : PEx10 +50
PS: +10 Supernatural
PP: +10 Never below PP 20.
PE: +2d6
Spd : 60 mph +10 mph per level.
Bio-E: 100 Bio-E to be spent on additional Senses only.
Living Body Armor : Each has 40 Bio-E to customize their Body Armor with.
Bio-Equipment : They can Select 2 Melee and 2 Ranged weapons of choice.
Flight : By Wing Pack only. They can select to have one if the forfiet 2 of their starting bio-equipment weapons of choice. However this is a basic Wing-pack.


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:54 pm
by krispy
im glad to see that others also think of making specialist biotics

iv got artillery, close quarter combat, kamikaze etc

Q - are your Stalkers left to their own devices (long term missions)? or are they deployed from the house for short missions and then return?
the reason why i ask is because if its the former, i suggest that you dont make them so dependant on accessories (weapons & armour) & allow them to select from more than just sensory options. if its the latter then disregard this suggestion

Q - you said that they volunteer - are their minds wiped like a std biotic or do they keep their mind?

i like the fact that they can breed, with the mystery librarian (or engineer) plan

its well rounded


Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:02 am
by TechnoGothic
krispy wrote:im glad to see that others also think of making specialist biotics

iv got artillery, close quarter combat, kamikaze etc

Q - are your Stalkers left to their own devices (long term missions)? or are they deployed from the house for short missions and then return?
the reason why i ask is because if its the former, i suggest that you dont make them so dependant on accessories (weapons & armour) & allow them to select from more than just sensory options. if its the latter then disregard this suggestion

A = Yes the Stalkers are left to their own devices mostly. Only coming back to their House to replace destroyed Bio-equipment, or by summons from the Warlord or Librarian for whatever reason.
The reason they Dependant yet rely on weapons and armor is simple. Its a simple method to control them.
They have Simple biotic features that come really in handly. Supernatural PS, Super-Regeneration, Senses, gills, Clawed Hands and Feet. Its all they really require. Their special Bio-equipment and weapons give them their extra edge.
Also i have to keep them "balanced" with the other occs. Giving them more features might unbalance them somewhat.

Q - you said that they volunteer - are their minds wiped like a std biotic or do they keep their mind?

i like the fact that they can breed, with the mystery librarian (or engineer) plan

its well rounded

No Mind-wipe is done to them. They are picked for their Skills before they volenteer more or less. Think of them as the Army Green Berets of the Splicers.


Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:40 pm
by krispy
TechnoGothic wrote:A = Yes the Stalkers are left to their own devices mostly. Only coming back to their House to replace destroyed Bio-equipment, or by summons from the Warlord or Librarian for whatever reason.
The reason they Dependant yet rely on weapons and armor is simple. Its a simple method to control them.
They have Simple biotic features that come really in handly. Supernatural PS, Super-Regeneration, Senses, gills, Clawed Hands and Feet. Its all they really require. Their special Bio-equipment and weapons give them their extra edge.
Also i have to keep them "balanced" with the other occs. Giving them more features might unbalance them somewhat.
No Mind-wipe is done to them. They are picked for their Skills before they volenteer more or less. Think of them as the Army Green Berets of the Splicers.

cool, thanks mate


Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:56 am
by TechnoGothic
no problem. thanks for asking about them in the first place ;)


Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 3:07 am
by TechnoGothic
umm i need to work on this more i think ;)


Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:06 pm
by Snake Eyes
Wow, how did i miss this........very nice TechnoGothic


Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 3:01 pm
by TechnoGothic
Thanks SnakeEyes.


Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 8:07 pm
by boxee
Good work buddy, I like the way you have done these. The only over power I see might be the wing pack, but that might also be another way to control them. They seem more for work in the wilds away from their own house. Do they attack everyone they encounter or do they just observe, or do they have instructions as to who to attack and who to observe, or maybe even save?
These guys would really make my house DeLong worry, someone who can follow them back to their secret base and report back to an unknown source. Might make a biotic or two, thanks for inspiration!
With the greatest respect-


Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:53 am
by Snake Eyes
TechnoGothic wrote:Thanks SnakeEyes.



Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:00 am
by TechnoGothic
boxee wrote:Good work buddy, I like the way you have done these. The only over power I see might be the wing pack, but that might also be another way to control them. They seem more for work in the wilds away from their own house. Do they attack everyone they encounter or do they just observe, or do they have instructions as to who to attack and who to observe, or maybe even save?
These guys would really make my house DeLong worry, someone who can follow them back to their secret base and report back to an unknown source. Might make a biotic or two, thanks for inspiration!
With the greatest respect-

I would say the Stalkers do not attack their own house members. Using the Bio-comms to select friend/enemies.

Yeah the Stalkers operate away from the houses for the most part. only returning for fresh equipment if they are destroyed.

Time to Hunt !


Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:45 pm
by Specter
Definately a sweet concept. For whatever reason I think of Arnold at the end of Predator caked in mud and completely camoed coming up behind an unsuspecting target.


Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:45 pm
by TechnoGothic
Specter wrote:Definately a sweet concept. For whatever reason I think of Arnold at the end of Predator caked in mud and completely camoed coming up behind an unsuspecting target.

Arnold with pointy teeth and wearing bio-armor, etc... :?


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:43 pm
by Specter
To be honest I like this RCC better than most of the stuff in the actual book. Besides maybe the Packmaster.


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:54 am
by TechnoGothic
Specter wrote:To be honest I like this RCC better than most of the stuff in the actual book. Besides maybe the Packmaster.

This is one of the best OCC/RCCs i've seen too ;)
Hope it makes it into the new books ;)

I'd love to see this bad boy with art by CW himself.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:54 am
by TechnoGothic
Been working on Stalkers again.
I'm trying to flesh out their appearance better right now. I have several ideas it could go.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:08 am
by TechnoGothic
Ohh bio-equipment idea for them.

Picture a Bio-tech version of a Hoverbike, with Weird Wings on the sides to aid in flight.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:41 pm
by boxee
TechnoGothic wrote:Ohh bio-equipment idea for them.

Picture a Bio-tech version of a Hoverbike, with Weird Wings on the sides to aid in flight.

Rather then the wing pack?


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:43 am
by TechnoGothic
Yeah something more "tech equipment" looking. might be based on old biotech designs from the proto-armor era. The Hover-wings bike might be a stepping stone to either bio-thrusters or wing-packs. or a new hybrid between the two.


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:54 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
TechnoGothic wrote:Ohh bio-equipment idea for them.

Picture a Bio-tech version of a Hoverbike, with Weird Wings on the sides to aid in flight.

I have something kinda like that mostly written up. Want to see?


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:40 am
by TechnoGothic
Sure post away ;)


Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:52 am
by Guy_LeDouche
TechnoGothic wrote:Sure post away ;)

Its only about 80% done. For reasons I can't even remember, it never got quite finished.

As always, constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome.

**Never came up with a name I was happy with.

Appearance: Looks like an overly large manta ray with six large tentacles on the underside and a long tail. Small organic jets are under the wings. When in flight, the wings lock in place, except for the ends, used in maneuvering. This allows the relatively light creatures to ride them like an odd surf board. The tentacles can be fully retracted during flight and serve as the creature’s arms and legs when not flying. The tentacles can reach roughly 12-15ft. and covered with rough, teeth-like barbs. This allows the Wing to entrap prey and drag them along the ground, drop them from heights, slingshot them into buildings, trees, other troops, etc.
Likewise, the tail is prehensile and can be used to strike or grab foes. Its tipped with a harpoon-like blade that it uses to impale aerial and ground targets alike. Like the tentacles, the tail is barbed along most of its length, and its able to launch these barbs with tremendous force.
Lastly, the creature is able to launch explosive chemical bombs.

Flying Wing Rough Draft
One pilot.
M.D.C. by Location:
Wings (2):
120 each
*Tail: 140
*Tentacles (6): 60 each
**Head: 180
***Main Body: 220

* A single asterisk indicates a small, low profile, or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim and make a "Called Shot" to hit such targets, and even then is -3 to strike.

** Destroying the head will eliminate all optics and sensory systems, reduces the maximum speed and the number of melee attacks by half and eliminates all combat bonuses from the War Mount. However, the rider can still fly and fire the weapon systems for up to 8 hours after the head is gone.

*** Depleting the Main Body M.D.C. to zero (or less) destroys the War Mount. If this happens in flight, the pilot could fall to his death; 1D10 M.D. per 200 feet of height.

Note: Any additional features added with Bio-E points are small and difficult targets to hit, thus, they can only be hit when an opponent makes a "Called Shot" with a -3penalty to hit.

The Wing is slow and ponderous when on the ground, and can only run 10 mph maximum, but without fatigue.
Leaping: 10 feet high or across from a standing position without using the wings. A wing assisted leap can propel the Wing 60 feet high or 150 feet across, without actually attaining flight.
Digging: Not applicable.
Swimming: 30mph and can survive depths of up to 1 mile unaided. The Wing can also skim across the surface while flying.
Flying: Top speed of 300 mph (480 km). Cruising is typically 100 to 170 mph (160 to 272 km).
Gliding: The Wing is capable of silent gliding at speeds between 60 and 160 mph (96 to 256 km).
Accelerated Dive: 500 mph (800 km) in a steep downward dive.
Maximum Altitude: From a stationary hover up to 15,000 feet (4,572 m) above the ground.
Flight Range: If flying non-stop, the Wing must rest for one hour after every 10 to 12 hours of flying. It can fly indefinitely with frequent intermittent rests for a few minutes at a time.

Statistical Data:
5 feet (1.5 m) to the top of the head, but 12 feet (3 m) with the wings out and up.
Width: 5 feet (1.5 m), 20 feet (7.6 m) with wings fully extended for flight.
Length: 20 feet (6.7 m) long, though the tail can curl up, down and sideways to reduce its length by one third (and to fire in all directions).
Weight: 1 ton.
Cargo: Can carry up to 600 lbs on its back or airlift 1000 lbs of cargo or troops (never more than half a dozen) on a platform cabled underneath it, like a helicopter. Maximum speed and combat bonuses are half when airlifting a cargo platform.
Physical Strength: 1D6+19 (Supernatural P.S.).
Production Cycle: 1 year gestation and one year growth time.
Operational Lifetime: 40 year life span.
Trade Value: 8 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 306 M.D.C. per hour for the main body and 106 M.D.C. per hour for all other locations. The War Mount cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed weapon systems (reduced to zero or less), there must be at least two M.D.C. points remaining to regenerate lost limbs, and such extensive regeneration takes 1D6+8 days.
Horror Factor: 12 against humans, none against robots.
Senses & Features: Standard for War Mounts.
Feeding: The Wing is an omnivore with a diet of roughly 60% plant matter, and 40% other (carrion, meat, insects, processed food, etc.). Eats from 15 lbs to 30 lbs of food a day.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism, the War Mount requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.

Other Data (used when the War Mount is pilotless): An unmanned Wing is able to function independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. However, the creature only attacks when it is threatened or provoked, and then attacks for the purpose of making an escape. An unattended Wing is actually quite docile and is happy to spend its time eating or flying. It will only obey the commands of an Outrider or Packmaster. It has no feelings about people or robots one way or the other.

Alignment: Anarchist; operates more like a robot than a living creature, devoid of personality.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D8+4, M.A. 1D4, P.S. 21-25 (Supernatural), P.P. 1D8+ 16, P.E. 1D8+ 12, Spd (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks per Melee: Four.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +2 on initiative, +2 to strike with ranged attacks, + 1 to strike in hand to hand combat, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +5 to dodge while flying, + 1 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +6 to roll with impact while flying, +4 to save vs. poison and disease, and is impervious to Horror Factor and mind control (and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 80%/60%, Identify Plants & Fruit (i.e., stuff it can eat) 80%, Land Navigation 90%, Swim 98%, and understands languages (2) at 70%. Recognizes robots and machines as enemies to be avoided.
Combat Capabilities: The War Mount may use its long-range weapons (each use counts as one melee action/attack) or engage in hand to hand combat, or combine the two.
    Restrained tentacle strike: 4D6 S.D.C.
    Full Strength Tentacle Strike: 2D6 M.D.
    Tail Lash/Strike: 4D6 M.D.
    Head Butt: 1D4 M.D.
    Biting Jaws: 1D6 M.D.
    Flying Body Block Ram: 4D8 M.D. and has a 01-80% likelihood of knocking an opponent who is as large as 20 feet (6.1 m) tall, off his feet and onto his back. If knocked off his feet, the victim loses initiative and two melee attacks/actions. A ram counts as two melee attacks for the War Mount.

Wing Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Tail Harpoon: The Wing's tail is tipped with a wicked, bony harpoon tip (visible even when the harpoon is retracted). The Wing can fire this harpoon tentacle with incredible force. The tentacle is strong and elastic, requiring 80 M.D. to sever it.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: Initial damage is 4D8 M.D. See the description of the Tentacle Harpoon in the Splicers Main Book, page l05.
Rate of Fire: Each attack counts as one melee action.
Maximum Effective Range: 60 feet (18 m).
Payload: Can be used repeatedly unless tentacle is severed or destroyed.
Bonus: + 1 to strike.

2. Tail Barbs: The tail is lined with numerous barbs, able to be launched with devastating results.
Mega-Damage: 2D8 M.D. per single barb. A burst of four does 6D8+8 M.D., or a burst of eight does 1D8x10 M.D. to the same target. The barbs can also be used to spray a small area (about a 10 footl3 m radius), but without any bonus to strike (and typically hitting each target within its radius of attack with two barbs; 4D8 M.D.).
Maximum Effective Range: 300 ft.
Rate of Fire: Each single shot or volley counts as one melee attack. The radius blast counts as three.
Payload: Effectively unlimited, as the tail is covered barbs, and each one regrows within just 10 minutes. Bonuses: A single barb shot can be accurately aimed (+3 to strike) and counts as one melee attack. Bursts are less accurate (+ 1 to strike) but inflict more damage when they hit. The radius blast is a scatter shot and gets no bonuses to strike. Note: Only these bonuses apply to the Tail Barb attacks, do not include others.

3. Tentacle Barbs: 2D8 M.D. per lash of the tentacle; up to 3 tentacles can attack a man-sized target. The barbs may also be used to entangle or trip an opponent; roll to entangle rather than strike, to coil the Serrated Whip saw around the target's limb/body. The teeth-like barbs dig into flesh, Host Armor hide, and even metal. Initial damage is only 1D4 M.D per tentacle, but it impairs that limb (cannot use it), and can be pulled by the Wing to knock the opponent off their feet (roll 1D20, same as strike and parry, high roll wins.)
If the winner is the defender he retains his balance and takes no damage from that attack. If the winner is the attacking Wing, his victim is yanked flat on their face or backside, loses two melee attacks/actions and suffers an additional 1D8 M.D. per tentacle. The entangling tentacles can also be yanked in such a way that it inflicts damage without trying to knock an opponent down, to deliver an additional 1D8 M.D. per tentacle (counts as one melee attack). 1D8 M.D. per tentacle is also inflicted every time the victim tries to pull away or free of the entangled whip, and 2D8 damage is inflicted if the tentacle coils and tightens its grip like a constricting snake (counts as one melee action). Entanglement may also hold and incapacitate an opponent who remains still in order not to take additional damage. Splicer P.S. punch damage and other damage bonuses do NOT apply to any of these Tentacle attacks.
Tentacle Bonuses: + 1 to strike and parry, +2 to disarm, and +4 to entangle. Bonuses apply only when the Tentacles are used. In addition, the Wing is able to execute the same maneuvers as a Wing Pack, detailed in the Splicers RPG Main Book, pg. 142.

4. Chemical Bomb Launcher: The Wing is outfitted with a small, forward facing launcher that can lob chemical filled bombs at opponents. The effects and damage of the bombs are identical to the Chemical Sprayer in the Splicers RPG Main Book, pg. 100. The Wing has the equivalent of the Burning Vapors and Stench Vapors. The launcher has the following stats:
Blast Radius: Each bomb effects all targets in a 12 feet radius.
Rate of Fire: Each shot as one melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 1200 feet (366 m).
Payload: The Wing can produce up to 20 bombs of each type (40 total) every 12 hours. Payload automatically regenerates within 12 hours of its initial use.


Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:49 am
by TechnoGothic
Nice, but it sounds like a War-Mount to me.

My idea, was more just a form of Bio-equipement, Photosynthetic in nature. All it does is serve as a Bio-Hovercycle, and the Weird Wings are for Quick manuevers. Nothing fancy.
Think ... more Proto-Host Armor or Wing-pack ... than, something which functions by itself or fights by itself ... its just a mode of transportation.

I'm thinking my Bio-equipment Bio-Flightbike. Would work underwater too or on the water's surface like a jetski if need be.