Psionics in N&S
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:52 am
Ages ago I wrote material for N&S like crazy. This is one of the items that has been languishing in my notebook for years.
Psionics in Ninjas & Superspies
Psionics has a short and sordid history in the military and intelligence communities. Starting with psychic research in the late 1950s/early 1960s and culminating with actual psychic units in intelligence and military agencies in the mid 1980s. This is an attempt to make a useful set of rules for using psionic powers in Ninjas & Superspies.
The first step is determining what sort of power level you will be using for your game. Once you've determined that, you can see on the list below how many powers -- and how much I.S.P. -- a psionic character will start with.
Power Level
"Real World" -- This is the world of N&S and Beyond the Supernatural, one not all that different from the one right outside ourr door.
"Cinematic" -- This is the world of Nightbane, one a little stranger and crazier than the one we're used to inhabiting.
"Over the Top" -- This is the world of Rifts, one just on the edge of our imagination.
Skill Programs by Power Level
Psionics (Real World): 1D4 + M.E. I.S.P., plus 2 I.S.P. per level of Experience. Meditation skill. Lore: Psychic skill. A total of One (1) Psionic Ability from the Healing or Sensitive category. A second Psionic Ability may be purchased at the cost of 3/4 (round-up) of the character's Secondary skills.
Psionics (Cinematic): 1D6 + (1.5 * M.E.) I.S.P., plus 6 I.S.P. per level of Experience. Meditation skill. Lore: Psychic skill. A total of Two (2) Psionic Abilities from among the Healing, Sensitive, and Physical categories. A third Psionic Ability may be purchased at the cost of 1/2 (round-up) of the character's Secondary skills.
Psionics (Over the Top): 1D8 + (2 * M.E.) I.S.P., plus 10 I.S.P. per level of Experience. Meditation skill. Lore: Psychic skill. A total of Three (3) Psionic Abilities from among the Healing, Sensitive, Physical, and Super categories. A fourth Psionic Ability may be purchased at the cost of 1/4 (round-up) of the character's Secondary skills.
Note: The information on psionics can be found on the following pages in the following books; Nightbane (pages 67 - 84), Heroes Unlimited 2 (pages 297 - 314), Systems Failure (pages 50 - 58), Rifts (pages ?), Beyond the Supernatural 2 (pages ?).
Choosing an O.C.C.
Now that you've determined a power level you may want to look at a few new O.C.C.s that have psionics incorporated into their backgrounds.
Military Psychic O.C.C.
Martial Art Styles: None. The character may choose HtH: Martial Arts or HtH: Commando.
Education Level: Military Training.
Superspy Mods: None.
Basic Minimum Skills: Basic Mathematics, Read/Write Native Language, Speak Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Automatically receive Basic Military and Psionics skill programs. The character can also select one (1) Military and one (1) Espionage skill program.
Secondary Skills: Select any seven (7).
Money: $5,000.
Income: Base of $550 a week if with an agency.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one (1) new Secondary skill at 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 11th levels.
Social Contacts: The character was involved with secret projects in the military and knows code-word protocol, therefore has a 20% chance of being able to locate classified information. The character can also find an old military buddy, or enemy 11% of the time.
Psionic Agent O.C.C.
Martial Art Styles: None. The character may choose HtH: Basic or HtH: Expert.
Education Level: Special Training.
Superspy Mods: None.
Basic Minimum Skills: Basic Mathematics, Read/Write Native Language, Speak Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Automatically receive Psionics skill program. The character can also select one (1) Military, one (1) Espionage, and one (1) Basic skill program.
Secondary Skills: Select any six (6).
Money: $22,500.
Income: Base pay is $1,100 a week from the character's agency.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one (1) new Secondary skill at 4th, 8th, and 11th levels.
Social Contacts: The character was involved with secret projects in the intelligence community and has done a fair amount of research in his spare time. The character has a 20% chance of finding a colleague in the field of Psionic research.
Psychic Martial Artist O.C.C.
Martial Art Styles: The character may choose one (1) Primary, non-Exclusive style.
Education Level: High School, minimal skills.
Superspy Mods: None.
Basic Minimum Skills: Basic Mathematics, Read/Write Native Language, Speak Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Automatically receive Psionics skill program. The character can also select one (1) Basic skill program.
Secondary Skills: Select any six (4).
Money: $750.
Income: The character can teach martial arts for $175 a week. Base pay at an agency is $274 a week.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one (1) new Secondary skill at 4th, 6th, 10th, and 12th levels.
Social Contacts: The character has a 24% chance of recognizing any major figure in the martial arts world, with a 5% of having met them before. The character also has a 30% chance of tracking down a familiar person anywhere in the world his style has a branch.
Psionics in Ninjas & Superspies
Psionics has a short and sordid history in the military and intelligence communities. Starting with psychic research in the late 1950s/early 1960s and culminating with actual psychic units in intelligence and military agencies in the mid 1980s. This is an attempt to make a useful set of rules for using psionic powers in Ninjas & Superspies.
The first step is determining what sort of power level you will be using for your game. Once you've determined that, you can see on the list below how many powers -- and how much I.S.P. -- a psionic character will start with.
Power Level
"Real World" -- This is the world of N&S and Beyond the Supernatural, one not all that different from the one right outside ourr door.
"Cinematic" -- This is the world of Nightbane, one a little stranger and crazier than the one we're used to inhabiting.
"Over the Top" -- This is the world of Rifts, one just on the edge of our imagination.
Skill Programs by Power Level
Psionics (Real World): 1D4 + M.E. I.S.P., plus 2 I.S.P. per level of Experience. Meditation skill. Lore: Psychic skill. A total of One (1) Psionic Ability from the Healing or Sensitive category. A second Psionic Ability may be purchased at the cost of 3/4 (round-up) of the character's Secondary skills.
Psionics (Cinematic): 1D6 + (1.5 * M.E.) I.S.P., plus 6 I.S.P. per level of Experience. Meditation skill. Lore: Psychic skill. A total of Two (2) Psionic Abilities from among the Healing, Sensitive, and Physical categories. A third Psionic Ability may be purchased at the cost of 1/2 (round-up) of the character's Secondary skills.
Psionics (Over the Top): 1D8 + (2 * M.E.) I.S.P., plus 10 I.S.P. per level of Experience. Meditation skill. Lore: Psychic skill. A total of Three (3) Psionic Abilities from among the Healing, Sensitive, Physical, and Super categories. A fourth Psionic Ability may be purchased at the cost of 1/4 (round-up) of the character's Secondary skills.
Note: The information on psionics can be found on the following pages in the following books; Nightbane (pages 67 - 84), Heroes Unlimited 2 (pages 297 - 314), Systems Failure (pages 50 - 58), Rifts (pages ?), Beyond the Supernatural 2 (pages ?).
Choosing an O.C.C.
Now that you've determined a power level you may want to look at a few new O.C.C.s that have psionics incorporated into their backgrounds.
Military Psychic O.C.C.
Martial Art Styles: None. The character may choose HtH: Martial Arts or HtH: Commando.
Education Level: Military Training.
Superspy Mods: None.
Basic Minimum Skills: Basic Mathematics, Read/Write Native Language, Speak Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Automatically receive Basic Military and Psionics skill programs. The character can also select one (1) Military and one (1) Espionage skill program.
Secondary Skills: Select any seven (7).
Money: $5,000.
Income: Base of $550 a week if with an agency.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one (1) new Secondary skill at 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 11th levels.
Social Contacts: The character was involved with secret projects in the military and knows code-word protocol, therefore has a 20% chance of being able to locate classified information. The character can also find an old military buddy, or enemy 11% of the time.
Psionic Agent O.C.C.
Martial Art Styles: None. The character may choose HtH: Basic or HtH: Expert.
Education Level: Special Training.
Superspy Mods: None.
Basic Minimum Skills: Basic Mathematics, Read/Write Native Language, Speak Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Automatically receive Psionics skill program. The character can also select one (1) Military, one (1) Espionage, and one (1) Basic skill program.
Secondary Skills: Select any six (6).
Money: $22,500.
Income: Base pay is $1,100 a week from the character's agency.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one (1) new Secondary skill at 4th, 8th, and 11th levels.
Social Contacts: The character was involved with secret projects in the intelligence community and has done a fair amount of research in his spare time. The character has a 20% chance of finding a colleague in the field of Psionic research.
Psychic Martial Artist O.C.C.
Martial Art Styles: The character may choose one (1) Primary, non-Exclusive style.
Education Level: High School, minimal skills.
Superspy Mods: None.
Basic Minimum Skills: Basic Mathematics, Read/Write Native Language, Speak Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Automatically receive Psionics skill program. The character can also select one (1) Basic skill program.
Secondary Skills: Select any six (4).
Money: $750.
Income: The character can teach martial arts for $175 a week. Base pay at an agency is $274 a week.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one (1) new Secondary skill at 4th, 6th, 10th, and 12th levels.
Social Contacts: The character has a 24% chance of recognizing any major figure in the martial arts world, with a 5% of having met them before. The character also has a 30% chance of tracking down a familiar person anywhere in the world his style has a branch.