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Re: most memorable game

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:56 pm
by The Dark Elf
The Dark Day campaign!

Releasing the info one bit at a time and keeping the suspense. The players still dont know who "the attractive man" was.

He was a night priest

Re: most memorable game

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:50 am
by pblackcrow
Mine was a BtS 1st ed crossover game based on the article from the Miami Times...the Bloody Mary urban legend. The web page is dead but here is the date of publication 1997-06-05. I am sure you could e-mail call the news paper and have them e-mail you guys the artical. It turned out that we were facing Lilith a Nightlord. It was a very fun game!

Re: most memorable game

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:58 am
by Specter
Nightbane games I've played...

One I played an abandoned vampire from Rifters. I was quite insane and somehow this became freeing as I didn't haveto rationalize doing rather psychotic things.

Re: most memorable game

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:52 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
The game I'm running now is shaping up most interesting.

I'm starting folks off slow...Vampires first...Nighlords later on.

The local (Detroit area) vampires are using the whole Twilight phenomenon to exploit hapless, Hot Topic wearing goth teens by opening up all ages vampire/goth clubs. Which feature Larping, live music, Vampire dance nights, fashion shows etc. The kids are eating it up and soon a few choice ones will be lead away from the herd for draining.

The teeny-bopper clubs (The Paramour and The Belfrey) are totally safe, the vampire minions are looking for victims who can be peeled off for their masters. If they are 'cool' enough the hapless goth chumps will be invited into the underground scene and VIV (Very Important Vampire) rooms.

Can't wait til the Nightbane show up :twisted:

Re: most memorable game

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:38 am
by TiekoSora
While in the army, I would bring along my foot locker filled with books. We would get at least one gaming group going, often two due to people being bored that wouldn't normally game back home. We were at West Point for the summer, and I had just gotten the Nightbane books. I set down one hard rule - no Nightbane as characters. One guy made a armorer/tinkerer that owned a gun shop. One guy was a disabled former cop, that had inherited a magical cane from his father. When activated it transformed him into a sorceror able to cast a number of spells.Another guy was a former spy, burned and laying low, with access to some money and equipment hidden from his normal covers. And lastly, one guy was a partial conversion cyborg that had been a pilot during the failed rescue of the embassy hostages in Iran, funded by H. Ross Perot. He was badly injured, and Perot, loyal to his men, paid to have him rebuilt with the best tech at the time.

We played out the Dark Day events, and the group all kind of fell into place as things unfolded. Within a week, the group was contacted by a mysterious person, looking to form a team to investigate these strange creatures, and to discover the cause and how best to deal with them. Eventually, he revealed himself to be Bob Dole, former Senator and presidential candidate. Through the investigation, the kept running into "mutated gang bangers" that appeared to be stemming from a research center owned by H. Ross Perot. In one session, the borg cornered and beat up badly a Nightbane ganger, and was led to the leader of the gang. He wanted information on who was pulling the strings. The information would come at a cost, the borg had to assassinate the new police chief. The same police chief that had once been the partner of the retired cop in the group. As sessions went by, more and more very odd things were said and done by "Bob Dole", leading the group to question whether he was really human, or an alien imposter.

It was a very epic campaign. My storytelling here doesn't do it justice. I am not really good at the horror genre, but I managed to pull it off so well, that to this day when I chat with my old buddies, one of us will bring up that campaign.