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Spying for Alex

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:21 pm
by Lord Z
We are putting together a digital sourcebook to be sold on Palladium's webstore. All profits will be given to Alex whose family home caught fire a month or so ago. We've been lucky enough to have about 300 pages of material pledged so far from generous volunteers. We have not yet, however, received any material for the NN&S-MC product line.

Does anyone in this forum have something sitting around and collecting digital dust in a hard drive? If so, we might be able to use it in Rifter #0.1. The standard rules for submitting to Rifter apply, including the fact that I need a signed paper (the Unsolicited Manuscript Form) from every contributor. If you would like to participate, please respond to this message, speak up in the Rifter Zero forum here or at Nexus Nine, and-or send me a private message.