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A concept...

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:57 pm
by pblackcrow
What do you think of the concept of something like this surviving through? With the story line of when their computer main frame goes down so does the clocking device and force field? And the players would needs to send people to retrieve parts. Or a group of players stumble on to one with a shotty main frame that has been evacuated?

Re: A concept...

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:20 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
The concept could be great to work with. Players fighting to safe the life they know. But would they have to be soldiers? What occ are you thinkng of allowing? The over all picture of how the people live in this dome could make for great story line. Where in the world would you want to put it?

Re: A concept...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:44 am
by keir451
Lt Gargoyle wrote:The concept could be great to work with. Players fighting to safe the life they know. But would they have to be soldiers? What occ are you thinkng of allowing? The over all picture of how the people live in this dome could make for great story line. Where in the world would you want to put it?

I'd put it wherever in the world Carmen Sandiego is. :D If the Bio-Dome were made of MD materailas and in a (comparitively) geologically stable place then yeah it could survive. Lotsa adventure possiblities w/this one.

Re: A concept...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:15 pm
by pblackcrow
South Texas or South California. OCC's I am not sure. Let's face it, any of the above could find it. It doesn't have to be a solders. There are several adventures that I can see for not only Chaos Earth, but almost any modern day or futuristic game.

Re: A concept...

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:45 am
by abtex
Russian domed city would hold 100,000 people

Any open pit mine or canyon covered and walled at the open places.
Covered sections of cities using the buildings as 'tent poles', think Las Vegas has done something like that. Large shopping Malls rebuilt for living and food would work as well.

Done on a large or small scale. Solid, force field or what even works then and can be kept working.

Re: A concept...

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:53 pm
by pblackcrow
abtex wrote:Russian domed city would hold 100,000 people

Any open pit mine or canyon covered and walled at the open places.
Covered sections of cities using the buildings as 'tent poles', think Las Vegas has done something like that. Large shopping Malls rebuilt for living and food would work as well.

Done on a large or small scale. Solid, force field or what even works then and can be kept working.

Thanks for adding that.