Whats next?
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:21 pm
The creative genius of us players have created several hundred animals but nothing ATB'ish. The world of ATB has kind of been left to be a shadow of what it was going to become with Erick Wujcik. I do not want his work to be dead so I am working on mixing some ideas, but alas I do need someone to bounce ideas I want to do the return of blue ice ATB style. The story would be great if I could talk to someone.
That aside, when is the next book? The main book was made into something awesome (Forgive the rant). We have not seen anything since ATB came out. I am pretty sure that there is a lot of talent (myself included) that could move that RPG line further but I am not sure anyone is still playing. At any rate, NMI can delete this if this just sucks.
That aside, when is the next book? The main book was made into something awesome (Forgive the rant). We have not seen anything since ATB came out. I am pretty sure that there is a lot of talent (myself included) that could move that RPG line further but I am not sure anyone is still playing. At any rate, NMI can delete this if this just sucks.