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Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:41 pm
by FuduVudu
Soverntear wrote:So looking over the xiticix book, I noticed there melee weapons have a damage roll+ the users normal super natural damage roll. why is that? the book offers very little to describe it. Why would there weapons allow (even when not used by a Xiticix) the additional damage when others clearly just take the users supernatural ps roll?

I always thought that all physical weapons let you add your SN PS while Non Physical weapons like TW Flaming Sword or the Lightblade spell just do their damage no matter what the PS.

Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:58 pm
by Shark_Force
welcome to the absurdity that is palladium's rules for damage when a supernaturally strong creature uses a weapon.

my advice: pick whatever version you like better, and go with it. you're not going to find consistency on this matter in the rules.

however, if you absolutely *must* have the "RAW" version of things... then technically, the general case prevents stacking of supernatural PS damage with melee weapon damage, but those weapons can be considered explicity exceptions. that said, the RAW method of interpreting rules doesn't go well with anything palladium. but, if you want to get technical, that is as close to a 'canon' response as you are likely to get.

my opinion? as fuduvudu suggests, use your common sense. a chainsaw will not benefit from supernatural PS, a rock so big that it deals MDC when you hit something with it will.

Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:21 am
by Killer Cyborg
Soverntear wrote:So looking over the xiticix book, I noticed there melee weapons have a damage roll+ the users normal super natural damage roll. why is that? the book offers very little to describe it. Why would there weapons allow (even when not used by a Xiticix) the additional damage when others clearly just take the users supernatural ps roll?

No reason is ever given.

For that matter, Xiticix weapons inflict MD even when in the hands of somebody with normal PS.
No reason is ever given for that either.

Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:47 pm
by Athos
If a player has SN PS for whatever reason, I allow them to add their SN PS damage to their melee weapons damage.

Just a house rule of mine, it makes sense to me, so I go with it.

Rifts is like that, you have to use what makes sense to you.

Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:48 pm
by Athos
And of course, monsters and NPCs get to use the same rules...

Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:10 am
by drewkitty ~..~
The base canon rule is that all bladed melee weapons it is ether: the blade's damage+the PS damage bonus or the SNPS damage.

The above can be modified when the weapon has special text that modifies the base rule.

Note: the PS damage bonus is in SD/ND, so only adds to the damage when dealing with Normal Damage(ND) to SDC beings and structures.
Note: If a char with SNPS uses a SDC weapon (One made out of SDC matirials) then there is a chance of that weapons breaking.

Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:44 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Haven Mutant Bone weapons in Madhaven are the same way.

I almost ALWAYS allow a supernatural P.S. be added to a weapons damage with very rare exception.

Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:59 pm
by Mercdog
Just my opinion here, but the reason I've always held to why xitixic weapons inflict M.D. isn't that they are made out of M.D.C. material, but rather that since the xitixic 'sludge' that is fed to the xitixic grubs is often made out of magic users or supernatural creatures, which on some level alters the newborn xitixic into quasi-supernatural creatures. Thus anything that they craft with their natural resin inherits a bit of that magic and so basically becomes a low grade magical item.

As far as the Supernatural PS and melee weapons, I compare the weapon damage to the Supernatural Punch damage, pick the higher value, and then apply the PS damage bonus for high strength as either S.D.C. or M.D.C. depending on the creature. (Note that I only allow Robotic/Supernatural P.S. this damage bonus when using melee weapons, never in straight hand to hand combat.)

Re: Super natural STR and Xiticix weapons

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:57 pm
by rat_bastard
Xitixix weapons do str+listed damage because that's how they are made, and they do md damage in the hands of mortals because they are supernatural.