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Restatting Chaos Earth and other stuff

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:59 pm
by Warmaster40k
Well teh Other stuff is my posting of the 32nd NEMA Response Force (kind of the go to deployment of a group of NEMA soldiers)

why am I doing this, well I hate the way they stat stuff in this system, it just doenst scale well, Giant Robots are just overpriced for the amount of protection they provide while thier weapons are laughably weak when compared to infantry grade gear.

so with out further Ado.

the 32nd Responce Force

general make up

20 man Command staff (including the Commander of the group)

4 Companies of Peace Keepers
- Which Total numbers are 16 medics, 16 communications officers, 16 EOD\Demo Experts, 64 Point Men, 64 Pig Men, 64 Transportation Experts, 4 captains 16 Lieutenants, and 220 grunts

3 Robot Vehicle Companies
- 36 armored sentenals, 262 Mechanics, 12 Field Engeneers, 50 Transportation Specialists (they move the gear the bots and the people)

1 Roscoe Company
- 60 Fire Rescue , 40 medics and 20 Transportation specialists.

1 Platoon of Military Specialists,
- 1 Colonel, 4 captains, 35 Military Specialists, plus Robot Suport as requested.

2 Companies of Power Armor
- 20 Chromium Guardsmen, 40 Silver Eagles, 140 mechanics\technicians, 10 Transportation Specialists, and 10 Field Engeneers.

1 Field Engeneering Company:
- 1 Master Engeneer, 17 Field Engeneer, 102 Assistant Engeneers. ( out of the 17, 4 work for the Master Engeneer, the rest command thier stooges, the Engeneer plans, the Assistants enact.)

Re: Restatting Chaos Earth and other stuff

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:23 pm
by Warmaster40k
okay most of teh infantry weapons are okay, its just a few ones that are not as good as they should be.

Fragmentation: 1d6*5/2d6 MD (Area of Effect: 15ft/20ft) Grenades spread so at thier closest your getting more shrapnel
LHE Grenade: 2d6*5/3d6 MD AOE: 8ft/15ft
HHE Grenade: 3d6*5/5d6 MD AOE: 10 FT/25 Ft
Plasma: 2d6*10/ Knock out Unshielded Electronics 33% AOE: 20 FT/45 FT
Range: 70 ft Accurate (will correct if given better data) these things are not baseballs, they are heavy (compared to things we normally throw, and dangerous.
Cost: Frag same as book, LE 500 Credits, HHE 850 Credits, Plasma 1200 Credits.

US Police Special Laser Pistol: 2d4md
NEMA Crime Stopper Ion Pistol: Two Settings 2d6 For single and 5d6 tripple
NEMA Laser Sharpshooter: 3d6 MD, 6d6 Heavy shot
NEMA Terror Stopper: Change pay load to 21 MD single nad 7 bursts Damage: 3d6 MD, 1d6*5 for Tripple Burst, Rifle Grenade : 2d6*5 5ft area

Hot Seat Plasma Riffle: Payload: switch Incinerator's pay load with Hot Seats.

Incenerator Plasma Cannon: Payload: Use printed Hot Seats Plasma Rifles payload info, sorry but the bigger nastier weapon should not also be the more energy effecient heavy energy weapon.

Thunderer Grenade Rifle: use new Grenade Damage

NEMA ML-557 Mini Missile Rifle: Will post new Missile Damage Codes Soon!

Rail Guns are a joke they are super heavy super load, and need atomic power to do any thing usefull, and seem ot do as much damage as a pea shooter (barring the Glitter Boy's Boom Gun)

NEMA R-660 Striker Rail Gun: Use the printed R-670's printed Damage Codes

NEMA R-670: Damage: Single Round 4d6, Short Burst: 2d4*5 Heavy Burst 4d4*5

Keep the Armor where its at, if you have any comments please comment.

Re: Restatting Chaos Earth and other stuff

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:57 pm
by Warmaster40k
Okay will be adding some new stuff soon, please comment.

Re: Restatting Chaos Earth and other stuff

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:57 pm
by Slight001
seems like an interesting take on things.