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Just picked it up

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:47 am
by Ronin78
I Grabbed a copy of Chaos earth and really like what I see. For one it gives me a starting place to run some games that I always thought would be fun for Rifts, Just scaled down a little bit. I could see playing this with a group of lower powered O.O.C.s a lot more often than with Rifts.

And the other is this is a great point to run "what if" games. Like what if the happenings in the system failure game is what lead to the missile exchange. MDC Bugs and all. Or any other cross over imaginable.

One thing I think would be fun is to start a kind of "what if" involving the players as a group of fledgling cyber-knights trying to help survivors and founding a cyber-knight order way before the actual time line.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:40 pm
by Ronin78
Thought I would add I think the lay out of the chaos earth book is great. I like the "fluff" to the front of the book and rules to the back.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:51 am
by Lt Gargoyle
this would be a good idea, perhaps they are martial artist who participate in the SCA, so they would have basic armor making skill as well as swordmanship.
they could lay down thier code of conduct and honor. set thier foundations of the future cyber knights.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:27 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
Chaos Earth is good stuff. In a lot of ways i prefer it to full-on Rifts.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:57 pm
by strtkwr
It reminds me of the way Rifts started out, before it got too cumbersome with all the supplements.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:13 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
strtkwr wrote:It reminds me of the way Rifts started out, before it got too cumbersome with all the supplements.

I can see that. But Chaos Earth is really an entirely different creature.
A Rifts campaign is likely to mirror those of classic RPGs. You go on adventures, get treasures, trade treasures for better toys to go on more adventures.
Chaos Earth is more about disaster relief. There's no time for adventure. Treasures are meaningless. All that really matters is saving lives and fighting back the tide of horror and destruction for as long as you can.
It's really epic stuff. It will be good to see the series get more love.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:53 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
actually i see the treasure hunt in chaos earth. everything that helps your chances to live is a valuable treasure. that siad i can see your point.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:34 pm
by strtkwr
Lt Gargoyle wrote:actually i see the treasure hunt in chaos earth. everything that helps your chances to live is a valuable treasure. that siad i can see your point.

I agree completely with this. I see treasure hunts being far more important than in Rifts. In CE, you are looking for are vehicles, parts, and supplies to assist with disaster relief. A treasure hunt is treasure hunt, even if you are looking for food rather than rune weapons.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:13 pm
by Ronin78
Lt Gargoyle wrote:this would be a good idea, perhaps they are martial artist who participate in the SCA, so they would have basic armor making skill as well as swordmanship.
they could lay down thier code of conduct and honor. set thier foundations of the future cyber knights.

LOL very nice idea!!

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:01 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
strtkwr wrote:
Lt Gargoyle wrote:actually i see the treasure hunt in chaos earth. everything that helps your chances to live is a valuable treasure. that siad i can see your point.

I agree completely with this. I see treasure hunts being far more important than in Rifts. In CE, you are looking for are vehicles, parts, and supplies to assist with disaster relief. A treasure hunt is treasure hunt, even if you are looking for food rather than rune weapons.

i see that more as scavenging.
In a treasure hunt, you go after what you want.
When scavenging, you go after what you need.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:40 pm
by strtkwr
RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:
strtkwr wrote:
Lt Gargoyle wrote:actually i see the treasure hunt in chaos earth. everything that helps your chances to live is a valuable treasure. that siad i can see your point.

I agree completely with this. I see treasure hunts being far more important than in Rifts. In CE, you are looking for are vehicles, parts, and supplies to assist with disaster relief. A treasure hunt is treasure hunt, even if you are looking for food rather than rune weapons.

i see that more as scavenging.
In a treasure hunt, you go after what you want.
When scavenging, you go after what you need.

Seems more like a matter of semantics to me. After all, if I need food, guess what, I am going to want food.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:42 am
by Lt Gargoyle
strtkwr wrote:
RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:
strtkwr wrote:
Lt Gargoyle wrote:actually i see the treasure hunt in chaos earth. everything that helps your chances to live is a valuable treasure. that siad i can see your point.

I agree completely with this. I see treasure hunts being far more important than in Rifts. In CE, you are looking for are vehicles, parts, and supplies to assist with disaster relief. A treasure hunt is treasure hunt, even if you are looking for food rather than rune weapons.

i see that more as scavenging.
In a treasure hunt, you go after what you want.
When scavenging, you go after what you need.

Seems more like a matter of semantics to me. After all, if I need food, guess what, I am going to want food.

i see this to be about the same. I find if i want to find something say like a new vehicle or power source to replace my old one. its gonna be pretty much the same. the terms maybe different. but in the end both are the same. and you will find some of those treasure you gathered up are tradable and highly sought after goods.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:47 am
by Nightmask
Lt Gargoyle wrote:
strtkwr wrote:
RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:
strtkwr wrote:
Lt Gargoyle wrote:actually i see the treasure hunt in chaos earth. everything that helps your chances to live is a valuable treasure. that siad i can see your point.

I agree completely with this. I see treasure hunts being far more important than in Rifts. In CE, you are looking for are vehicles, parts, and supplies to assist with disaster relief. A treasure hunt is treasure hunt, even if you are looking for food rather than rune weapons.

i see that more as scavenging.
In a treasure hunt, you go after what you want.
When scavenging, you go after what you need.

Seems more like a matter of semantics to me. After all, if I need food, guess what, I am going to want food.

There's a big difference between what you need and what you want. Needs are essential to you, wants generally aren't. If you're hungry you need the food but you don't need that brand new laptop you just want it.

i see this to be about the same. I find if i want to find something say like a new vehicle or power source to replace my old one. its gonna be pretty much the same. the terms maybe different. but in the end both are the same. and you will find some of those treasure you gathered up are tradable and highly sought after goods.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:27 pm
by chosenrifter
You guys think Chaos Earth will Touch on Lone Star and more and other Inportent Base's and history of Rifts?

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:24 am
by Lt Gargoyle
not likely. but there is enough information out there you could effectively run your game from lone star.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:15 am
by Deckard1973
Just got it. Not sure I am liking it. Dont like the idea of only being able to belong to NEMA to be a player. I get they have to start somewhere, but the root of the CS?

I hope First Responders offers more non-NEMA related OCC. Or formal military OCC/MOSs. Perhaps I will take from RECON, or other Rifts OCCs and transplant them. Yeah! That is what I will do! Maybe a few of the OCCs from System Failure. Kinda fits eh?

I will give it another look tonight and see if I warm up to it.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:38 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
Deckard1973 wrote:Just got it. Not sure I am liking it. Dont like the idea of only being able to belong to NEMA to be a player. I get they have to start somewhere, but the root of the CS?

I hope First Responders offers more non-NEMA related OCC. Or formal military OCC/MOSs. Perhaps I will take from RECON, or other Rifts OCCs and transplant them. Yeah! That is what I will do! Maybe a few of the OCCs from System Failure. Kinda fits eh?

I will give it another look tonight and see if I warm up to it.

A lot of the Dead Reign O.C.C.s fit into Chaos Earth really well.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:10 am
by Deckard1973
Eh, gave it another try. Still not feeling it. That is ok. It is not for everyone. Will look into the Dead Reign source books or maybe BTS. I really like Nightbane, Rifts, Robotech and even System Failure.

This one . . . I dunno. Just lacks something . . . I think I will give First Responders a try when it comes out (I am a volunteer FF, and EMT).

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:55 am
by Jason Richards
Deckard1973 wrote:Eh, gave it another try. Still not feeling it. That is ok. It is not for everyone. Will look into the Dead Reign source books or maybe BTS. I really like Nightbane, Rifts, Robotech and even System Failure.

This one . . . I dunno. Just lacks something . . . I think I will give First Responders a try when it comes out (I am a volunteer FF, and EMT).

I think First Responders will have exactly what you're looking for. I basically wrote it for the exact reasons that you mention.

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:44 pm
by Snake Eyes
I have the pdf copy......but i started reading this again, i really should pick up the actual book

Re: Just picked it up

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:37 am
by tmikesecrist3
When I played CE I played a Bts-1 Arcanist based on my understanding of druidism. He did briefly join NEMA as a para arcan. That did not work out well... As NEMA in the region had been subverted by a Vampire. But the fun thing about it for me was the element of crawling form the Chaos and taking the first steps at nation building. The other player in the group was HU Super solder whom started out in NEMA. And yeah some of the Rise of magic OOC where fun npcs to. Some of which My chacter was giving formal training to. So could it be that my Character had a hand in laying the seeds in some of that turned the blue zone wizards into the lay line walker....... hummmmmm