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Nightlords, Inc

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:40 am
by Astral Pantheon
Coming to a Dimension near you. So, the barrier prevent matter (A.K.A. stuff) from entering or to exit this Dimension with th exception of magic items.

The Nightlords create matter (diamond blades, gold maces, ect...) and temporary enchant the items to allow the material to leave. Second option, permanently enchant using human pawns. Either way the items leave the dimension.

Allies in the other dimensions sell said items, hire Mercs, build a Droid army, buy human slaves, Purchase a distant world and start growing the Nightlords power base.


As an example, if one Nightlord was in or near the Three Galaxies the amazing influence that Lord could have on the system. When you have an Unlimited Cash/Matter generator things could get interesting....

Just a fun thought I wanted to share.